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DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val;\n if (n === 1) return 1;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"af\", [[\"v\", \"n\"], [\"vm.\", \"nm.\"], u], u, [[\"S\", \"M\", \"D\", \"W\", \"D\", \"V\", \"S\"], [\"So.\", \"Ma.\", \"Di.\", \"Wo.\", \"Do.\", \"Vr.\", \"Sa.\"], [\"Sondag\", \"Maandag\", \"Dinsdag\", \"Woensdag\", \"Donderdag\", \"Vrydag\", \"Saterdag\"], [\"So.\", \"Ma.\", \"Di.\", \"Wo.\", \"Do.\", \"Vr.\", \"Sa.\"]], u, [[\"J\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"], [\"Jan.\", \"Feb.\", \"Mrt.\", \"Apr.\", \"Mei\", \"Jun.\", \"Jul.\", \"Aug.\", \"Sep.\", \"Okt.\", \"Nov.\", \"Des.\"], [\"Januarie\", \"Februarie\", \"Maart\", \"April\", \"Mei\", \"Junie\", \"Julie\", \"Augustus\", \"September\", \"Oktober\", \"November\", \"Desember\"]], u, [[\"v.C.\", \"n.C.\"], u, [\"voor Christus\", \"na Christus\"]], 0, [6, 0], [\"y-MM-dd\", \"dd MMM y\", \"dd MMMM y\", \"EEEE dd MMMM y\"], [\"HH:mm\", \"HH:mm:ss\", \"HH:mm:ss z\", \"HH:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1} {0}\", u, u, u], [\",\", \" \", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0%\", \"¤#,##0.00\", \"#E0\"], \"ZAR\", \"R\", \"Suid-Afrikaanse rand\", {\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"CAD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"JPY\": [\"JP¥\", \"¥\"],\n \"MXN\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"RON\": [u, \"leu\"],\n \"THB\": [\"฿\"],\n \"TWD\": [\"NT$\"],\n \"USD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"ZAR\": [\"R\"]\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length;\n if (i === 1 && v === 0) return 1;\n if (i === Math.floor(i) && i >= 2 && i <= 4 && v === 0) return 3;\n if (!(v === 0)) return 4;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"cs\", [[\"dop.\", \"odp.\"], u, u], u, [[\"N\", \"P\", \"Ú\", \"S\", \"Č\", \"P\", \"S\"], [\"ne\", \"po\", \"út\", \"st\", \"čt\", \"pá\", \"so\"], [\"neděle\", \"pondělí\", \"úterý\", \"středa\", \"čtvrtek\", \"pátek\", \"sobota\"], [\"ne\", \"po\", \"út\", \"st\", \"čt\", \"pá\", \"so\"]], u, [[\"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", \"9\", \"10\", \"11\", \"12\"], [\"led\", \"úno\", \"bře\", \"dub\", \"kvě\", \"čvn\", \"čvc\", \"srp\", \"zář\", \"říj\", \"lis\", \"pro\"], [\"ledna\", \"února\", \"března\", \"dubna\", \"května\", \"června\", \"července\", \"srpna\", \"září\", \"října\", \"listopadu\", \"prosince\"]], [[\"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", \"9\", \"10\", \"11\", \"12\"], [\"led\", \"úno\", \"bře\", \"dub\", \"kvě\", \"čvn\", \"čvc\", \"srp\", \"zář\", \"říj\", \"lis\", \"pro\"], [\"leden\", \"únor\", \"březen\", \"duben\", \"květen\", \"červen\", \"červenec\", \"srpen\", \"září\", \"říjen\", \"listopad\", \"prosinec\"]], [[\"př.n.l.\", \"n.l.\"], [\"př. n. l.\", \"n. l.\"], [\"před naším letopočtem\", \"našeho letopočtu\"]], 1, [6, 0], [\"dd.MM.yy\", \"d. M. y\", \"d. MMMM y\", \"EEEE d. MMMM y\"], [\"H:mm\", \"H:mm:ss\", \"H:mm:ss z\", \"H:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1} {0}\", u, u, u], [\",\", \" \", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0 %\", \"#,##0.00 ¤\", \"#E0\"], \"CZK\", \"Kč\", \"česká koruna\", {\n \"AUD\": [\"AU$\", \"$\"],\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"CSK\": [\"Kčs\"],\n \"CZK\": [\"Kč\"],\n \"ILS\": [u, \"₪\"],\n \"INR\": [u, \"₹\"],\n \"JPY\": [\"JP¥\", \"¥\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"RON\": [u, \"L\"],\n \"RUR\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"TWD\": [\"NT$\"],\n \"USD\": [\"US$\", \"$\"],\n \"VND\": [u, \"₫\"],\n \"XEU\": [\"ECU\"],\n \"XXX\": []\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length;\n if (i === 1 && v === 0) return 1;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"de\", [[\"AM\", \"PM\"], u, u], u, [[\"S\", \"M\", \"D\", \"M\", \"D\", \"F\", \"S\"], [\"So.