"version": 3,
"sources": ["apps/partner-center-client/src/assets/i18n/en_devel.json"],
"sourcesContent": ["{\n \"COMMON\": {\n \"UNDER_CONSTRUCTION\": \"This is currently under construction. Please try again later!\",\n \"RELEASE_TYPES\": {\n \"ALPHA\": \"This feature is currently in alpha.\"\n },\n \"AND_PARTICLE\": \" and \",\n \"ACTION_LABELS\": {\n \"ACTIONS\": \"Actions\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"CONTINUE\": \"Continue\",\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn more\",\n \"CONTACT_US\": \"Contact us\",\n \"MORE\": \"More\",\n \"VIEW_MORE\": \"View more\",\n \"WANT_TO_LEARN_MORE\": \"Want to learn more?\",\n \"TALKE_A_COURSE\": \"Take a course!\",\n \"SHOW\": \"Show\",\n \"SHOW_ALL\": \"Show all\",\n \"SHOW_LESS\": \"Show less\",\n \"LESS\": \"Less\",\n \"NEXT\": \"Next\",\n \"BACK\": \"Back\",\n \"CLOSE\": \"Close\",\n \"REMOVE\": \"Remove\",\n \"CREATE\": \"Create\",\n \"EDIT\": \"Edit\",\n \"UPDATE\": \"Update\",\n \"RETRY\": \"Retry\",\n \"DONE\": \"Done\",\n \"DELETE\": \"Delete\",\n \"ADD\": \"Add\",\n \"ADD_NEW\": \"Add new\",\n \"COMPOSE_MESSAGE\": \"Compose message\",\n \"NONE_LABEL\": \"None\",\n \"NO_RESULTS\": \"No results\",\n \"SEND\": \"Send\",\n \"SUBMIT\": \"Submit\",\n \"SELECT_DATE\": \"Select date\",\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\",\n \"CHANGE\": \"Change\",\n \"LOAD_MORE\": \"Load more\",\n \"SEARCH\": \"Search\",\n \"VIEW\": \"View\",\n \"VIEW_DETAILS\": \"View details\",\n \"VIEW_LESS\": \"View less\",\n \"FINISH\": \"Finish\",\n \"END\": \"End\",\n \"START\": \"Start\",\n \"PREVIOUS\": \"Previous\",\n \"DISMISS\": \"Dismiss\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Confirm\",\n \"ACTIVATE\": \"Activate\",\n \"DEACTIVATE\": \"Deactivate\",\n \"PREVIEW\": \"Preview\",\n \"INSERT\": \"Insert\",\n \"MANAGE\": \"Manage\",\n \"APPLY\": \"Apply\",\n \"ACCEPT\": \"Accept\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Decline\",\n \"CONNECT\": \"Connect\",\n \"CLEAR\": \"Clear\",\n \"IMPERSONATE\": \"Impersonate\",\n \"OK\": \"OK\",\n \"UPGRADE\": \"Upgrade\",\n \"NA\": \"N/A\",\n \"EXPORT\": \"Export\",\n \"DUPLICATE\": \"Duplicate\",\n \"PRINT\": \"Print\",\n \"SELECT\": \"Select\",\n \"SKIP\": \"Skip\",\n \"ADD_TO_STORE\": \"Add to Store\"\n },\n \"WARNING\": \"Warning\",\n \"LIFE_CYCLE_STAGES\": {\n \"LEAD\": \"Lead\",\n \"PROSPECT\": \"Prospect\",\n \"CUSTOMER\": \"Customer\",\n \"UNSET\": \"Unset\"\n },\n \"LIFECYCLE_STAGE\": \"Lifecycle Stage\",\n \"ADDRESS\": {\n \"ADDRESS\": \"Address\",\n \"LINE_1\": \"Address\",\n \"LINE_2\": \"Additional Address Line\",\n \"COUNTRY\": \"Country\",\n \"STATE_PROV\": \"State / Province\",\n \"CITY\": \"City\",\n \"POSTAL_CODE\": \"Postal / Zip Code\"\n },\n \"DATES\": {\n \"FROM_LABEL\": \"From\",\n \"TO_LABEL\": \"To\",\n \"NEVER\": \"Never\",\n \"CUSTOM\": \"Custom\",\n \"DATE_RANGE\": \"Date range\"\n },\n \"PRICING\": {\n \"DISCOUNT\": \"Discount\",\n \"DISCOUNTS\": \"Discounts\",\n \"TOTAL\": \"Total\",\n \"SUBTOTAL\": \"Subtotal\",\n \"STARTING_AT\": \"Starting at\",\n \"RECURRING_CHARGES\": \"Recurring charges\",\n \"WHOLESALE_COST\": \"Wholesale Cost\",\n \"WHOLESALE_PRICING\": \"Wholesale Pricing\",\n \"WHOLESALE_PRICE\": \"Wholesale Price\",\n \"RETAIL_PRICE\": \"Retail Price\",\n \"QUANTITY\": \"Quantity\",\n \"ITEM\": \"Item\",\n \"ITEMS\": \"Items\",\n \"UNIT_PRICE\": \"Unit Price\",\n \"TAX\": \"Tax\",\n \"VIEW_TAX_RATES\": \"View all tax rates\",\n \"ADD_TAX_RATES\": \"Add tax rates\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"SUGGESTED_RETAIL\": \"Suggested Retail\",\n \"FREE\": \"Free\",\n \"PRICE\": \"Price\",\n \"UNIT_PRICE_SENTENCE_CASE\": \"Unit price\",\n \"TOTAL_UNIT_PRICE\": \"Total unit price\"\n },\n \"USER\": \"User\",\n \"USERS\": \"Users\",\n \"A_USER\": \"a user\",\n \"NONE\": \"None\",\n \"GROUP\": \"Group\",\n \"GROUPS\": \"Groups\",\n \"LABEL\": \"Label\",\n \"MULTI_LOCATION_GROUPS\": \"Multi-location Groups\",\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"OF\": \"of\",\n \"OF_MANY\": \"of many\",\n \"NO_RESULTS\": \"No results found for filters\",\n \"SHOWING_PAGE_OF_TOTAL\": \"Showing {{page}} of {{total}}\",\n \"TABLE_SHOWING\": \"Showing {{page}} of {{total}} results\",\n \"TABLE_SHOWING_OVER_RESULT\": \"Showing {{page}} of over {{total}} results\",\n \"TABLE_SHOWING_ALL_RESULT\": \"Showing all {{total}} results\",\n \"SORT\": {\n \"SELECT_COLUMN_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Add another column to sort by\",\n \"SELECT_COLUMN_PLACEHOLDER_EMPTY_STATE\": \"Choose a column to sort by\",\n \"SELECT_COLUMN_NONE\": \"None\",\n \"SORT_COLUMN_ORDER_DESCRIPTION_TEXT\": {\n \"SORT_BY\": \"Sort by\",\n \"THEN_SORT_BY\": \"then by\"\n },\n \"SORT_TOGGLE_LABELS\": {\n \"A_TO_Z\": \"A to Z\",\n \"Z_TO_A\": \"Z to A\",\n \"_1_TO_9\": \"1 to 9\",\n \"_9_TO_1\": \"9 to 1\",\n \"FIRST_TO_LAST\": \"First to last\",\n \"LAST_TO_FIRST\": \"Last to first\",\n \"EARLIEST_TO_LATEST\": \"Oldest first\",\n \"LATEST_TO_EARLIEST\": \"Newest first\"\n }\n },\n \"EXPORT\": {\n \"BUTTON\": \"Export\",\n \"BUTTON_TOOLTIP_BEFORE_COUNT\": \"Export\",\n \"BUTTON_TOOLTIP_AFTER_COUNT\": \"items\"\n },\n \"COLUMN_SELECTOR\": {\n \"BUTTON\": \"Columns\"\n }\n },\n \"MARKET_SELECTOR\": {\n \"LABEL\": \"Market\",\n \"SELECT_A_MARKET\": \"Select a market\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS\": \"All Markets\",\n \"NO_MARKET\": \"No Market\"\n },\n \"TYPES\": {\n \"SUBGROUP\": \"Sub-group\",\n \"ACCOUNT\": \"Account\"\n },\n \"TERMS\": {\n \"BUSINESS_CATEGORY\": \"Business category\",\n \"COUNTRY\": \"Country\",\n \"FEATURES\": \"Features\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_REPORT\": \"Snapshot Report\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_REPORTS\": \"Snapshot Reports\"\n },\n \"SALES_TEAM_LABEL\": \"Sales team\",\n \"SALESPERSON_LABEL\": \"Salesperson\",\n \"SNAPSHOT\": \"Snapshot\",\n \"SHOWING\": \"Showing\",\n \"MORE_LABEL\": \"More\",\n \"LESS_LABEL\": \"Less\",\n \"READ_LABEL\": \"Read\",\n \"FILTERS\": \"Filters\",\n \"FIRST_NAME\": \"First name\",\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"LAST_NAME\": \"Last name\",\n \"EMAIL_ADDRESS\": \"Email address\",\n \"ENTER_VALID_EMAIL\": \"Please enter a valid email address\",\n \"ACTIONS\": \"Actions\",\n \"CREATED\": \"Created\",\n \"NEVER\": \"Never\",\n \"FIELD_REQUIRED\": \"{{ fieldName }} is required\",\n \"THIS_FIELD_REQUIRED\": \"This field is required\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP\": \"Business App\",\n \"LOADING\": \"Loading\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"SETTINGS\": \"Settings\",\n \"ERROR_LABEL\": \"Error:\",\n \"ERROR_TRY_AGAIN\": \"An error occurred. Please try again.\",\n \"CONNECTED\": \"Connected\",\n \"NOT_CONNECTED\": \"Not connected\",\n \"COPY\": \"Copy\",\n \"COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD\": \"Copy to Clipboard\",\n \"COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD\": \"Copied to Clipboard\",\n \"VALUE_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD\": \"Value copied to clipboard\",\n \"FAILED_TO_COPY\": \"Failed to copy to clipboard\",\n \"POWERED_BY\": \"Powered by\",\n \"PRODUCT\": \"Product\",\n \"PRODUCTS\": \"Products\",\n \"PACKAGE\": \"Package\",\n \"PACKAGES\": \"Packages\",\n \"ADD_ON\": \"Add-on\",\n \"ADD_ONS\": \"Add-ons\",\n \"REQUIRED\": \"Required\",\n \"TRIAL\": \"Trial\",\n \"VCASH\": \"vCash\",\n \"MARKETPLACE\": \"Marketplace\",\n \"TASK\": \"Task\",\n \"TASKS\": \"Tasks\",\n \"ACCOUNT\": \"Account\",\n \"FULFILLMENT_PROJECTS_AND_TASKS\": \"Fulfillment projects & tasks\",\n \"AN_ACCOUNT\": \"an account\",\n \"ACCOUNTS\": \"Accounts\",\n \"ORDER\": \"Order\",\n \"AN_ORDER\": \"an order\",\n \"ORDERS\": \"Orders\",\n \"CONQUER_LOCAL\": \"Conquer Local\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Title\",\n \"EMAIL\": \"Email\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"Unknown\",\n \"NONE_FOUND\": \"None found\",\n \"PARTNER\": \"Partner\",\n \"PARTNERS\": \"Partners\",\n \"YES\": \"Yes\",\n \"NO\": \"No\",\n \"SUBJECT\": \"Subject\",\n \"BRAND\": \"Brand\",\n \"BRANDS\": \"Brands\",\n \"AUXILIARY_DATA\": {\n \"SCHEMA\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"TYPE\": \"Field type\",\n \"OBJECT\": \"Object\",\n \"DROPDOWN\": {\n \"LABEL\": \"Label\",\n \"LABEL_HINT\": \"What you will see as an option in the dropdown. (e.g. Top Tier, Middle Tier, Low Tier) - max 100 characters\",\n \"VALUE\": \"Value\",\n \"VALUE_HINT\": \"Used to match against CSV or form values. (e.g.top-tier, mid-tier, low-tier)\",\n \"OPTION_FIELDS_LIMIT\": \"A maximum number of 200 options can be created per dropdown field\"\n }\n },\n \"TYPES\": {\n \"STRING\": \"Text\",\n \"INTEGER\": \"Integer\",\n \"DATE\": \"Date\",\n \"DROPDOWN\": \"Dropdown\",\n \"CURRENCY\": \"Currency\"\n },\n \"CREATE_HEADER\": \"Create custom field\",\n \"EDIT_HEADER\": \"Edit custom field\",\n \"EXTERNAL_IDENTIFIER\": \"External Identifier\",\n \"SET\": \"Set\",\n \"SET_IDENTIFIER\": \"Set Identifier\",\n \"EDIT_IDENTIFIER\": \"Edit Identifier\",\n \"IDENTIFIER_VALIDATION_MESSAGE\": \"Only lowercase letters, numbers, dash (-) and underscore (_) permitted\",\n \"IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE\": \"This external identifier is currently in use\",\n \"EXTERNAL_IDENTIFIER_DESCRIPTION\": \"This is what will be used to identify this field when working with the API.\",\n \"EXTERNAL_IDENTIFIER_WARNING\": \"Warning: Changing this will require changes in your code if you're using the API.\"\n },\n \"VALIDATORS\": {\n \"INVALID_URL\": \"Please enter a valid URL\"\n },\n \"NEW\": \"New\",\n \"BETA\": \"Beta\",\n \"LABELS\": {\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\"\n }\n },\n \"NAV_ITEMS\": {\n \"HOME\": \"Home\",\n \"CRM\": {\n \"CRM\": \"Contacts\",\n \"CRM_CONTACTS\": \"Contacts\",\n \"CRM_COMPANIES\": \"Companies\",\n \"CRM_TASKS\": \"Tasks\"\n },\n \"BUSINESSES\": {\n \"BUSINESSES\": \"Businesses\",\n \"SUBSCRIBERS\": \"Subscribers\",\n \"ACCOUNTS\": \"Accounts\",\n \"MANAGE_ACCOUNTS\": \"Accounts\",\n \"USERS\": \"Users\",\n \"MANAGE_USERS\": \"Manage Users\",\n \"LISTS\": \"Lists\",\n \"MANAGE_BUSINESS_APP\": \"Manage Business App\",\n \"MULTI_LOCATION_GROUPS\": \"Multi-location Groups\",\n \"DIRECTORY\": \"Directory\"\n },\n \"MARKETPLACE\": {\n \"MY_PRODUCTS\": \"My Purchases\",\n \"MARKETPLACE\": \"Marketplace\",\n \"DISCOVER_PRODUCTS\": \"Discover Products\",\n \"MANAGE_STORE\": \"Manage Store\",\n \"PACKAGES\": \"Packages\",\n \"PRODUCTS\": \"Products\",\n \"OPEN_VENDOR_CENTER\": \"Open Vendor Center\"\n },\n \"MARKETING\": {\n \"CAMPAIGNS\": \"Campaigns\",\n \"EMAIL_LIBRARY\": \"Email Library\",\n \"MARKETING\": \"Marketing\",\n \"CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION\": \"Customer Acquisition\",\n \"PRODUCT_ADOPTION\": \"Product Adoption\",\n \"PRODUCT_UPSELL\": \"Product Upsell\",\n \"GUIDES\": \"Guides\",\n \"ACQUISITION_WIDGETS\": \"Acquisition Widgets\",\n \"FORM_BUILDER\": \"Forms\",\n \"EMAIL_SETTINGS\": \"Email Settings\"\n },\n \"SALES\": {\n \"SALES\": \"Sales\",\n \"OPEN_SALES_CENTER\": \"Open Sales Center\",\n \"MY_MEETINGS\": \"My Meetings\",\n \"SALES_POPOUTS_DISABLED_TOOLTIP\": \"This shortcut may implicitly create a salesperson for the current user on the current partner. These shortcuts are disabled for all super-admins.\",\n \"PIPELINE\": \"Pipeline\",\n \"ORDERS\": \"Orders\",\n \"ORDER_FULFILLMENT\": \"Order Fulfillment\",\n \"LEADERBOARD\": \"Leaderboard\",\n \"SALESPEOPLE\": \"Salespeople\",\n \"THE_LOOP\": \"The Loop\",\n \"SALES_TEAMS\": \"Sales Teams\",\n \"GOALS\": \"Goals\"\n },\n \"TASK_MANAGER\": {\n \"TASKS\": \"Tasks\",\n \"FULFILLMENT\": \"Fulfillment\",\n \"OPEN_TASK_MANAGER\": \"Open Task Manager\",\n \"OVERVIEW\": \"Overview\",\n \"USERS\": \"Users\",\n \"STATUS_REPORT\": \"Status Report\",\n \"PROJECTS\": \"Projects\",\n \"PRODUCTIVITY_REPORT\": \"Productivity Report\"\n },\n \"BILLING\": {\n \"BILLING\": \"Billing\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTIONS\": \"Subscriptions\",\n \"INVOICES\": \"Invoices\",\n \"PAYMENTS\": \"Payments\",\n \"PAYOUTS\": \"Payouts\"\n },\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": {\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": \"Automations\",\n \"MY_AUTOMATIONS\": \"My automations\",\n \"SYSTEM_AUTOMATIONS\": \"System automations\",\n \"TEMPLATES\": \"Templates\"\n },\n \"REPORTS\": {\n \"REPORTS\": \"Reports\",\n \"METRICS\": \"Metrics\",\n \"PREMIUM_REPORTS\": \"Premium Reports\"\n },\n \"ADMINISTRATION\": {\n \"ADMINISTRATION\": \"Administration\"\n },\n \"AFFILIATE_PROGRAM\": {\n \"AFFILIATE_PROGRAM\": \"Affiliate Program\"\n },\n \"UPGRADE\": {\n \"UPGRADE\": \"Upgrade\"\n },\n \"SUPERADMIN\": {\n \"PARTNERS\": \"Partners\",\n \"AFFILIATES\": \"Affiliates\",\n \"FEATURE_ACCESS\": \"Feature Access\",\n \"MANAGE_PRODUCTS\": \"Manage Products\",\n \"MARKETING\": \"Marketing\"\n },\n \"DEFAULT_DISABLED_TOOLTIP\": \"Navigation disabled\"\n },\n \"NAVIGATION\": {\n \"DO_YOU_WANT_TO_LEAVE\": \"Are you sure you want to leave?\",\n \"VALUES_WILL_BE_REMOVED\": \"Leaving now will remove the values you have entered so far.\",\n \"LEAVE_ANYWAY\": \"Leave anyway\",\n \"RETURN\": \"Return to form\",\n \"HELP\": \"Help\",\n \"NEW_RELEASES\": \"New releases\"\n },\n \"PAGE\": {\n \"HELP_ONE_TIME_POPOVER\": \"Click here to access the tutorial video\",\n \"TITLES\": {\n \"MARKETING\": {\n \"CAMPAIGNS\": {\n \"CREATE_STEP\": \"Create Campaign Step\",\n \"EDIT_STEP\": \"Edit Campaign Step\",\n \"DETAILS\": \"Campaign Details\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"SSC_REDIRECT\": {\n \"OPEN_SSC\": \"Open Sales & Success Center\",\n \"GO_TO_SSC\": \"Go to Sales & Success Center\",\n \"ACCESS_SSC\": \"You're just about ready to access Sales & Success Center.\",\n \"MARKET_CHOICE\": \"We just need to know what market you primarily work in.\",\n \"SAVE_AND_OPEN\": \"Save and Open\",\n \"ENSURE_SALESPERSON_EXIST\": \"Ensure Salesperson exists\",\n \"REDIRECT_TO\": \"Redirecting to \",\n \"WELCOME\": \"Welcome, {{name}}\",\n \"LOGIN_SSC\": \"Once you have added the Salesperson role to your user, you can log in to Sales & Success Center.\",\n \"EDIT_PROFILE\": \"Edit Profile\",\n \"CHECKING_YOUR_SALESPERSON\": \"Checking your Salesperson\",\n \"CREATING_YOUR_SALESPERSON\": \"Creating your Salesperson\"\n },\n \"TRIAL_BANNER\": {\n \"ACTION_BUTTON\": \"Chat with an expert\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \" - your free trial ends on {{date}}\",\n \"DAYS_REMAINING\": \"({{days}} days remaining).\",\n \"DAY_REMAINING\": \"(1 day remaining).\",\n \"ENDS_TODAY\": \" - your free trial ends today.\",\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \" Learn more\",\n \"PLAN\": \" plan \"\n },\n \"START_TRIAL_BANNER\": {\n \"ACTION_BUTTON\": \"Choose a plan\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_START_PLAN\": \"Start your 14-day free trial today\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_CHOOSE_PLAN\": \"experience one of our paid plans for free!\"\n },\n \"PARTNER_CANCELLATION_REASONS\": {\n \"MISSING_FEATURES\": \"Missing features I need (please specify)\",\n \"HAVING_TROUBLE\": \"Having trouble getting started (please specify)\",\n \"TOO_EXPENSIVE\": \"Too expensive\",\n \"NOT_LOOKING\": \"Not what I was looking for (please specify)\",\n \"FOUND_BETTER\": \"Found a better alternative (please specify)\",\n \"OTHER\": \"Other (please specify)\"\n },\n \"STORE\": {\n \"SELECT_ALL\": \"Select all\",\n \"SAVE_AS_DRAFT\": \"Save as draft\",\n \"SAVE_AND_PUBLISH\": \"Save and publish\",\n \"CURRENCY\": \"Currency\",\n \"RETAIL_PRICE\": \"Retail price\",\n \"BILLING_FREQUENCY\": \"Billing frequency\",\n \"STARTING_PRICE\": \"Starting price\",\n \"MARKETS\": \"Markets\",\n \"CONTACT_SALES\": \"Contact sales\",\n \"AND\": \"and\",\n \"PACKAGES_NEEDING_ATTENTION_WARNING\": \"You have {{num}} package(s) that need to be updated before they can be added to an invoice or purchased through the Shopping Cart.\",\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn more\",\n \"ORDER_FORM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Order form\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE_FORM_INVALID\": \"Looks like some fields are invalid. Please correct the fields highlighted in red.\",\n \"BUTTON_SUBMIT_ORDER_FORM\": \"Submit form\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE_FORM\": \"There was an error submitting the form. Please try again.\"\n },\n \"CREATE_PRODUCT_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add Product\",\n \"STEP_1\": {\n \"STEP_LABEL\": \"Basic Info\",\n \"NAME_LABEL\": \"Product Name\"\n },\n \"STEP_2\": {\n \"STEP_LABEL\": \"Pricing\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_LABEL\": \"Is your product billed once or as a recurring subscription?\",\n \"FREQUENCY_LABEL\": \"Billing frequency\",\n \"COST_LABEL\": \"Cost\",\n \"RETAIL_LABEL\": \"Retail\"\n },\n \"STEP_3\": {\n \"STEP_LABEL\": \"Marketing\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_LABEL\": \"Marketing Description\",\n \"INPUT_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Key selling point\",\n \"BUTTON_TEXT\": \"+ Add Key Selling Point\"\n },\n \"STEP_4\": {\n \"STEP_LABEL\": \"Confirmation\",\n \"CONFIRMATION_TITLE\": \"Publish to Store?\",\n \"CONFIRMATION_DESCRIPTION\": {\n \"STORE_PRODUCTS_DISABLED\": \"Your product will be created as a draft. Continue editing or publish and enable the product for use in your Store\",\n \"STORE_PRODUCTS_ENABLED\": \"Click Publish to add your product to your Public Store and Business App, or open Vendor Center to continue editing.\"\n },\n \"CONTINUE_EDITING_BUTTON\": \"Continue editing in Vendor Center\"\n },\n \"PUBLISH_BUTTON\": {\n \"STORE_PRODUCTS_DISABLED\": \"Publish & Enable\",\n \"STORE_PRODUCTS_ENABLED\": \"Publish\"\n }\n },\n \"ENABLE_PRODUCT_DIALOG\": {\n \"NEW_PACKAGE_NAME\": \"New package name\",\n \"SELECT_PRODUCT_EDITION\": \"Select product edition\",\n \"EDITION_OF_THE_PRODUCT\": \"Edition of the product\",\n \"SET_RETAIL_PRICING\": \"Set retail pricing\",\n \"CONTACT_SALES_SUB_TITLE\": \"Remove prices and prompt the customer to contact you\",\n \"STARTING_PRICE_CHECKBOX_TOOL_TIP\": \"Specifies whether or not the price varies based on usage, list size, or other special considerations.\"\n },\n \"START_SELLING_PRODUCT_DIALOG\": {\n \"PRODUCT_REQUIREMENTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Start selling required products?\",\n \"HEADER\": \"Before {{productName}} can be activated, customers will need to have purchased and activated the following products:\",\n \"CONFIRMATION\": \"Would you like to start selling the above products as well?\",\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Start selling all products\",\n \"OPEN\": \"Open in Products\"\n }\n },\n \"PRODUCT_PREVIEWS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add to Store?\",\n \"HEADER\": {\n \"OVERVIEW\": \"You can now order and activate the following products and their add-ons for your customers.\",\n \"INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Click the products below to add them to your Store.\"\n },\n \"AVAILABLE_IN_N_MARKETS\": \"Available in {{nMarkets}} markets\",\n \"PRICING_TABLE\": {\n \"HEADERS\": {\n \"ADD_TO_STORE\": \"Add to Store\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"EDITION\": \"Edition\",\n \"RETAIL\": \"Retail\"\n }\n },\n \"MANAGE_AVAILABILITY_FOR_ADDONS\": \"Add-ons for the above products can be added to your store from the Marketplace > Products tab.\",\n \"CONTACT_SALES_WARNING_FOR_STORE\": \"{{ productName }} won\u2019t be added to your store until you set its retail price and check off its Available in store setting in Marketplace > Products.\",\n \"CONTACT_SALES_WARNING_FOR_STORES\": \"{{ productName }} won\u2019t be added to your stores until you set its retail price and check off its Available in store setting in Marketplace > Products.\"\n },\n \"SNACK_MESSAGES\": {\n \"NO_STORES_ADDED\": \"Product is now enabled. Manage price and store availability in Marketplace > Products.\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Successfully added product(s) to store(s). Manage price and store availability in Marketplace > Products.\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Failed to add product to store(s). Manage price and store availability in Marketplace > Products.\"\n }\n },\n \"PACKAGE_EDIT\": {\n \"UPGRADE_SUCCESS\": \"Upgrade successful — This package is now compatible with invoices and the Shopping Cart in your Store. Press Save to finish updating this package.\",\n \"PRICING_UPGRADE_WARNING\": {\n \"UPGRADE_ALERT\": \"Package price can now be calculated automatically as the sum of each product's retail price, minus a percentage discount. We\u2019ve calculated the discount for this package to reflect its original price ({{current_price_str}}).\",\n \"DISCOUNT_CALC_ERROR\": \"This package's price ({{current_price_str}}) currently exceeds the sum of the product prices. If necessary, we suggest adjusting the retail prices of the included products on their product pages to reflect the price of this package, or creating a new product with a retail price that reflects the cost of services included in this package.\",\n \"CURRENCY_MISMATCH\": \"Review Price — This package\u2019s price will be updated to match your Store\u2019s currency ({{currency}}), please review and adjust each item\u2019s price accordingly. The original price was: {{current_price_str}}. Press Save to update, or Cancel to return to the old package editor.\",\n \"FREQUENCY_MISMATCH\": \"Review Frequency — We are unable to allocate this package\u2019s price to the products in the package. Consider adding products or adjusting the frequency of the items in this package to retain the original price ({{current_price_str}}). Press Save to update, or Cancel to return to the old package editor.\",\n \"CANNOT_UPGRADE_PACKAGE_AUTOMATICALLY\": \"Update this package — You can now edit each product's pricing per package. To update this package, please review or adjust each item's price. (Original total price: {{current_price_str}})\"\n },\n \"PACKAGE_UPGRADE_PROMPT\": {\n \"TEXT\": \"Want to add this package to invoices or allow it to be purchased through the Shopping Cart? Use our improved package pricing model.\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Use new package pricing\"\n },\n \"DIRECT_LINK\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Direct link to package\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Provide your customer a direct link to purchase this package:\",\n \"HIDDEN_LINK\": \"Publish this package to generate a direct link\",\n \"COPY\": {\n \"BUTTON\": \"Copy link\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Direct link to package is copied to the clipboard.\",\n \"ERROR\": \"There was an issue copying the Buy it now link to your clipboard\"\n }\n },\n \"MARKETING_MATERIAL_HEADER\": \"Marketing material\"\n },\n \"BUY_IT_NOW\": {\n \"OPEN_DIALOG\": \"Create Buy It Now link\",\n \"TOOLTIP\": \"Packages must be published with \\\"Add to Shopping Cart\\\" enabled to create a user-specific link.\",\n \"DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create Buy It Now link\",\n \"INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Generate a personalized link where a prospect or client can purchase {{packageName}} quickly and easily.\",\n \"ACCOUNT_LABEL\": \"Account\",\n \"USER_LABEL\": \"User\",\n \"LINK_LABEL\": \"Link:\",\n \"LINK_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Your link will appear here after you select an account and user.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"When {{packageName}} is purchased through this link, {{userName}} will be able to set a password for Business App if they haven\u2019t signed in before.\",\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"COPY_LINK\": \"Copy link\"\n },\n \"MESSAGES\": {\n \"COPIED_LINK\": \"Link copied to clipboard!\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"ACCOUNT_REQUIRED\": \"Account is required\",\n \"USER_REQUIRED\": \"User is required\",\n \"NO_USERS\": \"This account has no assigned users\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"ADD_TO_STORE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Available in store\",\n \"STORES\": \"Stores\",\n \"VISIBLE\": \"Yes\",\n \"HIDDEN\": \"No\",\n \"PREVIEW\": \"Preview\",\n \"LOAD_MORE\": \"Load more\",\n \"ADD_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully added to store\",\n \"ADD_FAIL\": \"There was an error adding the product to store\",\n \"REMOVE_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully removed from store\",\n \"REMOVE_FAIL\": \"There was an error removing the product from the store\"\n },\n \"SINGLE_MARKET\": \"Business App & Public Store\"\n },\n \"PRODUCT_ACTIVATION\": {\n \"DOMAIN_QUESTION\": \"Need a domain?\",\n \"DOMAIN_VALUE\": \"Give your client's website a professional touch by adding a branded domain name. With GoDaddy, you can be sure you're giving them the quality service they deserve.\",\n \"DOMAIN_CONFIRMATION\": \"Yes, add a domain\",\n \"WEBSITE_QUESTION\": \"Need a website?\",\n \"WEBSITE_VALUE\": \"With Website Pro, your clients can create beautiful websites in minutes. Plus, with WordPress powering their site, your clients will have access to thousands of plugins and themes, allowing them to stand out from the crowd.\",\n \"WEBSITE_CONFIRMATION\": \"Yes, add a website\",\n \"NO_THANK_YOU\": \"No, thank you\",\n \"ACTIVATION_TABLE\": {\n \"UNAVAILABLE_IN_COUNTRY\": \"Unavailable in {{countryName}}\",\n \"NO_MATCHING_ITEMS_FOUND\": \"No matching Items found\"\n }\n },\n \"SAAS_METRICS\": {\n \"KEY_METRICS_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Metrics\",\n \"ESTIMATED_REVENUE_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Estimated Revenue\",\n \"ARPPA_PAGE_TITLE\": \"ARPPA\",\n \"BASKET_SIZE_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Average Basket Size\",\n \"ENGAGED_ACCOUNTS_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Engaged Accounts\",\n \"ACCOUNT_RETENTION_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Account Retention Rate\",\n \"BILLABLE_ITEMS\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Billed products\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The number of products you've sold to your accounts\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\"\n },\n \"BASKET_SIZE\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Average basket size\",\n \"VALUE_DESCRIPTOR\": \"Current\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"INFO\": \"This is the average number of paid products active on accounts with at least one paying account.\\n\\nA high basket size indicates that you are generating revenue expansion from your existing clients through add-ons, upsells, or cross-sells.\\n\\nNote that this metric only tracks active paid products.\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\",\n \"EMPTY_SUBTITLE\": \"Activate products to view\",\n \"EMPTY_FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"Manage store\",\n \"DIALOG_ACTION_TEXT\": \"Learn more\"\n }\n },\n \"TOP_PRODUCTS\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Top purchased products\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The best-selling products in your Marketplace\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further information\",\n \"BODY_SUBTITLE_TEXT\": \"Top selling products in Marketplace during the selected date range\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"SMB_ENGAGEMENT\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Engaged accounts\",\n \"VALUE_DESCRIPTOR\": \"Last 30 days\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"INFO\": \"This number shows the rolling 30-day total of accounts that have engaged with your email campaigns, product offerings, or your Business App.\\n\\nEach point in the graph shows the total of unique active accounts over the 30 days preceding each date (across the date range that you\u2019ve selected).\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\",\n \"EMPTY_SUBTITLE\": \"Add accounts to view\",\n \"EMPTY_FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"Create acquisition campaign\"\n }\n },\n \"SALESPERSON_ENGAGEMENT\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Active salespeople\",\n \"VALUE_DESCRIPTOR\": \"Last 30 days\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"INFO\": \"This number shows the rolling 30-day total of salesperson users who have used Sales & Success Center, engaged with emails in the platform, or performed sales activities (contacting a prospect, submitting an order, etc.).\\n\\nEach point in the graph shows the total number of salesperson users that have been active in the platform in the 30 days preceding each date (across the date range that you\u2019ve selected).\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\",\n \"EMPTY_SUBTITLE\": \"Add salespeople to view\",\n \"EMPTY_FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"Add salespeople\",\n \"DIALOG_ACTION_TEXT\": \"Learn more\"\n }\n },\n \"SMB_PRODUCT_ENGAGEMENT\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Product engagement\",\n \"VALUE_DESCRIPTOR\": \"The number of accounts that have interacted with your products over the selected date range\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"SUBTITLE_TEXT\": \"The percentage of SMBs engaging with your products during the selected date range\",\n \"INFO\": \"The number of accounts that are interacting with your email campaigns, product offerings, or your Business App. Each data point in the chart shows the total number of unique accounts that have been active in the platform in the 30 days preceding each date across the date range that you select.\\n\\nDig into this metric to see which of your email campaigns is generating interest, which products your customers are interested in, and which accounts are ready to convert.\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View product engagement details\",\n \"DIALOG_ACTION_TEXT\": \"Learn more\"\n }\n },\n \"SMB_ENGAGEMENT_BREAKDOWN\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Engaged accounts\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"SUBTITLE_TEXT\": \"Account activity breakdown\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View detailed account information\"\n }\n },\n \"ARPPA\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Average revenue per paying account\",\n \"VALUE_DESCRIPTOR\": \"Last month\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"INFO\": \"This metric shows how much each account contributes, on average, to your total revenue.\\n\\nUse the graph below your current average to spot trends in account expansion or contraction, evaluate your pricing plans, and understand how your revenue is evolving over time.\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\",\n \"EMPTY_SUBTITLE\": \"Sell products to view\",\n \"EMPTY_FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"Create sales campaign\",\n \"DIALOG_ACTION_TEXT\": \"Learn more\"\n },\n \"MONTHLY_RECURRING_REVENUE\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Monthly recurring revenue (MRR)\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The estimated gross revenue generated per month across all accounts\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further information\"\n }\n },\n \"TOTAL_ACCOUNTS\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Total paying accounts\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The number of accounts with one or more paid product\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further information\"\n }\n },\n \"TOP_ARPPA_CONTRIBUTORS\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Top ARPPA contributor\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The top Marketplace contributor to your average revenue per paying account\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further information\",\n \"INFO\": \"Your top products by average revenue and activations. Products in the top right of the graph have the largest combined revenue and number of activations.\"\n },\n \"CHART\": {\n \"X_AXIS_LABEL\": \"Number of activations\",\n \"Y_AXIS_LABEL\": \"Average revenue\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Top contributing products during the selected date range\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"GROSS_REVENUE\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Gross Marketplace revenue\",\n \"VALUE_DESCRIPTOR\": \"Total (over selected date range)\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"INFO\": \"The estimated gross revenue that you have brought in via the products in your Marketplace.\\n\\nThe graph below your total indicates comparative progress month-over-month. Use it to track growth in your revenue as you introduce new products and services to your Marketplace.\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\",\n \"EMPTY_SUBTITLE\": \"Sell to accounts to view\",\n \"EMPTY_FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"Assign salespeople\",\n \"DIALOG_ACTION_TEXT\": \"Learn more\"\n },\n \"REVENUE_BREAKDOWN\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Gross Marketplace revenue\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"An estimation of gross revenue earned through your Marketplace\",\n \"INFO\": \"The estimated gross revenue that you have brought in via the products in your Marketplace. This figure is calculated as follows:\\n\\nExisting MRR + New Business + Reactivation + Expansion - Churn - Contraction.\\n\\nThis metric indicates comparative progress month-over-month, and can be used to track growth in your revenue as you introduce new products and services to your Marketplace.\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View detailed account information\",\n \"CHART_SUBTITLE\": \"Revenue breakdown\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"BILLABLE_ACCOUNTS_CARD\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Billable accounts\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The number of accounts with recurring or one-time charges this month\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View detailed account information\",\n \"TOTAL_ACCOUNTS_TEXT\": \"Total accounts\"\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_RETENTION_BY_TAXONOMY_TOP6\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Retention by business category\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Top 6 business categories during the selected date range\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View detailed account information\"\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_RETENTION_BY_TAXONOMY_BOTTOM6\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Retention by business category\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Bottom 6 business categories during the selected date range\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View detailed account information\"\n }\n },\n \"SMB_RETENTION_RATE\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Account retention rate\",\n \"VALUE_DESCRIPTOR\": \"Current\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"INFO\": \"Your account retention rate indicates how many accounts have retained their paid products. A high value for this metric indicates that your customers are satisfied and are finding value in your products.\\n\\nA retention rate of 100% indicates that all of your accounts have kept at least 1 paid product. When an account cancels or does not renew their paid products, the rate will drop, even if that customer is replaced by a new one\u2014this metric tracks retention, not expansion.\\n\\nThe graph below tracks changes in your retention rate over time.\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\",\n \"EMPTY_SUBTITLE\": \"Sell to accounts to view\",\n \"EMPTY_FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"Discover popular products\",\n \"DIALOG_ACTION_TEXT\": \"Learn more\"\n },\n \"BREAKDOWN\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Account retention rate\",\n \"VALUE_DESCRIPTOR\": \"of accounts have kept at least one paid product\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"\",\n \"INFO\": \"Your account retention rate indicates how many accounts have retained their paid products. A high value for this metric indicates that your customers are satisfied and are finding value in your products. This metric is one of the most important indicators of customer satisfaction.\\n\\nA retention rate of 100% indicates that all of your accounts have kept at least 1 paid product. When an account cancels or does not renew their paid products, the rate will drop, even if that customer is replaced by a new one. As such, this metric indicates retention, not expansion.\\n\\nNote that this metric only tracks paying accounts. If an account has cancelled its paid products but still has active free products, it will still be recorded as having churned.\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View detailed account information\",\n \"CHART_SUBTITLE\": \"Account retention over time\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_EMAIL\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customer acquisition emails\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Emails sent to new prospects\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\"\n }\n },\n \"PRODUCT_UPSELL_EMAIL\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Product upsell emails\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Emails promoting your products to existing customers\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\"\n }\n },\n \"PRODUCT_ADOPTION_EMAIL\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Product adoption emails\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Emails educating existing customers about your products\",\n \"FOOTER_LINK_TEXT\": \"View further insights\"\n }\n },\n \"TOP_APP_CHART\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Revenue by app\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Chart results are across the selected date range\"\n }\n },\n \"TOP_MARKET_CHART\": {\n \"CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Revenue by market\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Chart results are across the selected date range\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"FILTERS\": {\n \"CHIPS\": {\n \"FILTER\": \"Add filter\",\n \"CLEAR_ALL\": \"Clear filters\"\n },\n \"POPOVER\": {\n \"APPLY\": \"Apply\"\n },\n \"DATE\": {\n \"CHIP\": \"Date\",\n \"SEVEN_DAYS\": \"Last 7 days\",\n \"THIRTY_DAYS\": \"Last 30 days\",\n \"THREE_MONTHS\": \"Last 3 months\",\n \"SIX_MONTHS\": \"Last 6 months\",\n \"TWELVE_MONTHS\": \"Last 12 months\",\n \"SIXTEEN_MONTHS\": \"Last 16 months\",\n \"CUSTOM\": \"Custom\"\n }\n },\n \"GROUPS\": {\n \"CREATE\": \"Create group\",\n \"NAME\": \"Group name\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"TAXONOMY\": \"Category\",\n \"LOCATION\": \"Location\",\n \"GROUP_NOT_CREATED\": \"We couldn't create the group. Please refresh the page and try again.\",\n \"GROUP_API_KEY_NOT_EXIST\": \"The brand analytics api key is invalid. Please contact support.\",\n \"GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS\": \"A group with this name already exists. Use a different name to create it.\",\n \"ERROR\": {\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"Error loading groups\",\n \"FORBIDDEN\": \"Error loading groups: permission denied\",\n \"PERMISSION_ERROR\": \"You don\u2019t have permission to view this page\",\n \"ERROR_DESCRIPTION\": \"Only users with access to all markets can manage multi-location groups. Contact an admin for help with changing your permissions.\"\n },\n \"COMMON\": {\n \"ADD_SUBGROUP\": \"Add sub-group\",\n \"CREATE_SUBGROUP\": \"Create sub-group\",\n \"ADD_ACCOUNTS\": \"Add accounts\"\n },\n \"CONFIRMATION_DIALOG\": {\n \"HEADER\": {\n \"DELETE_SUBGROUP\": \"Delete sub-group?\",\n \"REMOVE_ACCOUNT\": \"Remove account?\",\n \"RESET_SOURCES\": \"Reset sources?\",\n \"DELETE_GROUP\": \"Delete group\",\n \"CREATE_REFRESH_SNAPSHOT\": \"Create and refresh Snapshot Reports?\"\n },\n \"CONTENT\": {\n \"DELETE_SUBGROUP\": \"The {{ title }} sub-group will be deleted. All sub-groups within will be deleted and all accounts will be removed.
This action cannot be reversed.\",\n \"REMOVE_ACCOUNT\": \"{{ title }} will no longer appear in the {{ groupName }} sub-group.\",\n \"RESET_SOURCES\": \"The existing selected sources will be replaced with sources relevant to the business category and country.\",\n \"DELETE_GROUP\": \"The {{ title }} group and its sub-groups will be deleted. You'll still have access to any accounts that exist in this group.
You cannot undo this action.\",\n \"CREATE_REFRESH_SNAPSHOT\": \"Snapshot Reports will be created and refreshed for all accounts in this brand. If an account already has an active Snapshot Report, it will be ignored.
Standard Snapshot Report fees apply.\"\n },\n \"ACTION\": {\n \"DELETE_SUBGROUP\": \"Delete sub-group\",\n \"REMOVE_ACCOUNT\": \"Remove account\",\n \"RESET_SOURCES\": \"Reset sources\",\n \"DELETE_GROUP\": \"Delete group\",\n \"CREATE_REFRESH_SNAPSHOT\": \"Create/refresh Snapshot Reports\"\n }\n },\n \"ADD_LOCATION_DIALOG\": {\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNT\": \"Create account\",\n \"SEARCH\": \"Search for account\",\n \"NO_ACCOUNTS_FOUND\": \"No accounts found with that search term\",\n \"ALREADY_ADDED_TO\": \"Already added to\",\n \"IN_GROUP\": \"In group {{ count }} times\",\n \"IN_GROUP_ONE\": \"In group 1 time\"\n },\n \"DETAILS\": {\n \"TABS\": {\n \"ACCOUNTS\": \"Accounts\",\n \"USERS\": \"Users\",\n \"FEATURES\": \"Features\",\n \"SOURCES\": \"Sources\",\n \"BULK_ACTION_HISTORY\": \"Account update history\"\n },\n \"CREATING_BRAND\": \"Setting up your brand. We'll just be a moment.\"\n },\n \"MANAGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Multi-Location Groups\",\n \"VIEW_LEGACY_BRANDS\": \"View Legacy Brands\",\n \"SEARCH_FOR_GROUP\": \"Search for group\",\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"ACCOUNTS\": \"Accounts\",\n \"CREATED\": \"Created\",\n \"LAST_UPDATED\": \"Last updated\",\n \"MENU\": {\n \"OPEN_IN_ML_VBC\": \"Open Multi-Location {{ whiteLabelForVBC }}\",\n \"VIEW_LEGACY\": \"View legacy Brand Report\",\n \"UPDATE_BULK\": \"Update accounts\",\n \"DELETE\": \"Delete\",\n \"BULK_ACTIONS\": {\n \"EXPORT_DATA\": \"Export account data\",\n \"ADD_TAGS\": \"Add tags\",\n \"CREATE_REFRESH_SNAPSHOT\": \"Create/Refresh Snapshot Reports\",\n \"ADD_TO_CAMPAIGN\": \"Add to campaign\",\n \"PAUSE_CAMPAIGN\": \"Pause campaign\",\n \"CHANGE_MARKET\": \"Change market\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Easily manage your multi-location groups and franchises\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Monitor the online activity of thousands of businesses, including insights on Reviews, Listings, and Google Business Profile, through Vendasta\u2019s multi-location platform.\",\n \"CTA\": \"Create free group\"\n }\n },\n \"USERS\": {\n \"ADD_USER\": \"Add user\",\n \"REMOVE_USER\": \"Remove user\",\n \"ACCESS\": \"Access\",\n \"FULL_ACCESS\": \"Full access\",\n \"MODIFY_ACCESS\": \"Modify access\",\n \"ASSOCIATING_USER\": \"Associating users with a group will give them access to all products on all accounts, regardless of their permission settings at the account level.\",\n \"NO_USERS\": {\n \"PARAGRAPH_1\": \"There are no users on this group.\",\n \"BTN_1_TEXT\": \"Add users\",\n \"PARAGRAPH_2\": \"to grant access to this group in {{ businessCenterName }}.\"\n }\n },\n \"STRUCTURE\": {\n \"EMPTY_BRAND\": \"This group is empty\",\n \"START_ADDING_1\": \"Start by adding accounts, or create a sub-group to organize your accounts.\",\n \"START_ADDING_2\": \"Note: Accounts and sub-groups cannot exist at the same group level.
If you wish to use sub-groups, create these first.\",\n \"ADD_ACCOUNTS\": \"Add accounts\",\n \"CREATE_SUBGROUP\": \"Add accounts\",\n \"MANAGE_MARKETS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Group market\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"This group and its sub-groups will use the selected market's branding and listing sources. This doesn't affect the individual accounts in the group.\",\n \"DEFAULT\": \"{{ partnerName }} Branding (Default)\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_SUBGROUP\": \"This sub-group is empty. You can create sub-groups or add accounts to {{ name }} above.\"\n },\n \"SOURCES\": {\n \"RESET\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Reset sources\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Set the sources for this group and its sub-groups by selecting a business category and country. These settings do not affect individual accounts.\",\n \"ACTION\": \"Reset sources\"\n },\n \"AVAILABLE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Available sources\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_WITH_ACCESS\": \"Available sources can be configured at the market level from Adminstration > Customize > Listing Sources.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_WITHOUT_ACCESS\": \"Available sources can be configured at the market level by an admin with source editing permissions.\",\n \"SHOW_SOURCES\": \"Show unavailable sources\",\n \"EDIT_SOURCES\": \"Edit available sources\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"USER_EVENTS\": {\n \"ACTIVITY_TITLE\": {\n \"VISITED_LOCKED_PAGE\": \"Saw upgrade page\",\n \"REQUEST_SALESPERSON_ASSISTANCE\": \"Clicked 'Contact salesperson'\",\n \"CREATE_SINGLE_CUSTOMER\": \"Added customer\",\n \"CREATE_BULK_CUSTOMERS\": \"Added customers\",\n \"CLICKED_ADD_PRODUCTS\": \"Clicked 'Add products'\",\n \"UPDATE_BUSINESS_PROFILE\": \"Updated business profile\",\n \"NAVIGATED_TO_STORE_PAGE\": \"Viewed store\",\n \"VIEWED_EXECUTIVE_REPORT\": \"Viewed Executive Report\",\n \"CONNECTED_FACEBOOK\": \"Connected Facebook\",\n \"CONNECTED_GOOGLE_MY_BUSINESS\": \"Attempted to connect Google Business Profile\"\n },\n \"ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION\": {\n \"IN_BUSINESS_APP\": \"in Business App\",\n \"IN_REPUTATION_MANAGEMENT\": \"in Reputation Management\",\n \"IN_SOCIAL_MARKETING\": \"in Social Marketing\",\n \"IN_ADVERTISING_INTELLIGENCE\": \"in Advertising Intelligence\"\n }\n },\n \"ADDRESS_FORM\": {\n \"ADDRESS_2\": \"Additional address line\",\n \"PREVIEW\": \"Preview\"\n },\n \"BULK_ACTIONS\": {\n \"HISTORY\": {\n \"TOOLTIPS\": {\n \"STATUS_LOAD_FAILED\": \"Could not determine the progress for this action\"\n },\n \"PROGRESS_BAR\": {\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"Unknown\",\n \"LOADING\": \"Loading...\",\n \"FINALIZING\": \"Finalizing...\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"PACKAGE_PREVIEW_EDIT\": {\n \"PAGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create package\",\n \"CREATE_TITLE\": \"Create Package\",\n \"EDIT_TITLE\": \"Edit Package\",\n \"PUBLISH_CTA\": \"Publish to store\",\n \"BACK_TO_OLD_CTA\": \"Back to old create/edit package page\",\n \"ADD_PRODUCT_BUTTON_TEXT\": \"+ Add product or service\",\n \"ADD_ITEM_BUTTON_TEXT\": \"+ Add item\",\n \"BACK_TO_MANAGE_STORE\": \"Back to Manage Store\",\n \"BACK_TO_PACKAGES\": \"Back to Packages\",\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"PUBLISH\": \"Publish\",\n \"SAVE_AS_DRAFT\": \"Save as draft\"\n },\n \"INPUTS\": {\n \"PACKAGE_NAME\": \"Package name\"\n }\n },\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"HEADER_TITLES\": {\n \"ITEM\": \"Item\",\n \"QUANTITY\": \"Qty\",\n \"WHOLESALE_PRICE\": \"Wholesale price\",\n \"RETAIL_PRICE\": \"Retail price\",\n \"TOTAL\": \"Total\"\n }\n },\n \"PURCHASE_BEHAVIOUR\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Purchase behaviour\",\n \"EXTERNAL_URL_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Get It Now button URL\",\n \"EXTERNAL_URL_HINT\": \"Users will be redirected to the URL you set here.\",\n \"ACTION_TEST_URL\": \"Test URL\"\n },\n \"RETAIL_PRICE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Retail price\",\n \"BILLING_PERIOD_FIELD\": \"Billing period\",\n \"RETAIL_PRICE_FIELD\": \"Retail price\",\n \"USE_SUGGESTED_PRICE\": \"Use suggested price\",\n \"USE_SUGGESTED\": \"Use suggested\",\n \"USE_SUGGESTED_SETUP_FEE\": \"Use suggested setup fee\",\n \"SETUP_FEE_FIELD\": \"Setup fee\",\n \"ACTION_ADD_SETUP_FEE\": \"Add setup fee\",\n \"CHECKBOX_STARTING_AT\": \"Show as Starting at price\",\n \"CHECKBOX_CONTACT_SALES\": \"Show as Contact Sales instead of price\",\n \"INITIAL_CHARGE\": \"Due upon purchase\",\n \"RECURRING_CHARGES\": \"Recurring charges\",\n \"INITIAL_PROFIT\": \"Profit at purchase\",\n \"RECURRING_PROFIT\": \"Recurring profit\",\n \"PROFIT_UNAVAILABLE\": \"Profit unavailable\",\n \"STARTING_AT_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Remove \\\"Starting at\\\" from price?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"This package contains one or more products with variable prices. Removing \\\"Starting at\\\" may make this package's pricing less clear.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Confirm\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Cancel\"\n }\n },\n \"WHOLESALE_COST\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Wholesale cost\",\n \"INITIAL_CHARGE\": \"Due upon purchase\",\n \"RECURRING_CHARGES\": \"Recurring charges\"\n },\n \"DETAILS\": {\n \"FAQs\": \"FAQ\",\n \"PRODUCTS\": \"Products\",\n \"GALLERY\": \"Gallery\",\n \"FILES\": \"files\",\n \"TAGLINE\": \"Tagline\",\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"HEADER_IMAGE\": \"Banner image\",\n \"CANCEL_CTA_TEXT\": \"Cancel\",\n \"SAVE_CTA_TEXT\": \"Save\",\n \"PACKAGE_CTA_TEXT\": \"Buy\",\n \"PACKAGE_CONTACT_SALES_CTA_TEXT\": \"Contact Sales\",\n \"REQUIRED_ERROR_TEXT\": \"This field is required\",\n \"PACKAGE_NAME_REQUIRED_ERROR_TEXT\": \"Packages must have a name to be saved or published\",\n \"ICON_HINT_TEXT\": \"Recommended dimensions: 120px x 120px (1:1 aspect ratio)\\n Max size: 5 MB. File types: JPG, PNG\",\n \"HEADER_IMAGE_HINT_TEXT\": \"Recommended dimensions: 1160px x 290px (4:1 aspect ratio)\\n Max size: 5 MB. File types: JPG, PNG\",\n \"ORDER_PRODUCTS_CTA_TEXT\": \"Order products\",\n \"CHANGE_PRODUCTS_CTA_TEXT\": \"Change products\",\n \"ADD_PRODUCTS_CTA_TEXT\": \"Add products\",\n \"SETTINGS\": {\n \"CARD_TITLE\": \"Settings\",\n \"PRODUCT_DETAILS\": \"Show product details in the package\",\n \"PRODUCT_NAMES\": \"Show product names and icons in the package\",\n \"PREVIEW_TITLE\": \"Package details\",\n \"VISIBILITY_OFF\": \"Hide\",\n \"VISIBLE\": \"Show\",\n \"EDIT\": \"Edit\",\n \"STORE_PREVIEW_TEXT\": \"Store preview\"\n },\n \"HEADER\": {\n \"ICON\": \"Icon\",\n \"REQUIRES\": \"Requires\",\n \"ENABLEMENT_TEXT\": \"Requires\",\n \"PRICING\": \"Pricing\",\n \"LMI_TOOLTIP\": \"The LMI Categories are based on the Products contained inside of the Package\",\n \"PER_UNIT_TEXT\": \"Price applies per unit within a range\",\n \"ALL_AT_ONCE_TEXT\": \"Price applies to all units once range is met\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATES\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"TAGLINE\": \"Tagline\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"PRODUCTS\": \"Products\",\n \"ICON\": \"Icon\",\n \"HEADER_IMAGE\": \"Banner image\"\n }\n },\n \"PRICING\": {\n \"DISCOUNT_TITLE\": \"Discount\",\n \"TOTAL_TITLE\": \"Total\",\n \"STARTING_AT\": \"Starting at\",\n \"RECURRING_CHARGES_TITLE\": \"Recurring charges\",\n \"BREAKDOWN\": \"Breakdown\",\n \"DISPLAY_CONTACT_SALES\": \"Show Contact Sales instead of price\",\n \"DISPLAY_STARTING_AT\": \"Show as Starting At price\",\n \"CURRENCY_MISMATCH_WARNING\": \"The currency you\u2019ve chosen doesn\u2019t match your Store\u2019s currency ({{currency}})\",\n \"PACKAGE_RETAIL_PRICE_TITLE\": \"Package Retail Price\",\n \"WHOLESALE_COST_TITLE\": \"Wholesale Cost\",\n \"BIY_WARNING\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Instant purchase disabled\",\n \"POPOVER_CONTENT_1\": \"Packages showing a \\\"Starting at\\\" or \\\"Contact Sales\\\" price can't be paid for at checkout with a credit card.\",\n \"POPOVER_CONTENT_2\": \"When customers have this package in their cart, an order will be submitted for the contents of their cart at checkout.\"\n },\n \"MONTHLY_PROFIT_TOOL_TIP\": \"Calculated according to the retail price you set for this package compared against the wholesale prices of each item it contains, averaged over a 12-month period.\",\n \"PROFIT_UNAVAILABLE_CURRENCY_MISMATCH_TOOL_TIP\": \"Profit couldn't be calculated because the wholesale and retail currencies do not match.\",\n \"PROFIT_UNAVAILABLE_CONTACT_SALES_TOOL_TIP\": \"Profit couldn't be calculated because price is set to Contact Sales.\",\n \"BILLING_PERIOD_TOOL_TIP\": \"Suggested prices are based on all items in this package, including ones with different billing periods than what you've selected.\",\n \"CONTACT_SALES_TOOL_TIP_TITLE\": \"Price set to Contact Sales\",\n \"CONTACT_SALES_TOOL_TIP\": \"Deselect Contact Sales to edit prices.\"\n }\n },\n \"CHANGE_EDITION_DIALOG\": {\n \"UPGRADE_FROM_TRIAL\": \"Upgrade from trial\",\n \"EMAIL_ALL_USERS\": \"Email all users on this account when products are activated.\",\n \"PREVIEW_EMAIL\": \"Preview email.\",\n \"TRIAL_CONFIRMATION\": \"I understand that upgrading from a trial to a paid product may incur additional charges.\",\n \"BEFORE_CHANGE\": \"Before you change the edition, you need to add your payment information.\",\n \"BEFORE_UPGRADE\": \"Before you upgrade the edition, you need to add your payment information.\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PAID_BUTTON\": \"Upgrade to paid\",\n \"DEPENDENT_PRODUCTS_CANCELLATION_WARNING\": \"requires the current edition of this product. Changing to an unsupported edition may cancel\",\n \"ACTIVE_CAMPAIGN\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Select a different edition\",\n \"SELECT_EDITION\": \"Select product edition:\",\n \"SELECT_CONTACTS\": \"Select # of contacts:\",\n \"CURRENT\": \"current\",\n \"CONFIRMATION\": \"I understand that changing editions may incur additional charges.\",\n \"CANCEL_BUTTON\": \"Cancel\",\n \"CHANGE_EDITION_BUTTON\": \"Change edition\"\n }\n },\n \"UPGRADE_EDITION_DIALOG\": {\n \"ACTIVE_CAMPAIGN\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Upgrade from trial\",\n \"SELECT_EDITION\": \"Select product edition:\",\n \"SELECT_CONTACTS\": \"Select # of contacts:\",\n \"CURRENT\": \"current\",\n \"CONFIRMATION\": \"I understand that upgrading from a trial to a paid product may incur additional charges.\",\n \"CANCEL_BUTTON\": \"Cancel\",\n \"UPGRADE_EDITION_BUTTON\": \"Upgrade to paid\"\n }\n },\n \"AC_CHANGE_EDITION_DIALOG\": {\n \"EMAIL_ALL_USERS\": \"Email all users on this account when products are activated.\"\n },\n \"ACCESS_DENIED\": {\n \"ACCESS_DENIED\": \"Access denied\",\n \"ACCESS_DENIED_INFO\": \"You do not currently have access to this tab or feature.\",\n \"GO_BACK\": \"Go back or choose a tab from the navigation.\"\n },\n \"PRODUCT_SETTINGS\": {\n \"AUTO_ACTIVATION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Automatic activation\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": {\n \"WITHOUT_EDITION\": \"Automatically activate {{ productName }} for new accounts\",\n \"WITH_EDITION\": \"Automatically activate {{ productName }} | {{ productEdition }} for new accounts\"\n }\n },\n \"UPGRADE_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Upgrade path\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PRO_TITLE\": \"Upgrade\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PRO_SUB_TITLE\": \"Configure how users request to upgrade this product.\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PRO_TOOLTIPS\": \"When enabled, users can request an upgrade from one edition to another.
