{"version":3,"sources":["node_modules/@capacitor/filesystem/dist/esm/definitions.js"],"sourcesContent":["export var Directory = /*#__PURE__*/function (Directory) {\n /**\n * The Documents directory.\n * On iOS it's the app's documents directory.\n * Use this directory to store user-generated content.\n * On Android it's the Public Documents folder, so it's accessible from other apps.\n * It's not accesible on Android 10 unless the app enables legacy External Storage\n * by adding `android:requestLegacyExternalStorage=\"true\"` in the `application` tag\n * in the `AndroidManifest.xml`.\n * On Android 11 or newer the app can only access the files/folders the app created.\n *\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\n Directory[\"Documents\"] = \"DOCUMENTS\";\n /**\n * The Data directory.\n * On iOS it will use the Documents directory.\n * On Android it's the directory holding application files.\n * Files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled.\n *\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\n Directory[\"Data\"] = \"DATA\";\n /**\n * The Library directory.\n * On iOS it will use the Library directory.\n * On Android it's the directory holding application files.\n * Files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled.\n *\n * @since 1.1.0\n */\n Directory[\"Library\"] = \"LIBRARY\";\n /**\n * The Cache directory.\n * Can be deleted in cases of low memory, so use this directory to write app-specific files.\n * that your app can re-create easily.\n *\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\n Directory[\"Cache\"] = \"CACHE\";\n /**\n * The external directory.\n * On iOS it will use the Documents directory.\n * On Android it's the directory on the primary shared/external\n * storage device where the application can place persistent files it owns.\n * These files are internal to the applications, and not typically visible\n * to the user as media.\n * Files will be deleted when the application is uninstalled.\n *\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\n Directory[\"External\"] = \"EXTERNAL\";\n /**\n * The external storage directory.\n * On iOS it will use the Documents directory.\n * On Android it's the primary shared/external storage directory.\n * It's not accesible on Android 10 unless the app enables legacy External Storage\n * by adding `android:requestLegacyExternalStorage=\"true\"` in the `application` tag\n * in the `AndroidManifest.xml`.\n * It's not accesible on Android 11 or newer.\n *\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\n Directory[\"ExternalStorage\"] = \"EXTERNAL_STORAGE\";\n return Directory;\n}(Directory || {});\nexport var Encoding = /*#__PURE__*/function (Encoding) {\n /**\n * Eight-bit UCS Transformation Format\n *\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\n Encoding[\"UTF8\"] = \"utf8\";\n /**\n * Seven-bit ASCII, a.k.a. ISO646-US, a.k.a. the Basic Latin block of the\n * Unicode character set\n * This encoding is only supported on Android.\n *\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\n Encoding[\"ASCII\"] = \"ascii\";\n /**\n * Sixteen-bit UCS Transformation Format, byte order identified by an\n * optional byte-order mark\n * This encoding is only supported on Android.\n *\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\n Encoding[\"UTF16\"] = \"utf16\";\n return Encoding;\n}(Encoding || {});\n/**\n * @deprecated Use `Directory`.\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\nexport const FilesystemDirectory = Directory;\n/**\n * @deprecated Use `Encoding`.\n * @since 1.0.0\n */\nexport const FilesystemEncoding = Encoding;\n"],"mappings":"AAAO,IAAIA,EAAyB,SAAUA,EAAW,CAavD,OAAAA,EAAU,UAAe,YASzBA,EAAU,KAAU,OASpBA,EAAU,QAAa,UAQvBA,EAAU,MAAW,QAYrBA,EAAU,SAAc,WAYxBA,EAAU,gBAAqB,mBACxBA,CACT,EAAEA,GAAa,CAAC,CAAC,EACNC,EAAwB,SAAUA,EAAU,CAMrD,OAAAA,EAAS,KAAU,OAQnBA,EAAS,MAAW,QAQpBA,EAAS,MAAW,QACbA,CACT,EAAEA,GAAY,CAAC,CAAC","names":["Directory","Encoding"],"x_google_ignoreList":[0]}