\", \"Mo.\", \"Di.\", \"Mi.\", \"Do.\", \"Fr.\", \"Sa.\"], [\"Sonntag\", \"Montag\", \"Dienstag\", \"Mittwoch\", \"Donnerstag\", \"Freitag\", \"Samstag\"], [\"So.\", \"Mo.\", \"Di.\", \"Mi.\", \"Do.\", \"Fr.\", \"Sa.\"]], [[\"S\", \"M\", \"D\", \"M\", \"D\", \"F\", \"S\"], [\"So\", \"Mo\", \"Di\", \"Mi\", \"Do\", \"Fr\", \"Sa\"], [\"Sonntag\", \"Montag\", \"Dienstag\", \"Mittwoch\", \"Donnerstag\", \"Freitag\", \"Samstag\"], [\"So.\", \"Mo.\", \"Di.\", \"Mi.\", \"Do.\", \"Fr.\", \"Sa.\"]], [[\"J\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"], [\"Jan.\", \"Feb.\", \"März\", \"Apr.\", \"Mai\", \"Juni\", \"Juli\", \"Aug.\", \"Sept.\", \"Okt.\", \"Nov.\", \"Dez.\"], [\"Januar\", \"Februar\", \"März\", \"April\", \"Mai\", \"Juni\", \"Juli\", \"August\", \"September\", \"Oktober\", \"November\", \"Dezember\"]], [[\"J\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"], [\"Jan\", \"Feb\", \"Mär\", \"Apr\", \"Mai\", \"Jun\", \"Jul\", \"Aug\", \"Sep\", \"Okt\", \"Nov\", \"Dez\"], [\"Januar\", \"Februar\", \"März\", \"April\", \"Mai\", \"Juni\", \"Juli\", \"August\", \"September\", \"Oktober\", \"November\", \"Dezember\"]], [[\"v. Chr.\", \"n. Chr.\"], u, u], 1, [6, 0], [\"dd.MM.yy\", \"dd.MM.y\", \"d. MMMM y\", \"EEEE, d. MMMM y\"], [\"HH:mm\", \"HH:mm:ss\", \"HH:mm:ss z\", \"HH:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1}, {0}\", u, \"{1} 'um' {0}\", u], [\",\", \".\", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"·\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0 %\", \"#,##0.00 ¤\", \"#E0\"], \"EUR\", \"€\", \"Euro\", {\n \"ATS\": [\"öS\"],\n \"AUD\": [\"AU$\", \"$\"],\n \"BGM\": [\"BGK\"],\n \"BGO\": [\"BGJ\"],\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"CUC\": [u, \"Cub$\"],\n \"DEM\": [\"DM\"],\n \"FKP\": [u, \"Fl£\"],\n \"GHS\": [u, \"₵\"],\n \"GNF\": [u, \"F.G.\"],\n \"KMF\": [u, \"FC\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"RON\": [u, \"L\"],\n \"RUR\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"RWF\": [u, \"F.Rw\"],\n \"SYP\": [],\n \"THB\": [\"฿\"],\n \"TWD\": [\"NT$\"],\n \"XXX\": [],\n \"ZMW\": [u, \"K\"]\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length,\n e = parseInt(val.toString().replace(/^[^e]*(e([-+]?\\d+))?/, '$2')) || 0;\n if (n === 1) return 1;\n if (e === 0 && !(i === 0) && i % 1000000 === 0 && v === 0 || !(e >= 0 && e <= 5)) return 4;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"es-419\", [[\"a. m.\", \"p. m.\"], u, u], u, [[\"d\", \"l\", \"m\", \"m\", \"j\", \"v\", \"s\"], [\"dom\", \"lun\", \"mar\", \"mié\", \"jue\", \"vie\", \"sáb\"], [\"domingo\", \"lunes\", \"martes\", \"miércoles\", \"jueves\", \"viernes\", \"sábado\"], [\"DO\", \"LU\", \"MA\", \"MI\", \"JU\", \"VI\", \"SA\"]], [[\"D\", \"L\", \"M\", \"M\", \"J\", \"V\", \"S\"], [\"dom\", \"lun\", \"mar\", \"mié\", \"jue\", \"vie\", \"sáb\"], [\"domingo\", \"lunes\", \"martes\", \"miércoles\", \"jueves\", \"viernes\", \"sábado\"], [\"DO\", \"LU\", \"MA\", \"MI\", \"JU\", \"VI\", \"SA\"]], [[\"E\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"], [\"ene\", \"feb\", \"mar\", \"abr\", \"may\", \"jun\", \"jul\", \"ago\", \"sept\", \"oct\", \"nov\", \"dic\"], [\"enero\", \"febrero\", \"marzo\", \"abril\", \"mayo\", \"junio\", \"julio\", \"agosto\", \"septiembre\", \"octubre\", \"noviembre\", \"diciembre\"]], u, [[\"a. 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C.\"], u, [\"antes de Cristo\", \"después de Cristo\"]], 1, [6, 0], [\"d/M/yy\", \"d MMM y\", \"d 'de' MMMM 'de' y\", \"EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y\"], [\"HH:mm\", \"HH:mm:ss\", \"HH:mm:ss z\", \"HH:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1}, {0}\", \"{1} {0}\", \"{1}, {0}\", u], [\".