Exclusive features available in higher-tier editions will be visible. Interacting with these features will guide the user through the upgrade process.
Note: This option does not restrict manual changes to the product's edition.\",\n \"GOT_IT_BUTTON\": \"Got it\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PRO_ON\": \"On (Recommended)\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PRO_OFF\": \"Off (the \\\"Upgrade\\\" path will not be displayed to customers.)\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PRO_DESCRIPTION\": \"What should happen when a user selects \u201CUpgrade\u201D?\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PRO_USING_ORDER_FROM\": \"Self-serve upgrade\",\n \"UPGRADE_TO_PRO_USING_CUSTOM_PACKAGE\": \"Upgrade with a custom package\",\n \"CONFIRM_DIALOG_TITLE\": \"Turn off upgrades\",\n \"CONFIRM_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION\": \"You are deactivating Upgrades and your customer will no longer be able to see the upgrade path in the product.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Configure how users request to upgrade this product, including available options and upgrade modal content.\",\n \"LD_LSP_UPGRADE_OVERWRITE_WARNING\": \"The upgrade path and content set here will be displayed on all Local SEO upgrade pages.\",\n \"UPGRADE_USING_ORDER_FROM\": \"Upgrade {{ productName }} \",\n \"UPGRADE_USING_SALESPERSON\": \"Contact a salesperson\",\n \"UPGRADE_USING_CUSTOM_PACKAGE\": \"Upgrade to a custom package\",\n \"CHOOSE_PACKAGE\": \"Choose package\",\n \"DISPLAY_PRICE\": \"Display price\",\n \"PRICE_AND_FREQUENCY\": \"{{price}}{{frequency}} ({{packageName}})\",\n \"HIDE_PRICE\": \"Hide price\",\n \"HIDE_PRICE_HINT\": \"Note: Packages with multiple price frequencies (i.e. a one-time charge in addition to a monthly payment), only the most frequently charged price is displayed.\",\n \"CHANGE_SETTINGS_SUCCESS\": \"Your upgrade settings were saved\",\n \"CHANGE_SETTINGS_ERROR\": \"Your upgrade settings couldn't be saved. Refresh the page and try again\",\n \"TOO_MANY_PACKAGES\": \"You've added the maximum number of upgrade packages\",\n \"SELECT_MARKET_TO_USE_PACKAGES\": \"Please select a Market before choosing a package\"\n },\n \"CUSTOM_DIALOG\": {\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BUTTON\": \"Customize modal content\",\n \"SUB_CAPTION\": \"What is it?\",\n \"SUB_DESCRIPTION\": \"The upgrade modal appears for users who click to upgrade in-product. You can configure its content to match the upgrade option you've specified above\",\n \"DIALOG_TITLE\": \"Customize upgrade modal\",\n \"CUSTOM_TITLE\": \"Modal title\",\n \"CUSTOM_CONTENT\": \"Content\",\n \"CUSTOM_CTA\": \"Call-to-action\",\n \"MISSING_ERROR\": \"{{formField}} must not be empty or be removed.\",\n \"CHARS_ERROR\": \"{{formField}} must be at most {{maxChars}} characters.\",\n \"SAVE_SUCCESS\": \"Custom modal content successfully saved\",\n \"SAVE_FAILED\": \"Custom modal content failed to save\",\n \"PRODUCT_FEATURE_IMAGE\": \"Product feature image\",\n \"PREVIEW\": {\n \"DEFAULT_TITLE\": \"Modal title will appear here\",\n \"DEFAULT_CONTENT\": \"Content will appear here\",\n \"DEFAULT_EDITION\": \"Pro\",\n \"DEFAULT_PRICE\": \"$0\",\n \"DEFAULT_CTA\": \"Button text\",\n \"DEFAULT_UPGRADE_NOW\": \"Upgrade now for only\",\n \"UPGRADE_STARTING_AT\": \"Upgrades starting at\",\n \"FREQUENCIES\": {\n \"DAILY\": \"/day\",\n \"WEEKLY\": \"/week\",\n \"MONTHLY\": \"/month\",\n \"YEARLY\": \"/year\",\n \"ONE_TIME\": \" One time\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"TRIAL_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Offer free trial\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Accounts without {{ productName }} will be able to access a free trial of the product in Business App.\",\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"Successfully updated Trial setting\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Failed to update Trial setting\"\n },\n \"APP_LEVEL_ADMIN_DASHBOARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"My Team can access\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Allow users that belong to My Team to open this product from any customer\u2019s account. When this setting is turned off, only users that belong to a customer account can access this product.\",\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"Successfully updated reseller user access setting\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Failed to update reseller user access setting\"\n },\n \"BRANDING_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"White-label branding\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Customize the product name and icon\",\n \"NAME_LABEL\": \"Product name\",\n \"ICON_LABEL\": \"Icon\",\n \"RESET\": \"Reset to default\",\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\",\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"Successfully updated branding settings\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Failed to update branding settings\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS_TIP_TEXT_1\": \"Changes you make here\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS_TIP_TEXT_2\": \"update any other markets. The product name and icon you set in\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS_TIP_TEXT_3\": \"are only displayed in markets where unique branding for this product hasn't already been set.\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS_TIP_TITLE\": \"All markets branding\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS_TIP_WILL_NOT\": \"will not\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS\": \"All markets\"\n }\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BUSINESS_PRIORITIES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Business priorities\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Manage a list of main goals and training priorities that you can assign to accounts.\",\n \"GOALS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Main goals\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The desired results that your prospects want to achieve. You can assign 1 main goal to each account in Sales & Success Center.\",\n \"SUGGESTED\": \"Suggested goals\"\n },\n \"PRIORITIES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Training priorities\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The types of training that your prospects need to get up and running quickly. You can assign up to 3 training priorities to each account in Sales & Success Center.\",\n \"SUGGESTED\": \"Suggested priorities\"\n },\n \"COMMON\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Title\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\"\n }\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_SALES_ORDERS_CONFIG\": {\n \"VISIBILITY_TITLE\": \"Order visibility\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Configure orders\",\n \"DEFAULT_CONTENT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Default content\",\n \"CONTENT_LABEL\": \"Default administrative notes content\",\n \"CONTENT_TOOLTIP_LABEL\": \"What's this?\",\n \"CONTENT_TOOLTIP_TEXT\": \"This content will be the initial content of the notes section of an order when it is created, the salesperson can then edit that content.\",\n \"CUSTOM_FIELD_SECTION\": \"Custom fields\",\n \"NEW_FIELD_TITLE\": \"New field\",\n \"ADD_CUSTOM_FIELD\": \"+ Add custom field\",\n \"CUSTOM_TOS\": \"Custom terms of service\",\n \"NO_CUSTOM_FIELD_MESSAGE\": \"No custom fields\"\n },\n \"WORKFLOW_STEP_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Workflow Step Configuration\",\n \"ALLOW_TO_SEND_ORDER_TO_ADMIN\": \"Allow salespeople to send an order directly to admins\",\n \"ALLOW_TO_SEND_ORDER_TO_CUSTOMER_APPROVAL\": \"Allow salespeople to send an order to customers for approval\",\n \"ALLOW_TO_COLLECT_PAYMENT_FROM_CUSTOMER\": \"Orders sent for approval by salespeople can accept payment\",\n \"MAINTAIN_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_AGREEMENT\": \"Remove the Terms and Conditions on an order only when resending to customers for approval\",\n \"ALLOW_ORDER_FORM_EDITING\": \"Allow edits to order forms until activation\",\n \"MIN_STEP_REQUIREMENT_ERROR\": \"At least one step must be selected\",\n \"SALESPERSON_SUBMIT_ACTIONS\": \"Salesperson submit actions\",\n \"CHOOSE_AUTOMATION\": \"Choose automation\",\n \"ADD_AUTOMATION_ACTION\": \"Add automation action\",\n \"AUTOMATION_WARNING\": \"You can only select automations that have a manual order trigger and are setup to allow sales people to run them\",\n \"CUSTOM_SALESPERSON_ACTION_DESCRIPTION\": \"If you have already setup a manual order automation, you can add it as a custom action below. This will allow your salespeople to trigger this automation instead of submitting to admins or customers.\",\n \"BUTTON_LABEL\": \"Button label\"\n },\n \"SALESPEOPLE_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Salespeople preferences\",\n \"VALIDATE_REQUIRED_FIELDS\": \"Require salespeople to enter form fields before sending an order\",\n \"DISABLE_SELLING_PRODUCTS\": \"Disable salespeople from selling standalone products on opportunities and orders\",\n \"DISABLE_TAGGING\": \"Disable salespeople from adding tags to orders\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMER_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customer options\",\n \"ALLOW_TO_SEND_AN_ORDER_FROM_STORE\": \"Allow customers to send an order to admins from a store page\"\n },\n \"TAX_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Tax options configuration\",\n \"LABEL\": \"Label\",\n \"LABEL_REQUIRED_ERROR\": \"Label is required\",\n \"PERCENTAGE\": \"Percentage\",\n \"PERCENTAGE_VALIDATION_ERROR\": \"Add valid percentage between 0.01 and 100.00\",\n \"DELETE_TOOLTIP\": \"Delete tax\",\n \"NO_TAXES_MESSAGE\": \"No taxes configured.\",\n \"ADD_TAX_OPTION\": \"+ Add tax option\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMER_TOS_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customer terms of service Configuration\",\n \"HIDE_TOS\": \"Hide the default terms of service\",\n \"DELETE_TOS\": \"Delete terms of service\",\n \"TOS_FIELD_LABEL\": \"Custom terms of service\",\n \"LINK_TITLE\": \"Link title\",\n \"REQUIRE_CUSTOMER_TO_AGREE\": \"Require the customer to agree in order to continue\",\n \"ADD_TERMS_OF_SERVICE\": \"+ Add terms of service\",\n \"NO_TOS_MESSAGE\": \"No other terms of service configured.\"\n },\n \"EMAIL_OPTIONS_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Emails\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The variable `{{ companyName }}` can be used to dynamically add the name of the user's company to the email\",\n \"SUBJECT\": \"Subject\",\n \"HEADING\": \"Heading\",\n \"BODY\": \"Body\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Button\",\n \"CONTRACT_AWAITING_APPROVAL\": \"Contract awaiting approval\",\n \"CONTRACT_AWAITING_APPROVAL_DESCRIPTION\": \"This email is sent when an order is sent to a customer for their approval\",\n \"ORDER_PROCESSED\": \"Order processed\",\n \"ORDER_PROCESSED_DESCRIPTION\": \"This email is sent to a customer after they submit or approve an order\",\n \"ORDER_DECLINED\": \"Order declined\",\n \"ORDER_DECLINED_DESCRIPTION\": \"This email is sent to a customer after they decline an order\",\n \"PREVIEW_EMAIL\": \"Preview email\"\n },\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\",\n \"RESTORE_TO_DEFAULTS\": \"Restore back to partner defaults\"\n },\n \"SNACK_MESSAGES\": {\n \"SAVED_CONFIG_SUCCESS\": \"Saved order configuration\",\n \"SAVED_CONFIG_ERROR\": \"There was an error saving the order configuration. Please try again.\",\n \"RESTORED_CONFIG_SUCCESS\": \"Restored order configuration to default\",\n \"RESTORED_CONFIG_ERROR\": \"There was an error restoring the order configuration. Please try again.\",\n \"UPLOAD_ATTACHMENT_ERROR\": \"There was an error uploading the attachment\"\n },\n \"RESTORE_WARNING_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Are you sure you want to restore these settings to the default partner settings?\",\n \"TEXT_1\": \"All customized sales orders preferences for this market will be lost.\",\n \"TEXT_2\": \"Do you want to proceed?\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"RESTORE\": \"Restore\"\n }\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_SALES_ORDERS_DECLINE_REASONS\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Decline order reasons\",\n \"PREVIOUS_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Customize\",\n \"ADD_REASON\": \"Add reason\",\n \"ALERT_TITLE\": \"Gain insights\",\n \"ALERT_INFO\": \"set reasons for declining an order to better inform your sales team\",\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Declining orders\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"Set standard reasons for admins to use when they decline an order. Track these reasons over time to better understand why orders are declined.\"\n },\n \"LIST_ERROR\": \"Failed to get decline reasons\",\n \"DIALOG\": {\n \"SAVE_BUTTON\": \"Save\",\n \"CANCEL_BUTTON\": \"Cancel\",\n \"INPUT_REASON_LABEL\": \"Enter decline reason\",\n \"ARCHIVE_BUTTON\": \"Archive\",\n \"EDIT_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Edit reason\",\n \"EDIT_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully updated reason\",\n \"EDIT_ERROR\": \"Failed to update reason\",\n \"ADD_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Add reason\",\n \"ADD_INFO\": \"This reason will show up as an option on the modal that appears when you decline a sales order\",\n \"ADD_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully created reason\",\n \"ADD_ERROR\": \"Failed to create reason\",\n \"ARCHIVE_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Archive reason\",\n \"ARCHIVE_INFO\": \"Are you sure you want to archive the following reason?\",\n \"ARCHIVE_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully archived reason\",\n \"ARCHIVE_ERROR\": \"Failed to archive reason\"\n }\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_PARTNER\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Customize Partner Branding\",\n \"COLOR\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Color\",\n \"COLOR_FIELD_TITLE\": \"Group color\",\n \"THEME_FIELD_TITLE\": \"Theme\",\n \"MISSING_HASH_ERROR\": \"Color must start with #\",\n \"FORM_SUCCESS\": \"Color and theme updated successfully\",\n \"FORM_ERROR_UNKNOWN\": \"Unknown error updating color and theme\",\n \"THEME_LIGHT\": \"Light\",\n \"THEME_DARK\": \"Dark\"\n },\n \"SHARED\": {\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\",\n \"APPLY_CHANGES\": \"Apply changes\",\n \"RESTORE_DEFAULTS\": \"Restore defaults\",\n \"RESTORE_DEFAULT_CONFIRMATION\": \"Are you sure you want to restore defaults?\"\n },\n \"FILE_UPLOADS\": {\n \"LOGO\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Logo\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Upload a Logo\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Upload a GIF, JPG, or PNG file. Your logo will look best with a white or transparent background, and dimensions of 360 px (width) by 58 px (height).\",\n \"CACHE\": \"You may need to clear your cache to see the new changes.\"\n },\n \"FAVICON\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Favicon\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Upload a favicon\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Your favicon will look best if it has a white or transparent background. Browsers tend to cache favicons for a long period of time, so it may take some time for your changes to appear.\",\n \"REQUIREMENTS\": \"A width and height of 16px is recommended. Only ICO files less than 192px by 192px are accepted.\"\n },\n \"SHORTCUT_ICON\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Shortcut Icon\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Upload a mobile shortcut icon\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Mobile shortcut icons are cached for performance, so you may need to shift-refresh or clear your cache to see changes immediately.\",\n \"REQUIREMENTS\": \"A width and height of 144px is recommended. Only GIF, JPG, and PNG files are accepted.\"\n },\n \"SUBMIT_MESSAGES\": {\n \"DELETE_SUCCESS\": \"Image deleted\",\n \"DELETE_FAILURE\": \"Failed to delete image. Try again later.\"\n }\n },\n \"PRODUCT_NAMES\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Product Names\",\n \"WARNING_MESSAGE\": \"The settings for changing the name of Reputation Management, Social Marketing, and Listing Builder have been moved to the Manage Products page for the respective products (Marketplace > Manage Products).\",\n \"WARNING_LINK_MESSAGE\": \"Learn more\",\n \"FORM_SUCCESS\": \"Product names updated\",\n \"FORM_FAILURE\": \"Failed to update product names. Try again later.\"\n },\n \"SALES\": {\n \"SNAPSHOT_REPORT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Snapshot Report\",\n \"EDIT_TEMPLATE\": \"Edit default Snapshot Report template\",\n \"EDIT_MARKETING\": \"Edit default marketing and user experience\",\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"HEADER\": {\n \"SETTING_LINK\": \"Setting link\",\n \"CURRENT_VALUE\": \"Current value\"\n },\n \"OPTION\": {\n \"ACQUISITION_CAMPAIGN\": \"Acquisition campaign\",\n \"USER_ACCESS\": \"User access\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_BANNER\": \"Snapshot banner\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_STICKY_FOOTER\": \"Snapshot sticky footer\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_SLIDE_UP\": \"Snapshot slide-up\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_POP_UP\": \"Snapshot pop-up\",\n \"INTRODUCTION_MESSAGE\": \"Introduction message\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"SALES_ORDERS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sales orders\",\n \"CONFIGURE\": \"Configure orders\",\n \"SALES_ORDER_REJECT_REASON_DETAILS\": \"This will send an email to the salesperson to alert them the order has been declined\",\n \"DECLINE_ORDER_FOR\": \"Decline order for {{ orderTitle }}\"\n }\n },\n \"PRODUCT_SETTINGS\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Product settings\",\n \"PRODUCT_NAME\": \"Product name\",\n \"CUSTOMIZE\": \"Customize\"\n },\n \"EXIT_LINK\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Exit link\",\n \"BACK_TO_BA\": \"Back to Business App\",\n \"LINK_TEXT_LABEL\": \"Link text to display for the back URL\",\n \"BA_OPTION\": \"Link to Business App\",\n \"CUSTOM_OPTION\": \"Link to custom URL\",\n \"PASTE_URL\": \"Paste URL\",\n \"FORM_SUCCESS\": \"Your exit link information was updated\",\n \"FORM_FAILURE\": \"Failed to update exit link information. Try again later.\"\n },\n \"LISTING_SOURCES\": {\n \"LSP_TURNED_ON\": \"Listing Sync Pro sources have been turned on automatically.\",\n \"LSP_TURNED_ON_TOOLTIP\": \"These highlighted sources have been activated as part of listing sync pro. Having accurate sources selected may improve your listing score. To turn off any new sources, uncheck the box beside the listing source and click Save.\",\n \"CACHE_WARNING\": \"Added or removed sources may take up to 48 hours to appear/disappear in the product due to browser caching.\"\n },\n \"OTHER_HEADINGS\": {\n \"BA_SETTINGS\": \"Business App settings\",\n \"GENERAL_SETTINGS\": \"General product settings\",\n \"LISTING_SOURCES\": \"Listing sources\",\n \"SALES\": \"Sales\",\n \"EMAIL_SETTINGS\": \"Email settings\"\n },\n \"EXECUTIVE_REPORT_PAGE_LAYOUT\": \"EXECUTIVE REPORT PAGE LAYOUT\",\n \"EDIT_DEFAULT_EXEC_REPORT_TEMPLATE\": \"Edit default Executive Report template\"\n },\n \"WHITELABEL\": {\n \"LOGO\": {\n \"UPLOAD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Upload your logo\",\n \"INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Your logo will look best with a white or transparent background, and dimensions of 360 px (width) by 58 px (height).\",\n \"UPLOAD\": \"Start Upload\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"FRONTEND\": {\n \"SALES_UI\": {\n \"ACTIVATION_ERRORS\": \"Activation errors\",\n \"APPROVED\": \"Approved\",\n \"DECLINED\": \"Declined\",\n \"ACTIVATED\": \"Activated\",\n \"PRODUCT_ACTIVATION_INITIATED\": \"Product activation initiated\",\n \"SUBMITTED_FOR_ADMIN_APPROVAL\": \"Submitted for admin approval\",\n \"DRAFTED\": \"Drafted\",\n \"ARCHIVED\": \"Archived\",\n \"SUBMITTED_FOR_CUSTOMER_APPROVAL\": \"Submitted for customer approval\",\n \"CANCELLATION_REQUESTED\": \"Cancellation requested\",\n \"CANCELLED\": \"Cancelled\",\n \"SCHEDULED_ACTIVATION\": \"Scheduled activation\",\n \"AWAITING_PAYMENT\": \"Awaiting payment\",\n \"PROCESSING_PAYMENT\": \"Processing payment\"\n },\n \"CORE.SHARED.DISPLAY_PRICE\": {\n \"CONTACT_SALES\": \"Contact sales\",\n \"PRICE_CURRENCY_EXC_VAT\": \"{{price}} {{currencySymbol}} exc. VAT\",\n \"FREE\": \"Free\",\n \"STARTING_AT_PRICE\": \"Starting at {{price}}\",\n \"PRICING_FREQUENCIES\": {\n \"OTHER\": \"Other\",\n \"ONE_TIME\": \"One time\",\n \"DAILY\": \"Daily\",\n \"WEEKLY\": \"Weekly\",\n \"MONTH\": \"Month\",\n \"MONTHLY\": \"Monthly\",\n \"YEAR\": \"Year\",\n \"YEARLY\": \"Yearly\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNTS\": {\n \"CAN_NOT_RESUBMIT\": \"This product isn't available anymore, so you can't resubmit.\",\n \"PRODUCTS_BOX_COMPONENT\": {\n \"PENDING_ACTIVATION_TOOLTIPS\": {\n \"VALIDATION_FAILED\": \"We were unable to process your order. You will not be charged or invoiced for this order.\",\n \"CHARGE_FAILED\": \"We were unable to successfully charge your credit card.\",\n \"ACTIVATION_FAILED\": \"We were unable to activate this product. Any payment made, or invoice created, will be refunded.\"\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_SELECTOR\": {\n \"NOT_FOUND\": \"No accounts found.\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Select a default account\"\n },\n \"VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE_MESSAGES\": {\n \"INVALID_ENTRY_URL\": \"The Custom Entry URL provided in the order form is invalid.\",\n \"ENTRY_URL_NOT_PROVIDED\": \"A Custom Entry URL was not provided in the order form.\",\n \"INVALID_DEPENDENCY\": \"One or more required products aren\u2019t active.\",\n \"ALREADY_ACTIVE\": \"This product is already active.\",\n \"NO_COUNTRY_INFORMATION\": \"A country must be specified in this account\u2019s Location Information before activating this product.\",\n \"UNSUPPORTED_COUNTRY\": \"This product is unavailable in this account\u2019s country.\",\n \"APP_SUSPENDED\": \"Unavailable for new activations\",\n \"INVALID_EDITION\": \"This product has been recently updated, and this edition is now out of date. Packages containing this edition must be updated before this edition can be activated successfully.\"\n }\n },\n \"AUTO_ASSIGN_RULES\": {\n \"MOVED_TO_AUTOMATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Auto-assign rules have moved\",\n \"IMAGE_DESCRIPTION\": \"Image representing an automation\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"You can now create, view, and manage your auto-assign rules in Automations.\",\n \"VIEW_RULES\": \"View your existing rules\",\n \"CREATE_NEW_RULE\": \"Create a new rule\"\n },\n \"CONFIRM_DELETE_BOX\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Delete Auto-Assign Rule?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"The rule in position {{ position }} (from the top) will be deleted permanently.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Delete Rule\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Keep Rule\"\n },\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Failed to update auto-assign rules. Please try again.\",\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"Auto-Assign rules updated.\",\n \"RULES_DETAIL\": {\n \"IF_NEW_ACCOUNT_MATCHES\": \"If a new account matches\",\n \"ALL_CRITERIA\": \"all criteria\",\n \"ANY_CRITERIA\": \"any criteria\",\n \"SELECT_ANY_CRITERIA\": \"Select any criteria that is applicable to your rule. At least one option must be selected.\",\n \"LOCATED_IN\": \"Located in...\",\n \"CATEGORIZED_AS\": \"Categorized as...\",\n \"TAGGED_WITH\": \"Tagged with...\",\n \"ALL\": \"All\",\n \"ANY\": \"Any\",\n \"ALL_OF_THESE_TAGS\": \"of these tags:\",\n \"CREATED_BY_SMB_SELF_SIGNUP\": \"Created by SMB Self Signup\",\n \"CONVERSION_POINT_OF\": \"Conversion point of...\",\n \"ANY_OF_THESE_CONVERSION_POINTS\": \"any of these conversion points:\",\n \"AUTOMATICALLY_ASSIGN_TO\": \"Automatically assign to...\",\n \"ADDED_SALESPEOPLE\": \"Added salespeople will be assigned accounts in random order.\",\n \"ADD_SALESPEOPLE\": \"Add Salespeople\",\n \"NO_SALESPEOPLE_ADDED\": \"No salespeople have been added to the queue.\",\n \"CAMPAIGN\": \"Campaign\",\n \"CAMPAIGNS\": \"Campaigns\",\n \"AUTOMATICALLY_ADD_TO\": \"Automatically add to...\",\n \"CAMPAIGN_INFO\": \"Note: this applies only for accounts that are created via Bulk Account Import or API integration. A user must be specified during the account creation process to receive emails from the selected campaign.\",\n \"NO_CAMPAIGNS\": \"No Campaigns\",\n \"CATEGORIES\": \"Categories\",\n \"TAGS\": \"Tags\",\n \"CONVERSION_POINT\": \"Conversion point\"\n },\n \"RULES_LIST\": {\n \"AUTO_ASSIGN_RULES\": \"Create rules to automatically assign accounts to salespeople within your organization upon account creation. Drag-and-drop to prioritize rules.\",\n \"AN_ERROR_OCCURRED\": \"An error occurred.\",\n \"IF_AN_ACCOUNT_IS\": \"If an account is...\",\n \"LOCATED_IN\": \"Located In\",\n \"CATEGORIZED_AS\": \"Categorized As\",\n \"TAGGED_WITH\": \"Tagged With\",\n \"CONVERSION_POINT\": \"Conversion Point\",\n \"AUTOMATICALLY_ASSIGN_TO\": \"Automatically Assign To\",\n \"ANY_CITY\": \"Any City\",\n \"ANY_STATE\": \"Any State\",\n \"ONE_OF_TOTAL_SALESPEOPLE\": \"1 of {{total}} Salespeople\",\n \"CREATE_RULE\": \"Create Rule\",\n \"ADD_A_RULE\": \"Add a Rule\",\n \"NO_AUTO_ASSIGN_RULES\": \"No auto-assign rules have been added yet.\"\n },\n \"SELECT_SALESPEOPLE_DIALOG\": {\n \"SALESPEOPLE\": \"Salespeople\",\n \"NO_SALESPEOPLE_IN_MARKET\": \"There are no salespeople in this market.\",\n \"SALES_TEAMS\": \"Sales Teams\",\n \"NO_SALES_TEAMS_IN_MARKET\": \"There are no sales teams in this market.\",\n \"NUMBER_SELECTED\": \"{{number}} SELECTED\"\n },\n \"SELF_SIGNUP_PRODUCT_ACTIVATE\": {\n \"PRODUCTS\": \"Products\",\n \"AUTOMATICALLY_ACTIVATE\": \"Automatically activate:\",\n \"PRODUCT_NAME\": \"Product Name\",\n \"WHOLESALE_PRICE\": \"Wholesale Price\",\n \"FREE\": \"Free\"\n }\n },\n \"CHANGE_PLAN_DIALOG\": {\n \"CHANGE_PLAN\": \"Change Plan\",\n \"CURRENT_PLAN_HINT\": \"(current plan)\",\n \"DISCLAIMER\": \"I understand plan changes will result in a new price and feature set.\",\n \"YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION\": \"You do not have permission to change account plans.\",\n \"CONTACT_AN_ADMIN\": \"Please contact an administrator if you would like to change this plan.\"\n },\n \"REQUEST_SPEND_CHANGE_DIALOG\": {\n \"REQUEST_SPEND_CHANGE\": \"Request spend change\",\n \"REQUEST_CHANGE_IN_SPEND\": \"Request a change in spend, beginning next billing period. Your request needs to be approved by the vendor before it comes into effect\",\n \"ENTER_NEW_AMOUNT\": \"Enter new amount\",\n \"MINIMUM_SPEND\": \"The minimum spend is ${{minSpend}}{{frequency}}\",\n \"REQUEST_CHANGE\": \"Request change\"\n },\n \"ADD_USER_DIALOG\": {\n \"ADD_USERS_TO_ACCOUNT\": \"Add users to account\",\n \"ADD_USER_TO_BRAND\": \"Add user to group\",\n \"NONE_FOUND\": \"None found\",\n \"CREATE_NEW_USER\": \"Create New User\",\n \"CREATE_USER\": \"Create user\",\n \"ADD_USERS\": \"Add users\",\n \"ADD_EXISTING_USER\": \"Add existing user\"\n },\n \"ACTION_LISTS\": {\n \"ACTION_LISTS_ACCOUNTS\": {\n \"SHOWING_PAGESIZE_OF_TOTAL\": \"Showing {{pageSize}} of {{total}}\",\n \"ACCOUNT_NAME_AND_ADDRESS\": \"Account Name & Address\",\n \"MODIFIED\": \"Modified\",\n \"REMOVE_FROM_LIST\": \"Remove from list\",\n \"NO_ACCOUNTS_IN_LIST\": \"No accounts in the list\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_REMOVE\": \"Are you sure you want to remove \\\"{{ name }}\\\"?\",\n \"REMOVING_AN_ACCOUNT\": \"Removing an account from a list will not delete the account or user(s) associated with the account. Existing campaign will not be affected.\"\n },\n \"ACTIVATE_ADDON_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Activate Add-Ons for Accounts on \\\"{{name}}\\\"\",\n \"SELECT_A_PRODUCT\": \"Select a Product\",\n \"SELECT_AN_ADDON\": \"Select an Add-On\",\n \"NO_ADDONS_AVAILABLE\": \"There are no add-ons available for this product.\"\n },\n \"ACTIVATE_PRODUCT_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Activate Product for Accounts on \\\"{{name}}\\\"\",\n \"SELECT_A_PRODUCT\": \"Select a Product\",\n \"SELECT_AN_EDITION\": \"Select an Edition\",\n \"ESTIMATED_COST\": \"Estimated cost based on current usage:\",\n \"STANDARD_FEES_APPLY\": \"Standard monthly fees and commitments apply.\"\n },\n \"ADD_TO_LIST_DIALOG\": {\n \"ADD_TO_EXISTING_LIST\": \"Add to Existing List\",\n \"SEARCH_OR_SELECT_LIST\": \"Search or Select List\",\n \"CREATE_NEW_LIST\": \"Create New List\",\n \"ENTER_A_LIST_NAME\": \"Enter a list name\"\n },\n \"CHANGE_MARKET_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Change Market for \\\"{{name}}\\\"\",\n \"SELECT_A_MARKET\": \"Select a Market\",\n \"I_UNDERSTAND_THIS_CANNOT_BE_UNDONE\": \"I understand this cannot be undone\",\n \"CHANGE_MARKET\": \"Change Market\"\n },\n \"CREATE_ACTION_LIST_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create New List\",\n \"LIST_NAME\": \"List Name\"\n },\n \"CREATE_BRAND_REPORT_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create Group from \\\"{{name}}\\\"\",\n \"GROUP_REPORT_NAME\": \"Group Report Name\",\n \"ORGANIZE_BY\": \"Organize By\",\n \"GEOGRAPHIC_REGION\": \"Geographic Region\",\n \"ACCOUNT_TAGS\": \"Account tag(s)\",\n \"ALL_ACCOUNTS_WILL_BE_ADDED\": \"All accounts in the list will be added to the multi-location group, though features and data will depend upon the products activated for each account.\",\n \"CREATE_REPORT\": \"Create Report\"\n },\n \"CREATE_REFRESH_SNAPSHOT_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create or Refresh Snapshots for \\\"{{name}}\\\"\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_COUNTS\": \"Of the {{numAccounts}} accounts on this list, {{numToCreate}} will have Snapshots created, {{numToRefresh}} will have Snapshots refreshed, and {{numStillCurrent}} with currently active Snapshots will be unaffected.\",\n \"STANDARD_FEES_APPLY\": \"Standard snapshot fees apply.\",\n \"ALL_ACCOUNTS_ON_LIST\": \"All of the accounts on this list already have active snapshots.\",\n \"REFRESH_SNAPSHOTS\": \"Refresh Snapshots\"\n },\n \"DELETE_ACTION_LIST_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Delete List?\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE\": \"Are you sure you want to delete {{name}}?\",\n \"DELETING_A_LIST_IS_PERMANENT\": \"Deleting a list is a permanent action that cannot be reversed.\",\n \"NO_ACCOUNTS_ARE_DELETED\": \"No accounts are deleted as part of this process, only the list which groups them together.\"\n },\n \"EXPORT_ACCOUNT_DATA_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Export Account Data for \\\"{{name}}\\\"?\",\n \"EXPORT_TAKES_SEVERAL_MINUTES\": \"This export may take several minutes to complete. Click Export to go to the list history section and download a CSV spreadsheet of account data (company name, address, work number, website, tags, sales person email, and active products).\",\n \"EXPORT\": \"Export\"\n },\n \"PAUSE_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Pause Campaign for \\\"{{name}}\\\"\",\n \"SELECT_A_CAMPAIGN\": \"Select a Campaign\",\n \"PAUSE_SELECTED_CAMPAIGN\": \"This action will pause the selected campaign for all accounts in this list.\",\n \"NO_CAMPAIGNS_TO_PAUSE\": \"No campaigns available to pause.\",\n \"PAUSE_CAMPAIGN\": \"Pause Campaign\"\n }\n },\n \"EASY_ACCOUNT_CREATE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Create Business Account\",\n \"CREATE_A_BUSINESS\": \"Create a business account\",\n \"EDIT_SETTINGS\": \"Edit default product settings\",\n \"AUTO_ACTIVATED_PRODUCTS_DESC\": \"Automatically activate these products\",\n \"BUSINESS_SEARCH\": \"Business Search\",\n \"PLEASE_SELECT_A_MARKET\": \"Please select a market\",\n \"FIND_ACCOUNTS\": \"Find accounts\",\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNTS\": \"Create accounts\",\n \"REVIEW_ACCOUNTS\": \"Review accounts\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong. Contact support@vendasta.com if the problem persists.\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"SHOW_MAP\": \"Show map\",\n \"CREATE_TYPE\": \"account\",\n \"CREATE_TYPE_PLURAL\": \"accounts\"\n },\n \"SALES_ORDER_CONFIG_SETUP\": {\n \"SALES_ORDERS_SETTINGS\": \"Sales order settings\",\n \"HIDE_SALES_ORDERS\": \"Hide sales orders in Sales & Success Center\",\n \"ALERTS\": {\n \"SUCCESSFUL\": \"Settings saved\",\n \"UNSUCCESSFUL\": \"We couldn't save your settings. Refresh the page and try again.\"\n }\n },\n \"MANAGE_SALESPEOPLE\": {\n \"INVITE_TEAM_MEMBER\": \"Invite team member\",\n \"CREATE_SALESPERSON\": \"Create Salesperson\",\n \"EDIT_SALESPERSON\": \"Edit Salesperson\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Manage Salespeople\",\n \"LOGIN_URL\": \"Salesperson Login URL\",\n \"OPEN_SSC\": \"Open Sales Center\",\n \"PAGE\": \"Salespeople\",\n \"TEAMS\": \"Teams\",\n \"SALESPERSON_CARD\": {\n \"LAST_LOGIN_DATE\": \"Last Login: {{date}}\",\n \"HAS_NEVER_LOGGED_IN\": \"Has never logged in\",\n \"RESEND_WELCOME_EMAIL\": \"Resend welcome email\",\n \"AVERAGE_RESPONSE_TIME\": \"Avg Response Time\",\n \"MISSED_HOT_LEADS\": \"Missed Hot Leads\",\n \"TOTAL_REVENUE\": \"Total Revenue\",\n \"CURRENT_HOT_ACCOUNTS\": \"Current Hot Accounts\",\n \"CURRENT_ASSIGNED_ACCOUNTS\": \"Current Assigned Accounts\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS\": \"All markets\"\n },\n \"PERFORMANCE_CARD\": {\n \"SALESPERSON_PERFORMANCE\": \"Salesperson Performance\",\n \"FASTEST_AVERAGE_RESPONSE_TIME\": \"Fastest Average Response Time\",\n \"MOST_MISSED_HOT_LEADS\": \"Most Missed Hot Leads\",\n \"REVENUE_LEADER\": \"Revenue Leader\",\n \"FASTEST_AVERAGE_RESPONSE_TIME_FOOTER\": \"The salesperson with the fastest average response time\",\n \"MOST_MISSED_HOT_LEADS_FOOTER\": \"The salesperson with the most missed hot leads\",\n \"MOST_SALES_REVENUE_FOOTER\": \"The salesperson with the most sales revenue\"\n },\n \"DELETE_SALESPERSON\": {\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE\": \"Are you sure you want to delete {{salespersonName}}?\",\n \"DELETING_WILL_HAVE_THIS_EFFECT\": \"Deleting a Salesperson will permanently remove them from Partner Center and revoke their access to all associated products and services. This action cannot be undone, although the salesperson can be recreated at any time.\"\n }\n },\n \"SALES_LEADERBOARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sales leaderboard\",\n \"CHOOSE_A_DATE\": \"Choose a date\",\n \"TIME_RANGE\": \"Time range\",\n \"DATE_RANGES\": {\n \"THIS_MONTH\": \"This month\",\n \"LAST_MONTH\": \"Last month\",\n \"THIS_YEAR\": \"This year\",\n \"LAST_YEAR\": \"Last year\",\n \"CUSTOM\": \"Custom\"\n },\n \"CUSTOM_RANGE\": {\n \"START\": \"Start date\",\n \"END\": \"End date\"\n }\n },\n \"SALES_OVERVIEW\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Overview\",\n \"ALL\": \"All\",\n \"SALES_STATUS\": \"Sales Status\",\n \"CLOSED_LOST_REASON\": {\n \"NOT_READY\": \"Not ready\",\n \"PRICE\": \"Price\",\n \"NO_BUDGET\": \"No budget\",\n \"OTHER\": \"Other\",\n \"LOST_TO_COMPETITOR\": \"Lost to competitor\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Closed lost reasons\"\n },\n \"IN_PROGRESS\": {\n \"EMAIL_SENT\": \"Email sent\",\n \"EMAIL_RECEIVED\": \"Email received\",\n \"INBOUND_CALL\": \"Inbound call\",\n \"OUTBOUND_CALL\": \"Outbound call\",\n \"TITLE\": \"In progress & follow up needed\"\n },\n \"STATUS_OVERVIEW\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Status overview\",\n \"ACCOUNT_CREATED\": \"Account created\",\n \"READY_TO_SELL\": \"Ready to sell\",\n \"IN_PROGRESS\": \"In progress\",\n \"FOLLOW_UP_NEEDED\": \"Follow up needed\",\n \"CLOSED_WON\": \"Closed (won)\",\n \"CLOSED_LOST\": \"Closed (lost)\"\n }\n },\n \"SALES_ORDERS\": {\n \"NAVIGATION\": {\n \"ORDERS_OPTION_TITLE\": \"Orders\"\n },\n \"ORDERS\": \"Orders\",\n \"VIEW_ITEMS\": \"View items\",\n \"CREATE_SALES_ORDER\": \"Create sales order\",\n \"CONTRACT_START\": \"Contract start\",\n \"SALES_ORDER\": \"Sales order\",\n \"ORDER_PRODUCTS\": \"Order products\",\n \"ACTIVATE_PRODUCTS\": \"Activate products\",\n \"ORDER_SUBMITTED_PAGE\": \"Order submitted\",\n \"MANUAL_ACTIVATION_TAG\": \"product manual activation\",\n \"TABS\": {\n \"ALL\": \"All\",\n \"UNFULFILLED\": \"Unfulfilled\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"FORM_IS_NOT_VALID\": \"Form is not valid.\",\n \"PRE_REQ_FORM_IS_NOT_VALID\": \"Some required fields haven\u2019t been filled out or are incorrect.\",\n \"ERROR_APPROVING_CANCELLATION\": \"There was an error approving the cancellation, please try again.\",\n \"ERROR_DECLINING_CANCELLATION\": \"There was an error declining the cancellation, please try again.\",\n \"ERROR_CREATE_ACTIVATION_ORDER\": \"Failed to create activation order.\",\n \"ORDER_NOT_SENT\": \"Failed sending sales order, please try again\",\n \"ERROR_REQUESTED_ACTIVATION_UPDATE\": \"Failed to update contract start date, please try again.\",\n \"GENERIC_ERROR\": \"An error occurred. Please try again.\",\n \"INVALID_PRODUCTS_ERROR\": \"There are products included in this order that are not able to be activated. Please check your package contents.\",\n \"EMAIL_SENT\": \"Successfully sent email\",\n \"BAD_DATE_FORMAT\": \"Invalid date format\",\n \"DATE_BEFORE_TODAY\": \"Date cannot be before today\",\n \"PREREQ_FORM_IS_NOT_VALID\": \"Required fields in the Account Information section haven\u2019t been filled out or are incorrect.\",\n \"ATTACHMENT_ERROR\": \"Something went wrong uploading the attachment\",\n \"CANNOT_GET_BUSINESS\": \"Failed to get the business. Please try again later!\",\n \"ORDER_NOT_CREATED\": \"Creating Sales Order Failed! Try again.\",\n \"ORDER_NOT_SUBMITTED\": \"There was an error submitting the sales order, please try again\",\n \"REQUIRED_FIELD\": \"This field is required\",\n \"GENERIC_ERROR_REFRESH\": \"An error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again.\"\n },\n \"SUCCESS\": {\n \"CREATE_ACTIVATION_ORDER\": \"Successfully created order\",\n \"SENT_FOR_APPROVAL\": \"Order was successfully sent for approval\",\n \"ORDER_SENT\": \"The order was sent\",\n \"ACTIVATION_IN_PROCESS\": \"The order activation is in progress\",\n \"ORDER_SCHEDULED_WITH_SUCCESS\": \"The order is scheduled for activation\",\n \"EMAIL_SENT\": \"Successfully sent email\",\n \"ORDER_SUBMITTED\": \"Order was successfully submitted\",\n \"ORDER_DRAFTED\": \"Draft of order was successfully saved\",\n \"ORDER_UPDATED\": \"Order was successfully updated.\"\n },\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"APPROVE\": \"Approve\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Decline\",\n \"ACTIVATE_ORDER\": \"Activate now\",\n \"SCHEDULE_ACTIVATION\": \"Activate on contract start\",\n \"CANCEL_ORDER\": \"Cancel order\",\n \"CONTINUE_WITH_CANCELLATION\": \"Continue with cancellation\",\n \"DONT_CANCEL\": \"Don't cancel this order\",\n \"DECLINE_CANCELLATION\": \"Decline cancellation\",\n \"DONT_DECLINE_CANCELLATION\": \"Don't decline cancellation\",\n \"ARCHIVE\": \"Archive order\",\n \"PROCEED_WITH_NEW_DATE\": \"Use today's date\",\n \"PROCEED_WITH_PREVIOUS_DATE\": \"Keep original date\",\n \"RESEND\": \"Resend to customer\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"SEND\": \"Send to customer\"\n },\n \"REVIEW_CONTRACT_START_DATE\": \"Review contract start date\",\n \"REVIEW_START_DATE_INSTRUCTIONS\": \"This order's contract start date is scheduled for {{date}}. We recommend setting the contract start date as {{today}}, as your customer's products will be delivered today.\",\n \"REVIEW_START_DATE_INSTRUCTIONS_2\": \"Choose your preferred date to confirm this order and activate the products.\",\n \"CANCELLATION_WARNING\": \"Cancellation warning\",\n \"CANCELLATION_DISCLAIMER\": \"You will need to go to the account details page for this business and manually cancel the products and/or services in this order\",\n \"DECLINE_CANCELLATION\": \"Decline cancellation\",\n \"DECLINE_CANCELLATION_INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Enter a reason for declining the cancellation request\",\n \"NOTES\": \"Notes\",\n \"RESEND_TO_CUSTOMER\": \"Resend to a customer\",\n \"RESEND_WARNING\": \"This order was sent to a customer before. Resending the order to a customer will reset the order back to Awaiting customer approval status.\",\n \"SELECT_USER\": \"Select user\",\n \"UNSAVED_CHANGES_TITLE\": \"Proceed without changes?\",\n \"UNSAVED_CHANGES_PROMPT\": \"There are unsaved changes to the business profile. Do you want to proceed?\",\n \"PROCEED_WITHOUT_CHANGES\": \"Discard changes and proceed\",\n \"REVIEW_CHANGES\": \"Review changes\",\n \"APPROVE_ORDER_FOR_NAME\": \"Approve Order for {{orderName}}\",\n \"ONCE_ORDER_IS_APPROVED\": \"Once you've approved this order, the salesperson will be notified about its approval. To activate the products included within the order, continue to the next step.\",\n \"ONCE_ORDER_IS_APPROVED_AUTOMATIONS\": \"Once you've approved this order, the automation that manages your order process will continue to the next step.\",\n \"DECLINE_ORDER_FOR_NAME\": \"Decline Order for {{orderName}}\",\n \"ONCE_ORDER_IS_DECLINED_AUTOMATIONS\": \"Once you've declined this order, the automation that manages your order process will continue to the next step.\",\n \"APPROVE_AND_CONTINUE\": \"Approve & Continue\",\n \"DECLINE_AND_CONTINUE\": \"Decline & Continue\",\n \"ORDER_APPROVED\": \"Order was successfully approved\",\n \"ERROR_OCCURRED_WHILE_UPDATING_FORM\": \"Error occurred while updating form answers.\",\n \"ARCHIVE_ORDER_FOR_NAME\": \"Archive order for {{orderName}}\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_ARCHIVE\": \"Are you sure you wish to archive this order?\",\n \"ARCHIVE\": \"Archive\",\n \"CANNOT_FULFILL_ORDER_FOR_NAME\": \"Cannot Fulfill Order for {{orderName}}\",\n \"ORDER_CANNOT_BE_ACTIVATED_BECAUSE\": \"The order cannot be activated because:\",\n \"CHILD_REQUIRES_PARENT\": \"{{ parentName }} is required to activate {{ childName }}. Add {{ parentName }} to this order or activate it separately to continue.\",\n \"CHILD_REQUIRES_MULTIPLE_DEPENDENCIES\": \"{{ childName }} requires products that aren\u2019t yet active on this account. Add the required products to this order or activate them separately to continue.\",\n \"DECLINED_ON_DATE\": \"Declined on: {{date}}\",\n \"ACTIVATED_ON_DATE\": \"Activated on: {{date}}\",\n \"CONTRACT_START_ON_DATE\": \"Contract start: {{date}}\",\n \"IGNORE_ALL_ERRORS\": \"Ignore all errors\",\n \"CREATE_INVOICE\": \"Create invoice\",\n \"PLEASE_FILL_OUT_ALL_FIELDS\": \"Please fill out all required fields above\",\n \"EMAIL_ALL_USERS\": \"Email all users on this account when products are activated.\",\n \"I_UNDERSTAND_I_WILL_BE_BILLED\": \"I understand that I will be billed for activated products. Once activated, these products will be available in {{businessAppName}} for this account.\",\n \"BEFORE_ACTIVATING_ADD_PAYMENT\": \"Before you activate these products, you need to add your payment information.\",\n \"RETAIL_SUMMARY\": \"Retail Summary\",\n \"LEASE_TO_AUTOMATIONS\": \"Lease to automations\",\n \"INACTIVE_REQUIRED_PRODUCT_WARNING\": \"{{ requiredProductName }} is required to activate {{ dependentProductName }}. Add {{ requiredProductName }} to this order or activate it separately to continue.\",\n \"MULTIPLE_INACTIVE_REQUIRED_PRODUCTS_WARNING\": \"{{ dependentProductName }} requires products that aren\u2019t yet active on this account. Add the required products to this order or activate them separately to continue.\",\n \"START_AUTOMATION\": \"Start manual automation\",\n \"UPDATE_SALESPERSON\": \"Update salesperson\",\n \"IGNORE_ERRORS_TOOLTIP\": \"You can only ignore errors when the order has the 'Activation Errors' status\",\n \"RESEND_TO_CUSTOMER_TOOLTIP\": \"You can only resend to a customer if the order is in the 'Submitted For Customer Approval' or 'Approved' statuses\",\n \"ERROR_UPDATING_SALESPERSON\": \"There was an error updating the salesperson associated with this order\",\n \"ORDER_SUBMITTED\": \"Order submitted\",\n \"ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION\": \"Enter additional information\",\n \"BUSINESS\": \"Business\",\n \"CANNOT_PROCESS_ORDER\": \"We cannot process your order at this time. Please contact your administrator.\",\n \"CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_INFO\": \"Confirm account information\",\n \"CONTRACT_START_DATE\": \"Contract start date\",\n \"CONTRACT_START_HINT\": \"Scheduled contracts will be automatically activated at 7AM local time\",\n \"CREATE_ORDER_CALL_TO_ACTION\": \"Create an order for this account by selecting packages, choosing an activation date, and adding any relevant notes.\",\n \"CREATE_ORDER_SHORT\": \"Create sales order\",\n \"INFORMATION_FOR_PRODUCTS\": \"The following information will be provided to the products that require it.\",\n \"WILL_NOT_UPDATE\": \"Editing this will not update the account\",\n \"MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES\": \"Max {{numberOfFiles}} files. Zip common files together if more are needed.\",\n \"ACTIVATED_UPON_APPROVAL\": \"The products within each package will be activated upon approval.\",\n \"USES_COMMON_FIELDS_FROM\": \"Uses common fields from \",\n \"ORDER_DETAILS\": \"Order details\",\n \"NO_PACKAGES\": \"This is where you order packages of products and services for your clients. Come back to begin ordering packages as they become available.\",\n \"NOTES_FOR_ADMINISTRATOR\": \"Notes for administrator\",\n \"NOTES_HINT\": \"These notes will be hidden from the customer, and only visible to admins and salespeople.\",\n \"NOTES_FOR_CUSTOMER\": \"Notes for customer\",\n \"CUSTOMER_NOTES_HINT\": \"These notes will be visible to the customer.\",\n \"SUBMIT_ORDER\": \"Submit order\",\n \"SUBMIT_FOR_ADMIN_APPROVAL\": \"Submit for admin approval\",\n \"SUBMIT_FOR_CUSTOMER_APPROVAL\": \"Submit for customer approval\",\n \"CANNOT_SUBMIT_NO_USERS\": \"No users on account\",\n \"ADD_USER_AND_SUBMIT_FOR_CUSTOMER_APPROVAL\": \"Add user and send\",\n \"ADD_USER\": \"Add user\",\n \"ADD_EXPIRY\": \"Offer expiry date (Optional)\",\n \"ADD_EXPIRY_TIME\": \"Offer expiry time (Optional)\",\n \"ADD_EXPIRY_ERROR\": \"Offer expiry must be future date and time\",\n \"ADD_EXPIRY_TOOLTIP\": \"Your customer will not be able to approve this order after the expiry date\",\n \"ADD_EXPIRY_HINT\": \"Note that the customer will not be able to approve this order after the expiry date. The order will automatically become archived.\",\n \"SELECT_PACKAGES\": \"Select packages *\",\n \"SELECT_OPPORTUNITY\": \"Select opportunity\",\n \"DRAFT_ORDER\": \"Save as draft\",\n \"SAVE_AND_CONTINUE\": \"Save and continue\",\n \"ADD_ITEM\": \"Add Item\",\n \"COMMON_FIELDS\": {\n \"BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_GROUP_ID\": \"Business account group ID\",\n \"BUSINESS_NAME\": \"Business name\",\n \"BUSINESS_ADDRESS\": \"Business address\",\n \"BUSINESS_PHONE_NUMBER\": \"Business phone number\",\n \"BUSINESS_WEBSITE\": \"Business website\",\n \"CONTACT_EMAIL\": \"Contact email\",\n \"CONTACT_NAME\": \"Contact name\",\n \"CONTACT_PHONE_NUMBER\": \"Contact phone number\",\n \"SALESPERSON_NAME\": \"Salesperson name\",\n \"SALESPERSON_EMAIL\": \"Salesperson email\",\n \"SALESPERSON_PHONE_NUMBER\": \"Salesperson phone number\"\n },\n \"SELECT_SALESPERSON\": \"Select salesperson\",\n \"SALESPERSON\": \"Salesperson\",\n \"ACTIVATION_WARNING\": {\n \"WARNING_AFTER_LISTING_PACKAGES\": \" for this account.\",\n \"WARNING_BEFORE_LISTING_PACKAGES\": \"We noticed that you have already activated \"\n },\n \"BREADCRUMBS\": {\n \"BUSINESS\": \"Business\",\n \"CREATE_ORDER\": \"Create order\",\n \"MANAGE_ACCOUNTS\": \"Manage accounts\"\n },\n \"RESPONSES\": {\n \"NO_DONT_SEND\": \"Don't send\",\n \"YES_SEND_FOR_APPROVAL\": \"Send for approval\"\n },\n \"ORDER_SUMMARY\": \"Order Summary\",\n \"ORDER_CONTENTS\": \"Order Contents\",\n \"CANT_EDIT\": \"You can only edit draft sales orders\",\n \"QUANTITY_DISABLED\": \"You can only activate one of these at a time.\",\n \"CANCEL_ORDER\": \"Cancel order\",\n \"CANCEL_ORDER_DIALOG\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"This will submit a cancellation request to your admin. Add any notes that might be relevant for this cancellation. These notes will be appended to the end of this Order's notes.\",\n \"DONT_CANCEL\": \"Don't cancel\",\n \"REQUEST_CANCELLATION\": \"Request cancellation\",\n \"CANCELLATION_REQUESTED\": \"The cancellation has been requested\",\n \"ERROR_REQUESTING\": \"There was an error requesting the cancellation, please try again.