\", \",\", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0 %\", \"¤#,##0.00\", \"#E0\"], \"EUR\", \"EUR\", \"euro\", {\n \"AUD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"BRL\": [u, \"R$\"],\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"CAD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"CNY\": [u, \"¥\"],\n \"ESP\": [\"₧\"],\n \"EUR\": [u, \"€\"],\n \"FKP\": [u, \"FK£\"],\n \"GBP\": [u, \"£\"],\n \"HKD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"ILS\": [u, \"₪\"],\n \"INR\": [u, \"₹\"],\n \"JPY\": [u, \"¥\"],\n \"KRW\": [u, \"₩\"],\n \"MXN\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"NZD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"RON\": [u, \"L\"],\n \"SSP\": [u, \"SD£\"],\n \"SYP\": [u, \"S£\"],\n \"TWD\": [u, \"NT$\"],\n \"USD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"VEF\": [u, \"BsF\"],\n \"VND\": [u, \"₫\"],\n \"XAF\": [],\n \"XCD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"XOF\": []\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"mn\", \"o\", \"m\", \"a\", \"n\"], [\"middernag\", \"die oggend\", \"die middag\", \"die aand\", \"die nag\"], u], [[\"mn\", \"o\", \"m\", \"a\", \"n\"], [\"middernag\", \"oggend\", \"middag\", \"aand\", \"nag\"], u], [\"00:00\", [\"05:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"18:00\"], [\"18:00\", \"24:00\"], [\"00:00\", \"05:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"půl.\", \"pol.\", \"r.\", \"d.\", \"o.\", \"v.\", \"n.\"], [\"půln.\", \"pol.\", \"r.\", \"dop.\", \"odp.\", \"več.\", \"v n.\"], [\"půlnoc\", \"poledne\", \"ráno\", \"dopoledne\", \"odpoledne\", \"večer\", \"v noci\"]], [[\"půl.\", \"pol.\", \"ráno\", \"dop.\", \"odp.\", \"več.\", \"noc\"], [\"půlnoc\", \"poledne\", \"ráno\", \"dopoledne\", \"odpoledne\", \"večer\", \"noc\"], u], [\"00:00\", \"12:00\", [\"04:00\", \"09:00\"], [\"09:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"18:00\"], [\"18:00\", \"22:00\"], [\"22:00\", \"04:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"Mitternacht\", \"morgens\", \"vorm.\", \"mittags\", \"nachm.\", \"abends\", \"nachts\"], u, [\"Mitternacht\", \"morgens\", \"vormittags\", \"mittags\", \"nachmittags\", \"abends\", \"nachts\"]], [[\"Mitternacht\", \"Morgen\", \"Vorm.\", \"Mittag\", \"Nachm.\", \"Abend\", \"Nacht\"], u, [\"Mitternacht\", \"Morgen\", \"Vormittag\", \"Mittag\", \"Nachmittag\", \"Abend\", \"Nacht\"]], [\"00:00\", [\"05:00\", \"10:00\"], [\"10:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"13:00\"], [\"13:00\", \"18:00\"], [\"18:00\", \"24:00\"], [\"00:00\", \"05:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"del mediodía\", \"de la madrugada\", \"de la mañana\", \"de la tarde\", \"de la noche\"], u, u], [[\"mediodía\", \"madrugada\", \"mañana\", \"tarde\", \"noche\"], u, u], [\"12:00\", [\"00:00\", \"06:00\"], [\"06:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"20:00\"], [\"20:00\", \"24:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"mat.\", \"ap.m.\", \"soir\", \"nuit\"], u, [\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"du matin\", \"de l’après-midi\", \"du soir\", \"du matin\"]], [[\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"mat.\", \"ap.m.\", \"soir\", \"nuit\"], u, [\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"matin\", \"après-midi\", \"soir\", \"nuit\"]], [\"00:00\", \"12:00\", [\"04:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"18:00\"], [\"18:00\", \"24:00\"], [\"00:00\", \"04:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"mat.\", \"après-midi\", \"soir\", \"mat.\"], [\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"du mat.\", \"après-midi\", \"du soir\", \"du mat.\"], [\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"du matin\", \"de l’après-midi\", \"du soir\", \"du matin\"]], [[\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"mat.