\",\n \"NOTES\": \"Notes\"\n },\n \"CONVERT_TO_DRAFT\": \"Convert to draft\",\n \"CONVERTED_TO_DRAFT\": \"Converted to draft\",\n \"ERROR_CONVERTING_TO_DRAFT\": \"There was an error converting this order to draft\",\n \"ERROR_CHANGING_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"There was an error changing your subscription to this order\",\n \"SUBSCRIBED\": \"Subscribed\",\n \"UNSUBSCRIBED\": \"Unsubscribed\",\n \"ERROR_AT_LEAST_ONE_LINE_ITEM\": \"You must add at least one item to the order contents\",\n \"SUBSCRIBE\": \"Subscribe to updates\",\n \"UNSUBSCRIBE\": \"Unsubscribe from updates\",\n \"LEASED_TO_AUTOMATIONS\": \"Sent to automations\",\n \"WARNINGS\": {\n \"MISSING_PRODUCT_REQUIREMENTS\": \"{{productName}} requires products that aren't yet active on this account. Add the required products to your order or contact your administrator to order {{productName}}.\",\n \"MISSING_PRODUCT_PARENT\": \"{{parentProductName}} is required to activate {{productName}}. Add {{parentProductName}} to your order or contact your administrator to order {{productName}}.\"\n },\n \"SUBMIT_ORDER_FOR_APPROVAL\": {\n \"SELECT\": \"Select contact\",\n \"ASSOCIATE\": \"Associate contact\",\n \"SELECT_FOR_ASSOCIATION\": \"Select contact to associate\",\n \"ASSOCIATE_RECIPIENT_WITH_OWNERSHIP_ENTITY\": \"Associate contact with company\",\n \"ORDER_SUBMISSION_FAILED\": \"Order submission failed. Please try again.\",\n \"ASSOCIATION_FAILED\": \"Contact association failed. Please try again.\",\n \"NO_ASSOCIATIONS\": \"No associated contacts on company\"\n }\n },\n \"SALES_TEAMS\": {\n \"SALES_TEAMS\": \"Sales Teams\",\n \"TEAM_NAME\": \"Team Name\",\n \"ADD_TEAM_MEMBERS\": \"Add Team Members\",\n \"ADD_MEMBERS_TO_TEAM_NAME\": \"Add Team Members to {{teamName}}\",\n \"COULD_NOT_DISPLAY_TEAM_MEMBERS\": \"We could not display team members.\",\n \"NUM_SELECTED\": \"{{num}} SELECTED\",\n \"CREATE_TEAM\": \"Create Team\",\n \"MUST_SUPPLY_A_VALID_NAME\": \"You must supply a valid name (must be under 100 characters)\",\n \"MUST_SELECT_A_MARKET\": \"You must select a market\",\n \"DELETE_TEAM\": \"Delete Team\",\n \"DELETE_SALES_TEAM\": \"Delete Sales Team?\",\n \"SALES_TEAM_WILL_BE_DELETED\": \"The sales team {{teamName}} will be permanently deleted. Salespeople will not be impacted.\",\n \"WHERE_YOU_MANAGE_TEAM_MEMBERS\": \"This is where you manage the members of your sales team.\",\n \"UNABLE_TO_VIEW_TEAM\": \"Unable to view team. Please try again later.\",\n \"REMOVE_TEAM_MEMBER\": \"Remove Team Member\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_REMOVE\": \"Are you sure you want to remove {{salespersonName}} from this team?\",\n \"NO_SALESPEOPLE_IN_MARKET\": \"There are no salespeople in this market.\",\n \"WHERE_YOU_CREATE_AND_MANAGE_GROUPS\": \"This is where you create and manage groups of salespeople.\"\n },\n \"SALES_PROSPECTS\": {\n \"PROSPECTS\": \"Prospects\",\n \"CREATE_PROSPECT\": \"Create Prospect\",\n \"CREATE_AUTO_ASSIGN_RULES\": \"Create Auto-Assign Rules\",\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"LOAD_MORE\": \"Load More\",\n \"HOTNESS\": \"Hotness\",\n \"ACCOUNT_NAME_AND_ADDRESS\": \"Account Name & Address\",\n \"LAST_ACTIVITY\": \"Last Activity\",\n \"ACTIVITY_DATE\": \"Activity Date\",\n \"NO_RESULTS\": \"No Results\",\n \"PROSPECTS_EMPTY_STATE\": \"Prospects Empty State\",\n \"UNASSIGN_SALESPERSON\": \"Unassign Salesperson\",\n \"NO_SALESPERSON_IN_MARKET\": \"No salespeople in market\",\n \"SALESPERSON_CHANGED_SUCCESSFULLY\": \"Salesperson Changed Successfully\",\n \"PROBLEM_REASSIGNING_SALESPERSON\": \"There was a problem reassigning the salesperson\",\n \"NO_SALESPERSON_FOUND\": \"No salesperson found\",\n \"VIEW_SNAPSHOT\": \"View Snapshot\",\n \"CREATE_SNAPSHOT\": \"Create Snapshot\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Keep track of your prospect accounts\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Add your prospect accounts to the platform to showcase your store, provide solutions, and communicate success every step of the way. We don't charge per account created, so you can add as many as you like!\",\n \"CTA\": \"Create free prospect\",\n \"FOOTER\": \"Don't worry, your accounts won't be notified until you add a user\"\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_HISTORY\": {\n \"FILTER\": {\n \"MEETING\": \"Meeting\"\n }\n },\n \"CAMPAIGN_ACTIVITY\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Campaign Activity\",\n \"SHOWING_NUM_OF_TOTAL\": \"Showing {{num}} of {{total}}\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"CAMPAIGN_ACTIVITY_TABLE\": {\n \"CREATED_BY\": \"Created By\",\n \"UPDATED_BY\": \"Updated By\",\n \"NO_CAMPAIGNS\": \"There are no campaigns.\",\n \"EVENT\": \"Event\",\n \"ACCOUNT_DELETED\": \"Account Deleted\",\n \"NOT_AVAILABLE\": \"Not Available\",\n \"HEADERS\": {\n \"RECIPIENT\": \"Recipient\",\n \"ACCOUNT\": \"Account\",\n \"ACTIVITY\": \"Activity\",\n \"TIME\": \"Time\"\n },\n \"NO_ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION\": \"This is where you view campaign activity including individual opens, clicks, unsubscribes and spam complaints.\",\n \"NO_ACTIVITY_INSTRUCTIONS\": \"History will appear after you send the campaign.\",\n \"NO_MARKET_SELECTED\": \"Please select a market.\",\n \"NO_EVENTS_FOR_MARKET\": \"Selected market(s) has no results.\",\n \"DOWNLOAD\": \"Download\",\n \"DOWNLOAD_ERROR\": \"There was a problem downloading data. Please try again.\",\n \"DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS\": \"Generating CSV file. You will be notified when it is ready. \\uD83D\\uDD14\",\n \"DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Download campaign activity\",\n \"DOWNLOAD_DESCRIPTION\": \"This action will download the data that\u2019s been filtered on your screen.\",\n \"DOWNLOAD_INSTRUCTIONS\": \"You\u2019ll receive a notification when the file is ready to download. You can access the file by clicking that notification.\",\n \"DOWNLOAD_LIMIT_MSG\": \"You cannot export more than 10,000 records at a time. Please apply additional filters and try again.\",\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"DOWNLOAD\": \"Download\"\n },\n \"UNIQUE_ENGAGEMENT_ONLY\": \"Include unique engagement only.\"\n },\n \"FILTERS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Filters\",\n \"MARKETS\": \"Market\",\n \"MARKET_PLACEHOLDER\": \"All Markets\",\n \"EVENT_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Select Event\",\n \"EMAIL_ACTIVITY\": \"Email Activity\",\n \"PROCESSED\": \"Processed\",\n \"DELIVERED\": \"Delivered\",\n \"OPENED\": \"Opened\",\n \"CLICKED_THROUGH\": \"Clicked Through\",\n \"BOUNCED\": \"Bounced\",\n \"SPAM_REPORT\": \"Spam Report\",\n \"UNSUBSCRIBE\": \"Unsubscribe\",\n \"DROPPED\": \"Dropped\"\n }\n },\n \"GUIDES_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Displaying Guides in {{businessAppName}}\",\n \"ADD_A_GUIDES_TAB\": \"Add a Guides tab to {{businessAppName}} to make a wide range of informative content available to your customers. The content is already available to you privately here.\",\n \"MAYBE_LATER\": \"Maybe Later\",\n \"PROCEED\": \"Proceed To Product Settings\"\n },\n \"GUIDES_DETAIL\": {\n \"POSTED_ON_DATE\": \"Posted on {{date}}\"\n }\n },\n \"SALES_ACTIVITY\": {\n \"CONNECTED\": \"Connected\",\n \"FOLLOW_UP_NEEDED\": \"Follow-up needed\",\n \"REACTION_TEXT\": {\n \"BE_THE_FIRST\": \"Be the first!\",\n \"A_SALESPERSON_AND_ONE_OTHER\": \"{{person}} and {{otherPerson}}\",\n \"A_SALESPERSON_AND_MORE_THAN_ONE_OTHER\": \"{{person}}, {{otherPerson}}, and {{numberOfOtherPeople}} other(s)\"\n },\n \"SALES_ACTIVITY_ACTIONS\": {\n \"ARCHIVED_BUSINESS\": \"archived \",\n \"HANDLED_INBOUND_CALL\": \"handled an inbound call from \",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_CLOSED_LOST\": \"closed (lost) an opportunity for \",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_CLOSED_WON\": \"closed (won) an opportunity for \",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_UPDATED\": \"updated an opportunity for \",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_CREATED\": \"created an opportunity for \",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_REOPENED\": \"reopened an opportunity for \",\n \"OUTBOUND_CALL\": \"made an outbound call to \",\n \"MEETING\": \"met with \",\n \"PRESENTATION_BOOKED\": \"booked a presentation for \",\n \"PRESENTATION_DONE\": \"completed a presentation for \",\n \"RECEIVED_EMAIL\": \"received an email from \",\n \"REPLIED_BY_EMAIL\": \"replied by email to \",\n \"SENT_EMAIL_TO\": \"sent an email to \",\n \"UNARCHIVED_BUSINESS\": \"unarchived \",\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"performed an unknown action for \"\n },\n \"SALES_ACTIVITY_ACTION_VERBS\": {\n \"ARCHIVED_BUSINESS\": \"Archived\",\n \"EMAIL_RECEIVED\": \"Email received\",\n \"EMAIL_SENT\": \"Email sent\",\n \"INBOUND_CALL\": \"Inbound call\",\n \"MEETING\": \"Meeting\",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_CLOSED_LOST\": \"Closed lost\",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_CLOSED_WON\": \"Closed won\",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_UPDATED\": \"Updated\",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_CREATED\": \"Created\",\n \"OPPORTUNITY_REOPENED\": \"Reopened\",\n \"OUTBOUND_CALL\": \"Outbound call\",\n \"PRESENTATION_BOOKED\": \"Presentation booked\",\n \"PRESENTATION_DONE\": \"Presentation done\",\n \"REPLIED_BY_EMAIL\": \"Replied by email\",\n \"UNARCHIVED_BUSINESS\": \"Unarchived\",\n \"ACCOUNT_CREATED\": \"Account created\",\n \"INBOUND_MESSAGE\": \"Inbound message\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_CREATED\": \"Snapshot created\"\n },\n \"STATUS\": {\n \"FOLLOW_UP_NEEDED\": \"Follow-up needed\",\n \"IN_PROGRESS\": \"In progress\",\n \"READY_TO_SELL\": \"Ready to sell\"\n },\n \"SALES_ACTIVITY_NOT_LOADED\": \"Failed to load sales activity\"\n },\n \"TEAM_ACTIVITY\": {\n \"ADD_A_COMMENT\": \"Add a comment...\",\n \"ACCOUNT_STATUS\": \"Account status\",\n \"ACTION_TAKEN\": \"Action taken\",\n \"CLOSED_LOST_REASON\": \"Reason: {{reason}}\",\n \"PACKAGES\": \"Package(s): {{names}}\",\n \"FILTERS\": {\n \"ALL_SALES_TEAMS\": \"All sales teams\",\n \"ALL_SALESPEOPLE\": \"All salespeople\"\n },\n \"LOOP_ACTIONS\": {\n \"CHANGED_STATUS_PRE_COMPANY\": \"changed \",\n \"CHANGED_STATUS_POST_COMPANY\": \" from {{previousStatus}} to\",\n \"MARKED_COMPANY_AS_PRE_COMPANY\": \"marked \",\n \"MARKED_COMPANY_AS_POST_COMPANY\": \" as \",\n \"AND_SOLD\": \"and sold\",\n \"REVENUE\": \"Revenue:\"\n },\n \"LOOP_TITLE\": \"The Loop\",\n \"POST_TITLE\": \"Post\",\n \"RECENT_ACTIVITIES_TIP\": \"This is where you view recent activities\",\n \"GO_TO_ACCOUNT\": \"Go to an account to log a call or meeting\",\n \"SHOW_N_COMMENTS\": \"Show {{numberOfComments}} comments\",\n \"HIDE_N_COMMENTS\": \"Hide {{numberOfComments}} comments\",\n \"ADD_COMMENT\": \"Add comment\"\n },\n \"SALES_ORDERS_OVERVIEW\": {\n \"UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SALESPEOPLE\": \"We couldn't load your salespeople. Try refreshing the page.\",\n \"DETAILS_NEEDED_BANNER\": \"Details Needed\",\n \"DETAILS_NEEDED_BANNER_DESCRIPTION\": \"Fulfillment form information is required for an item\",\n \"VIEW_FORMS\": \"View forms\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"UNABLE_TO_GET_SALES_ACTIVITIES\": \"We couldn't load your sales activity. Try refreshing the page.\",\n \"UNABLE_TO_GET_SALESPEOPLE\": \"We couldn't load your salespeople. Try refreshing the page.\",\n \"UNABLE_TO_LOAD_SALES_TEAMS\": \"We couldn't load your sales teams. Try refreshing the page.\"\n },\n \"CONCIERGE\": {\n \"CHARTS\": {\n \"CUMULATIVE_PROJECTS_CHART_TITLE\": \"Cumulative projects completed\",\n \"CUMULATIVE_TASKS_CHART_TITLE\": \"Cumulative tasks completed\"\n },\n \"EXPORT\": {\n \"PROJECT_CSV_EXPORT_SUCCESS\": \"Preparing project CSV export, we'll let you know when it's ready\",\n \"PROJECT_CSV_EXPORT_FAILURE\": \"Could not generate CSV export\"\n },\n \"TEMPLATE_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Want a better way to fulfill the service you activated?\",\n \"LINE_1\": \"You have access to Task Manager. It comes with pre-made project templates for products like this already built-in.\",\n \"LINE_2\": \"You can use the app to have projects automatically generate when this product is activated in the future.\",\n \"DONT_SHOW_AGAIN\": \"Don't show me this again\",\n \"GOOD_FOR_NOW\": \"I'm good for now\",\n \"SEE_THE_TEMPLATE\": \"See the template\"\n },\n \"STATUS_REPORT\": {\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"STATUS_REPORT\": \"Status Report\",\n \"PEOPLE_OVERVIEW\": \"People Overview\",\n \"PEOPLE\": \"People\",\n \"PROJECT\": \"Project\",\n \"PROJECTS\": \"Projects\",\n \"PROJECT_COMPLETE\": \"Complete\",\n \"PROJECT_TASKS\": {\n \"ASSIGNEE\": \"Assignee:\",\n \"DUE_WITH_DATE\": \"Due {{dueDate}}\",\n \"STARTED_WITH_DATE\": \"Started {{date}}\",\n \"TASKS_COMPLETE\": \"Tasks Complete\",\n \"PROJECT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Project Description\",\n \"TASK_TYPE\": \"Task Type\",\n \"GENERIC\": \"Generic\",\n \"WAITING_ON_ANOTHER_TASK\": \"Waiting on another task\",\n \"DUE_NUM_DAYS_AFTER_UNLOCKING\": \"Due {{numDays}} days after unlocking\",\n \"NO_PROJECT_TASKS\": \"No Project Tasks\",\n \"FAILED_LOADING_PROJECT\": \"Failed loading project\"\n },\n \"PROJECTS_TABLE\": {\n \"NO_RESULTS\": \"No results\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"NONE\": \"None\",\n \"UPDATE\": \"Update\",\n \"SORT_BY\": \"Sort by\",\n \"THEN_SORT_BY\": \"Then sort by\",\n \"ADD_ANOTHER_SORT_COLUMN\": \"Add another column to sort on\",\n \"CHOOSE_COLUMN_TO_SORT_BY\": \"Choose a column to sort on\",\n \"DATE_ASCENDING\": \"Earliest to latest\",\n \"DATE_DESCENDING\": \"Latest to earliest\",\n \"NUMBER_ASCENDING\": \"Low to high\",\n \"NUMBER_DESCENDING\": \"High to low\",\n \"STRING_ASCENDING\": \"A to Z\",\n \"STRING_DESCENDING\": \"Z to A\",\n \"ASCENDING\": \"Ascending\",\n \"DESCENDING\": \"Descending\",\n \"EXPORT_TO_CSV_BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Export CSV\",\n \"COLUMNS_BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Columns\",\n \"COLUMN_TITLES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Project title\",\n \"ACCOUNT\": \"Account\",\n \"BUSINESS_ADDRESS\": \"Business address\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"ASSIGNEE\": \"Assignee\",\n \"DUE_DATE\": \"Due date\",\n \"CREATED_DATE\": \"Created date\",\n \"COMPLETION_DATE\": \"Completion date\",\n \"LAST_UPDATED\": \"Last updated\",\n \"PARTNER\": \"Partner\",\n \"MANAGED_BY\": \"Managed by\"\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_DELETED\": \"Account Deleted\",\n \"UNASSIGNED\": \"Unassigned\",\n \"FILTERS\": {\n \"ACCOUNT_LABEL\": \"Account: {{accountName}}\",\n \"SEARCH_PROJECTS\": \"Search projects\",\n \"PROJECT_ASSIGNEE\": \"Project assignee\",\n \"ASSIGNEE\": \"Assignee\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"ACCOUNT\": \"Account\",\n \"DUE_DATE\": \"Due date\",\n \"DUE_STARTING\": \"Due starting\",\n \"DUE_STARTING_LABEL\": \"Due starting: {{date}}\",\n \"DUE_BY\": \"Due by\",\n \"DUE_BY_LABEL\": \"Due by: {{date}}\",\n \"COMPLETED_DATE\": \"Completed date\",\n \"COMPLETED_STARTING\": \"Completed starting\",\n \"COMPLETED_STARTING_LABEL\": \"Completed starting: {{date}}\",\n \"COMPLETED_BY\": \"Completed by\",\n \"COMPLETED_BY_LABEL\": \"Completed by: {{date}}\"\n }\n },\n \"SEND_MESSAGE\": \"Send message\",\n \"ACCOUNT\": \"Account:\",\n \"MANAGED_BY\": \"Managed by:\",\n \"ASSIGNEE\": {\n \"NUM_PROGRESS_TASKS\": \"{{num}}/{{tot}} Tasks Complete\",\n \"NUM_TOTAL_TASKS\": \"{{num}} total tasks\",\n \"NUM_TASKS\": \"{{num}} tasks\",\n \"TASKS_DUE_TODAY\": \"Tasks Due Today\",\n \"TASKS_DUE_TOMORROW\": \"Tasks Due Tomorrow\",\n \"OVERDUE_TASKS\": \"Overdue Tasks\",\n \"OPEN_TASKS\": \"Open Tasks\"\n },\n \"CONCIERGE_CHART\": {\n \"COMPLETED_IN_THE_LAST_30_DAYS\": \"{{num}} completed in the last 30 days\"\n }\n },\n \"USERS\": {\n \"LOAD_ERROR\": \"Failed to load users. Try refreshing the page.\",\n \"CREATE\": {\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"The Task Manager user was created. Allow a few moments for it to appear.\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"The Task Manager user couldn't be created. Try refreshing the page.\"\n },\n \"EDIT\": {\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"The Task Manager user has been updated. Allow a few moments for these changes to appear.\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"The Task Manager user couldn't be updated. Try refreshing the page.\"\n },\n \"DELETE\": {\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"The Task Manager user has been deleted\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Something went wrong when deleting the Task Manager user. Try refreshing the page.\"\n },\n \"WELCOME_EMAIL\": {\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"Successfully resent welcome email\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"There was an error resending the welcome email. Try refreshing the page.\"\n },\n \"ASSIGNEES\": {\n \"LOAD_ERROR\": \"Failed to load Assignee information. Try refreshing the page.\"\n }\n },\n \"ASSIGNEE_FILTER\": {\n \"ASSIGNEE\": \"Assignee\",\n \"SELECT_ASSIGNEE\": \"Select Assignee\"\n },\n \"GROUP_FILTER\": {\n \"SELECT_GROUP\": \"Select Group\"\n },\n \"DUE_SOON_CHARTS\": {\n \"UPCOMING_TASKS\": \"Upcoming tasks\",\n \"THIS_WEEKS_TASKS\": \"This week's tasks\"\n },\n \"TASK_OVERVIEW\": {\n \"COMPLETED_TASKS\": \"Completed tasks\",\n \"COMPLETED_PROJECTS\": \"Completed projects\",\n \"COMPLETED_YESTERDAY\": \"completed yesterday\",\n \"DUE_TASKS\": \"Due tasks\",\n \"DUE_PROJECTS\": \"Due projects\",\n \"DUE_TODAY\": \"due today\",\n \"OVERDUE_TASKS\": \"Overdue tasks\",\n \"OVERDUE_PROJECTS\": \"Overdue projects\",\n \"CURRENTLY_OVERDUE\": \"currently overdue\"\n },\n \"PRODUCTIVITY_REPORT\": {\n \"TASKS\": \"Tasks\",\n \"PROJECTS\": \"Projects\",\n \"PRODUCTIVITY_REPORT\": \"Productivity Report\",\n \"TASK_TIMELINESS\": \"Task timeliness\",\n \"PROJECT_TIMELINESS\": \"Project timeliness\",\n \"PERCENTAGES_ROUNDED\": \"Percentages rounded to nearest whole number\",\n \"OVERDUE_TASKS_FROM_DATE_RANGE\": \"Overdue tasks from the selected date range\",\n \"OVERDUE_PROJECTS_FROM_DATE_RANGE\": \"Overdue projects from the selected date range\",\n \"TASKS_COMPLETED\": \"tasks completed\",\n \"PROJECTS_COMPLETED\": \"projects completed\"\n },\n \"PROJECTS\": {\n \"ACCOUNT_DELETED\": \"Account Deleted\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\"\n },\n \"INBOX_PREFILLED_MESSAGE\": \"Re: {{taskType}} - {{title}} ({{taskId}}) | {{companyName}} ({{accountGroupId}})\"\n },\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_TIERS\": {\n \"lite_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Lite\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Lite\"\n },\n \"basic_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Basic\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Basic\"\n },\n \"professional_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Professional\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Professional\"\n },\n \"enterprise_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Enterprise\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Enterprise\"\n },\n \"premium_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Premium\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Premium\"\n },\n \"elite_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Elite\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Elite\"\n },\n \"free_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Free\",\n \"SHORT_NAME\": \"Free\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Free\"\n },\n \"starter_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Starter\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Starter\"\n },\n \"vbp_basic_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Basic\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Basic+\"\n },\n \"vbp_professional_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Professional\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Professional+\"\n },\n \"vbp_enterprise_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Enterprise\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Enterprise+\"\n },\n \"vbp_enterprise_pilot_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Enterprise\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Enterprise pilot\"\n },\n \"vbp2_startup_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"For new businesses looking to acquire & retain clients\",\n \"NAME\": \"Startup\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Startup\"\n },\n \"vbp2_essentials_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Built for businesses looking to establish themselves as local business experts\",\n \"NAME\": \"Essentials\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Essentials\"\n },\n \"vbp2_growth_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Grow your business, grow your brand with an end-to-end commerce platform\",\n \"NAME\": \"Growth\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Growth\"\n },\n \"vbp2_scale_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Built for the pros, with the tools your team needs to work efficiently\",\n \"NAME\": \"Scale\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Scale\"\n },\n \"vbp2_premium_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"\",\n \"NAME\": \"Premium\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"VBP2 Premium\"\n },\n \"m3_solo_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Start your business with integrated payment processing, sales intelligence tools, and weekly training workshops.\",\n \"NAME\": \"Individual\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Individual\"\n },\n \"m3_small_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Build your brand with white-label software provided to your clients. Scale your team's ability to market, sell, bill and fulfill.\",\n \"NAME\": \"Team\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Team\"\n },\n \"m3_medium_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Powerful features for your clients with multiple locations. An end-to-end commerce platform with the tools your team needs to work efficiently.\",\n \"NAME\": \"Advance\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Advance\"\n },\n \"m3_large_subscription\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Custom\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Custom\"\n },\n \"vbp_2022_essentials_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Start your business with integrated payment processing, sales intelligence tools, and weekly training workshops.\",\n \"NAME\": \"Essentials\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Essentials\"\n },\n \"vbp_2023_starter_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Start your business with integrated payment processing, sales intelligence tools, and weekly training workshops.\",\n \"NAME\": \"Starter\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Starter\"\n },\n \"vbp_2022_professional_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Build your brand with white-label software provided to your clients. Scale your team's ability to market, sell, bill and fulfill.\",\n \"NAME\": \"Professional\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Professional\"\n },\n \"vbp_2022_premium_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Powerful features for your clients with multiple locations. An end-to-end commerce platform with the tools your team needs to work efficiently.\",\n \"NAME\": \"Premium\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Premium\"\n },\n \"vbp_2022_custom_subscription\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"\",\n \"NAME\": \"Custom Plan\",\n \"INTERNAL_NAME\": \"Custom Plan\"\n }\n },\n \"ADMIN\": {\n \"ADMIN_MANAGEMENT\": {\n \"FAILED_TO_DELETE\": \"Failed to delete user: {{ message }}\",\n \"USER_DELETED\": \"User {{ id }} deleted.\",\n \"USER_NOT_FOUND\": \"user not found\",\n \"CANT_DELETE_OWN_ACCOUNT\": \"you can't delete your own account\",\n \"FAILED_TO_DELETE_ACCOUNT\": \"failed to delete account\",\n \"UNKNOWN_ERROR\": \"unknown error\",\n \"SEARCH_FOR_ADMIN\": \"Search for an admin\"\n }\n },\n \"UPGRADE_SUBSCRIPTION\": {\n \"BILLED_AT\": \"Billed at\",\n \"BUSSINESS_APP_LIMITS\": \"Express product suites\",\n \"CONTACT_SALESPERSON_CTA\": \"Not sure which plan is right for you?\",\n \"CONTACT_SALESPERSON_CTA_PAID_PLAN\": \"Looking for the right plan or ready to upgrade?\",\n \"NO_ONBOARDING\": \"No onboarding fee\",\n \"TWELVE_MONTHS_CONTRACT\": \"with a 12-month contract\",\n \"CANCEL_ANY_TIME\": \"Cancel any time\",\n \"ONBOARDING_NOT_AVAILABLE\": \"Onboarding not available\",\n \"NO_ONBOARDING_REQUIRED\": \"No onboarding required\",\n \"ONBOARDING\": \"onboarding\",\n \"PER_MONTH\": \"/mo\",\n \"PER_YEAR\": \"/yr\",\n \"PLUS_FEE\": \"Plus\",\n \"SEAT\": \"Team Member Seat\",\n \"SEATS\": \"Team Member Seats\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_LIMITS\": \"Snapshot Reports / month\",\n \"STARTING_AT\": \"Starting at\",\n \"DOWNGRADE\": \"Downgrade\",\n \"CURRENT_PLAN\": \"Current plan\",\n \"SIMILAR_PLAN_OFFERED\": \"Your plan is not currently offered — your plan is most similar to the {{ tierName }} plan.\",\n \"REACH_OUT_TO_EXPERT\": \"Your plan is not currently offered — Reach out to our expert to find the best plan that fits your business needs.\",\n \"UPGRADE_NOW\": \"Upgrade now\",\n \"CONTACT_US\": \"Talk to an expert\",\n \"MOST_POPULAR\": \"Most popular\",\n \"COMPARE_PLANS\": \"Compare plans\",\n \"COMPARE_PLANS_AND_BENEFITS\": \"Compare plans & benefits\",\n \"EVERYTHING_ON_ESSENTIAL_PLUS\": \"Everything on \\\"Essential\\\", plus\",\n \"EVERYTHING_ON_STARTER_PLUS\": \"Everything on \\\"Starter\\\", plus\",\n \"EVERYTHING_ON_PROFESSIONAL_PLUS\": \"Everything on \\\"Professional\\\", plus\",\n \"UPGRATE_FROM_FREE_AND_RECEIVE\": \"Upgrade from \\\"Free\\\" and receive\",\n \"THANK_YOU_MODAL_TITLE\": \"Congratulations! You are now a Vendasta Partner. \uD83C\uDF89\",\n \"THANK_YOU_MODAL_CONTENT\": \"Thank you for partnering with us!
Your receipt has been emailed and your {{ tierName }} subscription has begun.
Thank you and have an awesome day!\",\n \"COMPARISON_TABLE\": {\n \"KEYED_ROW_TITLE\": {\n \"marketplace\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Marketplace\"\n },\n \"access-to-outsourced-fulfillment-services\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Access to outsourced fulfillment services\"\n },\n \"access-to-apps\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Access to apps\"\n },\n \"get-wholesale-pricing-on-products-and-services\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Wholesale discounted pricing on apps and services\"\n },\n \"brand-and-name-select-apps-and-software\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Rename select apps and software\"\n },\n \"access-to-volume-discounts\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Access to volume discounts on Marketplace products\"\n },\n \"client-portal\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Client Portal\"\n },\n \"white-label-add-your-own-brand\": {\n \"NAME\": \"White-label: add your logo and domain\"\n },\n \"multi-location-business-app\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Multi-Location Business App\"\n },\n \"platform\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Platform\"\n },\n \"number-of-included-snapshot-reports\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Snapshot Reports /month\"\n },\n \"number-of-included-snapshot-reports-cost\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Cost per additional Snapshot Report\"\n },\n \"number-of-included-seats\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Team member seats\"\n },\n \"number-of-included-seats-cost\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Cost per additional seat (only if they're active)\"\n },\n \"crm-sales-pipeline-and-opportunity-mgmt\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Sales CRM, pipeline & opportunity management\"\n },\n \"proposal-creation\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Proposal Builder\"\n },\n \"premium-reports\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Premium Reports\"\n },\n \"vendasta-payments\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Vendasta Payments\"\n },\n \"get-started-page-and-customer-training\": {\n \"NAME\": \"\\\"Get Started\\\" page and customer training\"\n },\n \"acquisition-widgets\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Acquisition Widgets\"\n },\n \"add-your-own-products-and-services\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Add your own products and services\"\n },\n \"advertising-intelligence\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Advertising Intelligence\"\n },\n \"api-and-webhooks\": {\n \"NAME\": \"API & Webhooks\"\n },\n \"api-integration-support\": {\n \"NAME\": \"API Integration Support\"\n },\n \"assigned-account-manager\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Assigned Account Manager\"\n },\n \"automations\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Automations\"\n },\n \"billing\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Billing\"\n },\n \"built-in-automations\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Built-in automations\"\n },\n \"bundle-and-package-different-products-together\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Bundle and package different products together\"\n },\n \"business-app\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Business App\"\n },\n \"campaign-configuration\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Campaign configuration\"\n },\n \"client-facing-guides-in-business-app\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Client-facing guides in Business App\"\n },\n \"contact-buffering\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Contact buffering\"\n },\n \"create-and-manage-invoices\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Create and manage Invoices\"\n },\n \"create-and-manage-task-manager-users\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Create and manage Task Manager users\"\n },\n \"create-projects\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Create projects\"\n },\n \"create-sales-teams\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Create sales teams\"\n },\n \"custom-automation-templates\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Custom automation templates\"\n },\n \"custom-fields-and-objects\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Custom fields and objects\"\n },\n \"custom-workflow-automations\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Custom workflow automations\"\n },\n \"customer-lifecycle-management\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Customer lifecycle management\"\n },\n \"customer-voice-express\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Customer Voice Express\"\n },\n \"customized-workflow-automation\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Customized workflow automations\"\n },\n \"daily-digest-notifications\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Daily Digest Notifications\"\n },\n \"executive-report\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Executive Report\"\n },\n \"financial-statements-and-documentation\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Financial statements and documentation\"\n },\n \"flexible-billing-terms\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Flexible billing terms\"\n },\n \"gdpr-compliance\": {\n \"NAME\": \"GDPR compliance\"\n },\n \"go-to-market-planning\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Go-to-Market Planning\"\n },\n \"google-authentication\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Google authentication\"\n },\n \"import-business-account-lists\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Import business account lists\"\n },\n \"import-business-portal-user-lists\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Import business portal user lists\"\n },\n \"in-market-training\": {\n \"NAME\": \"In-market training\"\n },\n \"in-platform-communication-with-vendors-and-clients\": {\n \"NAME\": \"In-platform communication with vendors and clients\"\n },\n \"inbox-text-messaging\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Inbox Text Messaging\"\n },\n \"insert-dynamic-fields-for-email-campaigns\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Insert dynamic fields for email campaigns\"\n },\n \"insert-snapshot-report-dynamic-components\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Insert Snapshot Report dynamic components\"\n },\n \"instant-notifications\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Instant Notifications\"\n },\n \"invoiced-billing\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Invoiced billing\"\n },\n \"listing-builder\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Listing Builder\"\n },\n \"manage-orders\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Manage orders\"\n },\n \"marketing-and-automations\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Marketing & Automations\"\n },\n \"marketing-automation-email-campaigns\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Marketing automation email campaigns\"\n },\n \"marketing-funnel\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Marketing funnel\"\n },\n \"marketplace-customization\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Marketplace Customization\"\n },\n \"meeting-scheduler\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Meeting scheduler\"\n },\n \"metrics\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Metrics\"\n },\n \"online-learning-academy\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Online learning academy\"\n },\n \"other\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Other\"\n },\n \"pre-written-guides\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Pre-written guides\"\n },\n \"productivity-report\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Productivity report\"\n },\n \"public-store\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Public store\"\n },\n \"quickbooks-connection\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Quickbooks connection\"\n },\n \"receive-payments-from-customers\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Receive payments from customers\"\n },\n \"recent-activity-stream\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Recent Activity Stream\"\n },\n \"reputation-management-express\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Reputation Management Express\"\n },\n \"request-reviews-via-inbox-messaging\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Request reviews via Inbox Messaging\"\n },\n \"sales-management\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Sales Management\"\n },\n \"sales-overview-dashboard\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Sales Overview dashboard\"\n },\n \"sales-team-leaderboard\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Sales team leaderboard\"\n },\n \"security-and-privacy\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Security & privacy\"\n },\n \"see-performance-metrics-of-your-organization\": {\n \"NAME\": \"See performance metrics of your organization\"\n },\n \"service-account-management\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Service account management\"\n },\n \"single-sign-on-integration\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Single sign-on integration\"\n },\n \"social-marketing-express\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Social Marketing Express\"\n },\n \"subdivide-the-platform-with-additional-markets\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Subdivide the platform with additional markets\"\n },\n \"support-and-success\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Support & Success\"\n },\n \"task-and-project-management\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Task and Project Management\"\n },\n \"task-manager-project-fulfillment\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Task Manager project fulfillment\"\n },\n \"task-overview-dashboard\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Task overview dashboard\"\n },\n \"task-status-report\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Task projects report\"\n },\n \"team-and-administration\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Team & Administration\"\n },\n \"the-loop\": {\n \"NAME\": \"The Loop\"\n },\n \"track-payouts\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Track payouts\"\n },\n \"translate-and-customize\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Translate and Customize\"\n },\n \"website-express\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Website Express\"\n },\n \"weekly-webinar-training\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Weekly Webinar Training\"\n },\n \"weekly-training-workshops\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Weekly Training Workshops\"\n },\n \"assigned-partner-development-manager\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Assigned Partner Development Manager\"\n },\n \"white-label-business-app\": {\n \"NAME\": \"White-label Business App\"\n },\n \"api-support\": {\n \"NAME\": \"API Support}\"\n }\n },\n \"ROW_TITLE\": {\n \"MARKETPLACE\": \"Marketplace\",\n \"ACCESS_TO_OUTSOURCED_FULFILLMENT_SERVICES\": \"Access to outsourced fulfillment services\",\n \"ACCESS_TO_APPS\": \"Access to apps\",\n \"GET_WHOLESALE_PRICING_ON_PRODUCTS_AND_SERVICES\": \"Wholesale discounted pricing on apps and services\",\n \"BRAND_AND_NAME_SELECT_APPS_AND_SOFTWARE\": \"Rename select apps and software\",\n \"ACCESS_TO_VOLUME_DISCOUNTS\": \"Access to volume discounts on Marketplace products\",\n \"CLIENT_PORTAL\": \"Client Portal\",\n \"WHITE_LABEL_ADD_YOUR_OWN_BRAND\": \"White-label: add your logo and domain\",\n \"MULTI_LOCATION_BUSINESS_APP\": \"Multi-Location Business App\",\n \"PLATFORM\": \"Platform\",\n \"NUMBER_OF_INCLUDED_SNAPSHOT_REPORTS\": \"Snapshot Reports /month\",\n \"COST_PER_ADDITIONAL_SNAPSHOT_REPORT\": \"Cost per additional Snapshot Report\",\n \"NUMBER_OF_INCLUDED_SEATS\": \"Team member seats\",\n \"MARKETING_AUTOMATION_EMAILS_PER_MONTH\": \"Marketing automation email sends /month\",\n \"AUTOMATION_RUNS_PER_MONTH\": \"Workflow automations /month\",\n \"COST_PER_ADDITIONAL_SEAT_ONLY_IF_ACTIVE\": \"Cost per additional seat (only if they're active)\",\n \"CRM_SALES_PIPELINE_AND_OPPORTUNITY_MGMT\": \"Sales CRM, pipeline & opportunity management\",\n \"PROPOSAL_CREATION\": \"Proposal Builder\",\n \"VENDASTA_PAYMENTS\": \"Vendasta Payments\",\n \"GET_STARTED_PAGE_AND_CUSTOMER_TRAINING\": \"\\\"Get Started\\\" page and customer training\",\n \"ACQUISITION_WIDGETS\": \"Acquisition Widgets\",\n \"ADD_YOUR_OWN_PRODUCTS_AND_SERVICES\": \"Add your own products and services\",\n \"ADVERTISING_INTELLIGENCE\": \"Advertising Intelligence\",\n \"API_AND_WEBHOOKS\": \"API & Webhooks\",\n \"API_INTEGRATION_SUPPORT\": \"API Integration Support\",\n \"ASSIGNED_ACCOUNT_MANAGER\": \"Assigned Account Manager\",\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": \"Automations\",\n \"BILLING\": \"Billing\",\n \"BUILT_IN_AUTOMATIONS\": \"Built-in automations\",\n \"BUNDLE_AND_PACKAGE_DIFFERENT_PRODUCTS_TOGETHER\": \"Bundle and package different products together\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP\": \"Business App\",\n \"CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION\": \"Campaign configuration\",\n \"CLIENT_FACING_GUIDES_IN_BUSINESS_APP\": \"Client-facing guides in Business App\",\n \"CONTACT_BUFFERING\": \"Contact buffering\",\n \"CREATE_AND_MANAGE_INVOICES\": \"Create and manage Invoices\",\n \"CREATE_AND_MANAGE_TASK_MANAGER_USERS\": \"Create and manage Task Manager users\",\n \"CREATE_PROJECTS\": \"Create projects\",\n \"CREATE_SALES_TEAMS\": \"Create sales teams\",\n \"CUSTOM_AUTOMATION_TEMPLATES\": \"Custom automation templates\",\n \"CUSTOM_FIELDS_AND_OBJECTS\": \"Custom fields and objects\",\n \"CUSTOM_WORKFLOW_AUTOMATIONS\": \"Custom workflow automations\",\n \"CUSTOMER_LIFECYCLE_MANAGEMENT\": \"Customer lifecycle management\",\n \"CUSTOMER_VOICE_EXPRESS\": \"Customer Voice Express\",\n \"CUSTOMIZED_WORKFLOW_AUTOMATION\": \"Customized workflow automations\",\n \"DAILY_DIGEST_NOTIFICATIONS\": \"Daily Digest Notifications\",\n \"EXECUTIVE_REPORT\": \"Executive Report\",\n \"FINANCIAL_STATEMENTS_AND_DOCUMENTATION\": \"Financial statements and documentation\",\n \"FLEXIBLE_BILLING_TERMS\": \"Flexible billing terms\",\n \"GDPR_COMPLIANCE\": \"GDPR compliance\",\n \"GO_TO_MARKET_PLANNING\": \"Go-to-Market Planning\",\n \"GOOGLE_AUTHENTICATION\": \"Google authentication\",\n \"IMPORT_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_LISTS\": \"Import business account lists\",\n \"IMPORT_BUSINESS_PORTAL_USER_LISTS\": \"Import business portal user lists\",\n \"IN_MARKET_TRAINING\": \"In-market training\",\n \"IN_PLATFORM_COMMUNICATION_WITH_VENDORS_AND_CLIENTS\": \"In-platform communication with vendors and clients\",\n \"INBOX_TEXT_MESSAGING\": \"Inbox Text Messaging\",\n \"INSERT_DYNAMIC_FIELDS_FOR_EMAIL_CAMPAIGNS\": \"Insert dynamic fields for email campaigns\",\n \"INSERT_SNAPSHOT_REPORT_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS\": \"Insert Snapshot Report dynamic components\",\n \"INSTANT_NOTIFICATIONS\": \"Instant Notifications\",\n \"INVOICED_BILLING\": \"Invoiced billing\",\n \"LISTING_BUILDER\": \"Listing Builder\",\n \"MANAGE_ORDERS\": \"Manage orders\",\n \"MARKETING_AND_AUTOMATIONS\": \"Marketing & Automations\",\n \"MARKETING_AUTOMATION_EMAIL_CAMPAIGNS\": \"Marketing automation email campaigns\",\n \"MARKETING_FUNNEL\": \"Marketing funnel\",\n \"MARKETPLACE_CUSTOMIZATION\": \"Marketplace Customization\",\n \"MEETING_SCHEDULER\": \"Meeting scheduler\",\n \"METRICS\": \"Metrics\",\n \"ONLINE_LEARNING_ACADEMY\": \"Online learning academy\",\n \"OTHER\": \"Other\",\n \"PREMIUM_REPORTS\": \"Premium Reports\",\n \"PRE_WRITTEN_GUIDES\": \"Pre-written guides\",\n \"PRODUCTIVITY_REPORT\": \"Productivity report\",\n \"PUBLIC_STORE\": \"Public store\",\n \"QUICKBOOKS_CONNECTION\": \"Quickbooks connection\",\n \"RECEIVE_PAYMENTS_FROM_CUSTOMERS\": \"Receive payments from customers\",\n \"RECENT_ACTIVITY_STREAM\": \"Recent Activity Stream\",\n \"REPUTATION_MANAGEMENT_EXPRESS\": \"Reputation Management Express\",\n \"REQUEST_REVIEWS_VIA_INBOX_MESSAGING\": \"Request reviews via Inbox Messaging\",\n \"SALES_MANAGEMENT\": \"Sales Management\",\n \"SALES_OVERVIEW_DASHBOARD\": \"Sales Overview dashboard\",\n \"SALES_TEAM_LEADERBOARD\": \"Sales team leaderboard\",\n \"SECURITY_AND_PRIVACY\": \"Security & privacy\",\n \"SEE_PERFORMANCE_METRICS_OF_YOUR_ORGANIZATION\": \"See performance metrics of your organization\",\n \"SERVICE_ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT\": \"Service account management\",\n \"SINGLE_SIGN_ON_INTEGRATION\": \"Single sign-on integration\",\n \"SOCIAL_MARKETING_EXPRESS\": \"Social Marketing Express\",\n \"SUBDIVIDE_THE_PLATFORM_WITH_ADDITIONAL_MARKETS\": \"Subdivide the platform with additional markets\",\n \"SUPPORT_AND_SUCCESS\": \"Support & Success\",\n \"TASK_AND_PROJECT_MANAGEMENT\": \"Task and Project Management\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER_PROJECT_FULFILLMENT\": \"Task Manager project fulfillment\",\n \"TASK_OVERVIEW_DASHBOARD\": \"Task overview dashboard\",\n \"TASK_STATUS_REPORT\": \"Task status report\",\n \"TASK_PROJECTS_REPORT\": \"Task projects report\",\n \"TEAM_AND_ADMINISTRATION\": \"Team & Administration\",\n \"THE_LOOP\": \"The Loop\",\n \"TRACK_PAYOUTS\": \"Track payouts\",\n \"TRANSLATE_AND_CUSTOMIZE\": \"Translate and Customize\",\n \"WEBSITE_EXPRESS\": \"Website Express\",\n \"WEEKLY_WEBINAR_TRAINING\": \"Weekly Webinar Training\",\n \"WEEKLY_TRAINING_WORKSHOPS\": \"Weekly Training Workshops\",\n \"ASSIGNED_PARTNER_DEVELOPMENT_MANAGER\": \"Assigned Partner Development Manager\",\n \"WHITE_LABEL_BUSINESS_APP\": \"White-label Business App\",\n \"API_SUPPORT\": \"API Support\"\n },\n \"TOOLTIP\": {\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn more\"\n },\n \"INNER_DATA\": {\n \"FREE\": \"Free\",\n \"LIMITED\": \"Limited\",\n \"INCLUDED\": \"{{amount}} included\"\n }\n },\n \"UPGRADE_MODAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Upgrade to\",\n \"DOWNGRADE_TITLE\": \"Downgrade to\",\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\",\n \"OPTION_INFO\": \"with a 12-month contract\",\n \"ONBOARDING\": \"one-time onboarding fee\",\n \"TAXES_NOT_INCLUDED\": \"Taxes not included\",\n \"BILLING_CONTACT_TITLE\": \"Billing contact\",\n \"PAYMENT_INFO_TITLE\": \"Payment information\",\n \"BUTTON_PAY\": \"Pay\",\n \"BUTTON_INCLUDES\": \"includes\",\n \"BUTTON_ONBOARDING_FEE\": \"onboarding fee\",\n \"PLUS_APPLICABLE_TAXES\": \"+ applicable taxes\",\n \"PROCESSING\": \"Processing...\",\n \"COULD_TAKE_TIME\": \"This could take up to 30 seconds.\",\n \"TOS\": \"Terms of Service\",\n \"AND\": \"and\",\n \"CONTRACT\": \"Contract\",\n \"TWELVE_MONTH_TERM\": \"for a 12-month term\",\n \"AGREE\": \"I have read and agree to the\",\n \"BILLED_AT\": \"Billed as one payment of\",\n \"MONTHLY_FREQUENCY\": \"month\",\n \"DOWNGRADE\": \"Downgrade\",\n \"PREPAY_AND_SAVE\": \"Prepay and save\"\n },\n \"FREE_TO_TRIAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Choose your Vendasta free trial\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Cancel anytime within 14 days. You will still have access to your free subscription with reduced features.\",\n \"START_TRIAL_ACTION\": \"Start 14-day free trial\",\n \"FREE_14_DAYS\": \"Free for 14 days, then\",\n \"NO_ONBOARDING_TRIAL\": \"No onboarding included during trial period\",\n \"GRAY_LABEL\": \"Gray-labelled platform\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Error loading the subscription tiers. Please try again.\",\n \"FOOTER\": \"By clicking \\\"{{button_name}}\\\", you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. It is free for 14 days, cancel any time to avoid charges. You may receive emails from us that you can unsubscribe from any time.\"\n }\n },\n \"BILLING_COMMON\": {\n \"BILLING_FREQUENCY\": \"Billing frequency\",\n \"FREQUENCY\": {\n \"ONE_TIME\": \" One Time\",\n \"MONTHLY\": \"Monthly\",\n \"YEARLY\": \"Yearly\"\n },\n \"FREQUENCY_PER\": {\n \"ONE_TIME\": \" One Time\",\n \"MONTHLY\": \"/ month\",\n \"YEARLY\": \"/ year\"\n },\n \"SAVE_ANNUALLY\": \"Save {{discountPercent}}% on annual plans\",\n \"SAVE_ANNUALLY_GENERAL\": \"Save on annual plans\",\n \"NEXT_BILLING\": \"Next billing date\"\n },\n \"ACQUISITION_WIDGETS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Acquisition Widgets\",\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Generate hot leads directly from your website\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Entice website visitors to see their online performance with the Acquisition Widget\u2014a tool you can embed on your website. Automatically create Snapshot Reports, activate products, send email campaigns, and watch your leads come in!\",\n \"CTA\": \"Create free widget\"\n },\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"WIDGET\": \"Widget\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"SALESPERSON\": \"Salesperson\",\n \"EMPTY\": \"No widgets found\",\n \"UNKNOWN_MARKET\": \"Unknown market\",\n \"EDIT\": \"Edit\",\n \"DELETE\": \"Delete\",\n \"DELETE_MODAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Delete Acquisition Widget?\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_START\": \"Are you sure you want to delete {{name}}? This will disable it wherever you have added the embed code on your website.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_END\": \"You will still have to remove the embed code from your website.\"\n },\n \"ENABLE_MODAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Are you sure you want to enable this widget {{name}}?\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"This widget will go public on any websites that contain the embed code.\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Enable\"\n },\n \"DISABLE_MODAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Are you sure you want to disable this widget {{name}}?\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"This widget will be disabled and will display as unavailable if embedded on any of your websites.\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Disable\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"WIDGET_WIZARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Configure widget\",\n \"PREVIOUS_PAGE\": \"Acquisition widgets\",\n \"CONFIGURE_STEP\": \"Configure\",\n \"CONFIGURE\": {\n \"INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Follow this wizard to configure and design this Widget.\",\n \"WIDGET_NAME\": \"Widget name\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"ALL_SALESPERSONS\": \"All salespeople\",\n \"SALESPERSON_HINT\": \"When you select multiple salespeople, the widget will evenly distribute the leads.\",\n \"TAGS_HINT\": \"Add tags to accounts created through the widget. Tip: Use a unique tag for this widget to create automations that only run for accounts created through this widget.\",\n \"CAMPAIGN\": \"Campaign\",\n \"NO_CAMPAIGN_SELECTED\": \"No campaign selected\",\n \"LANDING_URL\": \"Confirmation landing page URL\",\n \"LANDING_URL_HINT\": \"The user will be taken to this page after submitting the widget form. If left blank, a confirmation step in the widget will be shown instead.\",\n \"ENABLE_WIDGET\": \"Enable widget\",\n \"CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPORT\": \"Create Snapshot Report\"\n },\n \"INCLUDE_PRODUCTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Include products\",\n \"SELECT_MARKET_WARNING\": \"Please select a market\",\n \"MAIN_INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Automatically activate these products through your widget.\",\n \"RM_WARNING\": \"Note: {{rmName}} cannot be included if a Snapshot Report is created because it already includes a Trial activation\",\n \"HEADER_INSTRUCTIONS\": \"These products may take a moment to activate upon account creation.\",\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"PRODUCT_NAME\": \"Product name\",\n \"WHOLESALE_PRICE\": \"Wholesale price\",\n \"BILLING_FREQUENCY\": \"Billing frequency\"\n }\n },\n \"DESIGN_STEP\": \"Design\",\n \"DESIGN\": {\n \"INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Tailor this widget to the design of your website.\",\n \"TEXT_SECTION\": \"Text\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Title\",\n \"BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Button text\",\n \"CONFIRMATION_TITLE\": \"Confirmation title\",\n \"CONFIRMATION_BODY\": \"Confirmation description\",\n \"CONTAINER_SECTION\": \"Container\",\n \"DATA_PROTECTION_POLICY\": \"Data Protection Policy\",\n \"EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_AGREEMENT\": \"Email Notification Agreement\",\n \"COMPLIANCE_INFORMATION\": \"Compliance Information\",\n \"BACKGROUND_COLOR\": \"Background color\",\n \"BORDER_COLOR\": \"Border color\",\n \"FONTS_SECTION\": \"Fonts\",\n \"PRIMARY_FONT_COLOR\": \"Primary font color\",\n \"SECONDARY_FONT_COLOR\": \"Secondary font color\",\n \"BORDER_RADIUS\": \"Border radius\",\n \"DROP_SHADOW\": \"Drop shadow\",\n \"BUTTONS_SECTION\": \"Buttons\",\n \"BUTTON_COLOR\": \"Button color\",\n \"BUTTON_FONT_COLOR\": \"Button font color\",\n \"BOLD\": \"bold\",\n \"ITALIC\": \"italic\",\n \"LINK\": \"link\",\n \"UNLINK\": \"unlink\"\n },\n \"EMBED_STEP\": \"Embed\",\n \"EMBED\": {\n \"INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Paste the following embed code into your website's HTML.\",\n \"WIDGET_CODE\": \"Widget code\",\n \"WIDGET_CODE_BTN\": \"Copy widget code\"\n },\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"CREATE_AND_CONTINUE\": \"Create and continue\",\n \"SAVE_AND_CONTINUE\": \"Save and continue\",\n \"BACK\": \"Back\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"FINISH\": \"Finish\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"SAVING_ERROR\": \"There was an error saving the widget, try again later.\",\n \"TAGS_ERROR\": \"There was an error loading tags\"\n },\n \"PREVIEW\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Preview\",\n \"PREVIEW_STEP\": \"{{ currentStep }} of {{ totalSteps }}\"\n }\n },\n \"SUBSCRIPTIONS\": {\n \"MANAGE_TITLE\": \"My Plan\",\n \"CHOOSE_PLAN_FOR_YOU\": \"Choose the right plan for you\",\n \"CURRENT_PLAN\": \"Current plan\",\n \"COMPARE_PLANS\": \"Compare plans\",\n \"EMAIL_TITLE\": \"Marketing emails\",\n \"EMAIL_SUBTITLE\": \"Your plan includes {{ maxLimit }} email sends each month\",\n \"AUTOMATION_TITLE\": \"Automations\",\n \"AUTOMATION_SUBTITLE\": \"Your plan includes {{ maxLimit }} free automations started each month.\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_TITLE\": \"Snapshot Report\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_SUBTITLE\": \"Your plan includes {{ maxLimit }} free Snapshot Report each month.\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_SUBTITLE_PLURAL\": \"Your plan includes {{ maxLimit }} free Snapshot Reports each month.\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_SUBTITLE_UNLIMITED\": \"Your plan includes unlimited free Snapshot Reports each month.\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_UPGRADE_CTA\": \"Upgrade to the {{ plan }} plan to get up to {{ limit }} Snapshot Reports each month.\",\n \"EXPRESS_PRODUCT_TITLE\": \"Standard products\",\n \"EXPRESS_PRODUCT_SUBTITLE\": \"Your plan includes {{ maxLimit }} free activation of the Standard edition of the following products.\",\n \"EXPRESS_PRODUCT_SUBTITLE_PLURAL\": \"Your plan includes {{ maxLimit }} free activations of the Standard edition of the following products.\",\n \"EXPRESS_PRODUCT_SUBTITLE_UNLIMITED\": \"Your plan includes unlimited free activations of the Standard edition of the following products.\",\n \"EXPRESS_PRODUCT_UPGRADE_CTA\": \"Upgrade to the {{ plan }} plan to get up to {{ limit }} Standard product activations each month.\",\n \"SEATS_TITLE\": \"Team member seats\",\n \"SEATS_SUBTITLE\": \"Your plan includes a total of {{ maxLimit }} team member seat.\",\n \"SEATS_SUBTITLE_PLURAL\": \"Your plan includes a total of {{ maxLimit }} team member seats.\",\n \"SEATS_SUBTITLE_UNLIMITED\": \"Your plan includes unlimited team member seats.\",\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn more\",\n \"LIMIT_RESET_DATE\": \"The limit resets on {{ resetDate }}.\",\n \"FREE_REMAINING\": \"{{ freeLeft }} free remaining\",\n \"FREE_REMAINING_CHECKOUT\": \"({{ freeLeft }} free report left this month)\",\n \"FREE_REMAINING_CHECKOUT_MULTI\": \"({{ freeLeft }} free reports left this month)\",\n \"MISSING_ACCOUNT_INFO\": \"Important information is missing from this account. This may affect the quality of the report.\",\n \"MISSING_ACCOUNT_FIELDS\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"One or more of the following {{ accountType }} details are missing, which may affect the quality of the report:\",\n \"ACCOUNT\": \"account\",\n \"COMPANY\": \"company\",\n \"PHONE_NUMBER\": \"Phone number\",\n \"ADDRESS\": \"Address\",\n \"WEBSITE\": \"Website\"\n },\n \"CONSENT_INFERENCE_CHECKBOX\": \"Automatically fill missing information using Google\",\n \"LIMIT_COUNT\": \"{{ currentValue }} of {{ limitMax }}\",\n \"LIMIT_EXCEEDED\": \"You've exceeded your plan limit by {{ numberExceeded }}\",\n \"REPORT\": \"report\",\n \"REPORT_PLURALIZE\": \"reports\",\n \"PRODUCT\": \"product\",\n \"PRODUCT_PLURALIZE\": \"products\",\n \"EMAIL\": \"email\",\n \"EMAIL_PLURALIZE\": \"emails\",\n \"SEAT\": \"team member seat\",\n \"SEAT_PLURALIZE\": \"team member seats\",\n \"EXPRESS\": \"Standard\",\n \"NO_EXPRESS\": \"There are no free products available\",\n \"NO_LIMIT\": \"There is no limit for this product\",\n \"UNLIMITED\": \"unlimited\",\n \"NEED_MORE_CTA\": \"Need more {{ type }}?\",\n \"CONTACT_US\": \"Contact us\",\n \"PARTNER_SINCE\": \"Partner since\",\n \"PRICE\": \"Price\",\n \"NO_PRICING_INFO\": \"Subscription price not available\",\n \"NOT_AVAILABLE\": \"Not available\",\n \"CURRENCY\": \"Currency\",\n \"ERROR_ACCEPT_TOS\": \"Please accept the Terms of Service\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATED\": \"Subscription updated\",\n \"UNKNOWN_ERROR_UPGRADING\": \"Unknown error. Please try again\",\n \"KNOWN_ERROR_UPGRADING\": \"Something went wrong. Please email {{ email }} for assistance.\",\n \"TRAIL_ENDS\": \"Trial ends\",\n \"CANCEL_TRAIL\": \"Cancel trial\",\n \"SEE_DETAILS\": \"See plan details\"\n },\n \"USERS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Manage Users\",\n \"VIEW_USER\": \"View user\",\n \"IMPORT_USERS\": \"Import Users\",\n \"CREATE_USER\": \"Create User\",\n \"SWITCH_TO_CONTACTS_TABLE\": \"Switch to Contacts table\",\n \"FORM_TAB\": {\n \"BASIC\": \"Basic\",\n \"CUSTOM_FIELDS\": \"Custom Fields\"\n },\n \"USERS_EMPTY_STATE\": \"Users Empty State\",\n \"LOGIN_URL_SUBTITLE\": \"User Login URL: \",\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Give your prospects and customers access to Business App\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Add your prospects and customers to the platform to showcase your store, provide solutions, and communicate success every step of the way. We don't charge per user created, so you can add as many as you like!\",\n \"CTA\": \"Create free user\"\n },\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"EDIT_CUSTOM_FIELDS\": \"Edit Custom Fields\",\n \"SEND_RESET_PASSWORD_EMAIL\": \"Send Reset Password Email\",\n \"SEND_RESET_PASSWORD_EMAIL_PROMPT\": \"Send Reset Password Email?\",\n \"SEND_RESET_PASSWORD_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION\": \"Are you sure you want to send a password reset email?\",\n \"SEND_RESET_PASSWORD_EMAIL_SUCCESS\": \"Reset password email has been sent!\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"RESET_PASSWORD_FAILED\": \"An error occurred while sending password reset email, please try again.\"\n },\n \"LIST\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Manage users\",\n \"SEARCH\": \"Search for user\"\n },\n \"PROFILE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"User profile\",\n \"DETAILS\": {\n \"LAST_LOGIN\": \"Last log in\"\n },\n \"TABS\": {\n \"LOGIN_ACTIVITY\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"User activity\",\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"TYPE\": \"Type\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"DATE\": \"Date\"\n },\n \"NO_ACTIVITY\": \"No log in activity has been recorded for this user.\",\n \"TOOLTIP\": \"Login activity is when a user signs in to the platform, typically by entering their username and password. Page views in the platform are not included in this activity.\"\n },\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Automations\",\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"LAST_UPDATED\": \"Last updated\",\n \"LAST_UPDATED_BY\": \"Last updated by\",\n \"TYPE\": \"Type\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"TRANSFER_PERMISSIONS\": \"Transfer permissions\"\n },\n \"NO_AUTOMATIONS\": \"There are no automations that are accessing the user\u2019s permissions\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"DELETE_DIALOG\": {\n \"DELETE_USER\": \"Delete User\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE\": \"Are you sure you want to delete user {{name}}?\"\n },\n \"BULK_IMPORT\": {\n \"IMPORT_WIZARD\": \"Import Wizard\",\n \"UPLOAD_CSV_OF_ACCOUNTS\": \"Upload CSV of Accounts\",\n \"UPLOAD_EXISTING_CUSTOMER_DATA\": \"Upload your existing customer data CSV or build your own using our template below.\",\n \"ADD_UP_TO_15_COLUMNS\": \"You may add up to 15 columns for a tag, group, or service (e.g. Tag15)\",\n \"REQUIRED_FIELDS\": \"Required Fields: \",\n \"MAXIMUM_FILE_SIZE\": \"Maximum File Size: \",\n \"AVAILABLE_FILES\": \"Available Files: \",\n \"DOWNLOAD_CSV_TEMPLATE\": \"Download CSV Template\",\n \"DOWNLOAD_BUSINESS_CATEGORIES\": \"Download List of Business Categories\",\n \"MAP_FIELDS\": \"Map Fields\",\n \"CONFIRM_COLUMNS\": \"Confirm that the columns in your file map to the correct fields. To change a Map To field, delete the current text and select a new field from the list of options. \",\n \"FIELDS_MUST_BE_SELECTED\": \"{{fieldOne}} and {{fieldTwo}} must be selected.\",\n \"SET_USER_PERMISSIONS\": \"Set User Permissions and Notifications\",\n \"ALLOW_ACCESS_TO_BUSINESS_APP\": \"Allow full access to {{businessAppName}}\",\n \"CONFIGURE_PERMISSIONS_FOR_EACH_USER\": \"You can configure the permissions for each user at any time.\",\n \"TURN_ON_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS\": \"Turn on all notifications\",\n \"SETTING_APPLIES_TO_NEW_USERS\": \"This setting only applies to new users. You can configure the notifications for each user at any time.\",\n \"SEND_WELCOME_EMAIL\": \"Send Welcome Email\",\n \"DEFAULT_EMAIL_LANGUAGE\": \"Default Email Language\",\n \"WELCOME_EMAIL_LANGUAGE\": \"The Welcome Email will be delivered in this language, unless otherwise specified in the CSV.\",\n \"WELCOME_MESSAGE\": \"Welcome Message\",\n \"SELECT_MARKET_FOR_IMPORT\": \"Select a market for the imported accounts:\",\n \"MARKET_IS_REQUIRED\": \"Market is required.\",\n \"USE_OR_CREATE_NEW_LIST\": \"Use or create a new list for the imported accounts:\",\n \"SELECT_EXISTING_LIST\": \"Select an Existing List\",\n \"SEARCH_OR_SELECT_LIST\": \"Search or select list\",\n \"SELECT_OR_CREATE_LIST\": \"Select or create a new list.\",\n \"CREATE_NEW_LIST\": \"Create a new list\",\n \"REVIEW_IMPORT\": \"Review Import\",\n \"ADDING_NUM_BUSINESSES_FROM\": \"Adding {{numBusinesses}} businesses from:\",\n \"IN_THE_MARKET_NAMED\": \"In the market named:\",\n \"HOW_TO_TREAT_EMPTY_CELLS\": \"How do you want empty cells in the CSV to be treated?\",\n \"ATTEMPT_TO_FILL_EMPTY_CELLS\": \"Attempt to fill in empty cells\",\n \"IMPORT_MAPPER\": {\n \"COLUMNS\": \"Columns\",\n \"HEADER_ROW\": \"Header Row\",\n \"FIRST_ROW\": \"First Row\",\n \"MAP_TO\": \"Map To\",\n \"ERRORS_ON_FOLLOWING_ROWS\": \"Errors occurred on the following rows:\",\n \"ROW_NUMBER\": \"Row {{rowNumber}}:\",\n \"SHOW_MORE\": \"Show More\",\n \"SKIP_ROWS_WITH_ERRORS\": \"Skip rows with errors\",\n \"DOWNLOAD_CSV_WITH_INCOMPLETE_ACCOUNTS\": \"You can download a CSV with all incomplete accounts after your import has finished.\",\n \"DO_NOT_IMPORT\": \"Do not import\",\n \"STANDARD_FIELDS\": \"Standard fields\",\n \"CUSTOM_FIELDS\": \"Custom fields\",\n \"CREATE_NEW_CUSTOM_FIELD\": \"Create new custom field\"\n },\n \"MAP_CHANGE_DIALOG\": {\n \"FIELD_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED\": \"{{fieldName}} has already been selected.\",\n \"FIELD_ALREADY_SET_TO_HEADER_ROW\": \"{{fieldName}} is already set to {{headerRow}}\",\n \"SELECT_ANOTHER_FIELD\": \"Select another field, or the {{field}} will not be imported.\"\n },\n \"UPLOAD_FILE_STEP\": {\n \"HEADER\": \"Upload CSV file\",\n \"SELECT_FILE\": \"Select file...\",\n \"INSTRUCTIONS_1\": \"1. Download the \",\n \"DOWNLOAD_CSV_BUTTON\": \"CSV template\",\n \"INSTRUCTIONS_2\": \"2. Add user data\",\n \"REQUIRED_EMAIL_A\": \"Email\",\n \"REQUIRED_EMAIL_B\": \" is required\",\n \"CSV_LIMIT\": \"The file can't contain more than 5,000 rows\",\n \"AGID_LIMIT\": \"Each account can't have more than 100 users\",\n \"INSTRUCTIONS_3\": \"3. Upload the file\",\n \"IMPORT_DETAILS_A\": \"By default, imported users won't have access to {{ businessCenterName }}. All notifications will be turned off, and they won't receive the Welcome Email. You can configure these settings any time from the \",\n \"IMPORT_DETAILS_B\": \"page.\",\n \"UPLOAD_ERROR\": \"There was a problem uploading the CSV file. Refresh the page and try again.\",\n \"CSV_ERROR\": \"We couldn't upload your file. To import users, correct these issues and try again.\",\n \"CSV_ERROR_EXPAND\": \" View all rows\",\n \"CSV_ERROR_COMPRESS\": \" View fewer rows\",\n \"MAX_SIZE_ERROR\": \"Your file is too large. Reduce your file to under {{ maxRows }} rows, then try uploading it again.\",\n \"MIN_SIZE_ERROR\": \"There aren't enough rows in your CSV file. Upload a file that contains one header row and at least one data row.\"\n },\n \"USER_LIST_STEP\": {\n \"HEADER\": \"Add to user list\",\n \"SKIP\": \"Skip\",\n \"LIST_NAME_ERROR\": \"Enter a valid list name\",\n \"SELECT_LIST\": \"Select list\",\n \"NEW_LIST\": \"Create a new list\",\n \"EXISTING_LIST\": \"Select an existing list\"\n },\n \"REVIEW_STEP\": {\n \"HEADER\": \"Review import\",\n \"CSV_FILE\": \"CSV file\",\n \"TOTAL_IMPORT\": \"Total import\",\n \"LIST_NAME\": \"List name\",\n \"UPDATE_USERS\": \"Update existing users\",\n \"UPDATE_USERS_DESCRIPTION\": \"If any imported user has the same email address as an existing user, we'll update the existing user with data from your CSV file.\",\n \"UPDATE_USERS_DETAILS_A\": \"A new first name, last name, greeting name, phone number, or language preference will replace existing information.\",\n \"UPDATE_USERS_DETAILS_B\": \"A new associated account will be added to an existing user. Any accounts that are currently associated with a user will remain.\",\n \"UPDATE_USERS_DETAILS_C\": \"Any fields that are left blank during the update will not remove existing information.\",\n \"IMPORT_WARNING\": \"This import may take a few minutes to complete.\",\n \"ROW_TOTAL_SINGULAR\": \"1 User\",\n \"ROW_TOTAL_PLURAL\": \"{{ numUsers }} Users\",\n \"IMPORT_ERROR_SINGULAR\": \"There was a problem importing this user. Refresh the page and try again.\",\n \"IMPORT_ERROR_PLURAL\": \"There was a problem importing these users. Refresh the page and try again.\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"FIELD_REQUIRED\": \"This field is required\"\n }\n },\n \"RESEND_WELCOME_EMAIL_MODAL\": {\n \"WELCOME_EMAIL\": \"Welcome Email\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Resend Welcome Email?\",\n \"CONTENT\": \"Send this user a Welcome email where they can reset their Business App password.\",\n \"PARTNER_DOMAIN\": \"Your domain\",\n \"DEFAULT_DOMAIN\": \"Default domain\",\n \"SEND_FROM\": \"Send from:\",\n \"PRIMARY_ACTION\": \"Send\",\n \"SECONDARY_ACTION\": \"Cancel\",\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"Welcome email successfully sent.\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Welcome email failed to send.\",\n \"MARKET_DESCRIPTION\": \"will be the market used for the welcome email.\",\n \"PREVIEW\": \"Preview welcome email\"\n },\n \"BULK_UPDATE_SETTINGS\": {\n \"BULK_UPDATE_SETTINGS\": \"Bulk Update Settings\",\n \"DONT_UPDATE\": \"Don't Update\",\n \"TURN_ON\": \"Turn On\",\n \"TURN_OFF\": \"Turn Off\",\n \"ENABLE\": \"Enable\",\n \"DISABLE\": \"Disable\",\n \"SET_DEFAULT\": \"Return to Default\",\n \"UPDATE_ALL_BUSINESSES\": \"Update All Businesses\",\n \"UPDATE_USER_DEFAULTS\": \"Update User Defaults\",\n \"TAB_ACCESS\": \"Tab Access\",\n \"NOTIFICATIONS\": \"Notifications\",\n \"SELECTED_CHANGES\": \"Selected Changes\",\n \"ANY_CHANGES_WILL_APPEAR_HERE\": \"Any settings that you change will appear here. Be sure to review your selected changes before applying them.\",\n \"APPLY_CHANGES_TO_NAME\": \"Apply Changes to {{name}}\",\n \"NUM_USERS\": \"{{numUsers}} User(s)\",\n \"TAB_ACCESS_AND_NOTIFICATIONS\": \"tab access and notifications\",\n \"TAB_ACCESS_LOWER\": \"tab access\",\n \"PERMISSIONS\": \"permissions\",\n \"DIALOG\": {\n \"UPDATE_SETTINGS\": \"Update Settings?\",\n \"OVERWRITE_PREVIOUS_CHANGES\": \"This will overwrite the previous {{changesText}} for {{name}}\",\n \"YES_UPDATE_SETTINGS\": \"Yes, update settings\",\n \"NO_DONT_UPDATE\": \"No, don\u2019t update\"\n },\n \"MUST_SELECT_CHANGES\": \"You must select changes before submitting the request\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Successfully submitted the request!\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Oops! Something went wrong! Please try again.\",\n \"NEW_NOTIFICATION_DEFAULT_PROMOTE\": \"Want to customize what notifications all new users get when they are created?\",\n \"EDIT_NOTIFICATION_DEFAULTS\": \"Edit notification defaults\"\n },\n \"BULK_UPDATE\": \"Bulk Update\"\n },\n \"SIGNUP\": {\n \"WELCOME_MODAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Hi {{name}}, welcome to Partner Center! Watch this short video to help you get started.\",\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"BOOK_A_DEMO\": \"Book a demo\",\n \"MANAGE_ACCOUNTS\": \"Manage accounts\"\n }\n },\n \"PASSWORD\": \"Password\"\n },\n \"OVERVIEW\": {\n \"TOOLBAR_ACTIONS\": {\n \"GET_STARTED_SETTING_UP\": \"Get started setting up\",\n \"MANAGE_YOUR_TEAM\": \"Manage your team\",\n \"GET_STARTED\": \"Get started\"\n },\n \"SETUP\": {\n \"ADD_YOUR_LOGO\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add your logo\",\n \"INFO\": \"Personalize the platform with your group identity.
Add your company name, logo, colors, and call it your own.\",\n \"COURSE_TEXT\": \"Getting started with Vendasta\",\n \"BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Add Logo\"\n },\n \"INVITE_YOUR_TEAM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Invite your team\",\n \"INFO\": \"The Vendasta platform is set up for the success of your entire team. Invite your admins, salespeople, and digital agents to connect everyone through a full end-to-end solution.\",\n \"COURSE_TEXT\": \"Getting started with the Vendasta platform\",\n \"BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Invite team member\"\n },\n \"BUILD_YOUR_STORE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Build your store\",\n \"INFO\": \"Add the services that you currently offer your customers, and discover over 200 re-sellable products and services to round out your product catalog.\",\n \"COURSE_TEXT\": \"Set up your store for success\",\n \"BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Discover products\"\n },\n \"LAUNCH_YOUR_STORE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Launch your store\",\n \"INFO\": \"Sell products individually or package them together. Then, you can launch your Store and add it to your own website.\",\n \"COURSE_TEXT\": \"Getting started with Vendasta\",\n \"BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Launch store\"\n },\n \"ACCEPT_PAYMENTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Accept payments\",\n \"INFO\": \"Make it easy for your clients to pay you for your products and services. Set up Vendasta Payments to begin accepting credit card payments through invoices and your Public Store.\",\n \"COURSE_TEXT\": \"Merchant Services\",\n \"BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Set up Vendasta Payments\"\n },\n \"CONTACT_US_CTA\": \"Have questions about features or pricing?\"\n },\n \"TAKE_A_COURSE\": \"Take a course!\",\n \"OPEN_BUSINESS_APP\": \"Open Business App\"\n },\n \"HOME_PAGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Home\",\n \"SELECT_USE_CASE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Get started\",\n \"OVERVIEW_VIDEO\": \"Watch overview video\",\n \"MANAGE_YOUR_TEAM\": \"Manage your team\",\n \"PREVIOUS_PAGE_TITLE\": \"Home Page\"\n },\n \"TRIAL\": {\n \"EXPIRES_IN\": \"Trial Expires in\",\n \"UPGRADE_EXPLANATION\": \"Upgrade to get wholesale pricing on essential digital products for your clients \u2013 and more!\",\n \"UPGRADE_CTA\": \"Upgrade Now\"\n },\n \"BUSINESS_ACCOUNTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add business accounts\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_ADDED_SINGULAR\": \"account added in the last 30 days\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_ADDED_PLURAL\": \"accounts added in the last 30 days\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_INFO_FIRST_PARAGRAPH\": \"Add local businesses and users to the platform to showcase your store, provide your solutions, and communicate successes every step of the way.\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_INFO_SECOND_PARAGRAPH\": \"By hosting all your prospects and customers in one interactive platform, you can:\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_INFO_POINT_1\": \"Provide your digital tools, apps, and services all in one place, making it easy for local businesses to engage.\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_INFO_POINT_2\": \"Deliver automated proof-of-performance reporting that shows local businesses how your solutions are helping them grow.\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_INFO_POINT_3\": \"Offer a place for local businesses to explore your products and solutions.\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_INFO_POINT_4\": \"Communicate with local businesses, allowing you to keep them up to date on your product offerings and opportunities.\",\n \"TAKE_A_COURSE\": \"Take a course!\",\n \"ACADEMY_LINK_TITLE\": \"Getting started with Vendasta\",\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNT\": \"Create account\"\n },\n \"SNAPSHOT_REPORTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create Snapshot Reports\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Create Snapshot Reports for your most recent accounts.\",\n \"SUBTITLE_UNDER_LIMIT\": \"Create free Snapshot Reports for your most recent accounts.\",\n \"SUBTITLE_SINGULAR\": \"Create a Snapshot Report for your most recent account.\",\n \"SUBTITLE_UNDER_LIMIT_SINGULAR\": \"Create a free Snapshot Report for your most recent account.\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_REPORTS_INFO\": \"Use the Snapshot Report to start conversations with business owners, highlight gaps in their marketing, and propose the optimal solutions.\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_FREE_REPORTS_INFO\": \"free reports created\",\n \"TAKE_A_COURSE\": \"Take a course!\",\n \"ACADEMY_LINK_TITLE\": \"Acquire leads\",\n \"CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPORTS\": \"Create Snapshot Reports\",\n \"CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPORT_TOOLTIP\": \"Create Snapshot Report\"\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED\": {\n \"YOUR_ACCOUNT_IS_SUSPENDED\": \"Your Account is Suspended\",\n \"PAYMENT_OVERDUE\": \"We haven\u2019t received your payment for more than 60 days. Your subscription has been downgraded to Lite. You are now limited to 25 Snapshot Reports and 3 accounts with active products.\",\n \"HOW_TO_REGAIN_ACCESS\": \"To regain access to your previous subscription, please contact billing@vendasta.com\",\n \"CONTACT_BILLING\": \"Contact Billing\"\n }\n },\n \"LISTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Manage Lists\",\n \"CREATE\": \"Create list\",\n \"IMPORT\": \"Import list\",\n \"ACCOUNT_LIST\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Account lists\",\n \"HISTORY\": {\n \"YOUR_LOCAL_TIME\": \"Your local time ({{timezone}})\"\n }\n },\n \"NOT_FOUND\": \"No lists found.\",\n \"USER_LIST\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"User lists\",\n \"ADD_TO_CAMPAIGN\": \"Add to campaign\",\n \"DELETE_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": {\n \"START\": \"Remove \",\n \"MIDDLE\": \"{{ user }}\",\n \"END\": \" from {{ list }}?\"\n },\n \"MESSAGE\": \"{{ user }} will still receive the remaining emails from any campaigns that were previously started for this list.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Remove from list\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Keep in list\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"{{ user }} could not be removed from the list.\"\n }\n },\n \"CAMPAIGN_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add \\\"{{ name }}\\\" to a campaign\",\n \"ADD_LIST_TO_CAMPAIGN_TITLE\": \"Add list to \\\"{{ campaignName }}\\\"\",\n \"ADDED_LIST_TO_CAMPAIGN_TITLE\": \"\\\"{{ listName }} has been added to \\\"{{ campaignName }}\\\"\",\n \"ADDED_LIST_TO_CAMPAIGN_TEXT\": \"You can view the progress of this action, or return to the campaign screen.\",\n \"VIEW_LIST_PROGRESS\": \"View progress\",\n \"CAMPAIGN_AVOIDED\": \"\\\"{{ name }}\\\" wasn't added to a campaign. Please try again.\",\n \"CAMPAIGN_AVOIDED_GENERIC\": \"The list could not be added to the campaign. Please try again.\",\n \"CAMPAIGN_SELECTION\": \"Select a campaign\",\n \"LIST_SELECTION\": \"Select a list\",\n \"ACCOUNT_LIST_DESCRIPTOR\": \"This action will add all accounts in the list to the chosen campaign.\",\n \"USER_LIST_DESCRIPTOR\": \"This action will add all users in the list to the chosen campaign.\",\n \"SCHEDULE_CAMPAIGN_SUBTITLE\": \"Schedule the campaign\",\n \"START_DATE\": \"Campaign will start on...\",\n \"DATE_SELECT\": \"Schedule campaign\",\n \"SUBMIT\": \"Start campaign\",\n \"NO_CAMPAIGNS\": \"You don't have any published campaigns. To proceed, select one of the following campaign types and publish a campaign. \",\n \"SNAPSHOT\": {\n \"WARNING\": \"This campaign contains a Snapshot Creation event.\",\n \"TERMS\": \"I understand that I could be charged standard Snapshot Report fees for adding \\\"{{ list }}\\\" to \\\"{{ campaign }}.\\\"\",\n \"INFO\": \"This campaign contains a Snapshot Creation event. This means it will create or refresh a Snapshot Report for each recipient account that does not already have a current report. If an account has a current report (created or refreshed within the past 7 days), the campaign will not create or refresh a new report.\"\n },\n \"DEFAULT_ACCOUNT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Select an account to use for unassociated users\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"This is required to send a campaign to users without an account. No users will be added to this account, but data from this account will be used for dynamic content in the campaign (for unassociated users only). Users that already have an account won't be affected.\",\n \"WARNING\": \"Any unassociated users in your list won't receive this campaign.\",\n \"SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT\": \"Select an account\",\n \"SEARCH_SELECT_ACCOUNT\": \"Search or select an account\"\n }\n },\n \"LIST_DIALOG\": {\n \"ADD\": \"Add\",\n \"ADD_NAME_TO_LIST\": \"Add {{ name }} to list\",\n \"ADD_TO_EXISTING_LIST\": \"Add to existing list\",\n \"CHOOSE_LIST\": \"Choose an account list:\",\n \"SELECT_A_LIST\": \"Select a List\",\n \"CREATE_AND_ADD\": \"Create and add\",\n \"CREATE_NEW\": \"Create new list\",\n \"ENTER_NAME\": \"Enter a list name\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Added {{ account }} to {{ list }}.\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"Failed to add {{ account }} to {{ list }}.\",\n \"LIST_NAME\": \"List Name\",\n \"CREATE_LIST\": \"Create List\",\n \"ADD_TO_LIST\": \"Add to List\",\n \"CHOOSE_A_LIST\": \"Choose a List:\",\n \"ADDED_TO_LISTNAME\": \"Added to {{listName}}\",\n \"FAILED_TO_ADD_TO_LISTNAME\": \"Failed to add to {{listname}}\"\n }\n },\n \"CAMPAIGN_GENERIC\": {\n \"TEST_EMAIL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Preview of {{ name }}\",\n \"SUBJECT\": \"Subject:\",\n \"COUNT\": \"Event {{ curr }} of {{ total }}\",\n \"NO_EVENTS\": \"No events to preview.\",\n \"SEND_EMAIL\": \"Send test email\",\n \"SEND_TEST_LABEL\": \"Send emails to (space or comma separated, up to 5 entries)\",\n \"SEND_TEST_PLACEHOLDER\": \"user@example.com admin@example.com\",\n \"SEND_TEST_HINT\": \"To preview this email as a specific account, return to the main campaign page.\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Test email sent.\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"There was a problem sending the test email. Refresh the page and try again.\",\n \"PREVIEW_AS\": \"Preview email as\",\n \"GENERIC_ACCOUNT\": \"Generic account\"\n },\n \"DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS\": {\n \"PACKAGE_SELECTOR_DIALOG\": {\n \"PACKAGE_LANDING_PAGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Package Landing Page\"\n },\n \"BUY_IT_NOW_LINK\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Buy It Now Link\"\n },\n \"MARKET_LABEL\": \"Market\",\n \"MARKET_PLACEHOLDER\": \"No Market\",\n \"PACKAGE_LABEL\": \"Package\",\n \"PACKAGE_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Package\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"CAMPAIGN_LIST\": {\n \"AUTOMATIONS_TOOLTIP\": \"There is a market-level automation set up on this campaign\",\n \"LOCKED_TOOLTIP\": \"This campaign can't be edited\",\n \"LIST_HEADERS\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"TOTAL_ACCOUNTS\": \"Total Accounts\",\n \"ACTIVE_ACCOUNTS\": \"Active Accounts\",\n \"EMAILS_DELIVERED\": \"Emails Delivered\",\n \"OPEN_RATE\": \"Open Rate\",\n \"CTOR\": \"CTOR\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"EMAILS\": \"Emails\",\n \"UPDATED\": \"Updated\"\n },\n \"CREATE_DIALOG\": {\n \"CREATE_CAMPAIGN\": \"Create Campaign\",\n \"NAME\": \"Campaign Name\"\n },\n \"CAMPAIGN_STATS\": {\n \"AVERAGE_CLICK_THROUGH_RATE\": \"Average click through rate\",\n \"AVERAGE_OPEN_RATE\": \"Average open rate\",\n \"TOTAL_ACCOUNTS\": \"Total accounts on campaigns\"\n },\n \"MY_CAMPAIGNS\": \"My Campaigns\",\n \"RECOMMENDED_CAMPAIGNS\": \"Recommended Campaigns\",\n \"VIEW_HISTORY\": \"View history\",\n \"PUBLISHED\": \"Published\",\n \"PREVIEW\": \"Preview\",\n \"NO_CAMPAIGNS\": \"No campaigns.\"\n },\n \"CAMPAIGN_DETAILS\": {\n \"CAMPAIGNS\": \"Campaigns\",\n \"UPDATE\": {\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Updated campaign\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"We couldn't update the campaign. Please try again.\"\n },\n \"NAME\": {\n \"CREATE\": \"Enter a name to create a campaign\",\n \"UPDATE_SUCCESS\": \"Campaign name updated\",\n \"UPDATE_FAILURE\": \"The campaign name failed to update. Please try again.\",\n \"TOO_LONG\": \"The campaign name can't exceed 100 characters\",\n \"TOO_SHORT\": \"Your campaign needs to be named\"\n },\n \"FOCUS\": {\n \"ACQUIRE\": \"Acquire campaign\",\n \"ADOPT\": \"Adoption campaign\",\n \"UPSELL\": \"Upsell campaign\",\n \"UPDATE_SUCCESS\": \"Campaign focus updated\",\n \"UPDATE_FAILURE\": \"The campaign focus wasn't updated. Please try again\"\n },\n \"LOCALE\": {\n \"UPDATE_SUCCESS\": \"Campaign locale updated\",\n \"UPDATE_FAILURE\": \"The campaign locale wasn't updated. Please try again\"\n },\n \"EMAIL_CATEGORY\": {\n \"UPDATE_SUCCESS\": \"Campaign category updated\",\n \"UPDATE_FAILURE\": \"The campaign email category wasn't updated. Please try again\"\n },\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"COPY\": \"Copy\",\n \"DELETE_SUCCESS\": \"Campaign deleted\",\n \"DELETE_FAILURE\": \"Failed to delete campaign\",\n \"ARCHIVE_SUCCESS\": \"Campaign archived\",\n \"ARCHIVE_FAILURE\": \"Failed to archive campaign\",\n \"ARCHIVE\": \"Archive\",\n \"PAUSE\": {\n \"ACTION\": \"Pause campaign\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Pause {{ title }}?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"Scheduled campaign events will be paused for all recipients currently on this campaign. This action may take a few minutes to complete.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Pause campaign\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Don't pause\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Campaign paused\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"There was a problem pausing the campaign. Refresh the page and try again.\"\n },\n \"RESUME\": {\n \"ACTION\": \"Resume campaign\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Resume {{ title }} for paused recipients?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"The campaign will resume as scheduled, and the recipients in the 'Stopped' state will move to 'In progress'. Recipients won\u2019t receive emails they\u2019ve already received, and delays before scheduled events will restart. This action may take a few minutes to complete.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Resume campaign\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Don't resume\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Campaign resumed\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"There was a problem resuming the campaign. Refresh the page and try again.\"\n },\n \"COPY_DIALOG\": {\n \"PLEASE_WAIT\": \"Please wait while a copy of this campaign is created...\",\n \"LONG_WAIT\": \"This is taking longer than usual, but the duplication is still running. Please wait...\",\n \"ERROR\": \"There was a problem making a copy of the campaign.\",\n \"TRY_AGAIN\": \"Try Again\"\n },\n \"COPY_DIALOG_SUCCESS\": {\n \"SUCCESS_TITLE\": \"Campaign copied\",\n \"OPEN_COPIED_CAMPAIGN\": \"Would you like to open the copied campaign?\",\n \"OPEN_BUTTON\": \"Go to copied campaign\",\n \"CLOSE\": \"Close\"\n },\n \"ADD_ACCOUNTS_LIST_TO_CAMPAIGN\": \"Add account list to campaign\",\n \"ADD_CRM_CONTACTS_TO_CAMPAIGN\": \"Send to CRM Contacts\",\n \"MANAGE_TAGS\": {\n \"MANAGE_TAGS\": \"Manage Tags\",\n \"NEW_TAG\": \"New Tag\",\n \"CLOSE\": \"Close\",\n \"ADD_NEW\": \"Add New Tag\",\n \"NAME_OF_NEW_TAG\": \"Name of New Tag\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"TAG_ADD_SUCCESS\": \"Tag added\",\n \"TAG_ADD_FAILURE\": \"Failed to add tag\",\n \"TAG_CREATE_SUCCESS\": \"Tag created\",\n \"TAG_CREATE_FAILURE\": \"Failed to create new tag\",\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\",\n \"TAG_NAME\": \"Tag name\",\n \"SEARCH_FOR_TAG\": \"Search for a tag\",\n \"BACK_COMPAT_POPOVER_HINT\": \"Read only\",\n \"TAG_DELETE_SUCCESS\": \"Tag deleted\",\n \"TAG_DELETE_FAILURE\": \"Failed to delete tag\"\n }\n },\n \"STATUSES\": {\n \"DRAFT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Draft\",\n \"MODE\": \"Draft mode:\",\n \"WARNING\": \"You're editing a draft of this campaign. When you're ready to start using it, click 'Publish'.\"\n },\n \"PUBLISHED\": \"Published\",\n \"ARCHIVED\": \"Archived\",\n \"ONGOING\": \"Ongoing\",\n \"COMPLETED\": \"Completed\"\n },\n \"STATS\": {\n \"RECIPIENT_STATS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Campaign status by recipient\",\n \"ACCOUNTS\": \"Accounts\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 account has received an email in this campaign within the specified date range\",\n \"ACCOUNTS_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ accounts }} accounts have received an email in this campaign within the specified date range\",\n \"RECIPIENTS\": \"Recipients\",\n \"RECIPIENTS_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 email recipient has received an email in this campaign within the specified date range\",\n \"RECIPIENTS_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ recipients }} email recipients have received an email in this campaign within the specified date range\",\n \"BUFFERING\": \"Buffering\",\n \"BUFFERING_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 recipient hasn\u2019t received the first email in this campaign yet, due to the specified daily limit. This number is not applicable when selecting a specific date range.\",\n \"BUFFERING_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ buffering }} recipients haven\u2019t received the first email in this campaign yet, due to the specified daily limit. This number is not applicable when selecting a specific date range.\",\n \"IN_PROGRESS\": \"In progress\",\n \"IN_PROGRESS_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 recipient has started but not completed this campaign. This number is not applicable when selecting a specific date range.\",\n \"IN_PROGRESS_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ inProgress }} recipients have started but not completed this campaign. This number is not applicable when selecting a specific date range.\",\n \"STOPPED\": \"Stopped\",\n \"STOPPED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 recipient has been paused or stopped before completing this campaign. This number is not applicable when selecting a specific date range.\",\n \"STOPPED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ stopped }} recipients have been paused or stopped before completing this campaign. This number is not applicable when selecting a specific date range.\",\n \"COMPLETED\": \"Completed\",\n \"COMPLETED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 recipient has received all the emails in this campaign. This number is not applicable when selecting a specific date range.\",\n \"COMPLETED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ completed }} recipients have received all the emails in this campaign. This number is not applicable when selecting a specific date range.\"\n },\n \"PERFORMANCE_STATS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Email performance by account\",\n \"TOTAL_LEADS\": \"Engaged Accounts\",\n \"TOTAL_LEADS_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 account opened an email in this campaign.\",\n \"TOTAL_LEADS_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ totalLeads }} accounts opened an email this campaign.\",\n \"DELIVERY_RATE\": \"Delivery rate\",\n \"DELIVERY_RATE_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 of the sent emails was delivered to accounts.\",\n \"DELIVERY_RATE_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ delivered }} of the sent emails were delivered to accounts.\",\n \"OPEN_RATE\": \"Open rate\",\n \"OPEN_RATE_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 of the delivered emails was opened.\",\n \"OPEN_RATE_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ opened }} of the delivered emails were opened.\",\n \"CTOR\": \"CTOR\",\n \"CLICKED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 email was clicked through by accounts on this campaign.\",\n \"CLICKED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ clickedThrough }} emails were clicked through by accounts on this campaign.\",\n \"CLICKED_THROUGH_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"Click-to-open rate. 1 of the opened emails was clicked through.\",\n \"CLICKED_THROUGH_TOOLTIP\": \"Click-to-open rate. {{ clickedThrough }} of the opened emails were clicked through.\",\n \"UNDELIVERABLE\": \"Undeliverable\",\n \"UNDELIVERABLE_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 of the sent emails could not be delivered to accounts.\",\n \"UNDELIVERABLE_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ undeliverable }} of the sent emails could not be delivered to accounts.\"\n }\n },\n \"CONFIGURATION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Campaign configuration\",\n \"SEND_FROM_TITLE\": \"Send from\",\n \"SEND_FROM\": {\n \"ASSIGNED_SALESPERSON\": \"Assigned salesperson\",\n \"ASSIGNED_SALESPERSON_DESCRIPTION\": \"For any unassigned accounts, the campaign will be sent from {{ defaultEmail }}\",\n \"DEFAULT_EMAIL\": \"Default email\",\n \"DEFAULT_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION\": \"You can change this email on the Email Settings page\",\n \"CUSTOM_EMAIL\": \"Custom email\"\n },\n \"SCHEDULING_TITLE\": \"Scheduling\",\n \"MARKET_WARNING\": \"This affects all markets. Ensure you have permissions to make changes to it.\",\n \"TIME_ZONE\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Select 'campaign sent' time zone\",\n \"HINT\": \"This setting affects the time that your content will be sent\"\n },\n \"INCLUDED_DAYS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Included days\",\n \"HINT\": \"Emails will only be sent on the selected days above.\\nNote: If a timed campaign event lands on a day that isn\u2019t included, it will be sent on the next included day.\",\n \"WARNING\": \"No days selected, campaign will not be sent out\",\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn more\",\n \"DAYS\": {\n \"MONDAY\": \"Mon\",\n \"TUESDAY\": \"Tue\",\n \"WEDNESDAY\": \"Wed\",\n \"THURSDAY\": \"Thu\",\n \"FRIDAY\": \"Fri\",\n \"SATURDAY\": \"Sat\",\n \"SUNDAY\": \"Sun\"\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_BUFFER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Account buffer\",\n \"RATE_LIMIT_ENABLED\": \"Limit the number of emails that can be sent on behalf of each salesperson per day (from a list)\",\n \"RATE_LIMIT\": \"Maximum number of emails\"\n },\n \"SUBMIT\": {\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Campaign scheduling saved\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"There was an error saving the campaign scheduling. Please try again.\",\n \"TIMEZONE_FAILURE\": \"Select a valid timezone from the scheduling dropdown.\"\n }\n },\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Automations\",\n \"REQUIRED_MARKET\": \"To access automations, select a market above\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"These automations only affect the \\\"{{ market }}\\\" market.\",\n \"SELECT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Select a product\",\n \"START_PRODUCT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Start trigger\",\n \"HINT\": \"Start the campaign for an account when this product is activated\"\n },\n \"STOP_PRODUCT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Stop trigger\",\n \"HINT\": \"Stop the campaign for an account when this product is activated\"\n },\n \"SUBMIT\": {\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Campaign automation settings saved\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"There was a problem saving the automation settings. Refresh the page and try again.\"\n }\n },\n \"STEP\": {\n \"DAY\": \"Day\",\n \"DELAY\": \"Delay\",\n \"WAIT\": \"Wait\",\n \"PREVIOUS_EVENT\": \"after previous event\",\n \"FIRST_EVENT\": \"before starting\",\n \"SUBJECT\": \"Subject:\",\n \"EDIT\": \"Edit email\",\n \"PREVIEW\": \"Preview\",\n \"EMAIL_PREVIEW\": \"Email Preview\",\n \"EMAIL_PREVIEW_ERRORS\": \"We couldn't update the preview due to the following errors:\",\n \"EMAIL_PERFORMANCE\": \"Email Performance\",\n \"MORE_ACTIONS\": \"More actions\",\n \"DETAILS\": \"Details\",\n \"DELETE\": \"Delete\",\n \"MAKE_A_COPY\": \"Make a copy\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_WARNING\": \"This event will create or refresh a Snapshot Report for each account added to the campaign\",\n \"VIEW_EMAIL_ACTIVITY\": \"View email activity\",\n \"RENDERING_FAKE_DATA\": \"This preview contains some placeholder content\",\n \"STATS\": {\n \"PENDING\": \"Pending\",\n \"LINK\": {\n \"LINK_ACTIVITY\": \"Link Activity\",\n \"TOTAL_CLICKS\": \"Total Clicks\",\n \"UNIQUE_CLICKS\": \"Unique Clicks\",\n \"SEE_WHO_CLICKED\": \"See contacts who clicked\",\n \"CLICK_RATIO\": \"Click Ratio\"\n },\n \"EMAIL\": {\n \"DELIVERY_STATUS\": \"Delivery Status\",\n \"DELIVERED\": \"Delivered\",\n \"DELIVERED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 email has been delivered.\",\n \"DELIVERED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ delivered }} emails have been delivered.\",\n \"PENDING_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 email is scheduled. This includes all emails that are buffering, pending in previous campaign steps, and up next.\",\n \"PENDING_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ pending }} emails are scheduled. This includes all emails that are buffering, pending in previous campaign steps, and up next.\",\n \"OPENS\": \"Opens\",\n \"CLICKS\": \"Clicks\",\n \"OPEN_RATE\": \"Open rate\",\n \"OPEN_RATE_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 of the delivered emails was opened.\",\n \"OPEN_RATE_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ opened }} of the delivered emails were opened\",\n \"CLICK_RATE\": \"CTOR\",\n \"CLICK_RATE_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"Click-to-open rate. 1 of the opened emails was clicked through.\",\n \"CLICK_RATE_TOOLTIP\": \"Click-to-open rate. {{ clickedThrough }} of the opened emails were clicked through.\",\n \"OPENED\": \"Opened\",\n \"OPENED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 email was opened by recipients on this campaign.\",\n \"OPENED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ opened }} emails were opened by recipients on this campaign.\",\n \"CLICKED\": \"Clicked\",\n \"CLICKED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"Links in this email were clicked 1 time.\",\n \"CLICKED_TOOLTIP\": \"Links in this email were clicked {{ clicked }} times.\",\n \"UP_NEXT\": \"Up next\",\n \"UP_NEXT_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 email is scheduled to send.\",\n \"UP_NEXT_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ upNext }} emails are scheduled to send.\",\n \"BOUNCED\": \"Bounced\",\n \"BOUNCED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 email failed to deliver. This is often caused by an incorrect email address.\",\n \"BOUNCED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ bounced }} emails failed to deliver. This is often caused by an incorrect email address.\",\n \"UNSUBSCRIBED\": \"Unsubscribed\",\n \"UNSUBSCRIBED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 recipient unsubscribed from this email.\",\n \"UNSUBSCRIBED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ unsubscribed }} recipients unsubscribed from this email.\",\n \"SPAM\": \"Spam\",\n \"SPAM_REPORT_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 recipient marked this email as spam.\",\n \"SPAM_REPORT_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ spamReport }} recipients marked this email as spam.\",\n \"DROPPED\": \"Dropped\",\n \"DROPPED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 email can\u2019t be delivered. This occurs when a recipient has unsubscribed from a previous email in your campaign or marked a previous email as spam.\",\n \"DROPPED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ dropped }} emails can\u2019t be delivered. This occurs when a recipient has unsubscribed from a previous email in your campaign or marked a previous email as spam.\",\n \"LINK_CLICK_RATE_TOOLTIP\": \"Percent of email recipients that clicked on this link.\"\n },\n \"SNAPSHOT\": {\n \"NOT_REQUIRED\": \"Not required\",\n \"NOT_REQUIRED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 recipient already has a current Snapshot Report\",\n \"NOT_REQUIRED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ snapshotNotRequired }} recipients already have current Snapshot Reports\",\n \"PENDING_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 Snapshot Report is scheduled. This includes all Snapshot Reports that are buffering, pending in previous campaign steps, and up next.\",\n \"PENDING_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ snapshotPending }} Snapshot Reports are scheduled. This includes all Snapshot Reports that are buffering, pending in previous campaign steps, and up next.\",\n \"CREATED\": \"Created\",\n \"CREATED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 Snapshot Report was created for recipients on this campaign.