\", \"après-midi\", \"soir\", \"mat.\"], [\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"mat.\", \"après-midi\", \"soir\", \"nuit\"], [\"minuit\", \"midi\", \"matin\", \"après-midi\", \"soir\", \"nuit\"]], [\"00:00\", \"12:00\", [\"04:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"18:00\"], [\"18:00\", \"24:00\"], [\"00:00\", \"04:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"חצות\", \"בבוקר\", \"בצהריים\", \"אחה״צ\", \"בערב\", \"בלילה\", \"לפנות בוקר\"], [\"חצות\", \"בוקר\", \"צהריים\", \"אחר הצהריים\", \"ערב\", \"לילה\", \"לפנות בוקר\"], [\"חצות\", \"בבוקר\", \"בצהריים\", \"אחר הצהריים\", \"בערב\", \"בלילה\", \"לפנות בוקר\"]], [[\"חצות\", \"בוקר\", \"צהריים\", \"אחה״צ\", \"ערב\", \"לילה\", \"לפנות בוקר\"], u, [\"חצות\", \"בוקר\", \"צהריים\", \"אחר הצהריים\", \"ערב\", \"לילה\", \"לפנות בוקר\"]], [\"00:00\", [\"06:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"16:00\"], [\"16:00\", \"18:00\"], [\"18:00\", \"22:00\"], [\"22:00\", \"03:00\"], [\"03:00\", \"06:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"middernacht\", \"’s ochtends\", \"’s middags\", \"’s avonds\", \"’s nachts\"], u, u], [[\"middernacht\", \"ochtend\", \"middag\", \"avond\", \"nacht\"], u, u], [\"00:00\", [\"06:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"18:00\"], [\"18:00\", \"24:00\"], [\"00:00\", \"06:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"meia-noite\", \"meio-dia\", \"da manhã\", \"da tarde\", \"da noite\", \"da madrugada\"], u, u], [[\"meia-noite\", \"meio-dia\", \"manhã\", \"tarde\", \"noite\", \"madrugada\"], u, u], [\"00:00\", \"12:00\", [\"06:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"19:00\"], [\"19:00\", \"24:00\"], [\"00:00\", \"06:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nexport default [[[\"полн.\", \"полд.\", \"утра\", \"дня\", \"веч.\", \"ночи\"], [\"полн.\", \"полд.\", \"утра\", \"дня\", \"вечера\", \"ночи\"], [\"полночь\", \"полдень\", \"утра\", \"дня\", \"вечера\", \"ночи\"]], [[\"полн.\", \"полд.\", \"утро\", \"день\", \"веч.\", \"ночь\"], u, [\"полночь\", \"полдень\", \"утро\", \"день\", \"вечер\", \"ночь\"]], [\"00:00\", \"12:00\", [\"04:00\", \"12:00\"], [\"12:00\", \"18:00\"], [\"18:00\", \"22:00\"], [\"22:00\", \"04:00\"]]];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length,\n e = parseInt(val.toString().replace(/^[^e]*(e([-+]?\\d+))?/, '$2')) || 0;\n if (i === 0 || i === 1) return 1;\n if (e === 0 && !(i === 0) && i % 1000000 === 0 && v === 0 || !(e >= 0 && e <= 5)) return 4;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"fr\", [[\"AM\", \"PM\"], u, u], u, [[\"D\", \"L\", \"M\", \"M\", \"J\", \"V\", \"S\"], [\"dim.\", \"lun.\", \"mar.\", \"mer.\", \"jeu.\", \"ven.\", \"sam.\"], [\"dimanche\", \"lundi\", \"mardi\", \"mercredi\", \"jeudi\", \"vendredi\", \"samedi\"], [\"di\", \"lu\", \"ma\", \"me\", \"je\", \"ve\", \"sa\"]], u, [[\"J\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"], [\"janv.\", \"févr.\", \"mars\", \"avr.\", \"mai\", \"juin\", \"juil.\", \"août\", \"sept.\", \"oct.\", \"nov.\", \"déc.\"], [\"janvier\", \"février\", \"mars\", \"avril\", \"mai\", \"juin\", \"juillet\", \"août\", \"septembre\", \"octobre\", \"novembre\", \"décembre\"]], u, [[\"av. J.-C.\", \"ap. J.-C.\"], u, [\"avant Jésus-Christ\", \"après Jésus-Christ\"]], 1, [6, 0], [\"dd/MM/y\", \"d MMM y\", \"d MMMM y\", \"EEEE d MMMM y\"], [\"HH:mm\", \"HH:mm:ss\", \"HH:mm:ss z\", \"HH:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1} {0}\", \"{1}, {0}\", \"{1} 'à' {0}\", u], [\",\", \" \", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0 %\", \"#,##0.00 ¤\", \"#E0\"], \"EUR\", \"€\", \"euro\", {\n \"ARS\": [\"$AR\", \"$\"],\n \"AUD\": [\"$AU\", \"$\"],\n \"BEF\": [\"FB\"],\n \"BMD\": [\"$BM\", \"$\"],\n \"BND\": [\"$BN\", \"$\"],\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"BZD\": [\"$BZ\", \"$\"],\n \"CAD\": [\"$CA\", \"$\"],\n \"CLP\": [\"$CL\", \"$\"],\n \"CNY\": [u, \"¥\"],\n \"COP\": [\"$CO\", \"$\"],\n \"CYP\": [\"£CY\"],\n \"EGP\": [u, \"£E\"],\n \"FJD\": [\"$FJ\", \"$\"],\n \"FKP\": [\"£FK\", \"£\"],\n \"FRF\": [\"F\"],\n \"GBP\": [\"£GB\", \"£\"],\n \"GIP\": [\"£GI\", \"£\"],\n \"HKD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"IEP\": [\"£IE\"],\n \"ILP\": [\"£IL\"],\n \"ITL\": [\"₤IT\"],\n \"JPY\": [u, \"¥\"],\n \"KMF\": [u, \"FC\"],\n \"LBP\": [\"£LB\", \"£L\"],\n \"MTP\": [\"£MT\"],\n \"MXN\": [\"$MX\", \"$\"],\n \"NAD\": [\"$NA\", \"$\"],\n \"NIO\": [u, \"$C\"],\n \"NZD\": [\"$NZ\", \"$\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"RHD\": [\"$RH\"],\n \"RON\": [u, \"L\"],\n \"RWF\": [u, \"FR\"],\n \"SBD\": [\"$SB\", \"$\"],\n \"SGD\": [\"$SG\", \"$\"],\n \"SRD\": [\"$SR\", \"$\"],\n \"TOP\": [u, \"$T\"],\n \"TTD\": [\"$TT\", \"$\"],\n \"TWD\": [u, \"NT$\"],\n \"USD\": [\"$US\", \"$\"],\n \"UYU\": [\"$UY\", \"$\"],\n \"WST\": [\"$WS\"],\n \"XCD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"XPF\": [\"FCFP\"],\n \"ZMW\": [u, \"Kw\"]\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length,\n e = parseInt(val.toString().replace(/^[^e]*(e([-+]?\\d+))?/, '$2')) || 0;\n if (i === 0 || i === 1) return 1;\n if (e === 0 && !(i === 0) && i % 1000000 === 0 && v === 0 || !(e >= 0 && e <= 5)) return 4;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"fr-CA\", [[\"a\", \"p\"], [\"a.m.\", \"p.m.\"], u], [[\"a.m.\", \"p.m.\"], u, u], [[\"D\", \"L\", \"M\", \"M\", \"J\", \"V\", \"S\"], [\"dim.\", \"lun.\", \"mar.\", \"mer.\", \"jeu.\", \"ven.\", \"sam.\"], [\"dimanche\", \"lundi\", \"mardi\", \"mercredi\", \"jeudi\", \"vendredi\", \"samedi\"], [\"di\", \"lu\", \"ma\", \"me\", \"je\", \"ve\", \"sa\"]], u, [[\"J\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"], [\"janv.\", \"févr.\", \"mars\", \"avr.\", \"mai\", \"juin\", \"juill.\", \"août\", \"sept.\", \"oct.\", \"nov.\", \"déc.\"], [\"janvier\", \"février\", \"mars\", \"avril\", \"mai\", \"juin\", \"juillet\", \"août\", \"septembre\", \"octobre\", \"novembre\", \"décembre\"]], u, [[\"av. J.-C.\", \"ap. J.-C.\"], u, [\"avant Jésus-Christ\", \"après Jésus-Christ\"]], 0, [6, 0], [\"y-MM-dd\", \"d MMM y\", \"d MMMM y\", \"EEEE d MMMM y\"], [\"HH 'h' mm\", \"HH 'h' mm 'min' ss 's'\", \"HH 'h' mm 'min' ss 's' z\", \"HH 'h' mm 'min' ss 's' zzzz\"], [\"{1} {0}\", \"{1}, {0}\", \"{1} 'à' {0}\", u], [\",\", \" \", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0 %\", \"#,##0.00 ¤\", \"#E0\"], \"CAD\", \"$\", \"dollar canadien\", {\n \"AUD\": [\"$ AU\", \"$\"],\n \"BEF\": [\"FB\"],\n \"BYN\": [u, \"Br\"],\n \"CAD\": [\"$\"],\n \"CYP\": [\"£CY\"],\n \"EGP\": [u, \"£E\"],\n \"FRF\": [\"F\"],\n \"GEL\": [],\n \"HKD\": [\"$ HK\", \"$\"],\n \"IEP\": [\"£IE\"],\n \"ILP\": [\"£IL\"],\n \"ILS\": [u, \"₪\"],\n \"INR\": [u, \"₹\"],\n \"ITL\": [\"₤IT\"],\n \"KRW\": [u, \"₩\"],\n \"LBP\": [u, \"£L\"],\n \"MTP\": [\"£MT\"],\n \"MXN\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"NZD\": [\"$ NZ\", \"$\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"RHD\": [\"$RH\"],\n \"RON\": [u, \"L\"],\n \"RWF\": [u, \"FR\"],\n \"SGD\": [\"$ SG\", \"$\"],\n \"TOP\": [u, \"$T\"],\n \"TWD\": [u, \"NT$\"],\n \"USD\": [\"$ US\", \"$\"],\n \"VND\": [u, \"₫\"],\n \"XAF\": [],\n \"XCD\": [u, \"$\"],\n \"XOF\": [],\n \"XPF\": []\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length;\n if (i === 1 && v === 0) return 1;\n if (i === 2 && v === 0) return 2;\n if (v === 0 && !