\",\n \"CREATED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ snapshotCreated }} Snapshot Reports were created for recipients on this campaign\",\n \"REFRESHED\": \"Refreshed\",\n \"REFRESHED_TOOLTIP_SINGLE\": \"1 Snapshot Report was refreshed for recipients on this campaign\",\n \"REFRESHED_TOOLTIP\": \"{{ snapshotRefreshed }} Snapshot Reports were refreshed for recipients on this campaign\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"ADD_TEMPLATE\": {\n \"CREATE_NEW\": \"Create new email\",\n \"ADD_EXISTING\": \"Add existing email\",\n \"TEMPLATE\": \"Add recommended email\",\n \"SNAPSHOT\": \"Add Snapshot Report\"\n },\n \"SAVE_CAMPAIGN_STEP\": {\n \"SUCCESS_NOTICE\": \"Saved successfully\",\n \"ERROR_NOTICE\": \"The was a problem saving the campaign step\"\n },\n \"CREATE_TEMPLATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create new template\"\n },\n \"LEGACY_TEMPLATE_WARNING\": {\n \"REPLACE_OR_ADD_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"New email template\",\n \"REPLACE_OR_ADD\": \"Add a blank step to the end of this campaign, or overwrite this step with a new blank template?\",\n \"OVERWRITE_CANNOT_BE_UNDONE\": \"Once this step's old content has been overwritten, it cannot be undone.\",\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"REPLACE\": \"Overwrite existing template\",\n \"CREATE\": \"Add blank template to campaign\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"EDIT_TEMPLATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Edit template: {{ title }}\",\n \"SAVE_BUTTON\": {\n \"TEXT\": \"Save\"\n },\n \"SEND_PREVIEW\": \"Send preview\",\n \"EMAIL_EDIT\": {\n \"SAVE_CHANGES\": \"Save changes?\",\n \"ADDRESS_MISSING\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Mailing address is missing\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"Emails must contain your physical mailing address and one other piece of contact information (email address, phone number, or website). Please use Dynamic Content to provide this information.\"\n },\n \"ACTIVE_WARNING\": {\n \"MESSAGE\": \"This action will update the email content immediately. All the accounts that are scheduled to receive this email will see the new changes.\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"CONFIRMATION_DIALOG\": {\n \"DEFAULT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Are you sure?\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Confirm\"\n },\n \"PUBLISH\": {\n \"BUTTON\": \"Publish\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Publish {{ title }}?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"Once you publish this campaign, you and your salespeople can start using it. You\u2019ll still be able to edit the content of the emails. However, after you\u2019ve added an account or user to this campaign, you won\u2019t be able to add, delete, or reorder campaign events.\",\n \"WARNING\": \"Standard fees will apply for any Snapshot Reports created or refreshed during this campaign.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Publish campaign\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Keep unpublished\",\n \"UPDATE_FAILURE\": \"There was a problem publishing the campaign. Refresh the page and try again.\"\n },\n \"UNPUBLISH\": {\n \"BUTTON\": \"Unpublish\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Unpublish {{ title }}?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"This campaign will return to Draft Mode so you can continue to make edits. You and your salespeople won\u2019t be able to use this campaign until you publish it again.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Unpublish campaign\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Keep published\",\n \"UPDATE_FAILURE\": \"There was a problem unpublishing the campaign.\"\n },\n \"ARCHIVE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Archive {{ title }}?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"You and your salespeople won't be able to use or edit this campaign, and you can't undo this action. The recipients who have been added to this campaign will still receive the remaining emails.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Archive campaign\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Keep campaign\"\n },\n \"DELETE_STEP\": {\n \"SNAPSHOT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Delete Snapshot Report creation event?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action can't be undone.\"\n },\n \"EMAIL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Delete {{ name }} event?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"Are you sure you want to delete the \\\"{{ name }}\\\" email event? This action can't be undone.\"\n },\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Delete event\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Keep event\"\n },\n \"DELETE_CAMPAIGN\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Delete {{ title }}?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"This campaign will be permanently deleted for you and your salespeople.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Delete campaign\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Keep campaign\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"CAMPAIGN_PREVIEW\": {\n \"SEND_SUCCESS\": \"Preview email sent successfully\",\n \"SEND_FAILED\": \"Failed to send preview email. Try selecting another business.\"\n },\n \"EMAIL_TEMPLATES\": {\n \"PREVIEW\": {\n \"BUSINESS_SELECTOR\": {\n \"BUSINESS_FOR_PREVIEW_LABEL\": \"Business for preview\",\n \"NONE_SELECTED\": \"None selected\",\n \"NO_SNAPSHOT_OR_SALESPERSON_WARNING\": \"Business has no snapshot reports and no assigned salesperson. Emails containing related content may fail to render.\",\n \"NO_SNAPSHOT_WARNING\": \"Business has no snapshot reports. Emails containing snapshot-related content may fail to render.\",\n \"NO_SALESPERSON_WARNING\": \"Business has no assigned salesperson. Emails containing salesperson-related content may fail to render.\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"EMAIL_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Email Settings\",\n \"GENERAL_HEADING\": \"General\",\n \"GENERAL_DESCRIPTION\": \"Edit the sender and reply settings for emails sent via the platform\",\n \"DOMAIN_HEADING\": \"Verify your Domain:\",\n \"DOMAIN_DESCRIPTION\": \"Verify the security protocol records (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) for your domain to check if they are set up correctly. These records help ensure your emails pass spam filters and reach your recipients successfully.\",\n \"SENDER_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sender and reply settings\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"These settings apply to emails sent via the platform. If a salesperson is assigned to an account, the salesperson's information will be shown instead for campaign emails.\",\n \"SEND_AS_NAME\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sender name\",\n \"HINT\": \"The \\\"from\\\" name shown on emails\"\n },\n \"SEND_AS_EMAIL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sender address\",\n \"HINT\": \"The address used to send emails\"\n },\n \"REPLY_TO_EMAIL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Reply-To address\",\n \"HINT\": \"The address that replies are sent to\"\n },\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Sender and reply settings saved\",\n \"INVALID_EMAIL_ERROR\": \"Must be a valid email address: example@example.com\",\n \"UPDATE_SENDER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Update your sender address\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"To update your sender address, Sendgrid.net must be added to your SPF Record in your Domain Name System (DNS).\",\n \"HINT\": \"Note: Changes to your DNS can take up to 72 hours\",\n \"FAILURE_ALERT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Your sender address couldn't be updated. Update the SPF records in your Domain Name Provider and try again.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"The Domain Name System (DNS) for your new sender address domain must have the correct SPF records. See the SPF Verification section below for more details. Domain updates can take up to 72 hours.\"\n },\n \"SPF_INVALID_ERROR\": \"Your sender address couldn't be updated. Update the SPF records in your Domain Name Provider and try again.\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Sender address updated.\",\n \"YOU_WILL_BE_NOTIFIED_SPF\": \"You will be notified when we have detected a valid SPF record on your domain.\",\n \"ERROR\": \"An error occurred. Please try again.\"\n },\n \"RESET_TO_SAFE_DEFAULTS\": \"Reset to safe defaults\"\n },\n \"PENDING_DOMAINS\": {\n \"PENDING_TITLE\": \"Your sender address couldn't be updated. Update the records in your DNS Provider and try again.\",\n \"PENDING_DOMAIN_READY\": \"Your sender address is ready to update.\",\n \"PENDING_DOMAIN_PROMPT\": \"Update your domain records to use these email settings:\",\n \"YOU_WILL_BE_NOTIFIED_SPF\": \"You will be notified when we have detected a valid SPF record on your domain.\",\n \"VERIFIED\": \"We have verified your records. Click \\\"Update\\\" to start using this domain now\",\n \"UPDATE\": \"Update\",\n \"SENDER_DOMAIN_LABEL\": \"Send from domain\",\n \"SEND_AS_EMAIL_LABEL\": \"Sender Address\",\n \"VERIFY_RECORDS\": \"Verify Records\"\n },\n \"VERIFY_ALL_RECORDS\": \"Verify All Records\",\n \"VERIFYING_RECORDS\": \"Verifying Records\",\n \"SPF_VERIFICATION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"SPF Verification\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email-authentication technique that prevents spammers from sending messages on behalf of your domain. A proper SPF record helps to ensure your emails are delivered correctly.\",\n \"VERIFIEDA\": \"You have \",\n \"VERIFIEDB\": \" in your SPF record. Everything is good to go!\",\n \"HELP\": \"To update your domain records, go to your Domain Name System (DNS) and add the following entries.\",\n \"HELP_NOTE\": \"Note: Changes to your DNS can take up to 72 hours.\",\n \"NO_RECORD\": \"No SPF record found.\",\n \"VERIFY_SPF\": \"Verify SPF\",\n \"NO_SEND_AS\": \"Please provide 'Send As' email.\"\n },\n \"DKIM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"DKIM Verification\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"A Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) record protects your domain from spamming and phishing. DKIM validates a domain name associated with a message, which helps to increase your deliverability rates.\",\n \"VERIFIED\": \"Your DKIM records are valid and up to date. Everything is good to go!\",\n \"UNVERIFIED\": \"To update your DKIM record, go to your Domain Name System (DNS) and add the following entries. Note: Changes to your DNS can take up to 72 hours.\",\n \"CREATE_DKIM\": \"Create DKIM\",\n \"VERIFY_DKIM\": \"Verify DKIM\",\n \"PROBLEM\": \"There was a problem validating the DKIM records\"\n },\n \"DMARC_VERIFICATION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"DMARC Verification\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"The Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) policy allows a sender to indicate that their messages are protected by SPF and/or DKIM, and tells the receiver what to do if neither of those authentication methods passes\u2014such as flag the email as junk or reject the message.\",\n \"VALID\": \"Your DMARC records are valid and up to date. Everything is good to go!\",\n \"INVALID\": \"To update your DMARC record, go to your Domain Name System (DNS) and add the following entry. Note: Changes to your DNS can take up to 72 hours.\",\n \"VERIFY_DMARC\": \"Verify DMARC\"\n },\n \"POSTMASTER_TOOLS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Postmaster Tools\",\n \"DESCRIPTION1A\": \"To avoid deliverability issues when sending bulk emails, register with Google's Postmaster Tools at\",\n \"DESCRIPTION1B\": \"You will receive instructions on the registration process, including setting a DNS record.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION2\": \"Once you have registered, Google will stop filtering bulk emails that you send, and will provide information on the reputation of your domain and the IPs you use to send an email.\",\n \"HELP\": \"For any additional help setting this up, contact support at the following:\"\n },\n \"RECORD_HEADERS\": {\n \"TYPE\": \"Record Type\",\n \"HOST\": \"Host (Name)\",\n \"SUBDOMAIN\": \"Subdomain\",\n \"VALUE\": \"Value\",\n \"CURRENT\": \"Current\",\n \"EXPECTED\": \"Expected\"\n },\n \"USE_SAFE_DEFAULTS_DIALOG\": {\n \"EXPLANATION_ALERT\": \"If you are unable to verify your own domain, you can reset to a pre-configured default domain to stop emails from landing in the spam folder.\"\n }\n },\n \"CUSTOMER_ACQUISITION_CAMPAIGNS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customer Acquisition\",\n \"CAMPAIGN\": \"Customer acquisition campaigns\"\n },\n \"PRODUCT_ADOPTION_CAMPAIGNS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Product Adoption\",\n \"CAMPAIGN\": \"Product adoption campaigns\"\n },\n \"PRODUCT_UPSELL_CAMPAIGNS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Product Upsell\",\n \"CAMPAIGN\": \"Product upsell campaigns\"\n },\n \"BILLING\": {\n \"COMMON\": {\n \"BANK_ACCOUNT\": {\n \"REMOVED\": \"Removed account\",\n \"REMOVED_TOOLTIP\": \"The bank account that received this payout is no longer connected\"\n },\n \"RETAIL_STATUS_ALERT\": {\n \"ACCOUNT_DISABLED\": \"Your Vendasta Payments account is disabled and your payouts may be disrupted\",\n \"ACTION_REQUIRED\": \"Action is required to continue accepting payouts and payments without interruption. Manage account to complete these requirements.\",\n \"ACTION_REQUIRED_WITH_DEADLINE\": \"Action is required before {{ date }} to continue accepting payouts and payments without interruption. Manage account to complete these requirements.\",\n \"MANAGE_ACCOUNT_CTA\": \"Manage account\"\n }\n },\n \"RECURRING_INVOICES_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Recurring Invoices\"\n },\n \"INVOICES_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Invoices\",\n \"VENDASTA_PAYMENTS\": \"Vendasta Payments\",\n \"CREATE_INVOICE\": \"Create invoice\",\n \"CREATE_AND_MANAGE_INVOICES_TITLE\": \"Create and Manage Invoices\",\n \"CREATE_AND_MANAGE_INVOICES_DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoice your customers for the products and services you provide, and track the status of the invoices you have sent. To create invoices that can be paid instantly via credit card, set up Vendasta Payments\",\n \"NO_RESULTS_FOUND_TITLE\": \"No results found\",\n \"NO_RESULTS_FOUND_DESCRIPTION\": \"Try adjusting your search terms or filters to find what you are looking for.\",\n \"CTA_PRIMARY\": \"Create an Invoice\",\n \"CTA_SECONDARY\": \"Set up Vendasta Payments\",\n \"ONBOARDING_DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoice your customers for the products and services you provide, and track the status of the invoices you have sent. To create invoices that can be paid instantly via credit card, set up Vendasta Payments\",\n \"UNSUPPORTED_STATE_DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoice your customers for the products and services you provide, and track the status of the invoices you have sent.\",\n \"INVOICE_TAB_TITLE\": \"Invoices\",\n \"RECURRING_TAB_TITLE\": \"Recurring Invoices\",\n \"INVOICE\": \"Invoice\",\n \"INVOICE_FAILED\": \"Failed to create invoice for account\",\n \"RECURRING_INVOICE\": \"Recurring invoice\",\n \"RECURRING_FAILED\": \"Failed to create recurring invoice for account\",\n \"RECURRING\": {\n \"EMPTY_TITLE\": \"Collect payment with recurring invoices\",\n \"EMPTY_DESCRIPTION\": \"Build and customize recurring invoices to bill customers on a pre-arranged scheduled.\",\n \"EMPTY_CTA\": \"Create recurring invoice\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"FREQUENCY\": \"Frequency\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"CUSTOMER\": \"Account\",\n \"NEXT_INVOICE_ISSUED\": \"Next invoice issued\",\n \"STATUS_BADGE\": {\n \"ACTIVE\": \"Active\",\n \"INACTIVE\": \"Inactive\",\n \"ARCHIVED\": \"Archived\"\n },\n \"INTERVAL\": {\n \"DAY\": \"Daily\",\n \"DAYS\": \"Every # days\",\n \"WEEK\": \"Weekly\",\n \"WEEKS\": \"Every # weeks\",\n \"MONTH\": \"Monthly\",\n \"MONTHS\": \"Every # months\",\n \"YEAR\": \"Yearly\",\n \"YEARS\": \"Every # years\"\n }\n },\n \"RECURRING_INVOICES_WARNING_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Bill by active products?\",\n \"WARNING\": \"This account currently receives one or more recurring invoices.\",\n \"BILL_BY_ACTIVE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION\": \"When Bill by active products is turned on, this account will be automatically charged for each of its active products.\",\n \"DOUBLE_CHARGE_DESCRIPTION\": \"If you currently bill this account for any active products using a recurring invoice, it may lead to double-charging this account.\",\n \"LINK\": \"View recurring invoices\"\n }\n },\n \"ADD_BANK_ACCOUNT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add bank account\",\n \"PAYOUT_DESCRIPTION\": \"We'll send your {{ currency }} payouts to this bank account\",\n \"BANK_ACCOUNT\": \"Country of bank account\",\n \"CURRENCY\": \"Currency\",\n \"ACCOUNT_DETAILS\": \"Account details\",\n \"REFERENCE_CHEQUE\": \"Reference a cheque to get numbers\",\n \"TRANSIT_NUMBER\": \"Transit number\",\n \"TRANSIT_NUMBER_REQUIRED\": \"Transit number is required\",\n \"TRANSIT_NUMBER_INVALID\": \"Transit number must be 5 digits\",\n \"INSTITUITON_NUMBER\": \"Institution number\",\n \"INSTITUITON_NUMBER_REQUIRED\": \"Institution number is required\",\n \"INSTITUITON_NUMBER_INVALID\": \"Institution number must be 3 digits\",\n \"ACCOUNT_NUMBER\": \"Account number\",\n \"ACCOUNT_NUMBER_REQUIRED\": \"Account number is required\",\n \"ACCOUNT_NUMBER_INVALID\": \"Account number must be {{required_digits}} digits\",\n \"ROUTING_NUMBER\": \"Routing number\",\n \"ROUTING_NUMBER_REQUIRED\": \"Routing number is required\",\n \"ROUTING_NUMBER_INVALID\": \"Routing number must be 9 digits\",\n \"IBAN\": \"IBAN\",\n \"IBAN_REQUIRED\": \"IBAN is required\",\n \"IBAN_INVALID\": \"IBAN must be {{required_length}} characters\",\n \"BSB\": \"BSB\",\n \"BSB_REQUIRED\": \"BSB is required\",\n \"BSB_INVALID\": \"BSB must be 6 characters\",\n \"SORT_CODE\": \"Sort code\",\n \"SORT_CODE_REQUIRED\": \"Sort code is required\",\n \"SORT_CODE_INVALID\": \"Sort code must be in the format '12-34-56' or '123456'\",\n \"ADD_BANK_ACCOUNT_BUTTON\": \"Add bank account\",\n \"CANCEL_BUTTON\": \"Cancel\",\n \"SUCCESS_SNACK\": \"Successfully added bank account\",\n \"ERROR_SNACK\": \"Failed to add bank account\",\n \"COUNTRY\": {\n \"UNITED_STATES\": \"United States\",\n \"CANADA\": \"Canada\",\n \"CZECH_REPUBLIC\": \"Czech Republic\",\n \"AUSTRALIA\": \"Australia\",\n \"NEW_ZEALAND\": \"New Zealand\",\n \"UNITED_KINGDOM\": \"United Kingdom\",\n \"UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES\": \"United Arab Emirates\",\n \"GERMANY\": \"Germany\"\n },\n \"CURRENCY_OPTION\": {\n \"CAD\": \"CAD - Canadian dollar\",\n \"USD\": \"USD - U.S. dollar\"\n }\n },\n \"INVOICE_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Invoice\",\n \"MEMO\": \"Memo\",\n \"MEMO_DESCRIPTION\": \"Memo must not exceed 500 characters in length.\",\n \"COLLECTION\": \"Collection method\",\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"Payment method\",\n \"DELETE_INVOICE\": \"Delete invoice\",\n \"CHARGE_INVOICE\": \"Charge invoice\",\n \"PREVIEW_EMAIL\": \"Preview email\",\n \"SEND_INVOICE\": \"Send invoice\",\n \"CHARGE_INVOICE_TOOLTIP\": \"To charge this invoice you must have a payment method, a user and at least 1 item.\",\n \"ERROR_TITLE\": \"Failed to get invoice\",\n \"NOT_FOUND\": \"Invoice not found.\",\n \"GENERAL_ERROR\": \"Sorry, something went wrong.\",\n \"SAVING_INVOICE\": \"Saving invoice...\",\n \"INVOICE_SAVED\": \"Invoice saved {{ timeAgo }}.\",\n \"INTERNAL_NOTES_TITLE\": \"Internal notes\"\n },\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD_TYPES\": {\n \"PAYMENT_OPTIONS\": \"Payment options\",\n \"MANAGE_PAYMENT_OPTIONS_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Manage payment options...\",\n \"PAYMENT_OPTIONS_TOOLTIP\": \"At least one payment option is required to collect payment\",\n \"PAYMENT_OPTION_DEBIT_OR_CREDIT_CARD\": \"Debit or credit card\",\n \"PAYMENT_OPTION_ACH_DEBIT\": \"ACH direct debit transfer\",\n \"PAYMENT_OPTION_ACSS_DEBIT\": \"Canadian pre-authorized debit\"\n },\n \"INVOICE_HEADER\": {\n \"VIEW_ACCOUNT\": \"View account\",\n \"EDIT_BILLING_SETTINGS\": \"Edit billing settings\",\n \"ADD_USERS\": \"Add users to account\",\n \"COMPANY\": \"Account\",\n \"CUSTOMER_ID\": \"Account ID\",\n \"ADDRESS\": \"Address\",\n \"USER_IS_REQUIRED\": \"User is required\",\n \"MUST_SELECT_USER\": \"You must select a user from the list\",\n \"USER\": \"User\",\n \"ADDITIONAL_USERS\": \"Additional users\",\n \"INVOICE\": \"Invoice\",\n \"ORDER\": \"Order\",\n \"CREATED\": \"Created\",\n \"DUE\": \"Due\",\n \"ISSUED\": \"Issued\",\n \"REQUIRED_DUE_DATE\": \"Due date is required\",\n \"DUE_DATE_MUST_BE_IN_THE_FUTURE\": \"Due date must be in the future\",\n \"DATE_TOOL_TIP\": \"Due date can only be edited on draft invoices\",\n \"ISSUED_CUSTOM_DATE_TITLE\": \"Select date\",\n \"ISSUED_INVOICE_DATE_TITLE\": \"Date invoice is finalized\"\n },\n \"DISPUTE_REASON\": {\n \"BANK_CANNOT_PROCESS\": \"Bank Cannot Process\",\n \"CHECK_RETURNED\": \"Check Returned\",\n \"CREDIT_NOT_PROCESSED\": \"Credit Not Processed\",\n \"CUSTOMER_INITIATED\": \"Customer Initiated\",\n \"DEBIT_NOT_AUTHORIZED\": \"Debit Not Authorized\",\n \"DUPLICATE\": \"Duplicate\",\n \"FRAUDULENT\": \"Fraudulent\",\n \"GENERAL\": \"General\",\n \"INCORRECT_ACCOUNT_DETAILS\": \"Incorrect Account Details\",\n \"INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS\": \"Insufficient Funds\",\n \"PRODUCT_NOT_RECEIVED\": \"Product Not Received\",\n \"PRODUCT_UNACCEPTABLE\": \"Product Unacceptable\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_CANCELED\": \"Subscription Canceled\",\n \"UNRECOGNIZED\": \"Unrecognized\",\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"Unknown\"\n },\n \"SUBSCRIPTIONS_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Subscriptions\"\n },\n \"PAYOUTS_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Payouts\",\n \"CURRENT_BALANCE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Upcoming payouts\",\n \"TOOLTIP\": \"The amount that's been collected but hasn't yet been paid out. Transactions are still accumulating, so this amount is just an estimate.\",\n \"PAYOUT_SCHEDULE_DAILY\": \"Payouts scheduled daily ({{ delay }}-day rolling basis)\",\n \"PAYOUT_SCHEDULE_WEEKLY\": \"Payouts scheduled weekly ({{ delay }}-day rolling basis)\",\n \"PAYOUT_SCHEDULE_MONTHLY\": \"Payouts scheduled monthly ({{ delay }}-day rolling basis)\",\n \"PAYOUT_SCHEDULE_MANUAL\": \"Payouts processed manually\"\n },\n \"IN_TRANSIT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"In transit\",\n \"TOOLTIP\": \"The amount that has been paid and is in transit to your bank account\",\n \"NEXT_PAYOUT\": \"Next arrival:\"\n },\n \"RETAIL_STATUS_ALERT\": {\n \"ACTION_TITLE\": \"View Vendasta Payments\"\n }\n },\n \"PAYOUT_DETAILS_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"{{ payoutDate }} Payout\",\n \"PAYOUT_DETAILS_CARD_TITLE\": \"Payout Details\",\n \"PAYMENT_RECORDS_CARD_TITLE\": \"Payment Records\",\n \"BACK_BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Back to Payouts\",\n \"FIELD_NAMES\": {\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"BANK_ACCOUNT\": \"Bank\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"ESTIMATED\": \"Estimated\",\n \"COMPLETED\": \"Completed\"\n }\n },\n \"PAYMENTS_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Payments\",\n \"DISPUTE_ALERT\": \"You have open payment disputes that require action.\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"FEE\": \"Fee\",\n \"NET\": \"Net\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"Payment Method\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"CUSTOMER\": \"Account\",\n \"ORDER\": \"Order\",\n \"ORDER_REFUND\": \"Refund - Order\",\n \"INVOICE\": \"Invoice\",\n \"INVOICE_REFUND\": \"Refund - Invoice\",\n \"DISPUTE\": \"Dispute Adjustment\",\n \"REFUND_FAILURE\": \"Refund Failure Adjustment\",\n \"PAYOUT_FAILURE\": \"Payout Failure\",\n \"NO_PAYMENTS_TITLE\": \"You haven't received any payments yet\",\n \"NO_PAYMENTS_BODY\": \"You can receive payments from your customers via invoices you've sent, as well as the purchases they make via the Shopping Cart in your Store\",\n \"NO_PAYMENTS_PRIMARY_CTA\": \"Manage Invoices\",\n \"NO_PAYMENTS_SECONDARY_CTA\": \"Manage Store\",\n \"REFUND\": \"Refund\"\n },\n \"PAYMENTS_EXPORT\": {\n \"EXPORT_BUTTON\": \"Export as CSV\",\n \"DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Export payment data\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Failed to build report\",\n \"PATIENCE_MESSAGE\": \"It may take a few minutes for the download to be ready after the export starts\",\n \"DATE_RANGE\": \"Date range\",\n \"DATE_RANGE_OPTIONS\": {\n \"LAST_30_DAYS\": \"Last 30 days\",\n \"LAST_60_DAYS\": \"Last 60 days\",\n \"LAST_90_DAYS\": \"Last 90 days\",\n \"LAST_MONTH\": \"Last month\",\n \"LAST_QUARTER\": \"Last quarter\",\n \"CUSTOM\": \"Custom\"\n },\n \"CURRENCY\": \"Currency\",\n \"ALL_CURRENCIES\": \"All currencies\",\n \"CURRENCY_HINT\": \"Only payments with the selected currency will be exported\",\n \"REPORT_DATA_HINT\": \"This export will also include information on payouts and Stripe account balance\"\n }\n },\n \"DISPUTE\": {\n \"DATE\": \"Date\",\n \"EVIDENCE_DUE\": \"Evidence Due\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"REASON\": \"Reason\"\n },\n \"PAYMENT_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Payment\",\n \"PAYMENT_DETAILS\": \"Payment Details\",\n \"DATE\": \"Date\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"FEE\": \"Fee\",\n \"NET\": \"Net\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"Payment Method\",\n \"ERROR_TITLE\": \"Failed to Get Payment\",\n \"GENERAL_ERROR\": \"Sorry, something went wrong.\",\n \"NOT_FOUND\": \"Payment does not exist.\",\n \"BUSINESS_NOT_FOUND\": \"Business does not exist.\",\n \"FAILURE_REASON\": \"Failure Reason\",\n \"DISPUTE\": \"Dispute\",\n \"NEEDS_RESPONSE\": \"Needs Response\",\n \"NEEDS_RESPONSE_DESCRIPTION\": \"Deal with dispute by\",\n \"PROVIDE_EVIDENCE\": \"Provide Evidence\",\n \"VIEW_EVIDENCE\": \"View Evidence\",\n \"UNDER_REVIEW\": \"Under Review\",\n \"CLOSED\": \"Closed\",\n \"CHARGE_REFUNDED\": \"Charge Refunded\",\n \"DISPUTE_LOST\": \"Lost\",\n \"DISPUTE_WON\": \"Won\",\n \"ACCEPT_DISPUTE\": \"Accept dispute\",\n \"ACCEPT_DISPUTE_SUCCESS\": \"Dispute has been accepted.\",\n \"ACCEPT_DISPUTE_ERROR\": \"Failed to accept dispute.\",\n \"ACCEPT_DISPUTE_INFORMATION\": \"Are you sure you want to accept this dispute? You will automatically lose this dispute and will no longer be\\n able to submit evidence that the payment is legitimate.\",\n \"ACCEPT\": \"Accept\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"REFUND\": \"Refund\",\n \"REFUNDED\": \"Refunded\",\n \"REFUND_DETAILS\": \"Refund Details\",\n \"REFUND_MESSAGE\": \"Refunds will appear on the customer's statement within 5-10 days\"\n },\n \"PAYMENT_DISPUTE_PAGE\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Provide Dispute Evidence\",\n \"AUTO_SAVING\": \"Auto saving...\",\n \"SUBMIT_EVIDENCE\": \"Submit Evidence\",\n \"DISPUTE_SAVED\": \"Dispute has been saved.\",\n \"DISPUTE_SAVE_FAILED\": \"Failed to save dispute.\",\n \"ERROR_TITLE\": \"Failed to Get Dispute\",\n \"GENERAL_ERROR\": \"Sorry, something went wrong.\",\n \"NOT_FOUND\": \"Dispute does not exist.\",\n \"CUSTOMER_NAME\": \"Full Name\",\n \"CUSTOMER_NAME_HINT\": \"The full name of the customer who made the purchase.\",\n \"CUSTOMER_EMAIL\": \"Email\",\n \"CUSTOMER_EMAIL_HINT\": \"The email of the customer who made the purchase.\",\n \"ADDRESS\": \"Billing Address\",\n \"CUSTOMER_DETAILS\": \"Account Details\",\n \"CUSTOMER_DETAILS_DESCRIPTION\": \"Ensure the details regarding the customer are fully filled out.\",\n \"DISPUTE_EVIDENCE\": \"Dispute Evidence\",\n \"PRODUCT_DETAILS\": \"Product Details\",\n \"PRODUCT_DETAILS_DESCRIPTION\": \"Describe the product or service provided to your customer.\",\n \"RECOMMENDED_DOCUMENTS\": \"Recommended Documents\",\n \"UPLOAD\": \"Upload from Computer\",\n \"DRAG_AND_DROP\": \"Drag and Drop Files\",\n \"SUPPORTING_EVIDENCE\": \"Supporting Evidence\",\n \"SUPPORTING_DESCRIPTION\": \"Submit accurate and relevant high-resolution documents to support your case.\",\n \"BEST_PRACTICES\": \"Learn best practices for submitting evidence.\",\n \"CATEGORY\": \"Category\",\n \"REQUIRED\": \"required\",\n \"FILE\": \"File\",\n \"FILE_TOO_LARGE\": \"File is too large.\",\n \"NO_FILES\": \"No files submitted.\",\n \"UPLOAD_INFO\": \"Upload one file per recommended document (5 MB maximum size total).\",\n \"FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED\": \"Failed to upload file.\",\n \"SUBMIT_EVIDENCE_INFORMATION\": \"Once you submit your evidence for this dispute, we\u2019ll send it to the customer\u2019s bank for review. The bank will make a final decision within 3 months, and we\u2019ll be in touch if they need any more information.\",\n \"CATEGORIES\": {\n \"UNCATEGORIZED_FILE\": \"Uncategorized File\",\n \"CUSTOMER_COMMUNICATION\": \"Customer Communication\",\n \"CUSTOMER_SIGNATURE\": \"Customer Signature\",\n \"SHIPPING_DOCUMENTATION\": \"Shipping Documentation\",\n \"RECEIPT\": \"Receipt\",\n \"OTHER\": \"Other Evidence\"\n },\n \"INVALID_FORM\": \"Form is invalid. Please make sure all required fields are filled out\"\n },\n \"PAYMENTS_ONBOARDING\": {\n \"CTA\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Receive Payments from your customers\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Set up Vendasta Payments\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": {\n \"PAYMENTS_PAGE\": \"Use this page to keep track of the payments you receive from customers through invoices and Shopping Cart purchases. To begin receiving payments, set up Vendasta Payments.\",\n \"PAYOUTS_PAGE\": \"Once you've started collecting payments using Vendasta Payments, your balance is paid out regularly. Use this page to view your current balance and the amount, status, and expected arrival date of payouts.\"\n }\n },\n \"UNSUPPORTED_REGION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Accept payments through the platform\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Contact us to determine if Vendasta payments is available in your area and start accepting payments from your customers\"\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_REJECTED_BANNER\": {\n \"ACCOUNT_REJECTED_NOTIFICATION\": \"Your Vendasta Payments account has been rejected, please contact Vendasta to resolve this issue.\"\n },\n \"REFUND_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Refund payment\",\n \"TO\": \"To\",\n \"WARNING_CARD_TITLE\": \"Refund details for card payments\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Refund will appear on the account's statement within 5-10 business days. Fees from initial payment will not be refunded.\",\n \"WARNING_ACH_TITLE\": \"Refunding now may result in refunding twice\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_ACH\": \"ACH Direct Debit payments can be disputed for 60 days after payment. If the dispute is lost, the account will be refunded again. Learn more about ACH Direct Debit refunds with Stripe.\",\n \"WARNING_ACSS_TITLE\": \"Refunding now may result in refunding twice\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_ACSS\": \"Pre-authorized debit payments can be disputed 90 days after payment. If the dispute is lost, the account will be refunded again. Learn more about PADs refunds with Stripe.\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Refund\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Refund amount\",\n \"DATE\": \"Date\",\n \"BALANCE\": \"Vendasta Payments balance\",\n \"REASON\": \"Reason\",\n \"SELECT_REASON\": \"Select a reason\",\n \"PAYMENT_REFUNDED\": \"Payment refunded\",\n \"FAILED_TO_REFUND\": \"Failed to refund payment: {{err}}\",\n \"REFUND_CANNOT_EXCEED_AMOUNT\": \"Refund cannot be more than\",\n \"NEGATIVE_BALANCE_TITLE\": \"Negative balance\",\n \"NEGATIVE_BALANCE_DESCRIPTION\": \"The following refund will result in a negative balance in Vendasta payments. Future payments from your customer accounts will cover the negative balance.\",\n \"CONTACT_SUPPORT\": \"Contact support\",\n \"REFUND_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO\": \"Refund must be more than\",\n \"DUPLICATE\": \"Duplicate\",\n \"FRAUDULENT\": \"Fraudulent\",\n \"REQUESTED_BY_CUSTOMER\": \"Requested by customer\"\n },\n \"REFUND_REASON\": {\n \"UNSET\": \"Unset\",\n \"DUPLICATE\": \"Duplicate\",\n \"FRAUDULENT\": \"Fraudulent\",\n \"REQUESTED_BY_CUSTOMER\": \"Requested by customer\",\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"Unknown\"\n }\n },\n \"INVOICE\": {\n \"CHARGE_INVOICE\": \"Charge invoice\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_CHARGE\": \"Are you sure you want to charge this customer?\",\n \"CHARGE_CUSTOMER\": \"Charge customer\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE\": \"Are you sure you want to delete this invoice? This action cannot be undone.\",\n \"DELETE_INVOICE\": \"Delete invoice\",\n \"THANK_YOU_FOR_YOUR_BUSINESS\": \"Thanks for your business!\",\n \"ADD_OR_SELECT_PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"+ Add or select existing payment method\",\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_SELECTED\": \"A payment method has not been selected.\",\n \"EMAIL_THE_INVOICE\": \"Email the invoice to the account to pay\",\n \"CHARGE_PAYMENT_METHOD_ON_FILE\": \"Charge a payment method on file\",\n \"SELECT_USER\": \"Select user\",\n \"SEND_THE_INVOICE_TO\": \"Send the invoice to\",\n \"EMAIL_ADDRESSES\": \"Email addresses\",\n \"ADD_EMAIL_ADDRESSES\": \"Add email addresses...\",\n \"PREVIEW_INVOICE\": \"Preview invoice\",\n \"LINE_ITEMS_REQUIRED_ERROR\": \"Invoice line items are required\",\n \"REQUIRED_FIELDS_ERROR\": \"Please fill out all required fields\",\n \"SEND_FAILURE\": \"Failed to send invoice\",\n \"SEND_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully sent invoice\"\n },\n \"RECURRING_INVOICE\": {\n \"FORM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Recurring invoice\",\n \"NOT_FOUND\": \"Not found\",\n \"RECURRING_INVOICE_NOT_FOUND\": \"Recurring invoice does not exist\",\n \"AN_ERROR_OCCURRED\": \"An error occurred\",\n \"SAVED_MESSAGE\": \"Recurring invoice has been saved\",\n \"SAVE_ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Failed to save recurring invoice: {{ error }}\",\n \"DELETED_MESSAGE\": \"Recurring invoice has been deleted\",\n \"DELETE_ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Failed to delete recurring invoice: {{ error }}\",\n \"BILL_BY_ACTIVE_PRODUCTS_ENABLED\": \"This account is already billed automatically for active products. Recurring invoices could lead to a double-charge.\",\n \"REVIEW_BILLING_SETTINGS\": \"Review billing settings\",\n \"ACTIVE\": \"Active\",\n \"INACTIVE\": \"Inactive\",\n \"ARCHIVED\": \"Archived\",\n \"ARCHIVE\": \"Archive\",\n \"UNARCHIVE\": \"Unarchive\",\n \"RECURRING_SCHEDULE\": \"Recurring schedule\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"QUANTITY\": \"Quantity\",\n \"LINE_TOTAL\": \"Line total\",\n \"PACKAGE_NAME\": \"Package name\",\n \"HIDE_LINE_ITEMS\": \"Hide line items\",\n \"ADD_LINE_ITEM\": \"Add item\",\n \"ADD_CUSTOM_LINE_ITEM\": \"Add custom item\",\n \"ADD_PACKAGE\": \"Add package\",\n \"ADD_TAX_RATES\": \"Add tax rates\",\n \"EDIT_TAX_RATES\": \"Edit tax rates\",\n \"BILL_TO\": \"Bill to\",\n \"RECIPIENT\": \"Recipient\",\n \"NO_RECIPIENT\": \"No recipient\",\n \"CUSTOMER_ID\": \"Account ID\",\n \"INVOICE_NUMBER\": \"Invoice number\",\n \"AUTO_GENERATED\": \"Auto generated\",\n \"ARCHIVE_DIALOG_TITLE\": \"Archive recurring invoice\",\n \"ARCHIVE_DIALOG_MESSAGE\": \"Invoices will no longer be created from this recurring invoice. Are you sure you want to archive this recurring invoice?\",\n \"DELETE_DIALOG_TITLE\": \"Delete recurring invoice\",\n \"DELETE_DIALOG_MESSAGE\": \"Are you sure you want to delete this recurring invoice?\",\n \"INVOICE_GENERATION_ON\": \"Invoices will be created based on the settings below\",\n \"INVOICE_GENERATION_OFF\": \"Invoices will not be created, and the account will not be charged until the recurring invoice is active\",\n \"SEND_NEXT_INVOICE_ON\": \"Send next invoice on\",\n \"HOW_OFTEN\": \"How often?\",\n \"ON_THE\": \"On the\",\n \"OF_THE_MONTH\": \"of the month\",\n \"DUE_DATE\": \"Invoice due date\",\n \"DUE\": \"Due\",\n \"NEXT_DAY\": \"Next day\",\n \"7_DAYS\": \"Within 7 days\",\n \"14_DAYS\": \"Within 14 days\",\n \"30_DAYS\": \"Within 30 days\",\n \"45_DAYS\": \"Within 45 days\",\n \"60_DAYS\": \"Within 60 days\",\n \"90_DAYS\": \"Within 90 days\",\n \"N_DAYS\": \"Within {{ numDays }} days\",\n \"HOW_MANY\": \"How many?\",\n \"SEND_INDEFINITELY\": \"Send indefinitely\",\n \"SEND_UNTIL\": \"Send until\",\n \"COLLECTION_METHOD\": \"Collection method\",\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"Payment method\",\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD_SELECT\": \"Select payment method\",\n \"DAILY\": \"Daily\",\n \"WEEKLY\": \"Weekly\",\n \"MONTHLY\": \"Monthly\",\n \"YEARLY\": \"Yearly\",\n \"CUSTOM\": \"Custom\",\n \"COLLECT_AUTOMATICALLY\": \"Collect payments automatically\",\n \"COLLECT_EMAIL\": \"Email invoice\",\n \"COLLECT_MANUALLY\": \"Create invoice, but don't send to account\",\n \"SUBTOTAL\": \"Subtotal\",\n \"TOTAL\": \"Total\",\n \"TAX_RATES\": \"Tax rates\",\n \"RATE\": \"Rate\",\n \"TAX_NAME\": \"Tax name\",\n \"REMOVE_SKU\": \"Remove the sku associated to this line item\",\n \"NO_TAX_RATES\": \"There are no tax rates\",\n \"APPLY_TO_ALL_LINE_ITEMS\": \"Apply to all line items\",\n \"MEMO_TITLE\": \"Memo\",\n \"MEMO_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Enter a footer for this invoice (e.g. tax information or a thank you)\",\n \"GET_STARTED_WITH_VENDASTA_PAYMENTS\": \"Get started with Vendasta Payments\",\n \"EVERY\": \"Every\",\n \"DAY\": \"Day\",\n \"DAYS\": \"Days\",\n \"DAYS_LOWERCASE\": \"days\",\n \"WEEK\": \"Week\",\n \"WEEKS\": \"Weeks\",\n \"MONTH\": \"Month\",\n \"MONTHS\": \"Months\",\n \"YEAR\": \"Year\",\n \"YEARS\": \"Years\",\n \"SAVE_ACTIVE_DIALOG_TITLE\": \"Start scheduled invoicing\",\n \"SAVE_ACTIVE_DIALOG_MESSAGE\": \"Invoices will be generated and sent based on this template and schedule that you've chosen.\",\n \"FIRST_INVOICE\": \"First Invoice\",\n \"SCHEDULE\": \"Schedule\",\n \"SAVE_INACTIVE_DIALOG_TITLE\": \"Information\",\n \"SAVE_INACTIVE_DIALOG_MESSAGE\": \"You are about to save this template as inactive, and it will not generate any invoices.\",\n \"EMPTY_INVOICE\": \"Invoice requires at least one item\",\n \"PACKAGE_EMPTY\": \"Package requires at least one line item\"\n },\n \"PREVIEW_INVOICE\": \"Preview invoice\",\n \"PACKAGE_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Select a package\",\n \"NO_PACKAGES\": \"No packages found\",\n \"EMPTY_PACKAGE\": \"Empty package\",\n \"LEGACY_PACKAGE\": \"New pricing model required\"\n },\n \"LEGACY_PACKAGE_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Update pricing model\",\n \"LEGACY_PACKAGE_ARTICLE\": {\n \"_0\": \"This package does not use the\",\n \"_1\": \"new package pricing model\",\n \"_2\": \"required for invoices.\"\n },\n \"LEGACY_PACKAGE_UPGRADE\": {\n \"_0\": \"Consider\",\n \"_1\": \"updating this package\",\n \"_2\": \"to the new pricing model.\"\n }\n },\n \"MULTI_FREQUENCY_WARNING\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Multiple Billing Frequencies\",\n \"WARNING\": \"The selected package contains items with different billing frequencies.\"\n }\n },\n \"MARKETPLACE\": {\n \"DISCOVERABLE_ITEM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Discover Products\",\n \"HELP_PARAGRAPH_1\": \"On the Discover Products page, you can find new products and services to add to your offerings.\",\n \"HELP_PARAGRAPH_2\": \"When you've found a product you want to add to your Store, click on the product card then click Add to Store.\",\n \"HELP_PARAGRAPH_3\": \"You can also add your own products and services to your Store by clicking Add product in the top-right corner of the page.\",\n \"ADD_PRODUCT\": \"Add Product\",\n \"ENABLE_STATE\": {\n \"DISABLE\": \"Disable\"\n },\n \"STORE_STATE\": {\n \"STOP_SELLING\": \"Stop selling\"\n },\n \"PRODUCTS_BUTTON\": \"Products\",\n \"PRICING_BUTTON\": \"Pricing\",\n \"SHOWING_LABEL\": \"Showing\",\n \"RESULTS_LABEL\": \"results\",\n \"EXPLORE_LABEL\": \"Explore\",\n \"ALL_LABEL\": \"All\",\n \"FEATURED_LABEL\": \"Featured\",\n \"COUNTRY_LABEL\": \"Country\",\n \"MORE_FILTERS_LABEL\": \"More filters\",\n \"FILTER_MODAL_TITLE\": \"Categories\",\n \"FILTER_MODAL_DONE_CTA\": \"Done\",\n \"CONTENT_PAGE_PARAGRAPH_1_A\": \"We're working hard to bring the top products in\",\n \"CONTENT_PAGE_PARAGRAPH_1_B\": \"to you and your clients. Check back here soon.
Know of a product that you'd like to offer your clients? Suggest it to us here!\",\n \"CONTENT_SUGGEST_PRODUCT_LINK\": \"Suggest a product\",\n \"CONTENT_NO_CATEGORY_TITLE\": \"Great things are in store!\",\n \"CONTENT_PAGE_PARAGRAPH_2\": \"We couldn't find any results for your search. Change your search terms and try again, or select a product category to find what you're looking for.\",\n \"DISABLE_PRODUCT_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Disable {{ productName }}\",\n \"WARNING_HEADER\": \"Disabling {{ productName }} will result in the following:\",\n \"APP\": {\n \"WARNING_1\": \"Existing packages containing this product will be archived and all associated add-ons disabled.\",\n \"WARNING_2\": \"Accounts that currently have this product active will not be affected and will continue to have access to the product.\",\n \"WARNING_3\": \"Administrators will not be able to select this product when creating packages or activate it on accounts.\",\n \"WARNING_4\": \"Existing sales orders will not be affected. Approving these will activate this product on the account.\",\n \"WARNING_5\": \"When creating new sales orders, this product will not be displayed.\",\n \"CHECKBOX\": \"Are you sure you wish to disable {{ productName }} and all associated add-ons?\"\n },\n \"ADD_ON\": {\n \"WARNING_1\": \"Existing packages containing this add-on will be archived.\",\n \"WARNING_2\": \"Accounts that currently have this add-on active will not be affected and will continue to have access to the add-on.\",\n \"WARNING_3\": \"Administrators will not be able to select this add-on when creating packages or activate it on accounts.\",\n \"WARNING_4\": \"Existing sales orders will not be affected. Approving these will activate this add-on on the account.\",\n \"WARNING_5\": \"When creating new sales orders, this add-on will not be displayed.\",\n \"CHECKBOX\": \"Are you sure you wish to disable the {{ productName }} add-on?\"\n },\n \"BUTTON\": \"Disable\"\n },\n \"STOP_SELLING_PRODUCT_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Stop selling?\",\n \"APP\": {\n \"WARNING_HEADER\": \"This will affect {{ productName }}, its add-ons, and any dependent products in the following ways:\",\n \"WARNING_1\": \"They will no longer appear in your Public Store or Business App\",\n \"WARNING_2\": \"Packages containing them will be archived\",\n \"WARNING_3\": \"Admins will not be able to activate or add them to a package\",\n \"WARNING_4\": \"Salespeople will not be able to add them to an order\",\n \"WARNING_5\": \"Orders containing them will not be fulfillable\",\n \"WARNING_6\": \"Accounts with any of the above products active will lose access to them\",\n \"WARNING_FOOTER\": \"To remove this product from your store without affecting existing accounts or orders, remove it from any packages that contain it and deselect Available in store under Marketplace > Products > {{ productName }}\"\n },\n \"ADD_ON\": {\n \"WARNING_HEADER\": \"This will affect {{ productName }} in the following ways:\",\n \"WARNING_1\": \"It will no longer appear in your Public Store or Business App\",\n \"WARNING_2\": \"Packages containing it will be archived\",\n \"WARNING_3\": \"Admins will not be able to activate or add it to a package\",\n \"WARNING_4\": \"Salespeople will not be able to add it to an order\",\n \"WARNING_5\": \"Orders containing it will not be fulfillable\",\n \"WARNING_6\": \"Accounts with the add-on active will lose access to it\",\n \"WARNING_FOOTER\": \"To remove this add-on from your store without affecting existing accounts or orders, remove it from any packages that contain it and deselect Available in store under Marketplace > Products > {{ productName }}\"\n },\n \"BUTTON\": \"Stop selling\"\n },\n \"DISCOVER_PRODUCTS_CARD_ITEM\": {\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn More\",\n \"START_SELLING\": \"Start Selling\",\n \"KEY_FEATURES\": \"Key Features\",\n \"ADD_TO_STORE\": \"Add to Store\",\n \"ADDON_TO\": \"Add-on to\"\n },\n \"DISCOVER_PRODUCTS_PRICING_VIEW\": {\n \"VENDOR_SUGGESTED_RETAIL\": \"Vendor's suggested retail\",\n \"WHOLESALE_COST\": \"Wholesale cost\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION\": \"Get up to 65% off your wholesale prices.\",\n \"UPGRADE_CTA\": \"Upgrade\",\n \"CURRENT_PLAN\": \"Your cost\u2014Current plan\",\n \"FREE_PLAN\": \"Your cost\u2014Free plan\",\n \"PAID_PLAN\": \"Your cost\u2014Paid plan\"\n },\n \"ENABLE_FAILED\": \"Failed to enable the product\"\n },\n \"MANAGE_STORE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Manage store\",\n \"NEW_TITLE\": \"Packages\",\n \"HELP_PARAGRAPH_1\": \"Once you\u2019ve enabled the products you want to sell from the Discover Products page, it\u2019s time to package them and add them to your Store.\",\n \"HELP_PARAGRAPH_2\": \"Click Create Package to start bundling and publishing products together. Store Settings will allow you to configure your Store\u2019s product categories, lead-generating contact form, and more.\",\n \"HELP_PARAGRAPH_3\": \"Store Settings will allow you to configure your Store\u2019s product categories, lead-generating contact form, and more.\",\n \"PACKAGES_TABLE\": {\n \"COLUMNS\": {\n \"PACKAGE\": \"Package\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\"\n }\n },\n \"PAGE_ACTIONS\": {\n \"STORE_SETTINGS\": \"Store Settings\",\n \"CREATE_PACKAGE\": \"Create Package\",\n \"TABLE_BUTTON\": \"List\",\n \"GRID_BUTTON\": \"Grid\"\n },\n \"PACKAGE_ACTIONS\": {\n \"PREVIEW_TITLE\": \"Preview Package\",\n \"EDIT_TITLE\": \"Edit Package\",\n \"CHANGE_CATEGORIES\": \"Change Categories\",\n \"PUBLISH\": \"Publish\",\n \"UNPUBLISH\": \"Unpublish\",\n \"ARCHIVE\": \"Archive\",\n \"RESTORE\": \"Restore\",\n \"COPY\": \"Copy\"\n },\n \"SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Public Store Settings\",\n \"NEW_TITLE\": \"Manage store\",\n \"THEME\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Theme\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Change the appearance of your store\",\n \"THEME_COMPONENT\": {\n \"COLOR\": \"Color\",\n \"FONT\": \"Font\",\n \"RESET_TO_DEFAULT\": \"Reset to default\",\n \"COLOR_PICKERS\": {\n \"LOGO_BAR\": \"Logo Bar\",\n \"BACKGROUND\": \"Background\",\n \"ACCENT\": \"Accent\",\n \"PRIMARY\": \"Primary font\",\n \"SECONDARY\": \"Secondary font\",\n \"CATEGORY_PRIMARY\": \"Primary Category\",\n \"CATGEORY_SECONDARY\": \"Secondary Category\"\n },\n \"OPTIONS\": {\n \"BLACK\": \"Black\",\n \"DARKGREY\": \"Dark Grey\",\n \"BLUE\": \"Blue\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"CURRENCY\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Currency\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Set the currency your store operates in\",\n \"SELECTOR\": \"Choose the currency your store uses to display prices and accept payments\",\n \"CONVERSION_HEADER\": \"Conversion rate\",\n \"CONVERSION_COPY\": \"Set the retail prices of enabled products based on their Suggested Retail Price (USD)\",\n \"CONVERSION_RATE\": {\n \"SUCCESS_MSG\": \"Updated Store currency.\",\n \"ZERO_ERROR\": \"Conversion rate must be greater than 0\",\n \"FETCH_ERROR\": \"Oops, there was an error fetching the currency for your Public Store.\",\n \"UPDATE_ERROR\": \"Oops, there was an error updating the currency for your Public Store.\"\n },\n \"CONVERSION_PROCESS\": {\n \"SUCCESS_MSG\": \"The retail price conversion process completed.\",\n \"START_ERROR\": \"Oops, there was an error starting the retail price conversion process.\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"CURRENCY_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Update currency to {{currencyCode}}?\",\n \"CONVERSION_RATE_TEXT\": \"Products added to your store will be priced using a conversion rate of USD$1 = {{conversionRate}} in your {{marketName}} market.\",\n \"CONVERSION_RATE_TEXT_NO_MARKETS\": \"Products added to your store will be priced using a conversion rate of USD$1 = {{conversionRate}}.\",\n \"CONVERT_PRICES_UNCHECKED\": \"The prices of items already in your store won't be affected.\",\n \"CONVERT_PRICES_CHECKED\": \"Existing store items will be converted using their suggested retail price. Those already in {{currencyCode}} will not be affected.\",\n \"CHECKBOX\": \"Convert product retail prices\",\n \"UPDATE_CURRENCY_BUTTON\": \"Update currency\"\n },\n \"ARCHIVE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Archive package?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"This package will be removed from your store, and salespeople will no longer be able to add it to a sales order.
You'll still be able to see this package under the Archived filter in Marketplace > Packages.\"\n },\n \"DELETE_CONFIRMATION_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Delete package?\",\n \"MESSAGE\": \"This package will no longer be visible anywhere. This can't be undone.\",\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"The package was deleted\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"There was an error deleting the package\"\n }\n },\n \"MANAGE_PRODUCTS\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Products\",\n \"PAGE_ACTIONS\": {\n \"GO_TO_VENDOR_CENTER\": \"Open Vendor Center\",\n \"CREATE_PRODUCT\": \"Create product\"\n },\n \"TABS\": {\n \"ALL_PRODUCTS\": \"All products\",\n \"MY_PRODUCTS\": \"My products\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"MESSAGE\": \"Sorry, we couldn't find anything that matches your criteria\",\n \"CTA\": \"Create a new product\"\n },\n \"HELP_CTA\": \"Set Up Your Store for Success\",\n \"PRODUCT_DETAILS\": {\n \"BACK_BUTTON_TITLE\": \"Products\",\n \"REQUIRES_PARENT_APP\": \"Requires {{parentName}}\",\n \"ACTION_BUTTONS\": {\n \"ADMIN_VIEW\": \"Admin view\",\n \"YEXT_DASHBOARD\": \"Yext dashboard\",\n \"ADMIN_TOOLS\": \"Admin tools\",\n \"DASHBOARD\": \"Dashboard\",\n \"PRODUCT_SETTINGS\": \"Product settings\",\n \"VIEW_RESELLER_INFORMATION\": \"View reseller information\",\n \"EDIT_IN_MARKETPLACE\": \"Edit in Marketplace\"\n },\n \"TABS\": {\n \"OVERVIEW\": {\n \"LABEL\": \"Overview\"\n },\n \"PRODUCT_INFO\": {\n \"LABEL\": \"Product info\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Product settings\",\n \"RETAIL_PRICE_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Retail price\",\n \"SUBTITLE_PREFIX\": \"Retail price currency can be changed in your\",\n \"PUBLIC_STORE_SETTINGS_LINK\": \"Public Store Settings.\",\n \"TOOLTIP\": \"No retail price set in this market's currency\",\n \"PACKAGES_WITH_PRODUCT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Packages that include {{name}}\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"You may want to review or adjust this product\u2019s price in the following packages:\",\n \"NO_PACKAGES\": \"No packages include {{name}}\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"ADDONS\": {\n \"LABEL\": \"Add-ons\",\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": \"This product has no add-ons\"\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"MODAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Welcome to Vendasta's Marketplace\",\n \"CHAT_WITH_AN_EXPERT\": \"Chat with an expert\",\n \"DISCOVER_PRODUCTS\": \"Discover products\"\n },\n \"MY_PURCHASES\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"My Purchases\",\n \"PAGE_ACTIONS\": {\n \"DISCOVER_PRODUCTS\": \"Discover products\"\n },\n \"ALERTS\": {\n \"FREE_GIFT\": \"Your free gift!\",\n \"GIFT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Enjoy Yesware as part of your Vendasta platform subscription\",\n \"GIFT_DESCRIPTION_FREE_TRIAL\": \"Upgrade to enjoy Yesware as part of your Vendasta platform subscription!\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"EDIT_SALES_TEAM_NAME_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Edit team name\",\n \"NEW_TEAM_NAME_LABEL\": \"Team name\",\n \"TEAM_NAME_MUST_BE_ENTERED_HINT\": \"Be sure to give this team a name\",\n \"TEAM_NAME_UPDATED\": \"The team name was updated\",\n \"UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_TEAM_NAME\": \"We couldn't update the team name: {{errorMessage}}\",\n \"EDIT_SALES_TEAM_TITLE\": \"Edit team name\"\n },\n \"CREATE_BUSSINESS_USER_PAGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create User\",\n \"FIRST_NAME\": \"First name\",\n \"LAST_NAME\": \"Last name\",\n \"PHONE\": \"Phone number\",\n \"USER_EMAIL\": \"Email\",\n \"GREETING_NAME\": \"Greeting name\",\n \"GREETING_NAME_HINT\": \"Name displayed in the greeting section of emails\",\n \"WELCOME_MESSAGE_PREVIEW\": \"Welcome email preview\",\n \"WELCOME_MESSAGE_TEXT_1\": \"Welcome email disabled\",\n \"WELCOME_MESSAGE_TEXT_2\": \"Enable the welcome email to view the email preview\",\n \"WELCOME_MESSAGE\": \"Custom introductory message\",\n \"WELCOME_MESSAGE_FLAG\": \"Send welcome email\",\n \"NEW_USER\": \"Create user\",\n \"CREATE_USER_BUTTON\": \"Create user\",\n \"CORRESPONDENCE_LANGUAGE\": \"Correspondence language\",\n \"LANGUAGE_HINT\": \"Default language of the platform and outgoing emails for the user\",\n \"CREATE_USER_SUCCESS\": \"User successfully created\",\n \"CREATE_USER_ERROR\": \"Error creating user\",\n \"CREATE_USER_LIMIT_ERROR\": \"Limit has been reached for business users\",\n \"CREATE_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR\": \"User already exists\",\n \"CREATE_USER_INVALID_FORM\": \"Invalid user form. Verify the information provided\",\n \"PREVIEW\": \"Preview\"\n },\n \"EDIT_BUSINESS_USER_PAGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Edit User\",\n \"SUBMIT_BUTTON\": \"Update user\",\n \"SUBMIT_USER_SUCCESS\": \"User successfully updated\",\n \"SUBMIT_USER_ERROR\": \"Error updating user\"\n },\n \"SETTINGS_PAGE\": {\n \"SECTIONS\": {\n \"ADMIN_MGMT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Admin management\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Add and manage Partner Center users and their permissions\"\n },\n \"ADMIN_MY_TEAM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"My team\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Invite and manage your admins, salespeople, and digital agents \"\n }\n }\n },\n \"BILLING_SUBSCRIPTIONS\": {\n \"SUBSCRIPTIONS_TITLE\": \"subscription\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTIONS_NOT_FOUND_TITLE\": \"Subscription not found\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTIONS_ERROR_TITLE\": \"An unknown error occurred\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_PREVIOUS_PAGE\": \"Subscription list\",\n \"SKU\": \"SKU\",\n \"COMPANY\": \"Account\",\n \"BILLING_RECIPIENT\": \"Billing recipient\",\n \"CREATED\": \"Created\",\n \"FREQUENCY\": \"Frequency\",\n \"NEXT_RENEWAL\": \"Next renewal\",\n \"NEXT_INVOICE\": \"Next invoice\",\n \"NEXT_INVOICE_TOOLTIP\": \"Subscriptions with renewal dates on {{ nextInvoiceDate }} will be added to the next invoice\",\n \"NEXT_INVOICE_PROCESSING\": \"Processing\",\n \"RETAIL_PRICE\": \"Retail price\",\n \"RETAIL_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"Retail subscription\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\",\n \"UPSERT_PRICE_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully updated the price\",\n \"UPSERT_PRICE_ERROR\": \"Error updating the price\",\n \"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"Cancel subscription\",\n \"UNCANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"Stop cancellation\",\n \"REACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"Reactivate subscription\",\n \"VIEW_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"View subscription\",\n \"EDIT_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"Edit subscription\",\n \"EDIT_SUBSCRIPTION_RENEWAL_DATE\": \"Edit renewal date\",\n \"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS\": \"Subscription scheduled for cancellation\",\n \"UNCANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS\": \"Subscription reactivated\",\n \"IMMEDIATELY_CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS\": \"Subscription canceled\",\n \"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR\": \"Error canceling the subscription\",\n \"UNCANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR\": \"Error reactivating the subscription\",\n \"FAILED_TO_LOAD_RECIPIENT\": \"Error loading billing recipient\",\n \"BILLING_SUMMARY\": \"Billing summary\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_BILLING\": \"Subscription billing\",\n \"AUTOMATIC\": \"Automatic\",\n \"MANUAL\": \"Manual\",\n \"PREVIEW_NEXT_INVOICE\": \"Preview next invoice\",\n \"PREVIEW_NEXT_INVOICE_ERROR\": \"Failed to preview next invoice\",\n \"CANCELLED_BANNER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Subscription canceled - \",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"{{productName}} will end on {{expiryDate}}. To avoid future wholesale charges, cancel and deactivate any corresponding products for the account.\"\n },\n \"PRICING_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Change unit price?\",\n \"BODY\": \"There are other items with the same SKU on this account, changing the price will also change the price for those items.\",\n \"CURRENT_PRICE\": \"Current price\"\n },\n \"CANCEL_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Cancel subscription for\",\n \"STRATEGY_LABEL\": \"Choose when to end the subscription\",\n \"END_OF_CURRENT_PERIOD\": \"End of current period\",\n \"CUSTOM_DATE\": \"Custom date\",\n \"SELECT_DATE\": \"Select date\",\n \"DONT_CANCEL\": \"Don't cancel\",\n \"CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"Cancel subscription\",\n \"DATE_REQUIRED_ERROR\": \"Date required\"\n },\n \"CHANGE_RENEWAL_DATE_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Edit renewal date for {{ productName }}\",\n \"LABEL\": \"New renewal date\",\n \"UPDATE_RENEWAL_DATE\": \"Update renewal date\",\n \"NOT_ALLOWED_TITLE\": \"Unable to edit renewal date for {{ productName }}\",\n \"NOT_ALLOWED_DESCRIPTION\": \"Subscription renewal dates cannot be updated the day before or after the current renewal day. Next renewal date is currently: {{nextRenewal}}\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Error changing the renewal date\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Updated renewal date\"\n },\n \"GO_TO_SUBSCRIPTIONS\": \"Go to subscriptions\",\n \"CREATE_RETAIL_SUBSCRIPTIONS\": \"Create retail subscriptions\",\n \"CREATE_SUBSCRIPTIONS\": {\n \"BUTTON\": {\n \"ADD_ITEMS\": \"Add items\",\n \"CREATE_NEW_ITEM\": \"Create new item\",\n \"CREATE\": \"Create subscriptions\"\n },\n \"TITLE\": \"Create subscriptions\",\n \"CARD_TITLE\": \"New subscriptions\",\n \"CARD_SUBTITLE\": \"These subscriptions will not order items for the account\",\n \"CREATE\": \"Create subscriptions\",\n \"SETUP_FEE\": \"Setup fee\",\n \"SETUP_FEE_TOOLTIP\": \"This setup fee is included for record keeping only. It will not be included in any invoices generated from this subscription.\",\n \"INVALID_FORM\": \"Please fill out all required fields\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Failed to create subscriptions: {{ error }}\",\n \"PRICE_CONFIRMATION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Price change confirmation\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_1\": \"Changes will affect existing subscriptions\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_2\": \"The following subscriptions are already active on this account. Changes made here will affect their price:\"\n },\n \"ALERT\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoice date set to every {{ number }} day of the month - The subscriptions created will be set to invoice on this day by default\"\n },\n \"SAVE_UNIT_PRICING_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully saved subscription\",\n \"SAVE_UNIT_PRICING_ERROR\": \"Error saving subscription\",\n \"AUTO_BILLABLE_TEXT\": \"Invoice customer\",\n \"AUTO_BILLABLE_TOOLTIP\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Wholesale charges for the item will still continue.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"The subscription will not generate invoices or bill your customer on its renewal dates while turned off.\"\n },\n \"INVOICE_NAME\": \"Invoice name\",\n \"INVOICE_NAME_HINT\": \"Customize the item name shown on invoices\",\n \"INVOICE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Enter invoice name (optional)\",\n \"DISCOUNTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add discount\",\n \"EDIT_TITLE\": \"Edit discount\",\n \"NAME_LABEL\": \"Name\",\n \"NAME_HINT\": \"Discount name will be visible on the invoice\",\n \"TYPE_LABEL\": \"Type\",\n \"TYPE_FIXED_AMOUNT_PER_UNIT\": \"Fixed amount\",\n \"PERCENTAGE\": \"Percentage\",\n \"DURATION\": \"Duration\",\n \"DURATION_FOREVER\": \"Forever\",\n \"DURATION_CUSTOM\": \"Custom\",\n \"START_DATE\": \"Start date\",\n \"START_DATE_HINT\": \"Start date is required\",\n \"END_DATE\": \"End date\",\n \"END_DATE_HINT\": \"End date is required\",\n \"END_DATE_AFTER_START\": \"End date must be after the start date\",\n \"ERROR_MISSING_INFORMATION\": \"Required information is missing\",\n \"ERROR_UNKNOWN\": \"Error saving discount\",\n \"ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS\": \"An active discount already exists for this subscription.\",\n \"CREATE_SUCCESS\": \"Discount created successfully\",\n \"UPDATE_SUCCESS\": \"Discount updated successfully\",\n \"CANCEL_DISCOUNT\": \"Cancel discount\",\n \"EDIT_DISCOUNT\": \"Edit discount\",\n \"START_END_UTC\": \"Start and end dates are saved in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)\",\n \"TIME_FRAMES\": {\n \"FOREVER\": \"Forever\",\n \"STARTS\": \"Starts\",\n \"SCHEDULED\": \"Scheduled\",\n \"EXPIRED\": \"Expired\"\n }\n },\n \"CREATE_ITEM_DIALOG\": {\n \"CREATE_ITEM\": \"Create item\",\n \"ALERT\": \"This item will not be visible in your public store\",\n \"ITEM_NAME\": \"Item name\",\n \"ITEM_NAME_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Enter name of product or service\",\n \"ITEM_TYPE\": \"Item type\",\n \"UNIT_PRICE\": \"Unit price\",\n \"UNIT_PRICE_HINT\": \"Set the price you want to sell your item for\",\n \"PRODUCT\": \"Product\",\n \"SERVICE\": \"Service\"\n },\n \"RECURRING_SUMMARY\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Recurring charges summary\",\n \"MONTHLY\": \"Monthly\",\n \"YEARLY\": \"Yearly\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_BILLING_SETTINGS\": {\n \"BILLING_SETTINGS_TITLE\": \"Billing & Payments\",\n \"BUTTON_TITLE\": \"Billing settings\",\n \"OR\": \"or\",\n \"ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED_TITLE\": \"Account suspended\",\n \"ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED\": \"- to unlock your account, please update your payment information and retry the payment. If you have any questions, you can contact us at\",\n \"BILLING_DEFAULTS_CARD_TITLE\": \"Billing recipient\",\n \"BILLING_TOGGLE\": \"Subscription billing\",\n \"ADDITIONAL_RECIPIENTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Additional recipients\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"These recipients will be included on the invoice notification email\"\n },\n \"PAYMENT_METHODS_TITLE\": \"Payment methods\",\n \"PAYMENT_OPTIONS\": \"Payment options\",\n \"PAYMENT_OPTIONS_SUBTITLE\": \"Select the payment options this account can use\",\n \"DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"Default payment method\",\n \"MANAGE_PAYMENT_METHODS\": \"Manage payment methods\",\n \"RECIPIENT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Recipient\",\n \"USER_TITLE\": \"User\",\n \"SELECT_USER\": \"Select a user\",\n \"ADD_USER_TO\": \"Add a new user to\",\n \"USER_REQUIRED\": \"User is required\",\n \"MUST_SELECT_USER\": \"You must select a user from the list\",\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD_TITLE\": \"Payment method\",\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD_CTA\": \"To add a payment method, set up Vendasta Payments.\",\n \"SETUP_PAYMENTS\": \"Set up Vendasta Payments\"\n },\n \"CONFIGURATION\": {\n \"BILLING_AUTOMATION_TITLE\": \"Billing automation\",\n \"BILL_BY_ACTIVE_TITLE\": \"Bill by active products\",\n \"RETAIL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HELP_TEXT\": \"Subscriptions enable you to track revenue and bill your accounts for ordered items\",\n \"RETAIL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_OFF\": \"Off (activated items will not generate retail subscriptions)\",\n \"ON\": \"On\",\n \"OFF\": \"Off (active subscriptions will not generate an invoice)\",\n \"RECURRING_TITLE\": \"Recurring\",\n \"BILL_BY_ACTIVE\": \"Bill based on active products\",\n \"BILL_BY_TEMPLATE\": \"Bill based on recurring invoice\",\n \"COLLECTION_METHOD\": \"Payment collection method\",\n \"MANUAL_COLLECTION\": \"Create a draft invoice\",\n \"MANUAL_COLLECTION_DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoice is not sent to the account. Use if collecting payment manually.\",\n \"SEND_EMAIL\": \"Email payable invoice to billing recipient\",\n \"CHARGE_AUTOMATICALLY\": \"Automatically charge payment method on file\",\n \"COLLECT_AUTOMATICALLY_DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoices will be emailed to the billing recipient if there is no payment method on file\",\n \"COLLECT_AUTOMATICALLY_TOOLTIP\": \"A payment method must be selected\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_RENEWAL\": \"Subscription renewal\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_RENEWAL_SUBTEXT\": \"Invoices are created based on a subscription\u2019s renewal date. Renewal dates can be changed individually later.\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_START_DATE\": \"Use subscription start date\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_START_DATE_TOOLTIP\": \"For example, a monthly subscription with a start date of February 15th would renew on March 15th.\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_RENEWAL_DATE\": \"Use a default renewal date for all subscriptions\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_RENEWAL_DATE_SUBTEXT\": \"All new created subscriptions will have their renewal dates set to the chosen day\",\n \"DAY_OF_MONTH_SUFFIX\": \"day of the month\",\n \"COLLECT_ON\": \"Collect payments on\",\n \"DEFAULT_RENEWAL_DAY\": \"Default renewal day\",\n \"EACH_RENEWAL\": \"Each subscription renewal\",\n \"EACH_RENEWAL_DESCRIPTION\": \"Subscriptions renewing on the same day will appear on the same invoice\",\n \"DAY_OF_MONTH\": \"The same day of the month\",\n \"DAY_OF_MONTH_DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoice for all active subscriptions on the same day\",\n \"NTH_DAY_OF_MONTH\": \"{{number}} day of month\",\n \"DAY\": \"Day (1-31)\",\n \"DAY_ERROR\": \"Day must be between 1-31\",\n \"CUSTOM_NET_D_ERROR\": \"Number of days must be between 1-180\",\n \"MEMO_TITLE\": \"Memo\",\n \"MEMO_HINT\": \"Shown at the bottom of every invoice created for subscription billing\",\n \"MEMO_PLACEHOLDER\": \"Enter a memo (e.g. terms & conditions or a thank you)\",\n \"USER_SUMMARY\": \"will receive billing related emails and notifications\",\n \"RENEWAL_SUMMARY\": \"An invoice is created each time an active product renews on the account. Products renewing on the same day will appear on the same invoice.\",\n \"MONTHLY_TEMPLATE_SUMMARY\": \"Invoices will be generated using the recurring invoice below on the specified day of month.\",\n \"MONTHLY_RENEWAL_SUMMARY\": \"Line items are added to a draft \\\"renewal\\\" invoice each time an active product renews on the account. If a \\\"renewal\\\" invoice does not exist in draft status, a new one will be created.\",\n \"STORE_PRICE_SUMMARY\": \"The amount is determined by the retail price set on each product within the store\",\n \"GENERATION_TIME_SUMMARY\": \"Invoices are generated at 3:00 pm UTC.\",\n \"NEXT_DATE_SUMMARY\": \"The next invoice will generate on\",\n \"DUE_DATE\": \"Invoice due date\",\n \"DUE_WITHIN\": \"Due within\",\n \"DUE_AFTER_DAYS\": \"days\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"Successfully updated the billing configuration\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Failed to update billing configuration\",\n \"FORM_INVALID_ERROR\": \"Please fill out all required fields\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_SETTINGS\": \"Subscription settings\",\n \"DONT_BILL_CUSTOMER\": \"Don't bill, just track revenue\",\n \"DONT_BILL_CUSTOMER_DESCRIPTION\": \"Use subscriptions to track account billing\",\n \"BILL_CUSTOMER\": \"Bill customer\",\n \"BILL_CUSTOMER_DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoice this customer for their subscriptions\",\n \"BILL_CUSTOMERS\": \"Bill accounts\",\n \"BILL_CUSTOMERS_DESCRIPTION\": \"Invoice accounts for their subscriptions\",\n \"COLLECT_PAYMENT_OPTIONS\": \"Collect payment options\",\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BILLING\": \"Customize how you bill your account\"\n },\n \"RECURRING_TEMPLATE_CARD_TITLE\": \"Recurring invoice\",\n \"ACTIVE_PRODUCTS_CARD_TITLE\": \"Active products\",\n \"NO_CONTACT_CONFIGURED\": \"No billing contact configured\",\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"This account no longer exists\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Deleted accounts can't be edited, and billing settings for them won't apply\",\n \"CTA\": \"Manage accounts\"\n },\n \"ACTIVE_PRODUCTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Subscriptions\",\n \"TITLE_COMPANY_NAME\": \"Summary for {{ companyName }}\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": {\n \"RETAIL\": \"What you bill this account\",\n \"WHOLESALE\": \"Items activated for this account\"\n },\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"DISABLED_PRODUCTS_TOOLTIP\": \"This item does not have a recurring frequency set so it will not appear on future invoices\",\n \"PACKAGE_RENEWAL_TOOLTIP\": \"Items will be billed at the price set in a package if they were activated as part of a package\",\n \"HEADER\": {\n \"PRODUCT\": \"Product\",\n \"CUSTOMER\": \"Account\",\n \"ITEM\": \"Item\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"BILLING_START\": \"Billing start\",\n \"BILLING_START_DATE\": \"Billing start date\",\n \"ACTIVATED_ON\": \"Activated on\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_START\": \"Subscription start\",\n \"NEXT_INVOICE_DATE\": \"Next invoice date\",\n \"END_DATE\": \"End date\",\n \"END_DATE_ONGOING\": \"Ongoing\",\n \"PURCHASED_ON\": \"Purchased on\",\n \"FREQUENCY\": \"Frequency\",\n \"NEXT_RENEWAL\": \"Next renewal\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"UNIT_PRICE\": \"Unit price\",\n \"COST\": \"Cost\",\n \"COST_DISCLAIMER\": \"All costs shown exclude taxes and discounts\"\n },\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS\": {\n \"ACTIVE\": \"Active\",\n \"INACTIVE\": \"Inactive\",\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"Unknown\",\n \"EXPIRING\": \"Ends {{date}}\",\n \"ONE_TIME\": \"One-time Purchase\"\n },\n \"CREATED_BY_USER\": \"Created by a user\",\n \"INVALID\": \"Invalid\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_BILLING_DISABLED\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Turn on subscription billing for this customer\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Activated items will generate retail subscriptions that can automatically bill your customer's account\",\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn more\",\n \"TURN_ON\": \"Turn on retail subscriptions\"\n },\n \"RETAIL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"No retail subscriptions\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Retail subscriptions will be created from ordered items for this account\"\n },\n \"WHOLESALE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"No wholesale subscriptions\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Wholesale subscriptions will be created from ordered items for this account\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"EDIT_CONTACT_INFO\": {\n \"BILLING_CONTACT\": \"Billing Contact\",\n \"ADD_BILLING_CONTACT\": \"Add Billing Contact\",\n \"BILLING_INFO_IS_REQUIRED\": \"Your billing information is required to receive invoices and make payments\"\n },\n \"PAYMENT_INFO\": {\n \"ENDING_IN_LAST_FOUR_DIGITS\": \"ending in {{lastFourDigits}}\",\n \"EXPIRES_ON_DATE\": \"(expires {{month}}/{{year}})\",\n \"NO_PAYMENT_INFORMATION_CONFIGURED\": \"No payment information configured\",\n \"ADD_A_BILLING_CONTACT_FIRST\": \"You need to add a billing contact first.\"\n },\n \"EDIT_PAYMENT_INFO\": {\n \"PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"Payment Method\",\n \"ADD_PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"Add Payment Method\",\n \"NEXT_ADD_A_PAYMENT_METHOD\": \"Next, add a payment method\",\n \"PLEASE_ADD_BILLING_CONTACT_INFO\": \"Please add your billing contact information here before adding a payment method\",\n \"CARD_ENDING_IN_LAST_FOUR_DIGITS\": \"{{cardType}} ending in {{lastFourDigits}}\",\n \"EXPIRES_ON_DATE\": \"Expires {{month}}/{{year}}\"\n },\n \"ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_CTA\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Bill your customers with ease\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Automatically bill for ordered items with subscription billing\"\n },\n \"TAX_RATES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Tax Rates\",\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"CREATE\": \"Create Tax Rate\"\n },\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"HEADERS\": {\n \"REGION\": \"Region\",\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"PERCENTAGE\": \"Percentage\",\n \"ACTIONS\": \"Actions\"\n },\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"EDIT\": \"Edit\",\n \"DELETE\": \"Delete\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create a tax rate to apply to invoices or orders\"\n }\n },\n \"DELETE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Delete\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Deleting this tax rate will affect any current draft invoices that use it.
Invoices that you have already sent will not be affected.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Are you sure you would like to delete {{name}}?\",\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"DELETE\": \"Delete\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"An unknown error occurred. Please try again.\",\n \"HTTP_ERROR\": \"An error occurred: {{error}}. Please try again.\"\n }\n },\n \"UPSERT\": {\n \"TITLE\": {\n \"CREATE\": \"Create a tax rate\",\n \"EDIT\": \"Edit tax rate\"\n },\n \"LABELS\": {\n \"COUNTRY\": \"Country\",\n \"STATE\": \"State/Prov\",\n \"TAX_NAME\": \"Tax name\",\n \"RATE\": \"Rate (%)\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description/Tax number (optional)\"\n },\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\"\n },\n \"INVALID_FORM\": \"Form is invalid\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"MANAGE_BUSINESS\": {\n \"TOP_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Your client-facing dashboard\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"{{ appName }} gives your clients access to the products, services, and proof of performance reporting that you provide to them, all under your group. This allows you to stay front and center as their local expert.\",\n \"OPEN_BUSINESS_BUTTON\": \"Open {{ appName }}\",\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BUSINESS_BUTTON\": \"Customize {{ appName }}\"\n },\n \"BOTTOM_CARDS\": {\n \"QUICK_LINKS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Quick links for clients\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Send your client a link to sign up, log in, or purchase products in {{ appName }}\",\n \"SIGN_UP\": \"Sign up\",\n \"LOG_IN\": \"Log in\",\n \"BROWSE_STORE\": \"Browse store\",\n \"SIGN_UP_URL\": \"{{ businessUrl }}/public/business/{{ partnerId }}/default/sign-up\",\n \"LOG_IN_URL\": \"{{ businessUrl }}/login/\",\n \"BROWSE_STORE_URL\": \"{{ businessUrl }}/public/store/{{ partnerId }}/default/\",\n \"CUSTOMIZE_TEXT\": \"Customize Text with Weblate\"\n },\n \"ACADEMY_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Learn how to use {{ appName }}\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Take the course in the Conquer Local Academy\",\n \"GO_TO_ACADEMY\": \"Go to Academy\",\n \"NEW_COURSE\": \"Start new course\"\n },\n \"FAQS_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"FAQs\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Learn more in our Resource Center\",\n \"CUSTOMIZE_APP\": \"How do I customize {{ appName }}?\",\n \"PRODUCTS_DIFFERENCE\": \"What is the difference between Snapshot and Executive report?\",\n \"CLIENTS_LEARN\": \"How can my clients learn how to use {{ appName }}?\",\n \"CLIENTS_GIVEN\": \"When and how should I give {{ appName }} to my clients?\",\n \"ENABLE_PWA\": \"How do I enable {{ appName }} to be installable on my clients' mobile devices (Progressive Web App)?\",\n \"DEFAULT_NOTIFICATIONS\": \"How to set default notification settings for your users\",\n \"LEARN_MORE_BUTTON\": \"Learn more\"\n }\n },\n \"TITLE\": \"Manage {{ appName }}\",\n \"COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD\": \"URL copied to clipboard\"\n },\n \"MANAGE_ACCOUNTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Manage Accounts\",\n \"SWITCH_TO_COMPANIES_TABLE\": \"Switch to Companies table\",\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNT\": \"Create account\",\n \"FIND_ACCOUNTS\": \"Find accounts\",\n \"ADVANCED_SEARCH\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Advanced search\",\n \"FIELDS\": {\n \"COMPANY_NAME\": \"Company Name\",\n \"COMMON_NAME\": \"Common Name\",\n \"ADDRESS\": \"Address\",\n \"ADDRESS_2\": \"Address 2\",\n \"CITY\": \"City\",\n \"STATE\": \"State\",\n \"ZIP\": \"Zip\",\n \"COUNTRY\": \"Country\",\n \"WORK_NUMBER\": \"Work Number\",\n \"CUSTOMER_ID\": \"Customer ID\",\n \"ACCOUNT_GROUP_ID\": \"Account IDs\",\n \"ACCOUNT_GROUP_ID_TOOLTIP\": \"Enter a comma separated list of Account IDs\"\n }\n },\n \"FILTER_BY_CUSTOM_FIELDS\": \"Filter by custom fields\",\n \"EMPTY_STATES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Keep track of your prospect and customer accounts\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Add your prospects and customers to the platform to showcase your store, provide solutions, and communicate success every step of the way. We don't charge per account created, so you can add as many as you like!\",\n \"CTA\": \"Create free account\",\n \"FOOTER\": \"Don't worry, your accounts won't be notified until you add a user.\"\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_REQUIRES_ATTENTION\": \"This account requires your attention\",\n \"SEE_HIGHLIGHTED_AREAS\": \"See highlighted areas below for more information\",\n \"BUSINESS_DETAILS\": \"Business details\",\n \"EDIT_ACCOUNT_DETAILS\": \"View all data\",\n \"REPORTS\": \"Reports\",\n \"VIEW_SNAPSHOT\": \"View Snapshot\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_IS_LOADING\": \"This Snapshot Report is still gathering data.\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_GRADES_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE\": \"During this time, report grades are subject to change.\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_READY_ON\": \"Ready on\",\n \"VIEW_SNAPSHOT_LISTING_SCAN\": \"View Snapshot Listing Scan\",\n \"VIEW_EXECUTIVE_REPORT\": \"View Executive Report\",\n \"RESEND_EXECUTIVE_REPORT\": \"Resend Executive Report\",\n \"FILES\": \"Files\",\n \"ADD_FILE\": \"Add file\",\n \"REMOVE_FILE\": \"Remove file\",\n \"ADMIN_VIEW\": \"Admin View\",\n \"USERS\": \"Users\",\n \"ADD_USERS\": \"Add users\",\n \"ADMIN_NOTES\": \"Admin notes\",\n \"BRANDS\": \"Multi-location groups\",\n \"NONE_FOUND\": \"None found\",\n \"AN_ERROR_OCCURRED\": \"An error occurred.\",\n \"GRADES\": \"Grades\",\n \"FILE_CREATED_DATE_FROM_AUTHOR\": \"{{createdDate}} from {{author}}\",\n \"CALL_TRACKING_NUMBER\": \"Call tracking number\",\n \"BUSINESS_CATEGORIES\": \"Business categories\",\n \"CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER\": \"Customer ID\",\n \"TAGS\": \"Tag(s)\",\n \"LISTS\": \"List(s)\",\n \"ADDITIONAL_SALESPEOPLE\": \"Additional salespeople\",\n \"ASSIGN_SALESPERSON\": \"Assign Salesperson\",\n \"ASSIGN_PRIMARY_SALESPERSON\": \"Assign Primary Salesperson\",\n \"PRIMARY_SALESPERSON\": \"Primary Salesperson\",\n \"ERROR_LOADING_SALESPEOPLE\": \"An error occurred while loading salespeople.\",\n \"ASSIGN_SALESPERSON_ERROR\": \"An error occurred while assigning the salesperson.\",\n \"ASSIGN_SALESPERSON_SUCCESS\": \"Salesperson assigned successfully.\",\n \"CREATED\": \"Created: {{createdDate}}\",\n \"LAST_UPDATED\": \"Last updated: {{updatedDate}}\",\n \"NO_GRADE\": \"No grade\",\n \"ACTIVATION_HISTORY\": {\n \"ACTIVATION_HISTORY\": \"Activation history\",\n \"TRIAL\": \"trial\",\n \"CANCELLATION_UNDONE\": \"Cancellation Undone\",\n \"CANCELED\": \"Canceled\",\n \"DEACTIVATED\": \"Deactivated\",\n \"ACTIVATED\": \"Activated\",\n \"EDITION_CHANGE_TO_NEW\": \"Edition Change to {{newEditionName}}\",\n \"BY_AUTHOR\": \"by {{author}}\",\n \"ACTIVATED_WITH_PACKAGE_NAME\": \"Activated with the {{packageName}} package\",\n \"VIEW_ORDER\": \"View Order\",\n \"COULD_NOT_LOAD\": \"Could not load Activation history\"\n },\n \"AUXILIARY_DATA_FILTER\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Manage Accounts (Filter By Custom Fields)\"\n },\n \"PENDING_ACTIVATIONS\": {\n \"PENDING\": \"Pending\",\n \"REJECTED\": \"Rejected\",\n \"SINCE_DATE\": \"since {{date}}\",\n \"REJECTED_ON_DATE\": \"Rejected on {{date}}\",\n \"VIEW_ORDER_DETAILS\": \"View Order Details\",\n \"EDIT_AND_RESUBMIT_ORDER\": \"Edit And Resubmit Order\"\n },\n \"PRODUCTS\": {\n \"BILLING_SETTINGS\": \"Billing Settings\",\n \"VIEW_SUBSCRIPTIONS\": \"View subscriptions\",\n \"REFRESH_STATUS\": \"Refresh the status of products in pending\",\n \"ACTIVATE_PRODUCTS\": \"Activate products\",\n \"ACTIVE\": \"Active\",\n \"TRIAL_ACTIVE\": \"Trial Active\",\n \"EDITION_CHANGE_PENDING\": \"Edition change pending\",\n \"THEN_CHANGE_TO_EDITION\": \"{{description}}, then change to {{editionName}} edition\",\n \"FAILED_PAYMENT\": \"Failed Payment\",\n \"TRIAL_ENDED\": \"Trial Ended\",\n \"PRODUCT_CANCELED\": \"{{ productName }} canceled.\",\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": \"Activate a product to give users on this account access to it\",\n \"REVIEW_RETAIL\": \"Review corresponding retail subscriptions\",\n \"REVIEW_RETAIL_DESCRIPTION\": \"To ensure your customer\u2019s invoices remain accurate, cancel or edit the corresponding retail subscriptions.\",\n \"DONT_SHOW_AGAIN\": \"Don't show again\"\n },\n \"USERS_BOX\": {\n \"EDIT_PERMISSIONS\": \"Edit Permissions\",\n \"EDIT_NOTIFICATIONS\": \"Edit Notifications\",\n \"CAMPAIGNS\": \"Campaigns\",\n \"IMPERSONATE\": \"Impersonate\",\n \"REMOVE_USER\": \"Remove User\",\n \"EDIT_USER\": \"Edit User\",\n \"REMOVE_CONTACT\": \"Remove Contact\",\n \"EDIT_CONTACT\": \"Edit Contact\",\n \"RESEND_WELCOME_EMAIL\": \"Resend Welcome Email\"\n },\n \"DELETE_ACCOUNT_DIALOG\": {\n \"DELETE_ACCOUNT\": \"Delete Account?\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE\": \"Are you sure you want to delete {{accountName}}? This cannot be undone.\",\n \"WHAT_HAPPENS\": \"What happens?\",\n \"PRODUCTS_WILL_BE_REMOVED\": \"All associated products and services will be removed\",\n \"PRODUCTS_WILL_BE_BILLED\": \"Any products with commitments will still be billed for until their commitment end date\",\n \"USERS_WILL_LOSE_ACCESS\": \"The following user(s) will no longer have access to this account:\",\n \"USERS_WILL_BE_DISSOCIATED\": \"The following user(s) will no longer be associated with any account:\"\n },\n \"IMPERSONATE_USER_DIALOG\": {\n \"IMPERSONATE_USER\": \"Impersonate User\",\n \"IMPERSONATE_INTO_ACCOUNT\": \"Impersonate into {{accountName}}.\",\n \"SELECT_A_USER\": \"Select a user\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Error impersonating user\"\n },\n \"NEEDS_ATTENTION_BANNER\": {\n \"ACCOUNTS_NEED_ATTENTION\": \"You have accounts that need your attention\",\n \"VIEW_ACCOUNTS\": \"View Accounts\"\n },\n \"SPEND_HISTORY\": \"Spend History\",\n \"DEACTIVATE_DEPENDENT_PRODUCT_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Cancel dependent products?\",\n \"REQUIRED_PRODUCT_TEXT\": \"{{ productName }} is required for the following active products:\",\n \"ACTION_DESCRIPTION\": \"Cancelling {{ productName }} will also cancel the above products. Dependent products without subscription terms will deactivate at the end of their current billing term or when {{ productName }} deactivates-whichever is earlier.\",\n \"KEEP_PRODUCT\": \"Keep product\"\n },\n \"DEACTIVATION_WARNING_MESSAGES\": {\n \"DEACTIVATION_WITH_COMMITMENT\": \"{{ billingFrequency }} charges will continue. {{ productName }} will remain active until the end of the commitment period ({{ displayDate }}).\",\n \"DEACTIVATION_NO_COMMITMENT\": \"{{ productName }} will remain active until {{ displayDate }}.\",\n \"DEACTIVATION_INSTANT\": \"{{ productName }} will be deactivated immediately.\",\n \"DEACTIVATION_WITH_ADDON\": \"{{ subItemAmount }} add-on(s) for {{ productName }} will be canceled as well.\",\n \"DEACTIVATION_WITH_ADDON_WAITING_FOR_ADDON\": \"{{ productName }} and {{ subItemAmount }} add-on(s) for {{ productName }} will be canceled. {{ productName }} will remain active until all add-ons have been deactivated.\"\n },\n \"LIFECYCLE_STAGE\": {\n \"VIEWS\": {\n \"ALL\": \"All\",\n \"LEADS\": \"Leads\",\n \"PROSPECTS\": \"Prospects\",\n \"CUSTOMERS\": \"Customers\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"MARKETING\": {\n \"LINK_ACTIVITY\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Link Activity\",\n \"TABLE_HEADERS\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"RECIPIENT_EMAIL\": \"Recipient Email\",\n \"ACCOUNT_DETAILS\": \"Account Details\",\n \"CLICKS\": \"Clicks\",\n \"DATE_CLICKED\": \"Date Clicked\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"There is no link activity to display\"\n },\n \"DOWNLOAD_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Download link activity\"\n }\n },\n \"MARKETING_AUTOMATION\": {\n \"COLUMNS\": {\n \"TAGS\": {\n \"ADD_TAG_BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Add tag\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"EMAIL_LIBRARY\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Emails\"\n }\n },\n \"BUSINESS\": {\n \"NOT_FOUND\": \"Not found\",\n \"AN_ERROR_OCCURRED\": \"An error occurred\",\n \"ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST\": \"This account does not exist\",\n \"SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG\": \"Something went wrong\",\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNT\": \"Create an account\",\n \"BACK_TO_ACCOUNTS\": \"Back to accounts\",\n \"OVERVIEW\": \"Overview\",\n \"INVOICES\": \"Invoices\",\n \"PAYMENTS\": \"Payments\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTIONS\": \"Subscriptions\",\n \"EDIT\": \"Edit\",\n \"OPEN_IN\": \"Open in\",\n \"MORE\": \"More\",\n \"DELETE\": \"Delete account\",\n \"ADD_TO_LIST\": \"Add to list\",\n \"NEW\": \"New\",\n \"ORDER\": \"Order\",\n \"ORDER_PRODUCTS\": \"Order products\",\n \"PRODUCT\": \"Product\",\n \"INVOICE\": \"Invoice\",\n \"CREATE_INVOICE\": \"Create invoice\",\n \"RECURRING_INVOICE\": \"Recurring invoice\",\n \"CREATE_RECURRING_INVOICE\": \"Create recurring invoice\",\n \"FAILED_TO_CREATE_INVOICE\": \"Failed to create the invoice\",\n \"SALES_AND_SUCCESS_CENTER\": \"Sales & Success Center\",\n \"SWITCH_TO_COMPANY_VIEW\": \"Switch to Company view\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER\": \"Task Manager\",\n \"MODAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Welcome to the Manage Accounts Page \",\n \"CHAT_WITH_AN_EXPERT\": \"Chat with an expert\",\n \"MANAGE_ACCOUNT\": \"Manage account\"\n }\n },\n \"MANAGE_TEAM\": {\n \"MY_TEAM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"My Team\",\n \"INVITE_TEAM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Invite your team\",\n \"ERROR_GENERAL\": \"An error occurred. Please try again.\",\n \"ERROR_CONFLICT\": \"A user with that email already exists in either this or another organization.\",\n \"ERROR_OVER_LIMIT\": \"Limit has been reached for this role\"\n },\n \"COLUMNS\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"ROLE\": \"Role\",\n \"LAST_LOGIN\": \"Last Login\"\n },\n \"FILTERS\": {\n \"SEARCH\": \"Search\"\n },\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"EDIT_USER\": \"Edit User\",\n \"DELETE_USER\": \"Delete User\",\n \"NO_USERS\": \"No users yet\",\n \"INVITE_MEMBER\": \"Invite team member\",\n \"VIEW_PROFILE\": \"View profile\",\n \"RESEND_EMAIL\": \"Resend welcome email\",\n \"EDIT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Edit team member\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Edit member\",\n \"SUBMIT\": \"Save\",\n \"SUCCESS\": \"{{ name }} has been updated.\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"{{ name }} could not be updated.\"\n },\n \"DELETE\": {\n \"BUTTON\": \"Delete member\",\n \"DELETE_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": {\n \"START\": \"Delete \",\n \"END\": \"?\"\n },\n \"ADMIN_ONLY_MESSAGE\": \"This member will be permanently deleted. All permissions will be revoked.\",\n \"ADMIN_ONLY_MESSAGE_V2\": \"This member will be permanently deleted. All permissions will be revoked, automations will error and their prospects will be unassigned.\",\n \"SALES_MESSAGE\": \"This member will be permanently deleted. All permissions will be revoked, and their prospects will be unassigned.\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER_MESSAGE\": \"This member will be permanently deleted. All permissions will be revoked, and their tasks and projects will be unassigned.\",\n \"ALL_MESSAGE\": \"This member will be permanently deleted. All permissions will be revoked, and their prospects, tasks, and projects will be unassigned.\",\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Delete member\",\n \"DECLINE\": \"Keep member\"\n },\n \"SUCCESS\": \"{{ name }} has been deleted\",\n \"FAILURE\": \"{{ name }} could not be deleted. Refresh the page and try again.\"\n },\n \"REMOVE_ROLE\": {\n \"TITLE_1_ROLE\": \"Remove {{ role1 }} role?\",\n \"TITLE_2_ROLES\": \"Remove {{ role1 }} and {{ role2 }} role?\",\n \"ADMIN_ONLY_MESSAGE\": \"{{ name }}'s permissions will be revoked.\",\n \"ADMIN_ONLY_MESSAGE_V2\": \"{{ name }}'s permissions will be revoked and automations will error.\",\n \"SALES_MESSAGE\": \"{{ name }}'s permissions will be revoked, and their prospects will be unassigned.\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER_MESSAGE\": \"{{ name }}'s permissions will be revoked, and their tasks and projects will be unassigned.\",\n \"ALL_MESSAGE\": \" permissions will be revoked, and their prospects, tasks, and projects will be unassigned.\",\n \"CONFIRM_SINGULAR\": \"Remove role\",\n \"DECLINE_SINGULAR\": \"Keep role\",\n \"CONFIRM_PLURAL\": \"Remove roles\",\n \"DECLINE_PLURAL\": \"Keep roles\"\n }\n },\n \"FREE_LIMITS_BANNER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Team member seats\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Your Free plan has only one seat. Upgrade to add more team members.\"\n },\n \"PAID_LIMITS_BANNER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Team member seats\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_SEATS\": \"Your {{planName}} plan includes {{seatLimit}} seats. You'll be charged {{seatPrice}} per month per additional seat you create.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_SEAT\": \"Your {{planName}} plan includes {{seatLimit}} seat. You'll be charged {{seatPrice}} per month per additional seat you create.\",\n \"CTA\": \"Contact\"\n },\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong, please refresh the page.\"\n },\n \"ROLES\": {\n \"digital_agent\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Digital Agent\"\n },\n \"partner\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Admin\"\n },\n \"sales_person\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Salesperson\"\n }\n },\n \"RESEND_EMAIL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Resend welcome email\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Send a welcome email to {{name}} for the following role(s)\",\n \"SEND\": \"Send\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\",\n \"SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"Email(s) have been successfully sent.\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"An error occurred sending the emails.\",\n \"INLINE_ERROR\": \"An error occurred sending this email. Please try again.\"\n },\n \"TEAM_MEMBER\": {\n \"ACTIONS\": {\n \"INVITE_MEMBER_SUBMIT\": \"Invite\",\n \"INVITE_MEMBER_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully invited team member.\",\n \"INVITE_MEMBER_FAILURE\": \"Inviting team member failed. Please try again.\"\n },\n \"ATTRIBUTE\": {\n \"FIRST_NAME\": \"First name\",\n \"LAST_NAME\": \"Last name\",\n \"EMAIL\": \"Email\",\n \"PARTNER_CENTER_ADMIN\": \"Admin\",\n \"SALESPERSON\": \"Salesperson\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER_USER\": \"Digital Agent\",\n \"ACCESS_TO_MARKETS\": \"Access to markets\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"MARKETS\": \"Markets\",\n \"SEND_EMAIL\": \"Send Welcome Email to user\",\n \"SEND_EMAIL_HINT\": \"Sends a Welcome Email to the user with a link to set their password\",\n \"ACCESS_DASHBOARD\": \"Access to dashboard\",\n \"ACCESS_BILLING_REPORTS\": \"Can manage company billing\",\n \"CUSTOMIZE_PLATFORM\": \"Able to customize platform\",\n \"COMPANY_PROFILE\": \"Can view and edit company profile\",\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": \"Can view and edit automations\",\n \"AUTOMATIONS_HINT\": \"This permission provides access to all areas of the platform.\",\n \"ACCESS_MARKETPLACE\": \"Can access marketplace\",\n \"CAN_ENABLE_APPS\": \"Can enable products\",\n \"CAN_MANAGE_ACCOUNTS_AND_USERS\": \"Can manage accounts and users\",\n \"MANAGE_MARKETING\": \"Can manage marketing\",\n \"MANAGE_SALES\": \"Can manage sales\",\n \"MANAGE_TASK_MANAGER\": \"Can manage task manager\",\n \"MANAGE_GROUPS\": \"Can manage groups\",\n \"CREATE_AND_MANAGE_ADMINS\": \"Can create and manage admins\",\n \"MANAGE_ORDERS\": \"Can manage orders\",\n \"MANAGE_RETAIL_BILLING\": \"Can manage retail billing\",\n \"WRITE_CRM_CONTACTS\": \"Can manage contacts in the platform\",\n \"WRITE_CRM_ACTIVITIES\": \"Can manage activities in the platform\",\n \"WRITE_CRM_COMPANIES\": \"Can manage companies in the platform\",\n \"DEFAULT_REPORT_ACCESS_SCOPES\": \"Premium Reports\",\n \"SALES_MANAGER\": \"Is a sales manager\",\n \"MANAGER\": \"Manager\",\n \"TM_MANAGER_HINT\": \"Managers can delete, bulk reassign tasks, and manage Task Manager groups\",\n \"MANAGER_HINT\": \"Managers are able to create and manage Task Manager users, delete tasks and bulk reassign tasks\",\n \"USER_DETAILS\": \"User Details\",\n \"SETTINGS\": \"Settings\"\n },\n \"DEFAULT_REPORT_ACCESS_SCOPES_OPTIONS\": {\n \"VIEW\": \"View all unrestricted reports\",\n \"EDIT\": \"Manage permissions for all unrestricted reports\",\n \"NO_ACCESS\": \"No access to reports\"\n },\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": {\n \"WARNING_TITLE\": \"Changing the user\u2019s permissions may affect their automations\",\n \"WARNING_BODY\": \"To transfer automation permissions go to Automations in the user\u2019s profile page\"\n },\n \"DESCRIPTIONS\": {\n \"PARTNER_CENTER_ADMIN\": \"Provides full access to the platform, except any areas where permissions or markets are disabled\",\n \"SALESPERSON\": \"Provides access to Sales & Success Center. Salespeople can also create Opportunities and access the Pipeline in Partner Center\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER_USER\": \"Provides access to Task Manager\",\n \"CONFIGURATION\": \"Configuration\",\n \"CRM_ACCESS\": \"CRM Access\"\n },\n \"SHOW_MORE_PERMISSIONS\": \"Show more permissions\",\n \"SHOW_LESS_PERMISSIONS\": \"Show fewer permissions\",\n \"SEND_PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL\": \"Send password reset email\",\n \"REQUIRE_ALL_MARKETS\": \"Must have access to All Markets\",\n \"ERROR\": {\n \"EMAIL_EXISTS\": \"A user with this email address already exists.\",\n \"SELECT_ROLE\": \"Please select a role.\",\n \"MARKET_REQUIRED\": \"Please select a market.\"\n },\n \"ROLE\": \"Role\",\n \"DEFAULT_ALL_MARKETS\": \"All markets\"\n },\n \"TASK_MANAGER\": {\n \"USER\": {\n \"MANAGE_USERS\": \"Manage users\",\n \"LOGIN_PAGE\": \"Login URL: \",\n \"EDIT_TASK_MANAGER_USER\": \"Edit Task Manager User\",\n \"INVITE_TEAM_MEMBER\": \"Invite team member\",\n \"CREATE_GROUP\": \"Create group\"\n },\n \"GROUP\": {\n \"MANAGE_GROUPS\": \"Manage groups\",\n \"CREATE_GROUP\": \"Create group\",\n \"EDIT_GROUP\": \"Edit group\",\n \"DELETE_GROUP\": \"Delete group\",\n \"GROUP_NAME\": \"Name\",\n \"GROUP_DETAILS\": \"Details\",\n \"GROUP_MEMBERS\": \"Users\",\n \"NO_GROUPS\": \"No groups yet\",\n \"SIZE\": \"Size\",\n \"CREATE_SUCCESS\": \"Your group has been created\",\n \"CREATE_FAIL_GENERIC\": \"Something went wrong when creating the group. Refreshing the page might help, but let us know if this keeps happening\",\n \"EDIT_SUCCESS\": \"The group was updated\",\n \"EDIT_FAIL_GENERIC\": \"Something went wrong when editing the group. Refreshing the page might help, but let us know if this keeps happening\",\n \"FAIL_FORBIDDEN\": \"Your user must have manager permissions to update groups\",\n \"LOAD_GROUP_ERROR\": \"There was a problem loading the groups\"\n }\n },\n \"NO_USER_ERROR\": \"There was a problem loading the requested user\"\n },\n \"CONTACT_SALESPERSON\": {\n \"CONTACT\": \"Contact\",\n \"CONTACT_US\": \"Contact Us\",\n \"SCHEDULE_MEETING\": \"Schedule a meeting\",\n \"BOOK_MEETING\": \"Book a meeting\",\n \"TALK_TO_SALES\": \"Talk to sales\",\n \"OR_CALL\": \"or call\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Error sending message. Please contact support@vendasta.com if the problem persists.\"\n },\n \"AFFILIATE_APPLICATIONS\": {\n \"VENDASTA_AFFILIATES\": \"Vendasta Affiliates\",\n \"PENDING\": \"Pending\",\n \"REJECTED\": \"Rejected\",\n \"APPROVED\": \"Approved\",\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"Unknown\"\n },\n \"AFFILIATES\": {\n \"AFFILIATE\": \"Affiliate\",\n \"APPLICATION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Become a Vendasta affiliate\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"In order to proceed with the application, please fill out/confirm the data below\",\n \"FULL_NAME\": \"Full name\",\n \"EMAIL_ADDRESS\": \"Email address\",\n \"JOB_TITLE\": \"Job title\",\n \"HOW_WILL_YOU_PROMOTE_US\": \"How will you promote us?\",\n \"SIGNING_AUTHORITY\": \"I am a signing authority and I have the ability to sign and agree on behalf of the business\",\n \"TERMS_OF_SERVICE\": \"I agree with the available terms of service\",\n \"SIGN_UP\": \"Sign up\",\n \"FIELD_IS_REQUIRED\": \"This field is required\",\n \"MUST_BE_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS\": \"Must be a valid email address: example@example.com\"\n },\n \"INTRODUCTION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Become a Vendasta affiliate!\",\n \"CTA\": \"Get started\",\n \"LOGIN\": \"Log in\"\n },\n \"APPROVED\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Affiliate Program\",\n \"LINK_TEXT\": \"Your affiliate link is\"\n },\n \"REJECTED\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"We're sorry. We can't accept your application\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Please contact us and we'll help you get started with our affiliate program.\",\n \"CONTACT_US\": \"Contact us\"\n },\n \"PENDING_APPROVAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Thank you!\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"We\u2019ve received your application and will be in contact with you shortly.\"\n },\n \"PAYMENT_REPORT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Affiliate payments\",\n \"COLUMN_LABELS\": {\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_TIER\": \"Pricing Plan\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_START_DATE\": \"Contract Start Date\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_CONTRACT_LENGTH\": \"Contract Length\",\n \"PAYMENT_AMOUNT\": \"Commission (USD)\",\n \"EXPECTED_PAYMENT_DATE\": \"Expected Payment Date\"\n },\n \"ERROR_LOADING_TABLE\": \"There's a problem loading table data. Try refreshing the page.\"\n },\n \"BENEFITS\": {\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Build a recurring revenue stream. Earn 40% on referred customers!\",\n \"EARN_PER_REFERRAL\": \"Earn up to $10,000/referral\",\n \"SIMPLE_COMMISSION_STRUCTURE\": \"With our simple commission structure, you'll earn recurring revenue over 2 years!\",\n \"INDIVIDUAL\": \"Individual: $470\",\n \"TEAM\": \"Team: $4,790\",\n \"ADVANCE\": \"Advance: $9,590\",\n \"AFFILIATE_ADVANTAGE\": \"Affiliate advantage\",\n \"HIGH_COMMISSION_EARNINGS\": \"High commission earnings\",\n \"ULTRA_FAST_PAYOUT\": \"Ultra-fast payout\",\n \"EASY_COMMISSION_TRACKING\": \"Easy commission tracking\",\n \"60_DAYS_COOKIES\": \"60 days' cookies\",\n \"PROFESSIONAL_CREATIVES_RESOURCES\": \"Professional creatives and resources\",\n \"PROTECT_LOCAL\": \"Protect local\",\n \"YOU_CAN_BE_THE_HERO\": \"You can be the hero of your local community! Easily position your agency and local business customers by providing:\",\n \"EXPERT_SERVICES\": \"Expert services under your logo\",\n \"FULL_STACK_SOLUTIONS\": \"Full-stack marketing solutions\",\n \"EVERYTHING_YOULL_NEED\": \"Everything you'll need in ONE platform\"\n },\n \"STEP_BY_STEP_GUIDANCE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Step-by-step guidance\",\n \"STEP_1\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sign up\",\n \"TEXT\": \"Apply now to join this exclusive affiliate program! To be a successful affiliate, you must:\",\n \"ITEM_1\": \"Be willing to share your love for Vendasta!\",\n \"ITEM_2\": \"Be driven to earn high-payment commission\"\n },\n \"STEP_2\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Share\",\n \"TEXT\": \"No, you don't need to be a marketing rocket scientist to earn commission! Simply share the custom link wherever you'd like. However, your success is our success. That's why we hook you up with:\",\n \"ITEM_1\": \"High quality images and resources\",\n \"ITEM_2\": \"A central hub to track your commissions\",\n \"ITEM_3\": \"A fully customized link tailored for you\"\n },\n \"STEP_3\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Earn\",\n \"TEXT\": \"Send someone to us, we send money to you. It's that simple. Based on the subscription tier, you'll earn commission for every referral that signs up through your affiliate link.\"\n }\n },\n \"FAQ\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"FAQs\",\n \"QUESTION_1\": {\n \"QUESTION\": \"What is Vendasta?\",\n \"ANSWER\": \"Vendasta provides an end-to-end commerce platform to companies that sell digital products and services to small- and medium-sized businesses worldwide.\"\n },\n \"QUESTION_2\": {\n \"QUESTION\": \"Does it cost anything to be an affiliate partner?\",\n \"ANSWER\": \"Absolutely not! Word of mouth is the best recommendation. As such, signing up and participating is completely free. Oh, and there are no minimum sales required to earn commission.\"\n },\n \"QUESTION_3\": {\n \"QUESTION\": \"Do I have to be a Vendasta customer?\",\n \"ANSWER\": \"While we would love for you to become a Vendasta partner, it's not required as part of the affiliate program.\"\n },\n \"QUESTION_4\": {\n \"QUESTION\": \"Can I track my commissions?\",\n \"ANSWER\": \"Of course! We'll provide you with access to your own central hub where you can easily view your earnings.\"\n }\n },\n \"FOOTER\": {\n \"TEXT\": \"Become an affiliate partner today and start earning commission!\"\n }\n },\n \"INTEGRATIONS_COMMON\": {\n \"API_TOKEN\": \"API token\"\n },\n \"FRESHDESK_INTEGRATION\": {\n \"FRESHDESK_NAME\": \"Freshdesk\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"View your Freshdesk tickets in Sales & Success Center.\",\n \"HELP_LINK\": \"How do I find my Freshdesk admin user token?\",\n \"HOW_TO_CONNECT\": \"To connect, have your Freshdesk administrator enter their API token and your company's Freshdesk domain URL below.\",\n \"INVALID_CREDENTIALS\": \"Invalid credentials\",\n \"API_TOKEN\": \"API token\",\n \"EXAMPLE_API_TOKEN\": \"yourFreshdeskApiToken\",\n \"DOMAIN\": \"freshdesk domain\",\n \"EXAMPLE_SUBDOMAIN\": \"yourcompany.freshdesk.com\",\n \"CONNECT\": \"Connect Freshdesk\",\n \"UPDATE_CREDENTIALS\": \"Update Freshdesk credentials\",\n \"SUBMIT_ERROR\": \"Please ensure you have entered the correct API token and domain\"\n },\n \"ZAPIER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Zapier\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Beta\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Connect to over 6000+ apps\",\n \"DESCRIPTION.L1\": \"Use Zapier's intuitive workflow builder to automate the transfer of data and processes between Vendasta and the other tools you use.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION.L2\": \"Get started today by capturing the lead in the Vendasta's CRM.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION.NOTE\": \"Note: Subject to billing by Zapier.\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Get Started\"\n },\n \"LEAD_INTEGRATIONS\": {\n \"CONNECTED_ACCOUNT\": \"Connected Account\",\n \"CONNECT_ACCOUNT_DISPLAY\": \"Once an account is connected it will be displayed below\",\n \"ENABLED\": \"On / Off\",\n \"TOGGLE_ERROR\": \"We couldn't update the automation. Please refresh the page and try again.\",\n \"SETTINGS\": {\n \"DUPLICATES\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Duplicate account detection\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Classify accounts as potential duplicates when users or contacts have the same...\",\n \"USE_PHONE\": \"Phone number\",\n \"USE_EMAIL\": \"Email address\",\n \"USE_EITHER\": \"Either\",\n \"USE_EITHER_DETAILS\": \"Phone number OR email address\",\n \"USE_BOTH\": \"Both\",\n \"USE_BOTH_DETAILS\": \"Phone number AND email address\",\n \"LOAD_ERROR\": \"We couldn't load the settings for detecting duplicates. Please refresh the page.\",\n \"SAVE_ERROR\": \"We couldn't update the settings for detecting duplicates. Please try again.\"\n },\n \"LEAD_QUALIFICATION\": {\n \"HEADING\": \"Lead qualification\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Configure which actions should occur automatically when a lead is imported.\",\n \"NO_DUPES_EXIST_DESCRIPTION\": \"When there are no potential duplicates\",\n \"NO_DUPES_EXIST_ACTION\": \"Create a new account\",\n \"DUPE_EXISTS_DESCRIPTION\": \"When there are potential duplicates\",\n \"DUPE_EXISTS_ACTION\": \"Log business activity, and trigger a hot lead\",\n \"DUPE_EXISTS_ACTION_TOOLTIP\": \"The lead will be linked to the first potential duplicate, business activity will be logged on that account, and a hot lead will be triggered.\",\n \"LOAD_ERROR\": \"We couldn't load the settings for lead qualification. Please refresh the page.\"\n },\n \"COMMON\": {\n \"SAVE_SUCCESS\": \"Settings saved\",\n \"SAVE_ERROR\": \"We couldn't update your settings. Please try again.\"\n }\n },\n \"FACEBOOK\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Facebook Lead Ads\",\n \"PAGE_ID\": \"Page ID\",\n \"CONNECTION_STATUS_ERROR\": \"There was a problem loading the page. Refresh the page and try again.\",\n \"LOAD_ERROR\": \"We couldn't list your Facebook Pages. Please refresh the page.\",\n \"SETTINGS_PAGE_LINK_DESCRIPTION\": \"Import leads to the Vendasta platform, create accounts, and assign them to your sales team.\",\n \"CONNECT\": \"Connect\",\n \"CONNECT_ERROR\": \"There was a problem connecting Facebook. Refresh the page and try again.\",\n \"SUBSCRIBE_ERROR\": \"There was a problem subscribing to Leads for your selected Facebook Page.\",\n \"SUBSCRIBE_ERROR_2FA\": \"There was a problem subscribing to Leads for your selected Facebook Page. You may need to enable 2-factor authentication for your Facebook Account.\",\n \"MANAGE_CONNECTION\": \"Manage\",\n \"DISCONNECT\": \"Disconnect\",\n \"DISCONNECTED\": \"Disconnected\",\n \"DISCONNECT_PAGE\": \"Disconnect page\",\n \"DISCONNECT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE\": \"Page disconnected from Facebook lead ads.\",\n \"DISCONNECT_UNSUCCESSFULL_MESSAGE\": \"There was a problem disconnecting the page from Facebook lead ads. Refresh the page and try again.\",\n \"DISCONNECT_DIALOG_BOX_HEADING\": \"Disconnect Facebook page?\",\n \"DISCONNECT_DIALOG_BOX_CONTENT\": \"Leads from this Facebook page will stop being imported.\",\n \"DISCONNECT_DIALOG_BOX_CANCEL\": \"Keep page\",\n \"DISCONNECT_DIALOG_BOX_CONFIRM\": \"Disconnect page\",\n \"TOKEN_IS_INVALID_WARNING\": \"Your Facebook page has become disconnected. To continue importing Facebook Leads, reconnect the page.\",\n \"RECONNECT\": \"Reconnect\",\n \"INTEGRATION_CONNECTOR\": {\n \"STEPPER_TITLE\": \"Connect Facebook lead ads\",\n \"PAGE_PICKER_STEP_TITLE\": \"Select Facebook page\",\n \"FACEBOOK_FORMS_TABLE_TITLE\": \"Select forms\",\n \"NEXT_BUTTON\": \"Next\",\n \"DUPE_SETTINGS_STEP_TITLE\": \"Configure duplicate settings\",\n \"FINISH_BUTTON\": \"Finish\",\n \"BACK_BUTTON\": \"Back\"\n },\n \"PAGE_PICKER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Select Facebook page\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Can\u2019t find the page you\u2019re looking for? You must have the proper permissions for the page you want to connect.\",\n \"ID_COLUMN\": \"ID\",\n \"NAME_COLUMN\": \"Name\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_COLUMN\": \"Permissions\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_MISSING_CELL\": \"Missing\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_MISSING_SUMMARY\": \"Your Facebook user doesn't have permission to access Facebook Leads for this Page.\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_MISSING_TITLE\": \"Missing permissions\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_MISSING_BODY\": \"At least one of the following roles or tasks is required\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_MISSING_ROLES\": \"Roles: Admin, Editor, or Moderator\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_MISSING_TASKS\": \"Tasks: Manage Page, Manage jobs, or Moderate messages and comments\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_MISSING_LINK1\": \"Learn about editing permissions\",\n \"PERMISSIONS_MISSING_LINK2\": \"Learn about roles and tasks\"\n },\n \"FORMS\": {\n \"TABLE_NAME\": \"Select Facebook Forms\",\n \"FORM_NAME\": \"Form Name\",\n \"CONNECTED\": \"Connected\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"FORM_ID\": \"Form ID\",\n \"CREATED_AT\": \"Created At\",\n \"LOCALE\": \"Locale\",\n \"ERROR_LOADING_TABLE\": \"There's a problem loading table data. Try refreshing the page.\",\n \"NO_RESULTS\": \"No Facebook forms were found for the page you selected. Confirm the Facebook page is correct, a form is active, and you have proper permissions, then try again.\",\n \"SAVE_ERROR\": \"Couldn\u2019t save settings for all forms. Refresh the page or try again later\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"INTEGRATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Integrations\",\n \"IDENTITY_PROVIDER\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Partner SSO Integration\",\n \"DELETE\": \"Delete\",\n \"SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG\": \"Sorry, something went wrong.\",\n \"SSO_CONFIGURATION_GUIDE\": \"SSO Configuration Guide\",\n \"DETAILED_SETUP_INSTRUCTIONS\": \"Click here for detailed setup instructions.\",\n \"CONFIGURE_YOUR_IDENTITY_PROVIDER\": \"Here you can configure your Identity Provider for the Vendasta Platform. This will allow your users to log into their apps and services using your custom login screen.\",\n \"SUPPORTED_AUTH_FLOWS\": \"We currently support either of the OAuth2 or OpenIDConnect standardized authentication flows. If you have a valid OAuth2 or OpenIDConnect Identity Provider, you can use it to log in your users to Vendasta.\",\n \"STEP_ONE\": \"Create a new OAuth2 Client in your identity provider to represent the Vendasta Platform. Take note of the Client ID and Secret. When prompted for a Redirect URL