(n >= 0 && n <= 10) && n % 10 === 0) return 4;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"he\", [[\"לפנה״צ\", \"אחה״צ\"], u, u], [[\"לפנה״צ\", \"אחה״צ\"], [\"AM\", \"PM\"], u], [[\"א׳\", \"ב׳\", \"ג׳\", \"ד׳\", \"ה׳\", \"ו׳\", \"ש׳\"], [\"יום א׳\", \"יום ב׳\", \"יום ג׳\", \"יום ד׳\", \"יום ה׳\", \"יום ו׳\", \"שבת\"], [\"יום ראשון\", \"יום שני\", \"יום שלישי\", \"יום רביעי\", \"יום חמישי\", \"יום שישי\", \"יום שבת\"], [\"א׳\", \"ב׳\", \"ג׳\", \"ד׳\", \"ה׳\", \"ו׳\", \"ש׳\"]], u, [[\"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", \"9\", \"10\", \"11\", \"12\"], [\"ינו׳\", \"פבר׳\", \"מרץ\", \"אפר׳\", \"מאי\", \"יוני\", \"יולי\", \"אוג׳\", \"ספט׳\", \"אוק׳\", \"נוב׳\", \"דצמ׳\"], [\"ינואר\", \"פברואר\", \"מרץ\", \"אפריל\", \"מאי\", \"יוני\", \"יולי\", \"אוגוסט\", \"ספטמבר\", \"אוקטובר\", \"נובמבר\", \"דצמבר\"]], u, [[\"לפני\", \"אחריי\"], [\"לפנה״ס\", \"לספירה\"], [\"לפני הספירה\", \"לספירה\"]], 0, [5, 6], [\"d.M.y\", \"d בMMM y\", \"d בMMMM y\", \"EEEE, d בMMMM y\"], [\"H:mm\", \"H:mm:ss\", \"H:mm:ss z\", \"H:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1}, {0}\", u, \"{1} בשעה {0}\", u], [\".\", \",\", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0%\", \"#,##0.00 ¤;-#,##0.00 ¤\", \"#E0\"], \"ILS\", \"₪\", \"שקל חדש\", {\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р\"],\n \"CNY\": [\"CN¥\", \"¥\"],\n \"ILP\": [\"ל״י\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"THB\": [\"฿\"],\n \"TWD\": [\"NT$\"]\n}, \"rtl\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length;\n if (i === 1 && v === 0) return 1;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"nl\", [[\"a.m.\", \"p.m.\"], u, u], u, [[\"Z\", \"M\", \"D\", \"W\", \"D\", \"V\", \"Z\"], [\"zo\", \"ma\", \"di\", \"wo\", \"do\", \"vr\", \"za\"], [\"zondag\", \"maandag\", \"dinsdag\", \"woensdag\", \"donderdag\", \"vrijdag\", \"zaterdag\"], [\"zo\", \"ma\", \"di\", \"wo\", \"do\", \"vr\", \"za\"]], u, [[\"J\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"], [\"jan.\", \"feb.\", \"mrt.\", \"apr.\", \"mei\", \"jun.\", \"jul.\", \"aug.\", \"sep.\", \"okt.\", \"nov.\", \"dec.\"], [\"januari\", \"februari\", \"maart\", \"april\", \"mei\", \"juni\", \"juli\", \"augustus\", \"september\", \"oktober\", \"november\", \"december\"]], u, [[\"v.C.\", \"n.C.\"], [\"v.Chr.\", \"n.Chr.\"], [\"voor Christus\", \"na Christus\"]], 1, [6, 0], [\"dd-MM-y\", \"d MMM y\", \"d MMMM y\", \"EEEE d MMMM y\"], [\"HH:mm\", \"HH:mm:ss\", \"HH:mm:ss z\", \"HH:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1} {0}\", u, \"{1} 'om' {0}\", u], [\",\", \".\", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0%\", \"¤ #,##0.00;¤ -#,##0.00\", \"#E0\"], \"EUR\", \"€\", \"Euro\", {\n \"AUD\": [\"AU$\", \"$\"],\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"CAD\": [\"C$\", \"$\"],\n \"FJD\": [\"FJ$\", \"$\"],\n \"JPY\": [\"JP¥\", \"¥\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"RUR\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"SBD\": [\"SI$\", \"$\"],\n \"THB\": [\"฿\"],\n \"TWD\": [\"NT$\"],\n \"USD\": [\"US$\", \"$\"],\n \"XPF\": [],\n \"XXX\": []\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length,\n e = parseInt(val.toString().replace(/^[^e]*(e([-+]?\\d+))?/, '$2')) || 0;\n if (i === Math.floor(i) && i >= 0 && i <= 1) return 1;\n if (e === 0 && !(i === 0) && i % 1000000 === 0 && v === 0 || !(e >= 0 && e <= 5)) return 4;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"pt\", [[\"AM\", \"PM\"], u, u], u, [[\"D\", \"S\", \"T\", \"Q\", \"Q\", \"S\", \"S\"], [\"dom.\", \"seg.\", \"ter.\", \"qua.\", \"qui.\", \"sex.\", \"sáb.\"], [\"domingo\", \"segunda-feira\", \"terça-feira\", \"quarta-feira\", \"quinta-feira\", \"sexta-feira\", \"sábado\"], [\"dom.\", \"seg.\", \"ter.\", \"qua.\", \"qui.\", \"sex.\", \"sáb.\"]], u, [[\"J\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"], [\"jan.\", \"fev.\", \"mar.\", \"abr.\", \"mai.\", \"jun.\", \"jul.\", \"ago.\", \"set.\", \"out.\", \"nov.\", \"dez.\"], [\"janeiro\", \"fevereiro\", \"março\", \"abril\", \"maio\", \"junho\", \"julho\", \"agosto\", \"setembro\", \"outubro\", \"novembro\", \"dezembro\"]], u, [[\"a.C.\", \"d.C.