, enter the value: {{redirectUri}}
\",\n \"STEP_TWO\": \"Enter the Client ID and Client Secret from step 1 into the form below.\",\n \"STEP_THREE\": \"Choose either the OpenIDConnect or OAuth2 integration type depending on which standard your identity provider supports.\",\n \"STEP_FOUR\": \"Enter your identity provider's Discovery Endpoint or Authorization, Token, and User Info endpoints respectively.\",\n \"STEP_FIVE\": \"Click \\\"Save\\\" to enable your integration.\",\n \"REDIRECT_URI\": \"Redirect URI\",\n \"URI_MUST_BE_ADDED\": \"The following URI must be added to the identity provider's authorized redirect URIs.\",\n \"OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID\": \"OAuth2 Client ID\",\n \"OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET\": \"OAuth2 Client Secret\",\n \"LEAVE_BLANK\": \"Leave blank to keep current client secret\",\n \"INTEGRATION_TYPE\": \"Integration Type\",\n \"OPEN_ID_CONNECT_DISCOVERY\": \"OpenID Connect Discovery\",\n \"OAUTH2\": \"OAuth2\",\n \"OPEN_ID_CONNECT_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT\": \"OpenID Connect Discovery Endpoint\",\n \"OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT\": \"OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint\",\n \"TOKEN_ENDPOINT\": \"Token Endpoint\",\n \"OAUTH2_TOKEN_ENDPOINT\": \"OAuth2 Token Endpoint\",\n \"OAUTH2_USERINFO_ENDPOINT\": \"OAuth2 UserInfo Endpoint\",\n \"DELETE_DIALOG\": {\n \"DELETE_INTEGRATION\": \"Delete Integration?\",\n \"ONCE_DELETED\": \"Once deleted, the default identity provider will begin providing identities for your platform.\",\n \"NEW_USERS\": \"New users will begin setting passwords in the default identity provider on entry, and existing users without credentials in the default identity provider will require setup.\",\n \"EXISTING_USERS\": \"If existing users do not have a password set for the default identity provider, or do not use Google to login, it is recommended that they manually reset their password.\"\n }\n },\n \"SERVICE_ACCOUNT\": {\n \"CREATE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT\": \"Create Service Account\",\n \"ADD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT\": \"Add Service Account\",\n \"EDIT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT\": \"Edit Service Account\",\n \"MUST_BE_LENGTH\": \"Must be least 3 characters long and contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens\",\n \"MANAGE_KEYS\": \"Manage Keys\",\n \"NO_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS\": \"No service accounts found.\",\n \"JWS_ALGORITHM_HINT\": \"The JWS algorithm corresponding to the usage of this public key and its private key pair\",\n \"GENERATE_PRIVATE_KEY_ES256\": \"Generate Private Key (ES256)\",\n \"GENERATE_PRIVATE_KEY_RS256\": \"Generate Private Key (RS256)\",\n \"DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC_KEY\": \"Download Public Key\",\n \"NO_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEYS\": \"No Service Account Keys\",\n \"DELETE_NAME\": \"Delete {{name}}\",\n \"DELETING_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CANNOT_BE_UNDONE\": \"Deleting a service account can not be undone.\",\n \"DELETING_KEY_CANNOT_BE_UNDONE\": \"Deleting a key can not be undone.\",\n \"OVER_LIMIT_ERROR\": \"Limit has been reach for service accounts\"\n },\n \"SSO_INTEGRATION\": {\n \"ASK_VENDASTA_SSO\": \"Ask how to connect your Identity Provider\",\n \"WELCOME_CHAT_MESSAGE\": \"Please tell me which Identity Provider you plan to connect to Vendasta (i.e. Okta), and I will provide you with detailed instructions on how to integrate the two systems.\",\n \"ERROR_WHILE_GENERATING_STEPS\": \"Error while generating the integration steps\"\n }\n },\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": {\n \"COMMON\": {\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": \"Automations\",\n \"ALL_MARKETS\": \"All markets\",\n \"START_AUTOMATION\": \"Start automation\",\n \"VIEW_ALL\": \"View all\",\n \"START_MANUAL_AUTOMATION\": \"Start manual automation\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"LIST_TOO_LARGE\": \"Unable to run automations on a list with more than 10,000 accounts\"\n },\n \"MANUAL_AUTOMATIONS\": {\n \"LIST_DIALOG_TITLE\": \"Trigger automation for \\\"{{name}}\\\"\",\n \"LIST_WARNINGS\": \"Accounts deleted from the platform may still be on the list and will not trigger an automation.\"\n },\n \"EDITOR\": {\n \"TASKS\": {\n \"ADD_TAG\": {\n \"TAG\": \"Add tags to the account\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"PERMISSIONS\": {\n \"TRANSFER_TITLE\": \"Appropriate permissions required to transfer automation to your profile\",\n \"TRANSFER_MESSAGE\": \"An admin must grant you the permissions on your user profile\"\n },\n \"SETTINGS\": {\n \"PERMISSIONS\": {\n \"SUPERADMIN_TRANSFER\": \"For security purposes, automations cannot transfer permissions to a superadmin\",\n \"SUPERADMIN_TRANSFER_HINT\": \"Automations must access permissions of a user on the account\"\n }\n },\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"FILTERS\": {\n \"OFF\": \"Off\",\n \"ON\": \"On\",\n \"DRAINING\": \"Draining\"\n }\n },\n \"MANUAL_ACCOUNT_TRIGGER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Triggered manually for an account\"\n },\n \"CREATE\": {\n \"UNTITLED\": \"Untitled\"\n }\n },\n \"USER_ONBOARDING\": {\n \"FLOW_STEPS\": {\n \"UNKNOWN_COMPANY\": \"your company\",\n \"DESCRIBE_YOUR_BUSINESS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Welcome, {{firstName}}!\",\n \"QUESTION\": \"Which of the following best describes your business?\",\n \"ANSWERS\": {\n \"ESTABLISHED_BUSINESS\": \"I have an established business\",\n \"STARTING_BUSINESS\": \"I'm just starting up my business\"\n }\n },\n \"NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES\": {\n \"QUESTION\": \"How many employees work at {{companyName}}?\"\n },\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add a real business that you either work with or wish to add as your own - it's 100% free!\",\n \"SUB_TITLE\": \"See the Business App through your customers' eyes\",\n \"CTA\": \"View Business App\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong, please refresh and try again.\"\n },\n \"CRM_CREATE_ACCOUNT\": {\n \"SUB_TITLE\": \"Explore what Vendasta\u2019s CRM can do for your business\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Add a real business that you either work with or wish to work with soon\",\n \"CTA\": \"Manage business\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong, please refresh and try again.\"\n },\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNT_COMMON\": {\n \"ERROR\": \"Error creating account, please try again.\",\n \"SEARCH_BUSINESS_NAME\": \"Search for a business name\",\n \"OR\": \"OR\",\n \"PICK_ONE_FOR_ME\": \"Pick one for me\",\n \"PICK_ONE_TOOL_TIP\": \"A cafe will be used as an example account. It can be deleted at any time.\",\n \"SET_UP_LATER\": \"Set up later\"\n },\n \"UPLOAD_YOUR_LOGO\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Upload your logo and make the platform your own\",\n \"SUB_TITLE\": \"Your logo will be visible to both you and your clients.\",\n \"LOGO_HINT\": \"Recommended size: 360 x 58 pixels\",\n \"BTN_UPLOAD\": \"Confirm\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong, please refresh and try again\"\n },\n \"ADD_CREDIT_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"We weren't able to activate your account with this card\",\n \"FREE_TIER_TITLE\": \"You need to activate your free account\",\n \"FREE_TIER_SUB_TITLE\": \"Add a payment method to experience everything Vendasta offers\u2014generate more revenue by reselling products from Vendasta's Marketplace, convert more prospects using Snapshot Report, and more.\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Add credit card\",\n \"FREE_TIER_BUTTON\": \"Activate free account\",\n \"FOOTER\": \"You won't be billed anything today. Your card will be automatically charged at the end of your trial period. Contact support@vendasta.com to cancel. 100% safe and secure payments.\",\n \"FREE_TIER_FOOTER\": \"By clicking \\\"{{button_name}}\\\", you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your card will only be billed if you purchase beyond the FREE plan limitations.\",\n \"ZIP_CODE\": \"Zip/Postal code\",\n \"ERROR_MESSAGE\": \"Could not add your credit card, please try a different one.\",\n \"SIDE_PANEL\": {\n \"QUOTATION\": \"For years I\u2019ve felt like the CEO on my own little island. I was always looking for like-minded individuals who could learn from each other. That\u2019s what this community has done for me.\",\n \"NAME\": \"Amy DeLardi\",\n \"POSITION\": \"CEO\",\n \"COMPANY_NAME\": \"Infinite Web Design, LLC\",\n \"TRUSTED_BY\": \"Trusted by\",\n \"CHANNEL_PARTNERS\": \"channel partners\"\n },\n \"HAVING_TROUBLE\": \"Having trouble?\",\n \"CONTACT_SUPPORT\": \"Contact support\"\n },\n \"FREE_TRIAL_ADD_CREDIT_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Welcome to Vendasta, {{name}}!\",\n \"SELF_UPGRADE_TITLE\": \"You won't be billed today\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"To activate your free trial on the {{plan_name}} plan, you need to set up your payment. You won\u2019t be billed during your 14-day free trial period.\",\n \"BUTTON\": \"Start 14-day free trial\",\n \"AGREEMENTS\": \"By clicking \\\"Start 14-day free trial\\\", you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to our {{terms_of_service}}Terms of Service, {{privacy_policy}}Privacy Policy and {{cookie_policy}}Cookie Policy. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google {{google_privacy_policy}}Privacy Policy and {{google_terms_of_service}}Terms of Service also apply. 14 Days FREE trial, your card will only be billed after the trial period, you can cancel at anytime before the trial ends.\",\n \"TRIAL_INFO\": {\n \"ERROR\": \"Failed to load trial information.\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Your free trial created by {{salesperson}}\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Your assigned expert created this trial plan to fit your business needs based on your previous conversation.\",\n \"CHANGE_PLAN\": \"You can change your trial plan at anytime.\",\n \"CONTACT_SALESPERSON\": \"Talk to my assigned expert\",\n \"CONTACT\": \"Contact\",\n \"YOUR_SALESPERSON\": \"your salesperson\"\n }\n },\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNT_FORM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Uh oh! Google didn't have all the information we needed\",\n \"SUB_TITLE\": \"We need a bit more information about your client to help us generate powerful reports.\",\n \"CTA\": \"View Business App\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong, please refresh and try again.\"\n },\n \"CRM_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FORM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Google didn\u2019t have all of the information we needed\",\n \"SUB_TITLE\": \"We'll need a few more details about this business to generate a powerful report.\",\n \"CTA\": \"Manage business\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong, please refresh and try again.\"\n },\n \"CREATE_ACCOUNT_FORM_COMMON\": {\n \"BUSINESS_NAME\": \"Business name\",\n \"COUNTRY\": \"Country\",\n \"CATEGORY\": \"Business category\",\n \"ADDRESS_LINE_1\": \"Street address\",\n \"WEBSITE\": \"Website\",\n \"INVALID_FORM\": \"Form invalid, please ensure all fields are filled out correctly.\",\n \"INVALID_URL\": \"URL does not match required format.\",\n \"MAX_LENGTH\": \"Max length 128 characters.\",\n \"LOADING_ERROR\": \"Error loading page, please refresh to try again.\",\n \"CREATE_ERROR\": \"Error creating account, please try again.\"\n },\n \"COMMON\": {\n \"BACK\": \"Back\",\n \"NEED_HELP\": \"Need help here?\",\n \"SKIP\": \"Skip\",\n \"EXPLORE\": \"Explore on your own\"\n },\n \"VIEW_BUSINESS_APP\": {\n \"WELCOME_TITLE\": \"Hi, {{firstName}}! Welcome to Vendasta!\",\n \"WELCOME_TITLE_WITHOUT_NAME\": \"Hi! Welcome to Vendasta!\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Let's take a look at your two main dashboards \",\n \"LINK_TEXT\": \"Let's get started! \uD83D\uDE80\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP_SCREEN\": \"1. Business App is for your customers\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP_SCREEN_SUBTEXT\": \"This is your client app offering to local businesses that allows them to manage their digital strategy and grow their business.\",\n \"PARTNER_CENTER_SCREEN\": \"2. Partner Center is for you and your team\",\n \"PARTNER_CENTER_SCREEN_SUBTEXT\": \"It is the single source of truth for managing your business. Acquire new clients, bill, and fulfill projects -- all within a single platform.\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Error on the wizard, please try again\"\n },\n \"BOOK_A_DEMO\": {\n \"GREETINGS\": \"Welcome, {{firstName}}!\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Book your demo with one of our specialists\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Learn how Vendasta can help revolutionize your business revenue stream.\",\n \"NEXT_BUTTON\": \"Next step\",\n \"SIDE_PANEL\": {\n \"QUOTATION\": \"Our experts are eager to help you get the most out of Vendasta's award-winning platform so you can start growing your business faster today.\",\n \"TRUSTED_BY\": \"Trusted by\",\n \"CHANNEL_PARTNERS\": \"channel partners\"\n }\n },\n \"NEED_HELP_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Learn how the onboarding works\",\n \"CONTACT_SUPPORT\": \"Contact support\"\n },\n \"WELCOME\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Welcome {{firstName}}! Help us create a better experience for you.\",\n \"TITLE_NO_NAME\": \"Welcome, please help us create a better experience for you.\",\n \"QUESTION_ONE\": \"Which of the following best describes your role?\",\n \"SELECT_ROLE\": \"Select role\",\n \"QUESTION_TWO\": \"What do you plan on using Vendasta for?\",\n \"REASONS\": {\n \"SELL\": \"I want to sell products\",\n \"CUSTOMERS\": \"I want to manage my customers\",\n \"OTHER\": \"I want to do something else\"\n }\n },\n \"SELECT_CATEGORY\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"What type of products and services would you like to sell?\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Please select one category to begin with. You can explore other product categories later!\",\n \"BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Discover products\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong, please try again.\"\n }\n },\n \"CHOOSE_NEW\": \"Explore new ways to grow your business\",\n \"GET_STARTED_GUIDE\": \"Get started guide\",\n \"ABOUT\": \"About\",\n \"TO_COMPLETE\": \"to complete\",\n \"COMPLETED\": \"completed\",\n \"TASK_COMPLETED\": \"Completed\",\n \"SELECTION_COMPONENT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Where do you want to get started?\",\n \"SUBTEXT\": \"Choose a starting point and you can do more later.\"\n },\n \"MOBILE_BANNER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Vendasta is better on a desktop\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"You may want to switch to a desktop to enjoy Partner Center more.\"\n },\n \"DETAILS\": {\n \"SET_GOAL_BUTTON\": \"Let's get started\",\n \"SUGGESTED_GOAL\": \"Hi, based on your interest we suggest you start here.\",\n \"COMPLETED_BY\": \"Completed by\",\n \"YOU\": \"you\",\n \"GOALS\": {\n \"deliver\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Deliver a client facing dashboard\",\n \"TITLE_LINE\": \"White-label business app & reporting\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Vendasta\u2019s white-label Business App is your clients\u2019 primary tool for their digital transformation strategy. It\u2019s a single sign-on dashboard that gives them access to products, recommendations, learning tools, proof of performance reporting, and so much more, all under your group.\",\n \"COURSE_LINK_TEXT\": \"Want to learn more? Take the free course:\",\n \"VIDEO_TITLE\": \"\"\n },\n \"build\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Build your product catalog\",\n \"TITLE_LINE\": \"Marketplace & store\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Vendasta helps you address more local business clients\u2019 needs with a variety of products and services available to rebrand as your own. Add your own products and services and sell more of what you already offer. Have the right solutions for your clients showcased in your own branded online store.\",\n \"COURSE_LINK_TEXT\": \"Want to learn more? Take the free course:\",\n \"VIDEO_TITLE\": \"\"\n },\n \"market\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Attract more customers\",\n \"TITLE_LINE\": \"Marketing automation software\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Looking for a better way to engage your prospects? Vendasta makes it easy with road-tested, ready-made campaigns that you can launch instantly. It simplifies tracking the process of your marketing campaigns so you never miss out on your hottest leads.\",\n \"COURSE_LINK_TEXT\": \"Learn more in our free Academy:\",\n \"VIDEO_TITLE\": \"\"\n },\n \"sell\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Sell more effectively\",\n \"TITLE_LINE\": \"Sales intelligence tool & CRM\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Closing a deal has never been easier. Convert more prospects to paying customers\u2014all in a single fully-connected platform. Whether you\u2019re looking to find new revenue opportunities, automate lead generation, or effortlessly manage your sales pipeline, it\u2019s all found under your Vendasta login.\",\n \"COURSE_LINK_TEXT\": \"Learn more in our free Academy:\",\n \"VIDEO_TITLE\": \"\"\n },\n \"fulfill\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Serve more clients at scale\",\n \"TITLE_LINE\": \"Fulfillment software & outsourced services\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Our integrated project management software enables you to efficiently manage every step of your fulfillment process. With Vendasta Task Manager you can create new tasks, delegate work to your team, and showcase project process in your branded client app.
If you need help with fulfillment tasks, you can also outsource work to Vendasta\u2019s Marketing Services team and use our software to keep track of everything. Contact us to learn more\",\n \"COURSE_LINK_TEXT\": \"Take the course to learn more:\",\n \"VIDEO_TITLE\": \"\"\n },\n \"bill\": {\n \"NAME\": \"Collect payments more efficiently\",\n \"TITLE_LINE\": \"Invoicing & billing software\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"When a local business is ready to buy, your store allows for quick and effortless ordering in just a few clicks. By enabling your clients to enter their credit card information on their own, you can say goodbye to balancing spreadsheets, stop fussing with third-party software, and focus on getting paid.\",\n \"COURSE_LINK_TEXT\": \"Explore Vendasta Payments in the course:\",\n \"VIDEO_TITLE\": \"\"\n }\n },\n \"GROUPS\": {\n \"add_client_account\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add client account\"\n },\n \"customize_business_app\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customize Business App\"\n },\n \"manage_users\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Invite your client users\"\n },\n \"discover_products\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Discover products and services\"\n },\n \"customize_store\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customize your Store\"\n },\n \"add_products\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add your own products and services\"\n },\n \"add_billing_info\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Add your billing info\"\n },\n \"setup_payments\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Set up Vendasta Payments\"\n },\n \"get_paid\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Start getting paid\"\n },\n \"edit_campaign\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Publish a campaign\"\n },\n \"launch_campaign\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Send a campaign\"\n },\n \"aquisition_widget\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Find new leads\"\n },\n \"open_ssc\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Explore Sales & Success Center\"\n },\n \"invite_sales_team\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Invite your sales team\"\n },\n \"manage_your_orders\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Manage your orders\"\n },\n \"explore_task_manager\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Explore Task Manager\"\n },\n \"invite_team\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Invite your team\"\n },\n \"setup_workflow\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Set up your workflow\"\n }\n },\n \"TASKS\": {\n \"add_client_account\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Add a free client account\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Add an account to navigate Business App from your client\u2019s perspective.\"\n },\n \"upload_logo\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Upload your logo\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Quickly and easily add your branding.\"\n },\n \"manage_business_app\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Manage Business App settings\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Edit and customize how your clients will interact with your app.\"\n },\n \"access_business_app\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Welcome clients to your Business App\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Add a new user to an account and send a welcome email.\"\n },\n \"discover_products\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Find new solutions for your customers\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Choose from 200+ products to resell, all from trusted vendors and service providers.\"\n },\n \"explore_lbot\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Explore the Local Business Online Toolkit\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"This suite of free ecommerce tools empowers even your first-time clients to sell and thrive online.\"\n },\n \"add_products\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Add products to your Store\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Add new revenue streams and become a full-service agency.\"\n },\n \"get_started_with_packages\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Add packages to your Store\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Browse our curated bundles of products and services, or assemble your own solution by creating a package.\"\n },\n \"bundle_solutions\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Bundle your best solutions together\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Increase your revenue by packaging high margin and high retention products together.\"\n },\n \"design_your_store\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Design your store\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Customize your store\u2019s appearance, categories, and currency.\"\n },\n \"add_product_service\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Add what you already sell\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Easily add your own products and services into the Vendasta platform.\"\n },\n \"add_contact_info\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Add your contact and payment information\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"We will use this information to manage your billing relationship with Vendasta.\"\n },\n \"create_stripe_account\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Create your Vendasta Payments account\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"You will use this account to accept credit card payments from your clients.\"\n },\n \"invoice_client\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Invoice a client\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Your clients can easily pay invoices online using a credit card.\"\n },\n \"sell_online\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Start selling online\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Embed your public Store on your website to allow new clients to sign up and make a purchase instantly.\"\n },\n \"publish_campaign\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Publish a Snapshot campaign\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Explore Vendasta\u2019s premade campaign designed to capture your prospects\u2019 attention.\"\n },\n \"add_bank_account\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Add your bank account(s)\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Securely connect one or more bank accounts to receive payouts.\"\n },\n \"add_prospect\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Add your first prospect\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Easily create your first prospect by completing a few easy steps.\"\n },\n \"send_campaign\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Send the Snapshot campaign\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Engage your prospects by adding them on the campaign.\"\n },\n \"aquisition_widget\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Create an Acquisition Widget\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Configure, design, and embed a widget on your website.\"\n },\n \"explore_ssc\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Open Sales & Success Center\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Learn how Sales & Success Center can boost your lead generation and revenue opportunities.\"\n },\n \"add_salespeople\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Add your salespeople\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Experience the full benefits of Sales & Success Center by adding your team.\"\n },\n \"create_sales_teams\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Create sales teams\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Fuel their competitive nature by putting your salespeople into teams.\"\n },\n \"create_account\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Create your accounts in Partner Center\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Once you\u2019ve added your accounts to Partner Center, you can add them to Task Manager.\"\n },\n \"open_task_manager\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Open Task Manager\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Tasks are tied to accounts, allowing you to log all work for each client.\"\n },\n \"invite_team\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Invite your Digital Agents\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Coordinate your work by inviting the rest of your team.\"\n },\n \"configure_tasks\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Configure your tasks\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Choose your task types and configure auto-generation.\"\n },\n \"choose_templates\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Choose your templates\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Choose from pre-made project templates or create your own.\"\n },\n \"how_to_use_orders\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Learn how to use orders\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Keep track of and fulfill the orders submitted by your salespeople.\"\n },\n \"learn_about_acquisition_widget\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Learn about the Acquisition Widget\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Explore the lead generation tool you can embed on your website to find new leads.\"\n },\n \"learn_about_snapshots\": {\n \"LINK\": \"Learn about Snapshot Report\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Learn how to use Snapshot Report in your campaigns to automate your research and propose optimal solutions.\"\n }\n },\n \"KEY_POINTS\": {\n \"SINGLE_DASHBOARD\": \"Provide everything your clients need in a single dashboard\",\n \"FREEMIUM\": \"Drive new sales with built-in freemium solutions and upgrade paths\",\n \"PROOF_OF_PERFORMANCE\": \"Retain clients longer with automated proof-of-performance reporting\",\n \"DISCOVER_MARKETPLACE\": \"Discover products in Marketplace and choose from 200+ solutions to resell\",\n \"CUSTOMIZE_STOREFRONT\": \"Create and customize your storefront to showcase your packages to your clients\",\n \"ADD_PRODUCTS\": \"Add your own products and services and sell them alongside other Marketplace solutions\",\n \"ENGAGE_PROSPECTS\": \"Engage your prospects with dynamic content that is tailored to their needs\",\n \"PREMADE_CAMPAIGNS\": \"Cut down your time-to-market with premade campaigns that speak to all of your solutions\",\n \"HOT_LEAD_NOTIFICATIONS\": \"Know exactly when your prospects are engaging thanks to \\\"hot lead\\\" notifications\",\n \"AUTOMATED_MARKETING\": \"Cultivate an ever-growing list of new leads with automated marketing solutions\",\n \"EXPAND_REVENUE\": \"Expand revenue opportunities with new products and services\",\n \"CLOSE_DEALS\": \"Close deals in no time using needs assessment and communication tools\",\n \"COLLECT_PAYMENT\": \"Use automated invoices to request and collect payment\",\n \"RECEIVE_PAYOUTS\": \"Securely accept payments and receive payouts through Vendasta Payments\",\n \"SEAMLESS_SHOPPING\": \"Provide your clients with a seamless shopping experience\",\n \"MANAGE_PRODUCTS\": \"Easily manage projects and tasks to fulfill work for your clients\",\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": \"Scale your fulfillment with automations and prescriptive tasks\",\n \"DISPLAY_PROOF_OF_WORK\": \"Display proof of work to your clients to increase satisfaction and reduce churn\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"REWARDS\": {\n \"SECOND_USER_ADDED\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Earn Vendasta cash\",\n \"TEXT\": \"When you invite your first team member, you'll get $20 to use within the platform.\",\n \"REWARD_CTA\": \"Invite team member, get {{ amount }}\"\n }\n },\n \"CUSTOMER_SATISFACTION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Satisfaction ratings\",\n \"UNKNOWN\": \"Unknown\",\n \"NO_RATINGS\": \"No ratings exist\",\n \"NO_RATINGS_DESCRIPTION\": \"You'll see ratings here when customers submit satisfaction surveys\",\n \"NEXT\": \"Next\",\n \"PREVIOUS\": \"Previous\"\n },\n \"ADMINISTRATION\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Administration\",\n \"YOUR_ACCOUNT\": \"Your account\",\n \"BILLING\": \"Billing\",\n \"SALES_EXPERIENCE\": \"Sales experience\",\n \"APPEARANCE\": \"Appearance\",\n \"CUSTOMER_EXPERIENCE\": \"Customer experience\",\n \"ADVANCED\": \"Advanced\",\n \"MY_ACCOUNT\": \"My account\",\n \"PLATFORM_SETTINGS\": \"Platform settings\",\n \"MY_PLAN\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"My plan\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"View and manage resources related to your current subscription plan\"\n },\n \"COMPANY_PROFILE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Company profile\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage your company's location and contact information\"\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_BILLING\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Default billing settings\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage default billing settings for your accounts\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BUSINESS_APP\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customize Business App\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage your client portal branding, features, notifications, and more\"\n },\n \"CLIENT_NOTIFICATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Client notifications\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Email, in-app, and push notifications for your clients\"\n },\n \"AFFILIATE_PROGRAMS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Affiliate program\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_ONE\": \"Become a Vendasta affiliate and earn up to $10000 per referral\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_TWO\": \"View and manage your affiliated leads and commission earnings\"\n },\n \"MY_BILLING\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"My billing\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage your billing information and view your outstanding balance and financial overview\",\n \"METRICS\": {\n \"EMPTY_STATE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"No metrics to display\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"You have no activity for this time period. Activate products on your accounts to start receiving detailed metrics for each product\",\n \"CTA\": \"Manage Accounts\"\n },\n \"TABLE\": {\n \"TOTAL_BILLABLE_TOOLTIP\": \"Total number of billable accounts is the sum of the month's starting balance and the number of activations this month.\",\n \"MARKET\": \"Market\",\n \"PRODUCT\": \"Product\",\n \"CHURN\": \"Churn\",\n \"RETENTION\": \"Retention\",\n \"STARTING_BALANCE\": \"Starting Balance\",\n \"ACTIVATIONS\": \"Activations\",\n \"DEACTIVATIONS\": \"Deactivations\",\n \"TOTAL_BILLABLE\": \"Total Billable\"\n }\n },\n \"TABS\": {\n \"BY_PURCHASE\": \"By purchase\",\n \"BY_ACCOUNT\": \"By account\",\n \"ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS\": \"Active subscriptions\",\n \"DEACTIVATED_SUBSCRIPTIONS\": \"Deactivated subscriptions\",\n \"ESTIMATED_USAGE\": \"Estimated Usage\",\n \"METRICS\": \"Metrics\"\n },\n \"ESTIMATED_USAGE\": {\n \"TABLE_TITLE\": \"Estimated Usage for\",\n \"TABLE_DESCRIPTION\": \"This is an estimate of what your total costs will be for the current month.\",\n \"PRODUCTS\": \"Products\",\n \"UNITS\": \"Units\",\n \"GROSS_TOTAL\": \"Gross Total\",\n \"DISCOUNTS\": \"Discounts\",\n \"NET_TOTAL\": \"Net Total\",\n \"DISCOUNT_DISCLAIMER\": \"No discounts have been configured for this product\",\n \"PRICING\": \"Pricing\",\n \"PRICING_RULE_DISCLAIMER\": \"No pricing rules have been configured for this product\"\n }\n },\n \"PRICING\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Pricing\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"View your current product pricing and discounts\"\n },\n \"REPORTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Reports\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"View and download your monthly billing reports\"\n },\n \"FINANCIAL_DOCUMENTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Financial documents\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"View and download your invoices and credits from Vendasta\"\n },\n \"VENDASTA_PAYMENTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Vendasta payments\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Accept credit card payments, manage bank accounts and payouts\"\n },\n \"TAX_RATES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Tax rates\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage the tax rates that can be applied to your orders and invoices\"\n },\n \"SNAPSHOT_REPORT_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Snapshot Report settings\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Edit the name, default template, and other settings for all Snapshot Reports\"\n },\n \"SIGNUP_CONVERSION_FUNNEL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sign-up conversion funnel\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Edit the default steps for generating leads and customer's self sign-up experience\"\n },\n \"SSC_FEATURES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sales & Success Center features\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Show/hide sections and limit feature accessible by salespeople\"\n },\n \"SALES_ORDERS_AND_PROCESSES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sales orders and processes\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Configure features and steps for using Sales Orders\"\n },\n \"GOALS_AND_TRAINING_PRIORITIES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Goals and training priorities\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Edit options available in Sales & Success Center accounts\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BRANDING\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customize branding\",\n \"TITLE_ALT\": \"Customize\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Configure white-label branding of the platform\",\n \"PICK_A_PROFILE_IMAGE\": \"Pick a profile image\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BRANDING_V2\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Partner branding\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Change partner branding used in Partner Center, Business App, and other supported products\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_PLATFORM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customize\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Configure behaviour and features for the platform and certain Vendasta products\"\n },\n \"EMAIL_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Email settings\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage settings for sending emails and campaigns\"\n },\n \"EXECUTIVE_REPORT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Executive report\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Launch this tool to review and edit everything your customers see\",\n \"LISTINGS\": \"Listings\",\n \"LISTINGS_DESCRIPTION\": \"A listing is an online profile of your business, which provides people with your business name, address, phone number, website, and more. Accurate listings help to ensure that potential customers can find your business online.\",\n \"REPUTATION\": \"Reputation\",\n \"REPUTATION_DESCRIPTION\": \"Your reputation manifests itself as customer feedback on review sites, forums, and other sites around the web. A healthy reputation helps to ensure that potential customers trust you more than your competitors.\",\n \"WEBSITE\": \"Website\",\n \"WEBSITE_DESCRIPTION\": \"A website is a powerful presentation of who you are and what you have to offer. A great website helps to ensure that you\u2019re converting website visitors into customers.\",\n \"SOCIAL\": \"Social\",\n \"SOCIAL_DESCRIPTION\": \"Social media is one of the best ways to engage with your customers and build your brand. A strong social presence helps to ensure that your customers remain satisfied and loyal.\",\n \"ADVERTISING\": \"Advertising\",\n \"ADVERTISING_DESCRIPTION\": \"Digital advertising allows you to serve targeted ads on search engines, social media, and other relevant sites across the web. Compelling ad campaigns help you to ensure that your target audience knows about you.\",\n \"SEO\": \"SEO\",\n \"SEO_DESCRIPTION\": \"SEO refers to the process of boosting the visibility of your business in search results. Effective SEO helps to ensure that potential customers find you before your competitors.\",\n \"CONTENT_AND_EXPERIENCE\": \"Content and Experience\",\n \"CONTENT_AND_EXPERIENCE_DESCRIPTION\": \"Customer experience refers to the interactions between you and your customers throughout your business relationship. A wonderful experience will help you foster brand loyalty.\"\n },\n \"LISTING_SOURCES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Listing sources\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage what listings you manage\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMER_EXPERIENCE_WIZARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customer experience wizard\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Launch this tool to review and edit everything your customers see\"\n },\n \"GENERAL_PRODUCT_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"General product settings\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage your various product settings\"\n },\n \"SERVICE_ACCOUNTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Service accounts\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage identity and access control for third party applications\"\n },\n \"INTEGRATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Integrations\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Connect third-party apps for additional functionality\"\n },\n \"TRANSLATION_PORTAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Translate and Customize\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Contribute translations and customize content in the Business App\"\n },\n \"SINGLE_SIGN_ON\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Single Sign On\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Control how your customers login to Business App\"\n },\n \"DEVELOPER_APIS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Developer APIs\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Complete reference documentation for the Platform API. Includes code snippets and examples.\"\n },\n \"INBOX_SETTINGS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Inbox Settings\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Configure your messaging experience, integrations and behaviour\"\n },\n \"AI_KNOWLEDGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"AI knowledge base\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Manage a central library of knowledge to utilize across AI features\"\n },\n \"CUSTOM_FIELDS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Custom fields\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Add and capture more information on customer accounts, users, and products\",\n \"SELECT_OBJECT_TYPE\": \"Select object type:\",\n \"SAVE_SUCCESS\": \"Field created successfully\",\n \"EDIT_SUCCESS\": \"Field edited successfully\",\n \"SAVE_ERROR\": \"Failed to create field\",\n \"EDIT_ERROR\": \"Failed to edit field\",\n \"CREATE_LABEL\": \"Create custom field\",\n \"REACHED_CREATION_LIMIT\": \"Limit reached\",\n \"TOO_MANY_CUSTOM_FIELDS\": \"A maximum number of 100 custom fields can be created per partner\",\n \"NAME_HINT\": \"{{characters}} characters (maximum 50 characters)\",\n \"DESCRIPTION_HINT\": \"{{characters}} characters (maximum 200 characters)\",\n \"ARCHIVED\": \"Archived fields\",\n \"ARCHIVE_SUCCESS\": \"'{{fieldName}}' was successfully archived.\",\n \"ARCHIVE_FAILURE\": \"Failed to archive '{{fieldName}}' field.\",\n \"UNARCHIVE_SUCCESS\": \"'{{fieldName}}' was successfully unarchived.\",\n \"UNARCHIVE_FAILURE\": \"Failed to unarchive '{{fieldName}}' field.\",\n \"CURRENCY_TYPE\": \"Currency Type\",\n \"FIELD_TYPE_NOT_EDITABLE\": \"This field cannot be edited after it\u2019s created\",\n \"ARCHIVE_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Archive field?\",\n \"CONTENT\": \"Automations that rely on {{fieldName}} may need to be updated.\",\n \"AUTOMATION_LINK\": \"Manage automations\",\n \"ARCHIVE\": \"Archive\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATE_TITLE\": \"Create custom fields\",\n \"EMPTY_STATE_DESCRIPTION\": \"Use custom fields to record unique information about accounts, users, products, and orders, as well as fulfillment projects and tasks. Information stored in custom fields can be used to segment campaigns, trigger automations, and more.\",\n \"EMPTY_STATE_LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn more\"\n }\n },\n \"DEFAULT_BILLING\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Account billing\",\n \"CARD_TITLE\": \"Default billing automation\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Changes to default billing settings will only apply to new accounts\",\n \"FORM\": {\n \"ON\": \"On\",\n \"RETAIL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_OFF\": \"Off (retail subscription generation set for individual accounts will still apply)\",\n \"ON_HELP_TEXT\": \"Automatically generate invoices for customers based on their active subscriptions\",\n \"OFF\": \"Off (billing automations set for individual accounts will still apply)\",\n \"MARKET\": {\n \"LABEL\": \"Market\",\n \"PLACEHOLDER\": \"Select market\"\n },\n \"SUMMARY\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Summary for all accounts with default billing automation\",\n \"TITLE_GENERIC\": \"Summary for new accounts with default billing automation\",\n \"ADDITIONAL_NOTES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"For accounts with:\",\n \"NO_CREDIT_CARD\": \"No credit card: An invoice will be emailed to the recipient for that account instead of charging them automatically. The credit card used to pay that invoice will then be saved and automatically charged for subsequent recurring invoices.\",\n \"NO_DEFAULT_RECIPIENT\": \"No default recipient selected: Invoices will be sent to the first user created on that account.\",\n \"NO_ASSOCIATED_USERS\": \"No users: A draft invoice will be created instead.\"\n },\n \"NOTE\": \"The billing settings of existing accounts will not be changed. All new accounts that you create will use these billing settings by default.\"\n },\n \"EMPTY_STATE_ALT_IMAGE\": \"Account Deleted Image\"\n },\n \"SNACKS\": {\n \"SAVE_SUCCESSFUL\": \"Save successful\",\n \"SAVE_FAILED\": \"Save failed\"\n }\n },\n \"FULL_PAGE_SELECT_USE_CASE\": {\n \"OVERVIEW_VIDEO\": \"Watch overview video\"\n },\n \"MY_PROFILE_PAGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"My Profile\"\n },\n \"EDIT_PROFILE_PAGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Edit Profile\",\n \"COMPETITOR_BANNER\": \"Editing competitors has moved. You can continue to make changes to these in the Snapshot Report here\"\n },\n \"FORGOT_PASSWORD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Forgot my password\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Forgot or want to change your password? Don't worry, just enter your sign in email address and we'll send you the instructions to create a new one.\",\n \"ACTION_BUTTON\": \"Send email\",\n \"CHECK_EMAIL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Check your email\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"A reset password email has been sent to {{ email }}\",\n \"ACTION_BUTTON\": \"I didn't get the email\",\n \"NOT_SENT\": \"We were unable to send the email. Please make sure you've entered the correct email address.\"\n }\n },\n \"LOGIN\": {\n \"ACTION_BUTTON\": \"Sign in\",\n \"GOOGLE_ACTION_BUTTON\": \"Sign in with Google\",\n \"LINKEDIN_ACTION_BUTTON\": \"Sign in with LinkedIn\",\n \"FORGOT_PASSWORD\": \"Forgot your password?\",\n \"GET_STARTED\": \"New here? Get started with Vendasta\",\n \"TOS\": \"By continuing, you are indicating that you accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy\",\n \"SIGNING_IN\": \"Signing in\",\n \"OR\": \"or\",\n \"INCORRECT\": \"Incorrect combination of email/password\",\n \"NO_SUPERADMINS\": \"Superadmins can't use email/password. Please sign in with google.\",\n \"INVALID_LOGIN\": \"Invalid login: {{reason}}\"\n },\n \"FILES\": {\n \"UPLOAD_TITLE\": \"Upload Title\",\n \"UPLOAD_TITLE_HINT\": \"This is what the account user will see in Business App and the Notification Stream.\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Description\",\n \"FILES\": \"Files\",\n \"ADD_FILES\": \"Add Files\",\n \"EDIT_FILES\": \"Edit Files\",\n \"SAVE_FILES_ERROR\": \"An error occurred while saving files. Please try again.\",\n \"SAVE_FILES_NO_TITLE_ERROR\": \"Title is required.\",\n \"FILES_DELETED\": \"Files deleted\",\n \"FILES_ALREADY_DELETED\": \"Files already deleted\"\n },\n \"HELP_CENTER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Help\",\n \"NEW\": \"New\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong, please try again.\",\n \"CASES\": {\n \"ACADEMY\": \"Learn from the Academy\",\n \"ARTICLES\": \"View help articles\",\n \"BOOK_MEETING\": \"Book a meeting with an expert\",\n \"CALL_US\": \"Call us at \",\n \"COMMUNITY\": \"Join our Facebook community\",\n \"CONTACT_US\": \"Contact us\",\n \"LIVE_CHAT\": \"Live chat with us\",\n \"PLATFORM_SUPPORT\": \"Platform support\",\n \"PRODUCT_SUPPORT\": \"Product support\",\n \"SALES_SUPPORT\": \"Sales support\",\n \"SUBMIT_TICKET\": \"Submit a ticket\",\n \"TICKET_HISTORY\": \"My tickets\",\n \"CANNY\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"View our roadmap\"\n }\n },\n \"HEADERS\": {\n \"MAIN\": \"How can we help you today?\",\n \"CONTACT\": \"How would you like to contact us?\"\n },\n \"SEARCH\": {\n \"INPUT\": \"Search our Help Center\",\n \"RESULTS\": {\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Can't find what you're looking for? Try searching a different term or\",\n \"CONTACT_US\": \"contact us.\"\n },\n \"NO_RESULTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"No results found\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Try searching a different term or\",\n \"CONTACT_US\": \"contact us\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"COMPANY_PROFILE\": {\n \"COMPANY_NAME\": \"Company name\",\n \"WEBSITE_URL\": \"Website address\",\n \"PHONE_NUMBER\": \"Phone number\",\n \"UPDATE_SUCCESS\": \"Company profile updated.\",\n \"UPDATE_ERROR\": \"Error updating company profile\",\n \"ADDRESS_TITLE\": \"Address\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Company Profile\",\n \"INVALID_FORM\": \"Mailing information is required and cannot be blank.\",\n \"EMAIL_ADDRESS\": \"Email address\",\n \"TIMEZONE\": \"Timezone\"\n },\n \"ORDERS\": {\n \"ERROR_AT_LEAST_ONE_LINE_ITEM\": \"You must add at least one line item to the order contents.\",\n \"INVALID_FORM\": \"Order form is invalid.\",\n \"GENERIC_ERROR\": \"An error occurred\"\n },\n \"SUPERADMIN\": {\n \"SUPERADMIN\": \"Superadmin\",\n \"CREATE_PARTNER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Create Partner\",\n \"CREATE_SUCCESS\": \"Created partner\",\n \"CREATE_ERROR\": \"Error creating partner\",\n \"PARTNER_DETAILS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Partner Details\",\n \"ID\": \"Partner ID\",\n \"ID_HINT\": \"3-4 uppercase letters and digits\",\n \"NAME\": \"Partner Name\",\n \"TAGS\": \"Tags\",\n \"ACCOUNT_EXEC\": \"Account Executive\",\n \"ACCOUNT_EXEC_HINT\": \"The Account Executive is notified in the #partner-bulk-actions Slack channel when this partner performs a bulk import or adds accounts to a campaign. This person will be shown as the salesperson in both the Trial Banner and in the help menu.\",\n \"SUBDOMAIN\": \"Partner Subdomain\",\n \"CURRENCY\": \"Partner Currency\",\n \"TRIAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"14-day Free Trial Experience Enrollment\",\n \"TOGGLE_NAME\": \"Allow Partner to experience trial\",\n \"INFO\": \"Enroll this partner in the free trial experience. Enable to begin this partner's 14-day free trial immediately. On first login, the partner will be required to add their payment information to access their account.\",\n \"SELECT_PLAN\": \"Select Plan\"\n }\n },\n \"PRIMARY_CONTACT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Primary Contact\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"This information will be used to create the Master Partner Center Admin for this Partner\",\n \"FIRST_NAME\": \"First Name\",\n \"LAST_NAME\": \"Last Name\",\n \"EMAIL\": \"Email\",\n \"PASSWORD\": \"Password\"\n },\n \"CONTACT_INFORMATION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Contact Information\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Must be a physical mailing address or PO Box where the partner receives mail. This information is required in order to send email campaigns.\",\n \"ADDRESS\": \"Address\",\n \"ADDITIONAL_ADDRESS_LINE\": \"Additional Address Line\",\n \"COUNTRY\": \"Country\",\n \"STATE_PROV\": \"State / Province\",\n \"CITY\": \"City\",\n \"POSTAL_CODE\": \"Postal/Zip Code\",\n \"EMAIL\": \"Email Address\",\n \"EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER\": \"someone@example.com\",\n \"WEBSITE\": \"Website Address\",\n \"PHONE\": \"Phone Number\",\n \"VALIDATION\": {\n \"BAD_COUNTRY\": \"Please select a country from the list\"\n }\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"CONFLICT\": \"Unable to create partner. Partner ID or partner subdomain already in use.\"\n }\n },\n \"EDIT_PARTNER\": {\n \"GO_TO_OLD_PAGE\": \"Use Old View\",\n \"SWITCH_PARTNER\": \"Switch Partner\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Error editing the partner. Please try again\",\n \"FINANCE_ERROR\": \"Error updating financial record status.\",\n \"FINANCE_SUCCESS\": \"Successfully updated financial record status\",\n \"TITLE\": \"Partner Details\",\n \"PID\": \"PID\",\n \"NAME\": \"Partner Name\",\n \"TAGS\": \"Tags\",\n \"PARTNER_API_KEY\": \"Partner Api Key\",\n \"PARTNER_TYPE\": \"Partner Type\",\n \"SERVICE_LEVEL\": \"Service Level\",\n \"STRIPE_BILLING\": \"Stripe Billing\",\n \"STRIPE_BILLING_TOOLTIP\": \"Select this option to indicate the partner will be billed through Stripe and not Fusebill\",\n \"EXCLUDE_FROM_KPIS\": \"Exclude from KPIs\",\n \"EXCLUDE_FROM_FINANCIAL_RECORDS\": \"Exclude from financial records\",\n \"PRODUCT_CONFIGURATION\": \"Product Configuration\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP\": \"Business App\",\n \"SUBSCRIBE_TO_CAMPAIGNS\": \"Subscribed to Campaigns\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP_ID\": \"Business App PID\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP_API_KEY\": \"Business App API Key\",\n \"REPUTATION_MANAGEMENT\": \"Reputation Management\",\n \"REPUTATION_MANAGEMENT_KEY\": \"Reputation Management API Key\",\n \"LISTING_BUILDER\": \"Listing Builder\",\n \"LISTING_BUILDER_API_KEY\": \"Listing Builder API Key\",\n \"SOCIAL_MARKETING\": \"Social Marketing\",\n \"SOCIAL_MARKETING_API_KEY\": \"Social Marketing API Key\",\n \"BRAND_ANALYTICS\": \"Brand Analytics\",\n \"BRAND_ANALYTICS_API_KEY\": \"Brand Analytics API Key\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER\": \"Task Manager\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER_API_KEY\": \"Task Manager API Key\",\n \"ENABLE_PRODUCTS\": \"Enable Product Marketplace\",\n \"HIDE_WHOLESALE_PRICES\": \"Hide wholesale prices in Partner Center\",\n \"HIDE_WHOLESALE_PRICES_TOOLTIP\": \"Note Super admins will still see the wholesale prices in Partner Center\",\n \"SALES_TOOL\": \"Sales Tool\",\n \"DEFAULT_CAMPAIGN_ID\": \"Default Campaign ID\",\n \"DEFAULT_CAMPAIGN_ID_TOOLTIP\": \"Indicates the campaign ID to be used when accounts are added to campaigns via Sales Tool. It is only necessary to provide this value if the partner has a custom campaign.\",\n \"MASTER_FACEBOOK_USER\": \"Master Facebook User\",\n \"OAUTH_KEY\": \"oAuth Key\",\n \"OAUTH_SECRET\": \"oAuth Secret\",\n \"REPUTATION_COMPETITION\": \"Reputation Competition\",\n \"MAXIMUM_COMPETITORS\": \"Maximum Competitors\",\n \"COMPETITORS_TOOLTIP\": \"Increasing this number directly increases Vendasta's cost per Reputation account. It is maintained for old partners. Probably leave it alone.\",\n \"MAXIMUM_SERVICES\": \"Maximum Services\",\n \"LISTING_DISTRIBUTION_SETUP\": \"Listing Distribution Setup\",\n \"ENABLE_LISTING_DISTRIBUTION\": \"Enable Listing Distribution\",\n \"SHOW_EXPIRY_DATE\": \"Show Expiry Date\",\n \"SET_WHOLESALE_PRICE\": \"Set Wholesale Price\",\n \"WHOLESALE_PRICE_TOOLTIP\": \"Value should be in dollars. eg. 49.99\",\n \"ENABLE_FOR_PARTNER_ADMINS\": \"Enable for Partner Admins\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"PAUSED\": \"Paused\",\n \"CANCELLED\": \"Cancelled\",\n \"STATUS_TOOLTIP\": \"Setting this flag has no consequences outside of Partner Center (yet).\",\n \"SUPPORT_LEVEL_OVERRIDE\": \"Support Level Override\",\n \"PRIORITY_SUPPORT\": \"Priority Support\",\n \"STANDARD_SUPPORT\": \"Standard Support\",\n \"PRIORITY_LIVE_CHAT_SUPPORT\": \"Priority Live Chat Support\",\n \"SAVE\": \"Save\",\n \"CANCEL\": \"Cancel\"\n },\n \"DISTRIBUTION\": {\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\",\n \"MANAGE_PRODUCTS\": \"Manage Products\",\n \"SEARCH_BY_PRODUCT_NAME\": \"Search by product name\",\n \"PRODUCT_NAME\": \"Product Name\",\n \"PARTNER_ACCESS\": \"Partner Access\",\n \"BLACK_LIST\": \"Black List\",\n \"WHITE_LIST\": \"White List\",\n \"NONE\": \"None\",\n \"ALL_PARTNERS\": \"All Partners\",\n \"DISTRIBUTED\": \"Distributed\",\n \"NOT_DISTRIBUTED\": \"Not Distributed\",\n \"SET_WHITE_AND_BLACK_LISTS\": \"Set white and black lists\",\n \"NUM_WHITELISTED\": \"{{num}} white listed\",\n \"NUM_BLACKLISTED\": \"{{num}} black listed\",\n \"EXPAND_TO_VIEW_WHITELISTED_PARTNERS\": \"Expand to view white listed partners\",\n \"NO_PARTNERS_WHITELISTED\": \"No partners have been white listed\",\n \"REMOVE_NUM_WHITELISTED_PARTNERS\": \"Remove {{num}} white listed partners\",\n \"EXPAND_TO_VIEW_BLACKLISTED_PARTNERS\": \"Expand to view black listed partners\",\n \"NO_PARTNERS_BLACKLISTED\": \"No partners have been black listed\",\n \"REMOVE_NUM_BLACKLISTED_PARTNERS\": \"Remove {{num}} black listed partners\",\n \"FILTER_BY_PARTNER_IDS\": \"Filter by partner IDs separated by commas\",\n \"PARTNER_ID\": \"Partner ID\",\n \"BLACKLISTED\": \"Blacklisted\",\n \"WHITELISTED\": \"Whitelisted\",\n \"APP_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS\": \"App Distribution Status\",\n \"DISTRIBUTION_STATUS_DESCRIPTION\": \"Distribution Status controls whether or not an app will show in Partner Center. It's possible for the app to be distributed to all Partners, to limit the app to a select few (using the whitelist), or excluding certain Partners from seeing it (the blacklist).\",\n \"SETTING_STATUS_TO_NOT_DISTRIBUTED\": \"Setting the status to \\\"Not Distributed\\\" will not show the product to anyone regardless of the white and black lists.\",\n \"SETTING_STATUS_TO_DISTRIBUTED\": \"Setting the status to \\\"Distributed\\\" will distribute the app to ALL Partners by default.\",\n \"ADDING_ANY_PARTNER_TO_WHITELIST\": \"Adding any Partner to the whitelist will limit distribution to only those Partners in the whitelist\",\n \"ADDING_ANY_PARTNER_TO_BLACKLIST\": \"Adding a Partner to the blacklist will ensure the app is not distributed to that Partner.\",\n \"UNAPPROVED_APP_ADMIN_PARTNERS\": \"Marketplace apps are always available to the Unapproved App Admin Partners\",\n \"SAVE_DISTRIBUTION_STATUS\": \"Save Distribution Status\",\n \"BULK_PROVISION\": \"Bulk Provision\",\n \"WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_BULK_PROVISION_NAME\": \"Would you like to bulk provision {{name}}\",\n \"FOR\": \"for:\",\n \"TAKES_WHITE_AND_BLACK_LIST_INTO_ACCOUNT\": \"This will take into account the white and black listed partners selected.\"\n },\n \"FEATURE_ACCESS\": {\n \"MANAGE_FEATURE_ACCESS\": \"Manage Feature Access\",\n \"CREATE_FEATURE_FLAG\": \"Create Feature Flag\"\n }\n },\n \"ACTIVATION\": {\n \"ORDER_SUBMITTED\": {\n \"ORDER_SUBMITTED\": \"Order submitted\"\n },\n \"CONFIRMATION_PAGE\": {\n \"ACTIVATION_MESSAGE_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Products Activated\",\n \"COMPLETE_SETUP\": \"Complete Setup\",\n \"PRODUCTS_HAVE_IMPORTANT_INFO\": \"Some products you've activated have important additional information:\",\n \"CLICK_THE_PRODUCT_ICON_THEN\": \"Once active, click the product icon to access the admin portal, then:\",\n \"CLICK_THE_PRODUCT_ICON\": \"Once active, click the product icon to access the admin portal.\",\n \"DOMAIN_VERIFICATION\": \"Domain verification is required before accessing SSO features\",\n \"ACCESS_TO_MAP_GOOGLE_USER\": \"Access the product to map each Google User to a {{appName}} User\",\n \"ACCESS_TO_MAP_OFFICE_365_LICENSE\": \"Access the product to map each Office 365 license to a Business App user\",\n \"NEED_HELP_GOOGLE\": \"Need help setting up Google Workspace?\",\n \"NEED_HELP_OFFICE_365\": \"Need help setting up Office 365?\",\n \"CONTACT_SUPPORT_AT\": \"Contact Support at\",\n \"CLICK_THE_GOOGLE_ICON\": \"Once active, click the Google Workspace Transfer product icon to access the transfer page, and confirm the number of seats being transferred.\",\n \"MICROSOFT_CLOUD_AGREEMENT\": \"By proceeding, you are agreeing to the Microsoft Cloud Agreement.\",\n \"AGREE_AND_CONTINUE\": \"Agree and continue\"\n },\n \"ACTIVATION_PRICE\": {\n \"PRODUCT_SERVICE_NAME\": \"Product / Service Name\",\n \"SETUP_FEE\": \"setup fee\",\n \"FIRST_CHARGE_AT_MONTHS_END\": \"First charge is at month end\",\n \"PRICES_ESTIMATED_BASED_ON_VOLUME\": \"All prices are estimated based on volume, calculated at month end.\"\n },\n \"ACTIVATION_PRICE_SUMMARY\": {\n \"ITEM\": \"Item\",\n \"WHOLESALE\": \"Wholesale\",\n \"QUANTITY_SHORT\": \"Qty\",\n \"RETAIL_PRICE\": \"Retail price\",\n \"AMOUNT\": \"Amount\",\n \"TOTALS\": \"Totals\",\n \"RECURRING\": \"Recurring\",\n \"RETAIL\": \"Retail\",\n \"PRICES_ESTIMATED_AND_CALCULATED_END_OF_MONTH\": \"This item is billed at the end of the month. All prices are estimated based on volume.\"\n },\n \"CHANGE_PRICE_DIALOG\": {\n \"EDIT_AMOUNT\": \"Edit Amount\",\n \"YOU_CAN_INCREASE_AMOUNT\": \"You can increase the amount you want to spend.\",\n \"ENTER_AMOUNT\": \"Enter Amount\",\n \"YOU_CANNOT_DECREASE_AMOUNT\": \"You cannot decrease the amount.\",\n \"APPLY_CHANGE\": \"Apply Change\"\n },\n \"ORDER_CONFIRMATION_PAGE\": {\n \"CONFIRM_ORDER\": \"Confirm Order\"\n },\n \"ORDER_EXCESS\": {\n \"ACTIVATING_THIS_PRODUCT\": \"Activating this product\",\n \"ACTIVATING_THESE_PRODUCTS\": \"Activating these products\",\n \"WILL_PLACE_YOU_OVER_LIMIT\": \"will place you over the free tier limit. Please add a payment method to pay for products coming up for renewal.\",\n \"NUM_PRODUCTS\": \"Number of Active Products (Estimated)\",\n \"TOTAL_COST\": \"Total Cost (Estimated)\"\n },\n \"ORDER_SUMMARY\": {\n \"BILLED_IMMEDIATELY\": \"Billed immediately\",\n \"BILLED_AT_END_OF_MONTH\": \"Billed at the end of the month\",\n \"BILLING_INFO\": \"Billing info\",\n \"WHOLESALE_BILLING_INFO\": \"Wholesale billing info\",\n \"WILL_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION\": \"will require confirmation from the Vendor before activation.\",\n \"WILL_REMAIN_PENDING\": \"It will remain in a pending state until such time.\",\n \"WILL_REMAIN_PENDING_MULTI\": \"These items will remain in a pending state until such time.\",\n \"BILLED_TO\": \"Billed to:\",\n \"USING_CREDIT_CARD\": \"Using credit card:\",\n \"YOU_HAVE_VCASH\": \"You have {{amount}} vCash\",\n \"VCASH_WILL_BE_APPLIED\": \"vCash will be applied when this order is processed. Your selected payment method will be used for the remainder and any recurring payments.\",\n \"EMAIL_ALL_USERS\": \"Email all users on this account when this product is activated.\",\n \"EMAIL_ALL_USERS_MULTI\": \"Email all users on this account when these products are activated.\",\n \"YOU_NEED_TO_ADD_BILLING_INFO\": \"Before you purchase these products, you need to add your billing information.\",\n \"PURCHASE\": \"Purchase\",\n \"SEND_ORDER\": \"Send Order\",\n \"PRODUCT_SUMMARY\": \"Product summary\",\n \"SUBMIT_ORDER\": \"Submit Order?\"\n },\n \"COLLECT_PAYMENT\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Collect payment\",\n \"ADD_EXPIRY_DATE\": \"Add expiry date to accept terms\",\n \"SELECT_USER\": \"Select a user\",\n \"SELECT_DATE\": \"Select a date\",\n \"SELECT_TIME\": \"Select a time\",\n \"SEND_ORDER_TO_CUSTOMER\": \"Send order for customer review & collect payment online\",\n \"DONT_NEED_TO_COLLECT\": \"Don't need to collect payment\",\n \"DONT_NEED_TO_COLLECT_NOTICE\": \"I have already collected payment from my customer and only wish to activate the products on their account.\",\n \"EXPIRY_NOTICE\": \"{{ name }} will have until {{ date }} at {{ time }} to review and pay for the order.\",\n \"ADD_USERS\": \"Add users to account\"\n },\n \"PRODUCT_ACTIVATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Product activations\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"When would you like the products to activate for this order?\",\n \"ACTIVATE_AFTER_PAYMENT\": \"Products will activate on {{ date }} after the payment has been collected\",\n \"ACTIVATE_ON_DATE\": \"Products will activate on {{ date }}\"\n }\n },\n \"DYNAMIC_ORDER_FORM_PAGE\": {\n \"SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS\": \"We currently support the following domain extensions: .com, .info, .org, .net, .biz\",\n \"SEARCH_FOR_A_DOMAIN\": \"Search for a domain\",\n \"DOMAIN_IS_AVAILABLE\": \"{{domain}} is available!\",\n \"DOMAIN_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE\": \"{{domain}} is not available\",\n \"SUGGESTED_DOMAINS\": \"Suggested Domains:\",\n \"NO_SUGGESTED_DOMAINS\": \"No Suggested Domains\",\n \"SEARCH_FOR_ANOTHER_DOMAIN\": \"Please search for another domain name\",\n \"SEARCHING_FOR_DOMAIN\": \"Searching for domain\",\n \"READ_AND_ACCEPTED_TERMS_OF_SERVICE\": \"I have read and accept the\",\n \"TERMS_OF_SERVICE\": \"Terms Of Service\",\n \"FOR_THIS_PRODUCT\": \"for this product\"\n },\n \"SELECTION_PAGE\": {\n \"CANCELED\": \"Canceled\",\n \"PENDING\": \"Pending\",\n \"ACTIVATION_CART\": {\n \"SELECTED_PRODUCTS\": \"Selected products\",\n \"NO_PRODUCTS_OR_PACKAGES_SELECTED\": \"No Products or packages selected\",\n \"CURRENTLY_ACTIVE\": \"Currently Active\"\n },\n \"CURRENTLY_ACTIVE\": {\n \"CURRENTLY_ACTIVE_PRODUCTS\": \"Currently active products\",\n \"DEMO\": \"Demo\",\n \"DEMO_EXPIRED\": \"Demo Expired\"\n },\n \"PACKAGE_ACTIVATION_TABLE\": {\n \"EDITION_IS_CURRENTLY_ACTIVE\": \"{{editionName}} is currently active\",\n \"PACKAGE_NAME\": \"Package Name\",\n \"HIDE_UNAVAILABLE\": \"Hide Unavailable\",\n \"SHOW_UNAVAILABLE\": \"Show Unavailable\",\n \"NO_PACKAGES_MATCH_SEARCH\": \"No packages match the search criteria, or you have no packages in your store.\",\n \"VIEW_RECOMMENDED_PACKAGES\": \"View Recommended Packages\",\n \"SELECT_PRODUCTS_TO_ACTIVATE\": \"Select products to order\",\n \"PROCEED_TO_NEXT_STEP\": \"Proceed to Next Step\"\n }\n },\n \"CONFIRM_ADDING_REQUIREMENTS_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Include required products?\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"{{productName}} requires the following products before it can be activated:\",\n \"DISABLED_PRODUCTS\": {\n \"DEFAULT\": \"To be activated on this account, {{productName}} requires products that you aren't currently selling:\",\n \"ALT\": \"It also requires products that you aren't currently selling:\"\n },\n \"CONFIRMATION\": \"Would you like to activate {{productName}} along with the above products?\",\n \"CONFIRMATION_ALT\": \"Start selling and include required products?\",\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Include all products\"\n },\n \"ERRORS\": {\n \"ENABLEMENT\": \"Couldn't start selling - Contact your administrator to start selling required products\"\n }\n },\n \"CONFIRM_REMOVING_REQUIREMENTS_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Remove dependent products?\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"{{productName}} is required to activate the following products:\",\n \"CONFIRMATION\": \"Removing {{ productName }} will also remove the above products.\",\n \"BUTTONS\": {\n \"CONFIRM\": \"Remove all\"\n }\n },\n \"CHANGE_EDITIONS_DIALOG\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Change to required edition?\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"{{productName}} requires a different edition of the following product(s) to be activated:\",\n \"QUESTION\": \"Would you like to change the edition to the required product edition?\",\n \"CONFIRM_BUTTON\": \"Change edition\",\n \"ERROR\": \"Something went wrong when changing editions, please try again later.\"\n }\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BRANDING\": {\n \"PAGE_TITLE\": \"Partner branding\",\n \"UPLOAD_TOGGLE_CTA\": \"Change image\",\n \"CANCEL_UPLOAD_CTA\": \"Cancel\",\n \"REMOVE_IMAGE_CTA\": \"Remove Image\",\n \"SAVE_SUCCESS\": \"Branding saved\",\n \"SAVE_FAIL\": \"Error saving branding, please try again\",\n \"LOAD_ERROR\": \"Error loading branding, please try again\",\n \"MARKET_SELECTOR\": {\n \"ALL_MARKETS\": \"All Markets\"\n },\n \"MARKET_OVERRIDE_TOGGLE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Use All Market default\"\n },\n \"NAME\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Company Name\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"The company name to display to your customers in the platform, emails, etc.\",\n \"VALIDATION_ERROR\": \"Company name cannot be empty or over 512 characters long.\",\n \"SUBMIT_ERROR\": \"Invalid company name\"\n },\n \"LOGO\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Logo\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Recommended 360 x 58 pixels, with a transparent background. It will appear throughout the platform, in your customer's Business App navigation menu, in products that support it, and email notifications for your team and clients.\",\n \"ALERT\": \"With your current plan, we'll display \\\"Powered by Vendasta\\\" beside your logo. Upgrade to remove Vendasta\u2019s logo and fully showcase your brand.\",\n \"HINT_TEXT\": \"Supported file types: .png, .svg, .jpg, .jpeg\"\n },\n \"FAVICON\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Favicon\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Recommended 16 x 16 pixels. Your favicon is displayed in your web browser's address bar or tab, serving as a visual representation of a website or web application for easy recognition and branding. Browsers tend to cache favicons for a long period of time, so it may take some time for your changes to appear.\",\n \"HINT_TEXT\": \"Supported file types: .ico\"\n },\n \"SHORTCUT_ICON\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Company avatar / shortcut icon\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Recommended 512 x 512 pixels. This icon will be used when people create a shortcut to your platform or Business App on their mobile device. Also used to represent your company in Inbox chat. Mobile shortcut icons are cached for performance, so you may need to shift-refresh or clear your cache to see changes immediately.\",\n \"HINT_TEXT\": \"Supported file types: .png, .svg, .jpg, .jpeg\"\n },\n \"BRAND_COLOR\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Primary color\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Primary color is used to accent your system and campaign emails, and may be used in future theming or by products that supports it.\",\n \"FORMAT_VALIDATION_ERROR\": \"Invalid format of \\\"#rrggbb\\\", where rr, gg, bb are two-digit hexadecimal characters.\",\n \"SUBMIT_ERROR\": \"Invalid hex code selected for primary color\"\n },\n \"THEME\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Theme\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Choose a theme for the navigation bars across the platform and Business App.\",\n \"LIGHT_BUTTON\": \"Light\",\n \"DARK_BUTTON\": \"Dark\"\n }\n },\n \"TRANSLATE_PORTAL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Translate and Customize with Weblate\",\n \"TOP_CARD\": {\n \"UNLEASH_THE_POWER\": \"Unleash the power to white-label Business App completely.\",\n \"REACH_NEW_AUDIENCES\": \"Reach new audiences by translating your offerings into other languages. Our code-free editor is powered by Weblate, so your translators can get started with ease.\",\n \"START_CUSTOMIZING\": \"Start customizing\"\n },\n \"BOTTOM_CARDS\": {\n \"QUICK_LINKS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Quick links\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"View documentation and log into Weblate\",\n \"OPEN_WEBLATE\": \"Open Weblate\",\n \"WEBLATE_DOCUMENTATION\": \"Weblate documentation\"\n },\n \"TRANSLATE_VIDEO_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Translate with Weblate\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Learn how to translate the Business App into any language\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_VIDEO_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"White-label Business App\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Learn how to customize any text in the Business App\"\n },\n \"FAQS_CARD\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"FAQs\",\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"See more FAQs in our Resource Center\",\n \"WHAT_LANGUAGES_ARE_SUPPORTED\": \"What languages are supported in the platform?\",\n \"WHAT_PARTS_OF_THE_PLATFORM_ARE_SUPPORTED\": \"What parts of the platform support translations?\",\n \"HOW_CAN_I_CONTRIBUTE\": \"How can I contribute to a translation?\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"ACCOUNT_DETAILS\": {\n \"KEY_ACTIONS\": \"Key actions\",\n \"CALL_TO_ACTIONS\": {\n \"INTRO\": \"Information for the new account is below.\",\n \"CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPORT\": \"Create a Snapshot Report\",\n \"VIEW_SNAPSHOT_REPORT\": \"View a Snapshot Report\",\n \"PROSPECT_TO_POTENTIAL_CLIENTS\": \"Prospect to potential clients\",\n \"ACTIVATE_PRODUCT_OR_SERVICES\": \"Activate product or services\",\n \"ALREADY_MADE_A_SALES\": \"Already made a sale?\",\n \"ADD_USERS_TO_ACCOUNT\": \"Add users to account\",\n \"GIVE_CLIENTS_ACCESS\": \"Give clients access\",\n \"CREATE_ANOTHER_ACCOUNT\": \"Create another account\",\n \"ADD_BUSINESS_INFORMATION\": \"Add business information\"\n },\n \"EXECUTIVE_REPORT_SENDER\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Resend Executive Report\",\n \"REPORT_DATE\": \"Report Date\"\n }\n },\n \"DIRECTORY\": {\n \"BUSINESS_DIRECTORY\": \"Business Directory\",\n \"WELCOME\": \"{{username}}, welcome to your Business Directory!\",\n \"WHAT_IS_BUSINESS_DIRECTORY\": \"The Business Directory is an online directory of the listings you\u2019ve created for your clients and prospects through My Listing. Use the Business Directory to:\",\n \"HOW_TO_ACCESS_DIRECTORY\": \"To access your directory, select a Market (if applicable) and then copy the link.\",\n \"LEVERAGE_WEBSITE_TRAFFIC\": \"Leverage your website\u2019s traffic:\",\n \"EMPOWER_LOCAL_BUSINESS\": \"Empower local businesses to market to an extensive local audience.\",\n \"GENERATE_LEADS\": \"Generate leads you can market to:\",\n \"DIRECTORY_ALLOWS_YOU_TO_GENERATE_LEADS\": \"The Business Directory allows you to generate leads for no additional cost to your business.\",\n \"BOOST_SEO\": \"Boost your search engine ranking:\",\n \"EVER_GROWING_CONTENT\": \"The ever-growing content of your directory will contribute to your local search ranking and ultimately drive unique visitors to your website.\",\n \"DIRECTORY_ACCESS_LINK\": \"Directory Access Link\",\n \"SELECT_MARKET\": \"Select Market\",\n \"COPY_LINK\": \"Copy Link\"\n },\n \"CHECKOUT\": {\n \"ESTIMATED_COST\": \"Estimated cost based on current usage:\",\n \"STANDARD_FEES_APPLY\": \"Standard fees apply\",\n \"CONTACT_NOT_CONFIGURED\": \"Billing contact not configured\",\n \"PAYMENT_NOT_CONFIGURED\": \"Payment not configured\",\n \"INVALID_PAYMENT\": \"Invalid payment\",\n \"CHARGE\": \"Charge credit card\",\n \"CHARGE_IF_APPLICABLE\": \"If applicable, charge credit card\",\n \"ENDING_IN\": \"ending in {{ lastFourDigits }}\",\n \"ADD\": \"Add\",\n \"EDIT\": \"Edit\"\n },\n \"APP_SELECTION\": {\n \"ADD_PRODUCTS\": \"Add products\",\n \"ACTIVATION_TABLE\": {\n \"HIDE_UNAVAILABLE\": \"Hide Unavailable\",\n \"SHOW_UNAVAILABLE\": \"Show Unavailable\",\n \"NO_PRODUCTS\": \"No products match the search criteria, or you have no enabled products.\",\n \"VIEW_AND_ENABLE_PRODUCTS\": \"View and Enable Products\",\n \"PRODUCT_ADDON_NAME\": \"Product / Add-On Name\",\n \"CURRENTLY_PENDING\": \"Currently Pending\"\n }\n },\n \"AUTOCOMPLETE\": {\n \"NONE_FOUND_SINGLE_TEXT\": \"Use this name\",\n \"NONE_FOUND_MULTIPLE_TEXT\": \"Use this name or select your business above\"\n },\n \"IMAGE_UPLOAD\": {\n \"DRAG_AND_DROP\": \"Drag and drop an image here\",\n \"OR\": \"or\",\n \"UPLOAD_IMAGE\": \"Upload Image\"\n },\n \"HELP_MENU\": {\n \"INSTANT_DEMO\": \"Instant Demo\",\n \"OPEN_LIVE_CHAT\": \"Open Live Chat\",\n \"EMAIL_SALES\": \"Email Sales\",\n \"RESOURCE_CENTER\": \"Resource Center\",\n \"SUBMIT_A_TICKET\": \"Submit a Ticket\",\n \"TICKET_HISTORY\": \"Ticket History\"\n },\n \"INVOICE_ITEM_FORM\": {\n \"PACKAGE_NAME\": \"Package Name\",\n \"NO_PACKAGES\": \"You have no packages that can be added to invoices\",\n \"MANAGE_STORE\": \"Manage Store\",\n \"SELECT_A_TAX_RATE\": \"Select a tax rate...\",\n \"NO_TAXES_CONFIGURED\": \"No taxes have been configured. Please create a tax rate.\",\n \"CREATE_TAX_RATE\": \"Create Tax Rate\",\n \"PACKAGE_CONTENTS_HIDDEN_FROM_CUSTOMERS\": \"Package contents are hidden from customers.\",\n \"PACKAGE_CONTENTS_HIDDEN\": \"Package contents hidden\",\n \"PACKAGE_CONTENTS_VISIBLE_TO_CUSTOMERS\": \"Package contents are visible to customers.\",\n \"PACKAGE_CONTENTS_VISIBLE\": \"Package contents visible\",\n \"ADD_AS_NEW_PRODUCT\": \"Add `{{productName}}` as new product\",\n \"USE_AS_LINE_ITEM\": \"Use `{{productName}}` as one-off line item\",\n \"REMOVE_ITEM\": \"Remove item\",\n \"SET_ITEM_TAX\": \"Set item tax\",\n \"ADD_DISCOUNT\": \"Add discount\",\n \"EDIT_DISCOUNT\": \"Edit discount\",\n \"REMOVE_DISCOUNT\": \"Remove discount\",\n \"ADD_ITEM\": \"Add item\",\n \"ADD_CUSTOM_ITEM\": \"Add custom item\",\n \"ADD_PACKAGE\": \"Add package\",\n \"UPDATE_DEFAULT_TAX\": \"Update default tax\",\n \"SETUP_FEE_SUFFIX\": \"Setup Fee\",\n \"SELECT_ITEMS\": \"Select items\"\n },\n \"OUTSTANDING_BALANCE_CARD\": {\n \"DOWNLOAD_BALANCE_REPORT\": \"Download balance report\",\n \"OUTSTANDING_ACCOUNT_BALANCE\": \"Outstanding Account Balance\",\n \"CURRENTLY_UNAVAILABLE\": \"Currently Unavailable\"\n },\n \"RESELLER_ITEM\": {\n \"ADD_ITEM_TO_CATALOG\": \"Add item to catalog\",\n \"OPEN_PRODUCT_DETAILS_IN_TAB\": \"Open {{productName}}'s details in new tab.\",\n \"SELECT_AN_EDITION\": \"Select an edition\",\n \"NO_MATCHING_ITEMS_FOUND\": \"No matching Items found\",\n \"PRODUCT_RETAIL_PRICES\": \"Product retail prices\",\n \"PACKAGE_PRICE_CALCULATION\": \"A package's price is calculated using the retail prices of the products it contains. You can set the retail price of any product you sell from the {{manageProducts}} page.\",\n \"MANAGE_PRODUCTS\": \"Manage Products\",\n \"SELECT_PRODUCT_TO_ACT_UPON\": \"Select Products to {{verb}}\",\n \"SELECT_PRODUCTS\": \"Select Products\",\n \"NUM_SELECTED\": \"{{num}} selected\"\n },\n \"TABLE_PRICING\": {\n \"WHOLESALE_PRICING_INFORMATION\": \"Wholesale pricing information\",\n \"ACTIVE_DISCOUNTS\": \"Active discounts\",\n \"PRORATED\": \"Prorated to product renewal\"\n },\n \"TERMS_OF_SERVICE\": {\n \"TERMS_OF_SERVICE_AGREEMENT\": \"Terms of Service Agreement\",\n \"ACCEPT\": \"Accept\",\n \"LATER\": \"Later\"\n },\n \"USAGE_BOX\": {\n \"UPGRADE_YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION\": \"Upgrade your subscription today!\",\n \"CREATE_UNLIMITED_ACCOUNTS\": \"Create an unlimited number of accounts and {{snapshotReports}}\",\n \"PROVISION_AND_SELL\": \"Provision and sell world-class solutions from {{marketplace}}\",\n \"OFFER_THIS_AND_THAT\": \"Offer {{productOne}} and {{productTwo}}\",\n \"GAIN_ACCESS_TO_THIS_AND_THAT\": \"Gain full access to {{productOne}} and {{productTwo}}\",\n \"OFFER_SERVICES_THAT_SCALE\": \"Offer managed services at scale with Vendasta's {{productName}}\",\n \"RECEIVE_TRAINING_AND_SUPPORT\": \"Receive unparalleled product training and {{supportLink}}\",\n \"CONTACT_YOUR_SALES_REPRESENTATIVE\": \"Contact your Vendasta sales representative to get started.\",\n \"APPLICABLE_PRODUCTS\": \"Applicable products: Reputation Management and Social Marketing.\",\n \"LISTING_SYNC_PRO\": \"Listing Sync Pro\",\n \"LISTING_DISTRIBUTION\": \"Listing Distribution\",\n \"TASK_MANAGER\": \"Task Manager\",\n \"BRAND_ANALYTICS\": \"Brand Analytics\",\n \"DIGITAL_AGENCY\": \"Digital Agency\",\n \"SUPPORT\": \"support\",\n \"USAGE_LITE\": {\n \"VENDASTA_LITE_USAGE\": \"Vendasta Lite Usage\"\n }\n },\n \"CONTACTS\": {\n \"CREATE_CONTACT\": \"Create Contact\",\n \"EDIT_CONTACT\": \"Edit Contact\",\n \"CONTACT_IS_ALREADY_A_USER\": \"You don't need to create a contact if they are already a user. Users are already considered contacts.\"\n },\n \"DUPLICATE_ACCOUNTS\": {\n \"MANAGE_DUPLICATES\": \"Manage Duplicates\",\n \"VIEW_DUPLICATES\": \"View duplicate phone numbers and addresses that exist throughout your accounts. See associated accounts by selecting a row below. Consider editing or deleting duplicates to help manage your accounts.\",\n \"INFO_MAY_TAKE_TIME_TO_LOAD\": \"This information may take a while to load.\",\n \"SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG\": \"Something went wrong. Please try again.\",\n \"NO_DUPLICATES\": \"No duplicates detected.\",\n \"TYPE\": \"Type\",\n \"DUPLICATE_DATA\": \"Duplicate data\"\n },\n \"HIGHLIGHTS\": {\n \"HIGHLIGHTS\": \"Highlights\"\n },\n \"OMNISEARCH\": {\n \"WHAT_WOULD_YOU_LIKE_TO_DO\": \"What would you like to do?\",\n \"TYPE_A_SHORTCUT_KEY\": \"Type a shortcut key\",\n \"FIND_A_BUSINESS\": \"Find a Business\",\n \"SEARCH_BY_NAME_ADDRESS_OR_PHONE_NUMBER\": \"Search by Name, Address, or Phone number\",\n \"MARKETPLACE_BOT\": \"Marketplace Bot\",\n \"VIEW_PARTNER_OVERVIEW\": \"View Partner Overview\",\n \"SEARCH_BY_PID\": \"Search by PID or Partner Name\",\n \"SWITCH_TO_PARTNER\": \"Switch To Partner\",\n \"RECENT\": \"Recent\",\n \"SEARCH_RESULTS\": \"Search results\"\n },\n \"PARTNER_CONTRACT\": {\n \"ERROR\": {\n \"FAILURE\": \"Failed to load contract details\",\n \"NOT_FOUND\": \"No contract details found\"\n },\n \"SUBTITLE\": \"Contract\",\n \"WARNING_BANNER\": \"Contract document uploading has been moved to the partner page in billing.\",\n \"GO_TO_BILLING\": \"Go to billing\",\n \"LABELS\": {\n \"PARTNER_STATUS\": \"Partner status\",\n \"SERVICE_LEVEL\": \"Service level\",\n \"CURRENCY\": \"Currency\",\n \"TERMS\": \"Terms\",\n \"CREDIT_LIMIT\": \"Credit limit\",\n \"CONTRACT_SIGNED_DATE\": \"Contract signed date\",\n \"CONTRACT_END_DATE\": \"Contract end date\",\n \"CONTRACT_ACTIVATED_DATE\": \"Contract activated date\",\n \"CONTRACT_MODIFIED_DATE\": \"Contract modified date\"\n },\n \"DESCRIPTORS\": {\n \"TERMS\": \"Number of days until payment is due\",\n \"CREDIT_LIMIT\": \"Maximum amount of credit extended\",\n \"CONTRACT_SIGNED_DATE\": \"Original date the first contract was signed\",\n \"CONTRACT_END_DATE\": \"The date the contract will end\",\n \"CONTRACT_ACTIVATED_DATE\": \"Original date the first contract was activated\",\n \"CONTRACT_MODIFIED_DATE\": \"The date the contract was last modified\"\n }\n },\n \"PARTNER_SUBSCRIPTIONS\": {\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_TITLE\": \"Subscription\",\n \"SUB_TITLES\": {\n \"DISCOUNTS\": \"Discounts\",\n \"ONBOARDING\": \"Onboarding\"\n },\n \"LABELS\": {\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL\": \"Subscription level\",\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_PRICE\": \"Subscription price\",\n \"FREQUENCY\": \"Frequency\",\n \"BILLING_STRATEGY\": \"Billing strategy\",\n \"ONBOARDING_FEE\": \"Onboarding fee\"\n },\n \"NO_DISCOUNTS_WARNING\": \"No discounts configured for this subscription level\",\n \"CONTRACT_OVERVIEW_NOTE\": \"Note: Subscription pricing and discounts are now configured from the \",\n \"CONTRACT_OVERVIEW\": \"Contract overview page\"\n },\n \"PARTNER_TRIAL\": {\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL\": \"Subscription level\",\n \"TRIAL_START_DATE\": \"Trial start date\",\n \"TRIAL_END_DATE\": \"Trial end date\",\n \"STARTS_AT\": \"Starts at 12:00am UTC time for the date chosen.\",\n \"ENDS_AT\": \"Ends at 12:00am UTC time for the date chosen.\",\n \"TRIAL_WILL_NOT_BE_IN_EFFECT\": \"The trial will not be in effect for this date.\",\n \"TRIAL_SET_FOR_DAYS\": \"The trial is set to run for {{trialDuration}} days.\",\n \"CANCEL_TRIAL\": \"Cancel trial\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_CANCEL\": \"Are you sure you want to cancel this trial?\",\n \"TRIAL_HAS_BEEN_CREATED\": \"Trial has been created\",\n \"TRIAL_HAS_BEEN_CANCELLED\": \"Trial has been cancelled\",\n \"START_DATE\": \"Start date\",\n \"END_DATE\": \"End date\",\n \"TOTAL_DAYS\": \"Total days\",\n \"CREATED_ON\": \"Created on\",\n \"CREATED_BY\": \"Created by\",\n \"CANCELED_BY_NAME_ON_DATE\": \"Canceled by {{name}} on {{date}}\",\n \"PARTNER_NOT_ON_TRIAL_YET\": \"The partner has not been on trial yet.\",\n \"STATUS\": \"Status\"\n },\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_LEVELS\": {\n \"LITE\": \"Lite\",\n \"BASIC\": \"Basic\",\n \"PROFESSIONAL\": \"Professional\",\n \"ENTERPRISE\": \"Enterprise\",\n \"PREMIUM\": \"Premium\",\n \"ELITE\": \"Elite\",\n \"VBP_FREE\": \"Free+\",\n \"VBP_STARTER\": \"Starter+\",\n \"VBP_BASIC\": \"Basic+\",\n \"VBP_PROFESSIONAL\": \"Professional+\",\n \"VBP_ENTERPRISE\": \"Enterprise+\",\n \"VBP_ENTERPRISE_PILOT\": \"Enterprise+ Pilot\"\n },\n \"TRIAL_STATUS\": {\n \"CANCELED\": \"Canceled\",\n \"ACTIVE\": \"Active\",\n \"SCHEDULED\": \"Scheduled\",\n \"EXPIRED\": \"Expired\"\n },\n \"ORDER_STATUS\": {\n \"SUBMITTED\": \"Submitted\",\n \"APPROVED\": \"Approved\",\n \"DECLINED\": \"Declined\",\n \"DRAFTED\": \"Drafted\",\n \"FULFILLED\": \"Activated\",\n \"PROCESSING\": \"Processing\",\n \"ACTIVATION_ERRORS\": \"Activation errors\",\n \"ARCHIVED\": \"Archived\",\n \"SUBMITTED_FOR_CUSTOMER_APPROVAL\": \"Awaiting customer approval\",\n \"CANCELLATION_REQUESTED\": \"Cancellation Requested\",\n \"CANCELLED\": \"Cancelled\",\n \"SCHEDULED_ACTIVATION\": \"Scheduled Activation\",\n \"AWAITING_PAYMENT\": \"Awaiting Payment\",\n \"PROCESSING_PAYMENT\": \"Processing Payment\",\n \"RESUBMITTED\": \"Resubmitted\",\n \"PENDING\": \"Pending\"\n },\n \"PREVIEW_EMAIL_DIALOG\": {\n \"PREVIEWING_EMAIL\": \"Previewing Product Activated Email\",\n \"SUBJECT\": \"Subject: {Product Name} Activated\",\n \"PRODUCT_ACTIVATED_EMAIL\": \"Product Activated Email\"\n },\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_ADDONS\": {\n \"SUBSCRIPTION_ADDONS\": \"Subscription Add-ons\",\n \"ACTIVATE_ADDON\": \"Activate Add-on\",\n \"PARTNER_WILL_BE_BILLED\": \"I understand that this partner will be billed for this add-on. For instant billed partners, this will instantly charge their credit card.\",\n \"PRICE\": \"Price:\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE\": \"Are you sure?\",\n \"ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DEACTIVATE_ADDON\": \"Are you sure you want to deactivate this add-on?\",\n \"SWITCH_TO_PARTNER\": \"Switch to Partner {{partnerName}}\",\n \"ACTIVATE_AN_ADDON\": \"Activate an Add-on\",\n \"FAILED\": \"FAILED\",\n \"NO_ACTIVATIONS_FOUND\": \"No add-on activations found\"\n },\n \"TEMPLATE_EDITOR\": {\n \"CREATE_CONTENT\": \"Create Content\",\n \"EDIT_CONTENT\": \"Edit Content\",\n \"CONTENT\": \"Content\",\n \"ADVANCED_EDITOR\": \"Advanced Editor\",\n \"FAILED_TO_LOAD\": \"Failed to load template.\",\n \"OPEN_IN_NEW\": \"Open in New Editor\",\n \"NEW_BUILDER_DESCRIPTION\": \"The new editor helps you easily build world class emails and preview them on multiple devices\",\n \"GO_BACK\": \"Go Back\",\n \"CONVERT_ERROR\": \"An error occurred while converting template\"\n },\n \"MARKET_NOTIFICATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Default notification settings\",\n \"BACK\": \"Customize design\",\n \"MESSAGE_TITLE\": \"Set default notifications for new users\",\n \"MESSAGE_SUBTITLE\": \"Set default notifications for new users. Choose the types of notifications all new users will receive by default. Select a market to edit market-specific user notification defaults. Changes are applied to all new users, as well as any existing users who haven\u2019t changed their notification preferences yet.\",\n \"GLOBAL_SETTING_TOOLTIP\": \"Changes made here will automatically apply to all markets and users that are using default settings.\",\n \"ALL_NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED\": \"All notifications are currently disabled. Changes will have no effect until notifications are turned on under Administration > Customize Business App > Notifications.\",\n \"GO_TO_CUSTOMIZE\": \"Go To Customize\",\n \"CONFIRM_TITLE\": \"Use default settings?\",\n \"CONFIRM_SUBTITLE\": \"Default settings will be applied, and any custom notification settings will be lost.\",\n \"CONFIRM_BUTTON\": \"Use defaults\",\n \"BULK_UPDATE_NOTICE\": \"To bulk update notifications for existing users, use the \",\n \"BULK_UPDATE\": \"bulk update.\",\n \"SETTINGS_STATUS\": {\n \"UPDATE_TO_DEFAULT\": \"All notifications settings updated to default\",\n \"ALREADY_UPDATED\": \"All notification settings already in default\",\n \"ERROR_OCCURRED\": \"An error occurred while updating settings\"\n }\n },\n \"USER_NOTIFICATIONS\": {\n \"ALL_NOTIFICATIONS\": \"All Notifications\",\n \"ALL_NOTIFICATIONS_DISABLED_FOR_USER\": \"All notifications are disabled for this user. Changing any of the settings below will have no effect on notifications until the setting is turned on.\",\n \"FAILED_TO_LOAD_USER\": \"Failed to load user. Please try again.\",\n \"ERROR_GETTING_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS\": \"Error getting notification settings. Please try again later.\",\n \"NO_ACCESS_TO_MARKET_ADMIN_BULK\": \"You do not have permission to bulk update. Only users with access to 'All Markets' can do a bulk update. Please contact your administrator to perform a bulk update, or change your Market limitations.\",\n \"NO_ACCESS_TO_MARKET_ADMIN_DEFAULT_PARTNER\": \"You do not have permission to edit default notifications for All Market. Only users with access to 'All Markets' can adjust these settings. Please contact your administrator to edit these, or change your Market limitations.\",\n \"DISABLED_VIA_GLOBAL_SETTINGS\": \"Disabled via Global Settings\",\n \"GLOBALLY_DISABLED\": \"Globally Disabled\",\n \"INSTANT_EMAIL\": \"Instant Email Notifications\",\n \"DAILY_DIGEST\": \"Daily Digest Email\",\n \"EXECUTIVE_REPORT\": \"Executive Report Email\",\n \"RESET_ALL_SETTINGS\": \"Reset all settings to Defaults\",\n \"MESSAGE_TITLE\": \"User notification settings\",\n \"SUBTITLE_FIRST_LINE\": \"Choose the types of notifications this user will receive from each account they belong to. Apply defaults to all accounts, or edit notification preferences per account.\",\n \"SUBTITLE_SECOND_LINE\": \"Defaults are inherited from the partner global settings.\",\n \"PARTNER_NOTIFICATION_LINK\": \"Go here to manage partner notification settings.\",\n \"GLOBAL_SETTING_TOOLTIP\": \"Changes made here will automatically apply to all accounts that this user belongs to (listed below) that are using default settings.\",\n \"DONT_UPDATE\": \"Don't Update\",\n \"DEFAULT\": \"Default\",\n \"ENABLED\": \"Enabled\",\n \"DISABLED\": \"Disabled\"\n },\n \"USER_PERMISSIONS\": {\n \"ADD_ASSOCIATION\": {\n \"FAILED_TO_LOAD_USER\": \"Failed to load user. Please try again.\",\n \"ADD_ACCOUNTS\": \"ADD ACCOUNTS\",\n \"ALREADY_ADDED\": \"Already Added\",\n \"NO_ACCOUNTS\": \"No accounts\"\n },\n \"ADD_GROUPS_ASSOCIATION\": {\n \"ASSOCIATING_USERNAME\": \"Associating {{userName}} with a group will grant them access to all products enabled for a business in that group.\",\n \"ASSOCIATING\": \"Associating \",\n \"GRANT_ACCESS\": \" with a group will give them access to all products on all accounts, regardless of their permission settings at the account level.\",\n \"BACK_TO_GROUP\": \"Back to Group\",\n \"FAILED_TO_LOAD_GROUPS\": \"Failed to load groups. Please try again.\",\n \"FAILED_TO_LOAD_REGIONS\": \"Failed to load regions.\",\n \"NO_REGIONS\": \"No Regions\",\n \"PREVIOUS_PAGE\": \"Previous Page\",\n \"NEXT_PAGE\": \"Next Page\",\n \"FAILED_TO_ADD_GROUP\": \"Failed to add group\",\n \"ADD_GROUP\": \"Add Group\",\n \"USERNAME_IS_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_GROUP\": \"{{userName}} is not associated with any Group.\",\n \"COULD_NOT_LOAD_GROUP_PERMISSIONS\": \"Could not load groups permissions.\"\n },\n \"DELETE_USER_SUCCESS\": \"User has been successfully deleted.\",\n \"DELETE_USER_FAILED\": \"Error deleting the user, please try again.\"\n },\n \"TASKS\": {\n \"STATUS\": {\n \"OPEN\": \"Open\",\n \"IN_PROGRESS\": \"In Progress\",\n \"WAITING_ON_CUSTOMER\": \"Waiting on Customer\",\n \"COMPLETED\": \"Completed\"\n }\n },\n \"HTML_EDITOR\": {\n \"DYNAMIC_CONTENT\": {\n \"DYNAMIC_CONTENT\": \"Dynamic content\",\n \"INSERT_DYNAMIC_CONTENT\": \"Insert dynamic content\",\n \"SNAPSHOT_GRADES\": \"Snapshot grades\",\n \"ACCOUNT_DETAILS\": \"Account details\",\n \"PARTNER_DETAILS\": \"Partner details\",\n \"ORDER_DETAILS\": \"Order details\",\n \"ORDER_SALESPERSON_DETAILS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Order salesperson details\",\n \"SALESPERSON_CUSTOM_DATA\": \"Order\"\n },\n \"SALESPERSON_DETAILS\": \"Salesperson details\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP_DETAILS\": \"Business App details\",\n \"BUSINESS_NAME\": \"Business name\",\n \"CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER\": \"Customer identifier\",\n \"BUSINESS_WEBSITE\": \"Business website\",\n \"ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER\": \"Account Identifier\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP_NAME\": \"Business App name\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP_URL\": \"Business App URL\",\n \"BUSINESS_APP_STORE_URL\": \"Business App Store URL\",\n \"ADD_DYNAMIC_CONTENT\": \"Add dynamic content\",\n \"NO_DATA_FOUND\": \"No content found\",\n \"NO_DATA_FOUND_DESCRIPTION\": \"No compatible content could be found for this input\",\n \"FROM_PREVIOUS_STEP\": \"From a previous step\",\n \"AUTOMATION_DETAILS\": \"Automation details\",\n \"AUTOMATION_NAME\": \"Automation name\",\n \"WHEN_RUN\": \"Date and time the step runs\",\n \"PRODUCT_DETAILS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Product details\",\n \"PRODUCT_NAME\": \"Product name\"\n },\n \"CUSTOM_DATA_DETAILS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Custom data details\",\n \"SALESPERSON_CUSTOM_DATA\": \"Salesperson custom details\"\n }\n }\n },\n \"INBOX\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Inbox\"\n },\n \"RESTRICTED_FEATURE_CONTENT\": {\n \"LISTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Lists\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Group and organize accounts with ease\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Add accounts to Lists to easily perform bulk actions. Create or refresh Snapshot Reports, launch email campaigns, or activate products quickly.\"\n },\n \"BRANDS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Brands\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Multi-location reputation monitoring for brands and franchises\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Enable businesses with two or more locations to pinpoint their best and worst performers using Multi-Location Business App.\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_2\": \"Compare reviews, manage visibility, and create social posts for multiple locations simultaneously!\"\n },\n \"SALES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sales\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Maximize sales efforts with a robust CRM optimized for management and growth\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Sell smarter, not harder.\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_2\": \"Vendasta Sales & Success Center uses AI to reveal prospects who are ready to buy and empowers your salespeople to become trusted local experts.\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_3\": \"Needs-analysis reporting, automatic lead triggers, product specifications, and a robust digital pipeline enable your sales organization to work at maximum efficiency.\"\n },\n \"PROSPECTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Prospects\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Better prospecting for sales teams\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Focus on your most promising prospects from one easy-to-use dashboard.\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_2\": \"See which prospects are ready to buy, create or view Snapshot Reports, and monitor your sales team\u2019s recent activities, all in one place!\"\n },\n \"SALES_TEAM\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Sales Teams\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Better prospecting for sales teams\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Every sales team is unique.\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_2\": \"Group your salespeople into teams within the Vendasta Platform to track opportunities, build reliable forecasts, and view individual or team efforts.\"\n },\n \"SNAPSHOT_BULK_ACTIVATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Bulk Snapshots\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Create or refresh Snapshots for multiple accounts in a snap. Bulk Actions for Snapshots makes prospecting a breeze.\"\n },\n \"THE_LOOP\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"The Loop\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Gain valuable insight into your sales team's activities\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"From recent customer interactions to new sales opportunities, The Loop allows you to view sales activity across all accounts within an assigned market.\"\n },\n \"CUSTOM_FIELDS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Custom fields\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Capture more of what matters most\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Create unique fields to capture more information about your accounts, users, orders, and products. Customize how you segment and personalize your marketing, automate your sales processes, collect payments from clients, and fulfill services with the data you collect. Custom fields can also be used to trigger your own automation workflows.\"\n },\n \"SALES_ORDERS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Orders\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Enhanced post-sale communication between salespeople and admins\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"With Orders, you can manage every sale that comes through your pipeline.\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_2\": \"Eliminate the need for external tools when communicating closed sales, save time for both you and your salespeople, and minimize the chances of error.\"\n },\n \"MARKETING_AUTOMATION\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Marketing\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Produce more \\\"hot\\\" sales leads who are ready to engage\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Connect with more prospects using email campaigns that feature the Snapshot Report, an automated needs-assessment report with incredible open rates. Use these insights to go to market with personalized and persuasive sales pitches.\"\n },\n \"GUIDES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Guides\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Help your clients master their marketing\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Share pre-written white-label blogs full of business-boosting info on everything your clients need to know about improving their digital marketing strategy, from online listings to reputation management, digital advertising, ecommerce, and more. These blogs are shared with your clients through the Guides tab in Business App.\"\n },\n \"SNAPSHOT_WIDGET\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Acquisition Widgets\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Generate hot leads directly from your website\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Entice website visitors to see how their business is performing online with the Acquisition Widget\u2013a lead generation form you can embed right in your website!\"\n },\n \"CONCIERGE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Task Manager\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Meet the managed services solution that everyone in your agency will love\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Grow revenue by providing visibility, review, and social media services to your clients from one scalable interface. Task Manager turns your support staff into efficient digital analysts capable of managing hundreds of clients.\"\n },\n \"WHITELABEL\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customize\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Present a unified front with the solutions you already offer to both your clients and salespeople\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Turn Vendasta\u2019s white-labeled platform into your own by customizing it with your own branding, information, and more. Use branding settings platform-wide, or set specific branding standards for different markets.\"\n },\n \"PUBLIC_STORE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Public Store\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Enable prospects to access your Store from a public URL, or embed your Store directly on your website to turn online visitors into leads!\"\n },\n \"ADVANCED_AUTOMATION_TASKS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Advanced Automation Tasks\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Run automate and customize your business processes. Make the platform your own!\"\n },\n \"VENDASTA_PAYMENTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Vendasta Payments\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Payment solutions for your business\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Your customers want to pay online. To begin accepting credit card payments via invoices and the shopping cart, Partners will need to setup Vendasta Payments.\"\n },\n \"AUTOMATIONS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Automations\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Optimize your productivity by automating repetitive tasks and workflows\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Build workflows of highly customizable triggers to add a whole new level of ease to your daily operations.\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_2\": \"From starting email campaigns to product adoption to upsell opportunities, Workflow Automations deliver exactly the right message to clients and saves you a whole lot of time.\"\n },\n \"CUSTOMIZE_BUSINESS_APP\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Customize Business App\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Customize your client-facing experience\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Change the look, feel, and features of Business App to suit the needs of your clients, including branding, reporting periods, notifications, user onboarding, and more. Each section also includes embedded help articles, with screenshots and videos, to help you understand how each setting affects your clients\u2019 experience.\"\n },\n \"SERVICE_ACCOUNTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Service Accounts\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Do it all with our APIs\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Run automations, manage client accounts, integrate your own products and services, and more. Take advantage of our latest features to improve existing products or integrate with the newest API solutions.\"\n },\n \"METRICS_INSIGHTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Metrics\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Upgrade for more insights\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Get in-depth breakdowns of the metrics that matter most, like user engagement, best-selling products and services, and revenue growth.\"\n },\n \"MY_PURCHASES\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"My Purchases\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Get even more with your subscription\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Make your all-in-one platform for selling to local businesses even better with included products that integrate seamlessly with the Vendasta platform.\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_2\": \"Upgrade to one of our new plans and get added subscriptions to sales and productivity software from trusted vendors that you can use to take your own business even further.\"\n },\n \"GOALS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Goals\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Set goals and track your progress\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Set goals for your salespeople and sales teams and track their progress in real time.\"\n },\n \"TASK_QUEUE\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Task queue\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Organize and complete your tasks\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Tackle your daily tasks in order of priority. Reschedule, skip, or complete every item on your to-do list.\"\n },\n \"CRM_LEAD_PROSPECTOR\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Find nearby businesses\",\n \"SHORT_DESCRIPTION\": \"Quickly add quality leads\",\n \"LONG_DESCRIPTION_PARAGRAPHS_1\": \"Search for a business category and see how nearby businesses could benefit from your products and services.\"\n },\n \"GET_AN_INSTANT_DEMO\": \"Get an Instant Demo\",\n \"OR_CALL_US\": \"or call us\",\n \"UPGRADE\": \"Upgrade\"\n },\n \"RESTRICTED_FEATURE_CONTENT_V2\": {\n \"UPGRADE\": \"Upgrade plan\",\n \"LEARN_MORE\": \"Learn More\",\n \"VENDASTA_PAYMENTS\": {\n \"TITLE\": \"Collect payments in one place and simplify your revenue stream\",\n \"DESCRIPTION\": \"Vendasta consolidates your billing and payment collection, providing you with an automated, customizable, and secure solution. Powered by Stripe, white-labeled under your brand, and integrated into the Vendasta Marketplace, take control of your billing today.\",\n \"UPGRADE_BUTTON_TEXT\": \"Upgrade plan\",\n \"TOP_POINTS_1\": \"Get paid quickly and on time by your clients\",\n \"TOP_POINTS_2\": \"Securely accept payments and receive payouts\",\n \"TOP_POINTS_3\": \"Customize your client subscriptions and bill your way\",\n \"TOP_POINTS_4\": \"Available on all paid Vendasta plans\",\n \"MORE_INFO_TITLE\": \"Time is money. You\u2019ll be saving on both!\",\n \"MORE_INFO_1_TITLE\": \"Subscriptions\",\n \"MORE_INFO_2_TITLE\": \"Invoices\",\n \"MORE_INFO_1_DESCRIPTION\": \"Bill your way. Automate your payment collection, provide custom billing options for each account, and manage your cash flow with subscription billing.\",\n \"MORE_INFO_2_DESCRIPTION\": \"Automate your billing or tailor each invoice to meet your clients\u2019 unique needs. Track your payments, payouts, and invoicing status from end-to-end.\",\n \"FAQ_1_QUESTION\": \"What will I need to get set up?\",\n \"FAQ_1_ANSWER\": \"To set up payment collection through the platform, you will need the following:
For US companies, enter your Employer Identification Number (EIN). For Canadian companies, enter your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number. Learn more.
Full Social Security number (if located in the U.S.), and Government-issued ID (verify through the picture on webcam, picture on phone, or upload a file)
Routing number and account number (US) or the transit number, institution number, and account number (CAD)