\"], u, [\"antes de Cristo\", \"depois de Cristo\"]], 0, [6, 0], [\"dd/MM/y\", \"d 'de' MMM 'de' y\", \"d 'de' MMMM 'de' y\", \"EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y\"], [\"HH:mm\", \"HH:mm:ss\", \"HH:mm:ss z\", \"HH:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1} {0}\", u, u, u], [\",\", \".\", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"NaN\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0%\", \"¤ #,##0.00\", \"#E0\"], \"BRL\", \"R$\", \"Real brasileiro\", {\n \"AUD\": [\"AU$\", \"$\"],\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"JPY\": [\"JP¥\", \"¥\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"PTE\": [\"Esc.\"],\n \"RON\": [u, \"L\"],\n \"SYP\": [u, \"S£\"],\n \"THB\": [\"฿\"],\n \"TWD\": [\"NT$\"],\n \"USD\": [\"US$\", \"$\"]\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.\n *\n * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be\n * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license\n */\n// THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY.\nconst u = undefined;\nfunction plural(val) {\n const n = val,\n i = Math.floor(Math.abs(val)),\n v = val.toString().replace(/^[^.]*\\.?/, '').length;\n if (v === 0 && i % 10 === 1 && !(i % 100 === 11)) return 1;\n if (v === 0 && i % 10 === Math.floor(i % 10) && i % 10 >= 2 && i % 10 <= 4 && !(i % 100 >= 12 && i % 100 <= 14)) return 3;\n if (v === 0 && i % 10 === 0 || v === 0 && i % 10 === Math.floor(i % 10) && i % 10 >= 5 && i % 10 <= 9 || v === 0 && i % 100 === Math.floor(i % 100) && i % 100 >= 11 && i % 100 <= 14) return 4;\n return 5;\n}\nexport default [\"ru\", [[\"AM\", \"PM\"], u, u], u, [[\"В\", \"П\", \"В\", \"С\", \"Ч\", \"П\", \"С\"], [\"вс\", \"пн\", \"вт\", \"ср\", \"чт\", \"пт\", \"сб\"], [\"воскресенье\", \"понедельник\", \"вторник\", \"среда\", \"четверг\", \"пятница\", \"суббота\"], [\"вс\", \"пн\", \"вт\", \"ср\", \"чт\", \"пт\", \"сб\"]], u, [[\"Я\", \"Ф\", \"М\", \"А\", \"М\", \"И\", \"И\", \"А\", \"С\", \"О\", \"Н\", \"Д\"], [\"янв.\", \"февр.\", \"мар.\", \"апр.\", \"мая\", \"июн.\", \"июл.\", \"авг.\", \"сент.\", \"окт.\", \"нояб.\", \"дек.\"], [\"января\", \"февраля\", \"марта\", \"апреля\", \"мая\", \"июня\", \"июля\", \"августа\", \"сентября\", \"октября\", \"ноября\", \"декабря\"]], [[\"Я\", \"Ф\", \"М\", \"А\", \"М\", \"И\", \"И\", \"А\", \"С\", \"О\", \"Н\", \"Д\"], [\"янв.\", \"февр.\", \"март\", \"апр.\", \"май\", \"июнь\", \"июль\", \"авг.\", \"сент.\", \"окт.\", \"нояб.\", \"дек.\"], [\"январь\", \"февраль\", \"март\", \"апрель\", \"май\", \"июнь\", \"июль\", \"август\", \"сентябрь\", \"октябрь\", \"ноябрь\", \"декабрь\"]], [[\"до н.э.\", \"н.э.\"], [\"до н. э.\", \"н. э.\"], [\"до Рождества Христова\", \"от Рождества Христова\"]], 1, [6, 0], [\"dd.MM.y\", \"d MMM y 'г'.\", \"d MMMM y 'г'.\", \"EEEE, d MMMM y 'г'.\"], [\"HH:mm\", \"HH:mm:ss\", \"HH:mm:ss z\", \"HH:mm:ss zzzz\"], [\"{1}, {0}\", u, u, u], [\",\", \" \", \";\", \"%\", \"+\", \"-\", \"E\", \"×\", \"‰\", \"∞\", \"не число\", \":\"], [\"#,##0.###\", \"#,##0 %\", \"#,##0.00 ¤\", \"#E0\"], \"RUB\", \"₽\", \"российский рубль\", {\n \"BYN\": [u, \"р.\"],\n \"GEL\": [u, \"ლ\"],\n \"PHP\": [u, \"₱\"],\n \"RON\": [u, \"L\"],\n \"RUB\": [\"₽\"],\n \"RUR\": [\"р.\"],\n \"THB\": [\"฿\"],\n \"TMT\": [\"ТМТ\"],\n \"TWD\": [\"NT$\"],\n \"UAH\": [\"₴\"],\n \"XXX\": [\"XXXX\"]\n}, \"ltr\", plural];\n","/**\n * @license Angular v18.2.0\n * (c) 2010-2024 Google LLC. https://angular.io/\n * License: MIT\n */\n\nimport * as i0 from '@angular/core';\nimport { Injectable, InjectionToken, NgZone, ApplicationRef, makeEnvironmentProviders, PLATFORM_ID, APP_INITIALIZER, Injector, NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { isPlatformBrowser } from '@angular/common';\nimport { defer, throwError, fromEvent, of, concat, Subject, NEVER, merge, from } from 'rxjs';\nimport { map, filter, switchMap, publish, take, tap, delay } from 'rxjs/operators';\nconst ERR_SW_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Service workers are disabled or not supported by this browser';\nfunction errorObservable(message) {\n return defer(() => throwError(new Error(message)));\n}\n/**\n * @publicApi\n */\nclass NgswCommChannel {\n constructor(serviceWorker) {\n this.serviceWorker = serviceWorker;\n if (!serviceWorker) {\n this.worker = this.events = this.registration = errorObservable(ERR_SW_NOT_SUPPORTED);\n } else {\n const controllerChangeEvents = fromEvent(serviceWorker, 'controllerchange');\n const controllerChanges = controllerChangeEvents.pipe(map(() => serviceWorker.controller));\n const currentController = defer(() => of(serviceWorker.controller));\n const controllerWithChanges = concat(currentController, controllerChanges);\n this.worker = controllerWithChanges.pipe(filter(c => !!c));\n this.registration = this.worker.pipe(switchMap(() => serviceWorker.getRegistration()));\n const rawEvents = fromEvent(serviceWorker, 'message');\n const rawEventPayload = rawEvents.pipe(map(event => event.data));\n const eventsUnconnected = rawEventPayload.pipe(filter(event => event && event.type));\n const events = eventsUnconnected.pipe(publish());\n events.connect();\n this.events = events;\n }\n }\n postMessage(action, payload) {\n return this.worker.pipe(take(1), tap(sw => {\n sw.postMessage({\n action,\n ...payload\n });\n })).toPromise().then(() => undefined);\n }\n postMessageWithOperation(type, payload, operationNonce) {\n const waitForOperationCompleted = this.waitForOperationCompleted(operationNonce);\n const postMessage = this.postMessage(type, payload);\n return Promise.all([postMessage, waitForOperationCompleted]).then(([, result]) => result);\n }\n generateNonce() {\n return Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000);\n }\n eventsOfType(type) {\n let filterFn;\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n filterFn = event => event.type === type;\n } else {\n filterFn = event => type.includes(event.type);\n }\n return this.events.pipe(filter(filterFn));\n }\n nextEventOfType(type) {\n return this.eventsOfType(type).pipe(take(1));\n }\n waitForOperationCompleted(nonce) {\n return this.eventsOfType('OPERATION_COMPLETED').pipe(filter(event => event.nonce === nonce), take(1), map(event => {\n if (event.result !== undefined) {\n return event.result;\n }\n throw new Error(event.error);\n })).toPromise();\n }\n get isEnabled() {\n return !!this.serviceWorker;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Subscribe and listen to\n * [Web Push\n * Notifications](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Push_API/Best_Practices) through\n * Angular Service Worker.\n *\n * @usageNotes\n *\n * You can inject a `SwPush` instance into any component or service\n * as a dependency.\n *\n *
\n {{ businessName }}, {% if businessStreetAddress %}{{ businessStreetAddress }}, {% endif %} {% if businessStreetAddress2 %}{{ businessStreetAddress2 }}, {% endif %}\n
{% if businessCity %}{{ businessCity }}, {% endif %} {% if businessState %}{{ businessState }}, {% endif %} {% if businessCountry %}{{ businessCountry }}, {% endif %} {{ businessPostalCode }}\n {% if businessPhoneNumber %}
{{ businessPhoneNumber }}, {% endif %}\n
\n {{ interestInPartner }} {% if businessWebsite %}{{ businessName }}{% endif %}\n {% if not businessWebsite %}{{ businessName }}{% endif %}.\n {{ preferNoUpdates }}\n {{ unsubscribeHere }}.\n
`,\n };\n};\n\nconst emailBuilderTopLogo = (): TopLogo => {\n return {\n collapsed: true,\n defaultSourceUrl: '{{ businessLogo }}',\n };\n};\n\nconst supportedLocales = (): LOCALE_DATA_TYPE => of([{ value: LOCALES.EN, name: Language.ENGLISH.toString() }]);\n\nexport function senderFactory(accountGroupService: AccountGroupService): Observable